The Bibles were all one of a kind hand printed before Gutenberg. Many have been found with notations such as "let me know if you want to keep this passage or not." A lot of people think it was Bacon. The real Shakespeare could not write his own name. He was a butcher and left his bed to his wife in his will. The Book of Mary was left out of the Bible by the Catholics and they branded her a prostitute because they did not want a woman to be seen as an equal. There was a few really old Bible that listed it. So what I guess I am trying to say it Bacon really was all wrong for the part of Shakespeare.
William of Orange was educated, rich traveled, but he would have been shunned for having anything to do with plays. At the coronation of some queen there was a painting that depicted William holding up a spear, but no one knows for sure who Shakespeare really was.
Wasn't there someone else in the running for Shakespeare? Could it have been, I don't know, Thomas Jefferson Beale?