PETA makes meat!?


Bronze Member
Nov 25, 2008
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
this is great news.... isnt it??!?!
we will no longer need to kill pigs to get those OH-SO- yummmmmmy BBQ ribs!
now we will be able to get ribs from a science lab..... not a farm.... I hope its organic!

PETA Offers $1 Million Reward to First to Make In Vitro Meat
Scientists around the world are researching or seeking the funds to research ways to produce meat in the laboratory—without killing any animals. In vitro meat production would use animal stem cells that would be placed in a medium to grow and reproduce. The result would mimic flesh and could be cooked and eaten. Some promising steps have been made toward this technology, but we're still several years away from having in vitro meat be available to the general public.

PETA is now stepping in and offering a $1 million reward to the first scientist to produce and bring to market in vitro meat.

Why is PETA supporting this new technology? More than 40 billion chickens, fish, pigs, and cows are killed every year for food in the United States in horrific ways. Chickens are drugged to grow so large they often become crippled, mother pigs are confined to metal cages so small they can't move, and fish are hacked apart while still conscious—all to feed America's meat addiction. In vitro meat would spare animals from this suffering. In addition, in vitro meat would dramatically reduce the devastating effects the meat industry has on the environment.

Of course, humans don't need to eat meat at all—vegetarians are less likely to get heart disease, diabetes, or various types of cancer or become obese than meat-eaters are—and a terrific array of vegetarian mock meats already exist. But as many people continue to refuse to kick their meat addictions, PETA is willing to help them gain access to flesh that doesn't cause suffering and death.




Also, I like gnawing on the bones. LOL

This makes as much sense as "sea kittens".
Those,uh,sea kittens are fish.
They are out of touch with reality.
P=People E=Eating T=Tastey A=Animals.
Clean the gene pool.

K*E*L*L*Y said:
this is great news.... isnt it??!?!
we will no longer need to kill pigs to get those OH-SO- yummmmmmy BBQ ribs!
now we will be able to get ribs from a science lab..... not a farm.... I hope its organic!

PETA Offers $1 Million Reward to First to Make In Vitro Meat
Scientists around the world are researching or seeking the funds to research ways to produce meat in the laboratory—without killing any animals. In vitro meat production would use animal stem cells that would be placed in a medium to grow and reproduce. The result would mimic flesh and could be cooked and eaten. Some promising steps have been made toward this technology, but we're still several years away from having in vitro meat be available to the general public.

PETA is now stepping in and offering a $1 million reward to the first scientist to produce and bring to market in vitro meat.

Why is PETA supporting this new technology? More than 40 billion chickens, fish, pigs, and cows are killed every year for food in the United States in horrific ways. Chickens are drugged to grow so large they often become crippled, mother pigs are confined to metal cages so small they can't move, and fish are hacked apart while still conscious—all to feed America's meat addiction. In vitro meat would spare animals from this suffering. In addition, in vitro meat would dramatically reduce the devastating effects the meat industry has on the environment.

Of course, humans don't need to eat meat at all—vegetarians are less likely to get heart disease, diabetes, or various types of cancer or become obese than meat-eaters are—and a terrific array of vegetarian mock meats already exist. But as many people continue to refuse to kick their meat addictions, PETA is willing to help them gain access to flesh that doesn't cause suffering and death.

well I happen to enjoy a good carcass to chew on. :thumbsup: Mine are raised organic also, the finest grasses God provides and nothing better than to know exactly what was in your carcass as you slowly chew each bite.


good :wink:

It certainly sounds feasible however, will it taste good? Meat gains it's flavor from the food consumed. meat without flavor will need chemicals or seasoning. Which do you think the food labs will pick? Care for some synthetic pork flavored with [insert 17 letter chemical name here].
On the flip side I understand PETA's effort. The meat industry is overtly cruel and it can and should do better.

Is taking an animals stem cells, which if left alone could be a live animal, and growing them in a petri dish for food ethical treatment of animals? :icon_scratch: ??? Kinda hypocritical of them isn;t it??
I'll stick with the fish and game I hunt and buying meat from farms where I know what they ate and how they were treated ( as far as drugs given and growth hormones etc) and I can;t see myself getting overly excited about a nice thick steak grown in a lab in a petri dish... :wink:

Mainedigger said:
Is taking an animals stem cells, which if left alone could be a live animal, and growing them in a petri dish for food ethical treatment of animals? :icon_scratch: ??? Kinda hypocritical of them isn;t it??
I'll stick with the fish and game I hunt and buying meat from farms where I know what they ate and how they were treated ( as far as drugs given and growth hormones etc) and I can;t see myself getting overly excited about a nice thick steak grown in a lab in a petri dish... :wink:

Besides, your steak might wind up tasting like chicken.

