PETA makes meat!?

Mental Granny said:
Aw now I feel bad maybe we should send them a gift ... say steak of the month club? ;D

WAT TO GO GRANNY! better make it a veggie steak

K*E*L*L*Y said:
PETA!!! they are not loving the tnet people right now!! LOLOLOL

Well most I know won;t lose any sleep over that fact.... :wink:

Mainedigger said:
K*E*L*L*Y said:
PETA!!! they are not loving the tnet people right now!! LOLOLOL

Well most I know won;t lose any sleep over that fact.... :wink:

yeah i'm sure

K*E*L*L*Y said:
Mental Granny said:
Aw now I feel bad maybe we should send them a gift ... say steak of the month club? ;D

WAT TO GO GRANNY! better make it a veggie steak

Nope. If you really want to cut down on the overpopulation of cattle, try a big helping of calf fries. :wink:

PETA wants to do what?
I'll tell PETA where to shove it.


  • Used73.jpg
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I gotta admit, that burger looked pretty..................damn good stuffed inside that green pepper, tasted even better

I think animals need to be treated with respect and if killed, done so humanely, which isn't happening in the meat industry now. I'm not a member of PETA and don't agree with all of their tactics, but they have also done some excellent investigations. Trouble is, most poeple have an idea of what PETA is and never take the time to find out the good stuff they've done. I know some of the folks here are just having some good fun and yet I suppose some folks get pretty riled up about vegetarians. At times these MD forums can get pretty harsh, but I try to take these comments with a grain of salt and keep a sense of humor. The thing is, I'm vegetarian, I'm gay and I metal detect- what a mix, huh? All the MD forums tend to be pretty unwelcoming for people like me. It's not like I go around posting my personal info, but there are always little pokes and jabs that lead me to believe this hobby attracts mostly the close-minded. This isn't the right place for a debate about what's wrong or right... but hopefully not everybody's like that in the hobby 'cause I sure would like to find a cool MD buddy some day.

SFbound said:
I'm not a member of PETA and don't agree with all of their tactics, but they have also done some excellent investigations. Trouble is, most poeple have an idea of what PETA is and never take the time to find out the good stuff they've done.

Thats the problem with alot of the "do good" groups, the extremists in the group give them a bad name and overshadow the good they do. Its kinda like GreenPeace...while alot of their ideas are good, they get extreme and get a bad name, I am a commercial fisherman and have dealt with GreenPeace while fishing miles off shore and to say I wasn't impressed with them would be a major understatement. In fact they damn near sunk our boat as well as theirs... :angry4:

SFbound said:
The thing is, I'm vegetarian, I'm gay and I metal detect- what a mix, huh? All the MD forums tend to be pretty unwelcoming for people like me. It's not like I go around posting my personal info, but there are always little pokes and jabs that lead me to believe this hobby attracts mostly the close-minded. This isn't the right place for a debate about what's wrong or right...

This isn't the right place for a debate about what's wrong or right, yet you call those close-minded who don't believe like you.
...Sounds to me like you're debating.

SFbound said:
I think animals need to be treated with respect and if killed, done so humanely, which isn't happening in the meat industry now. I'm not a member of PETA and don't agree with all of their tactics, but they have also done some excellent investigations. Trouble is, most poeple have an idea of what PETA is and never take the time to find out the good stuff they've done. I know some of the folks here are just having some good fun and yet I suppose some folks get pretty riled up about vegetarians. At times these MD forums can get pretty harsh, but I try to take these comments with a grain of salt and keep a sense of humor. The thing is, I'm vegetarian, I'm gay and I metal detect- what a mix, huh? All the MD forums tend to be pretty unwelcoming for people like me. It's not like I go around posting my personal info, but there are always little pokes and jabs that lead me to believe this hobby attracts mostly the close-minded. This isn't the right place for a debate about what's wrong or right... but hopefully not everybody's like that in the hobby 'cause I sure would like to find a cool MD buddy some day.

Ill be your friend! gay people don't freak me out... and i eat vegetables too!

Cache Crazy said:
SFbound said:
The thing is, I'm vegetarian, I'm gay and I metal detect- what a mix, huh? All the MD forums tend to be pretty unwelcoming for people like me. It's not like I go around posting my personal info, but there are always little pokes and jabs that lead me to believe this hobby attracts mostly the close-minded. This isn't the right place for a debate about what's wrong or right...

This isn't the right place for a debate about what's wrong or right, yet you call those close-minded who don't believe like you.
...Sounds to me like you're debating.

I agree... saying we are close minded wasnt cool!

Actually I think you probably get the idea of what I'm talking about here. I never asked you to agree with me and I'm not telling you what to think. But there's a difference between having different opinions and sharing them fairly vs. what was happening in this thread: insulting/bashing people. Read some of the comments and imagine you encountered this as a vegetarian- you wouldn't exactly feel like this is a comfortable place to come and converse with people with similar interests, ie. metal detecting. A public forum like this should be welcoming for anybody.

I actually never said people who don't think like me are closed-minded. I think it's great when people have different opinions. What I'm saying is that I think it's a close-minded act to say hurtful things about people- regardless of whether or not you agree with their beliefs. And I have seen a lot of nasty stuff said about "different types" of people in various MD forums. I didn't bring up these issues to cause a debate about the specific issues, but I do think it's about time someone intervenes in hopes of making this place welcome for everybody. I actually find it strange that I've encountered anti-gay comments and anti-vegetarian comments... what are these things even doing in a MD forum?

they are playing around if its about the peta thing... who REALLY cares what others eat.
i said im gonna try the peta meat.. im not into killing animals for food... in a mean way.

and where are the anti gay comments? I wanna read that nonsense!
i once posted on a topic about seeing naked chicks on here...??? (in the middle of the night)?
I said I was fine with naked woman... it didnt bother me.. and I didnt get any rude comments?!

anti gay isnt cool


First, I really appreciate your comments.

Like I said in my first post, I do try to keep a sense of humor when I read these threads and try to take it with a grain of salt. I do think a couple of them went a little overboard, but there's always going to be some of that. But hey, if that door is going to be opened I can certainly poke back!

I tried to be clear in my comments that I've seen anti-gay comments or "jokes" in various MD forums. I know its a generalization (however unfair) to say that I've seen these comments in several different MD forums as a whole... so I'm not picking on TNet here. Some have more strict moderators than others and I think TNet does a pretty good job. I'm not going to list user names or threads or forums etc of nasty ones- but in my year of chatting on the forums I've come across more than enough. It makes me sad to think that I'm going to have a hard time finding MD friends to go hunting with because I don't know who's safe or friendly... you know how it goes. Everybody talks about going out with friends and being part of hunts and I don't know if I'll be welcome. I guess I'm just sort of testing the waters here...

well you're not testing the waters.. YOURE LAYING IT ALL ON THE TABLE!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: good for you. if people have a problem with your
sexual preference then you dont want to count them as a friend!

i think you'll find some people on here that will befriend you and be willing to MD with you.

haha i guess you're right. oops, i thought i was being subtle!
hopefully i'll meet some cool folks if there are any left that i haven't offended :)

SFbound said:
haha i guess you're right. oops, i thought i was being subtle!
hopefully i'll meet some cool folks if there are any left that i haven't offended :)

i dont think it was offensive you were being honest!

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