Reasoning or psychic powers? I have found many things in my life with reasoning and luck. As a police officer, I had the best personal solve rate in my department. The Chief Of Detectives ran the day shift and had the most men. My partners and i had the least, three, on graveyard. Swing had the second most. The COD decided to have a contest to see who could have the most solves each month. Month one, we had twice as many then the other two combined. Month two, we had three times as many as they had. He stopped the contest. Psychic, Luck, no most crimes committed maybe, but it was reasoning. The three of us all had degrees in Criminal Justice, true but we reasoned it out. Method, motive, means and opportunity. We went to the scene and took the reports and did the follow up. Over time we all became Captains and left law enforcement. One joined the military and was assigned to the Pentagon and was there on 911, he is now retired. The other became the department Chief, left when the the new administration took over, but continued in another department until he retired. I went on in the to treasure hunting.
To the meat of the mater: A girl went missing in the area where I lived. She left work late at nite and should have driven home, but never arrived. It was storming when she left work. After twenty-four hours her car had not found. The main road was closed and there were two other roads she could have taken, the closes one would have led to a bridge and even though I was no longer a police officer I was going to check that bridge. A psychic from California called and said she would be found in water, and she was. Am I a psychic, no because I used reasoning. Could the psychic really a psychic or did he just see same news reports, as I did to make a calculated guess. At least I figured out what bridge she could have crashed at and the car would have to be in the water in order for no one to see it.
If I was a psychic I would be happy just winning the lotto, one in awhile.