Kinda sounds like "Soylent Green" to those that don't remember the name, it was a movie....

stoney56 said:
Mainedigger said:
Is taking an animals stem cells, which if left alone could be a live animal, and growing them in a petri dish for food ethical treatment of animals? :icon_scratch: ??? Kinda hypocritical of them isn;t it??
I'll stick with the fish and game I hunt and buying meat from farms where I know what they ate and how they were treated ( as far as drugs given and growth hormones etc) and I can;t see myself getting overly excited about a nice thick steak grown in a lab in a petri dish... :wink:

Besides, your steak might wind up tasting like chicken.

man that would suck.

most of the problems we have now is from man screwing it up adding preservatives, plastics, etc to feeds and meats
there are no additives in my food on the table, whether it be pork, beef, fish, turkey or chicken

stoney56 said:
Mainedigger said:
Is taking an animals stem cells, which if left alone could be a live animal, and growing them in a petri dish for food ethical treatment of animals? :icon_scratch: ??? Kinda hypocritical of them isn;t it??
I'll stick with the fish and game I hunt and buying meat from farms where I know what they ate and how they were treated ( as far as drugs given and growth hormones etc) and I can;t see myself getting overly excited about a nice thick steak grown in a lab in a petri dish... :wink:

Besides, your steak might wind up tasting like chicken.

Or even brocoli.... :D

they say there are "More than 40 billion chickens,
fish, pigs, and cows are killed every year for food in the United States"

If half of them Survive 10 years,

if I Did my Math Correctly
thats 200 Billion chickens,
fish, pigs, and cows ,
not to mention their offspring roaming around

need I Say More ? :D

That means Open Hunting season on chickens,
fish, pigs, and cows.

Bob Barker better Practice saying
Have your Fish Spayed or Nutered.

Maybe just say have a PETA rep Spayed or Nutered.

jeff of pa said:
Maybe just say have a PETA rep Spayed or Nutered.

That would work!! :D
Although while I totally disagree with this orginization and don;t support them in any way, in fact I am just what they preach against, I do have to give them credit for their ads...Gorgeous women naked saying they would rather go naked than wear fur, that catches the eye of even this hunting, meat eating, anti politically correct man... :wink: So in that aspect they are intelligent enough to have a great marketing team.

Seriously Though

They would "Rather go Naked then Wear Fur" ?

Have they Actually Posed Naked ?

Or was there Stragecically placed "whatever"
to cover what they were wearing for the pics.

Did you realy see anything ?

Please don't post pics here either way, But seariously.
I Think when they say this, They are saying it for the check
Not because they would.

when I see one of these walking down the street
Naked, I'll believe they are Serious.

jeff of pa said:
Seriously Though

They would "Rather go Naked then Wear Fur" ?

Have they Actually Posed Naked ?

Or was there Stragecically placed "whatever"
to cover what they were wearing for the pics.

Did you realy see anything ?

Please don't post pics here either way, But seariously.
I Think when they say this, They are saying it for the check
Not because they would.

when I see one of these walking down the street
Naked, I'll believe they are Serious.

yes they have had a few "demonstrations" where the woman were completely naked....

K*E*L*L*Y said:
jeff of pa said:
Seriously Though

They would "Rather go Naked then Wear Fur" ?

Have they Actually Posed Naked ?

Or was there Stragecically placed "whatever"
to cover what they were wearing for the pics.

Did you realy see anything ?

Please don't post pics here either way, But seariously.
I Think when they say this, They are saying it for the check
Not because they would.

when I see one of these walking down the street
Naked, I'll believe they are Serious.

yes they have had a few "demonstrations" where the woman were completely naked....

Thats true....while none in there printed ads show much of anything and are mostly celebrities, there have been many demonstrations where members of PETA are totally naked and show all....and from what I have seen, except for a few exceptions, most of them would be better off staying covered.... :tongue3:

maybe..... its a little creepy to see them in the animal cages all naked! its like something from the old school WWF... the cage matches.. LOLOL... just with a few less then stellar chicks.

PETA is a sadly misguided bunch of morons at this point. They've been caught in more contridictions than most politicians at this point. As an avid hunter/meat eater, I have really enjoyed watching PETA's controlled self destruction........ but alas....... I'm ready for the final curtain call. :thumbsup:

Bassfish said:
PETA is a sadly misguided bunch of morons at this point. They've been caught in more contridictions than most politicians at this point. As an avid hunter/meat eater, I have really enjoyed watching PETA's controlled self destruction........ but alas....... I'm ready for the final curtain call. :thumbsup:

Unfortunately another group would quickly take their place... :( I will go along with their ideals of being against animal abuse, its jsut their idea of abuse and mine differ more than slightly. When I hunt I strive to make good shots that minimize suffering and prefer to drop them where they stand. I also will come completely unraveled if I see anyone abusing a pet. However whenever someone tries to give me grieg because I am enjoying an egg or a nice cut of steak, they may not like my reply... :evil4:
Also, theoritically plants are living things as well for they have cells. do they REALLY know a vegetable isn;t screaming when they cut it drop it in boiling water or slowly steam it to death and they just can;t hear it?? :icon_scratch: :D

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