PETA makes meat!?

Thanks Kelly, I find this post at 5 in the morning, and now I want a big, juicy STEAK! I want to see some paid female actors doing the old WWF cage match all natural, it would help gain sympathy for their cause. A cage match in every city, nightly, that would really help...

utah hunter said:
Thanks Kelly, I find this post at 5 in the morning, and now I want a big, juicy STEAK! I want to see some paid female actors doing the old WWF cage match all natural, it would help gain sympathy for their cause. A cage match in every city, nightly, that would really help...

BRING BACK THE CAGE MATCHES! with the folding metal chairs! LOL that was always the best part!

I have no problems with meat and or vegies. Has anyone else noticed how dangerous it is to eat even vegies nowdays. Nope I eat what I grow now days. I know what the animals eat, and I know what's on my vegies. I don't as of yet grow much in the way of fruit but I buy that from local farmers I know personally.

BTW This post was about PETA and food, how it got sidetracked to Gay I'll never figure out nor care to. ::)

SFbound said:
Actually I think you probably get the idea of what I'm talking about here. I never asked you to agree with me and I'm not telling you what to think. But there's a difference between having different opinions and sharing them fairly vs. what was happening in this thread: insulting/bashing people. Read some of the comments and imagine you encountered this as a vegetarian- you wouldn't exactly feel like this is a comfortable place to come and converse with people with similar interests, ie. metal detecting. A public forum like this should be welcoming for anybody.

I actually never said people who don't think like me are closed-minded. I think it's great when people have different opinions. What I'm saying is that I think it's a close-minded act to say hurtful things about people- regardless of whether or not you agree with their beliefs. And I have seen a lot of nasty stuff said about "different types" of people in various MD forums. I didn't bring up these issues to cause a debate about the specific issues, but I do think it's about time someone intervenes in hopes of making this place welcome for everybody. I actually find it strange that I've encountered anti-gay comments and anti-vegetarian comments... what are these things even doing in a MD forum?

It's the internet, thick skin is a requirement. Read what you want, skip the garbage.

I've got to say that your post has a "Hey Everybody, Look at Me" feel to it.

It's been done to death.

K*E*L*L*Y said:
utah hunter said:
Thanks Kelly, I find this post at 5 in the morning, and now I want a big, juicy STEAK! I want to see some paid female actors doing the old WWF cage match all natural, it would help gain sympathy for their cause. A cage match in every city, nightly, that would really help...

BRING BACK THE CAGE MATCHES! with the folding metal chairs! LOL that was always the best part!

If we are bringing the chairs out, we can use the real PETA leaders, clothed of course. You and I will have the chairs...

We can have a full blown meat buffet after the match!

Felinepeachy said:
Have any one of you ever stopped to think about the suffering involved in the factory farmed meats that you eat?

Yes, I have, and frankly my survival and happiness is more important to me. The problem with PETA is they push their agenda. I hunt, fish, eat meat etc... but I don't care one iota if anyone else does the same.

If PETA kept their belief system to those that want to follow it, they wouldn't get the bad rap. Maybe it's time for all of these fringe groups to Mind Their Own Business.

No offence intended Felinepeachy but that is a shall we say strange avatar for a PETA member. ???

I eat my meat but I grow my own animals feed them the best diets and kill them myself humanely. Any problem with that anyone ? Of course there is someone who will have a problem with that, there's always going to be Cruel inhumane people in this world all PETA or anyone else can do is try to educate and Pray that God opens their eye's to the needless suffering they cause. But then you might wanna start with the truly defensless African children in Darfur, or one of a hundred other locations where children are exploited, raped murdered sold into slavery etc...... :wink:

I thought I was the only one suffering, thank goodness some animals share my pain, I feel much better know.

Medium rare, I like it juicy....

Felinepeachy said:
MD Dog said:
No offence intended Felinepeachy but that is a shall we say strange avatar for a PETA member. ???

I eat my meat but I grow my own animals feed them the best diets and kill them myself humanely. Any problem with that anyone ? Of course there is someone who will have a problem with that, there's always going to be Cruel inhumane people in this world all PETA or anyone else can do is try to educate and Pray that God opens their eye's to the needless suffering they cause. But then you might wanna start with the truly defensless African children in Darfur, or one of a hundred other locations where children are exploited, raped murdered sold into slavery etc...... :wink:

I personally don't have a problem with anyone hunting or fishing or eating meat if it's done in a humane way. That's all I care about. It's the needless cruelty deliberately inflicted on factory farmed animals that I take issue with. As far as my avatar goes I use that one because it reminds me of how my pets feel about me when I have to give them a bath, clip their nails, doctor a wound or pose them for a picture. It's like they're saying, "Oh Lord, here she comes again" :tongue3:

FelinePeachy...I also hunt and fish, while hunting I strive to make a one shot quick kill to minimize suffering, for while I do hunt and use the meat to eat I do respect nature and its animals. PETA for the most part feels the same...I lost ALL respect for them when some of the extremists starting throwing paint on anyone wearing fur(granted it was jsut the extremists, but PETA as a whole never came out and condemned these acts, thus I feel they endorse them) or when they started pushing their agenda on me. I huntyes and that is my choice, PETA members on the ost part don't hunt and that is their choice. I don;t try to force my beliefs on them and they would be alot better off if they didn;t try forcing theirs on anyone else.

That was my point TT, if we can't stop the suffering of small human children then why in the world try to stop the suffering of animals. If the money and time and people of PETA would work towards ending the suffering of small children and it worked then maybe there'd be so much more money time and people to devote to stopping the suffering of animals. But lets get real and end the suffering of humans first and then worry about God's little creatures. Until the suffering of humans comes to an end, there isn't likely to be a decrease in the suffering of animals.

Felinepeachy [/quote said:
And so the suffering continues...................

i agree.. I dont eat meat often at all.. honestly people dont NEED meat to live.

HOWEVER! when i do eat steak i like it REALLY rare! ... just knock the horns off!

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