Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

T.Parker said:
Guess i got here Waaaaaaaay to late......dont see any pictures posted just talk about taking info down!
Day late , dollar short , and fifty cents too much mouth when you don't know what you are talking about .
Many of us involved got Scott to pull pics and posts that naysayers have no need to know .
Nunya have a divine right to any info so you get what Scott gives ya at his leisure while we are pursuing our adventure .
Have a nice day ;D

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

truckinbutch said:
T.Parker said:
Guess i got here Waaaaaaaay to late......dont see any pictures posted just talk about taking info down!
Day late , dollar short , and fifty cents too much mouth when you don't know what you are talking about .
Many of us involved got Scott to pull pics and posts that naysayers have no need to know .
Nunya have a divine right to any info so you get what Scott gives ya at his leisure while we are pursuing our adventure .
Have a nice day ;D
Paranoid boys patting each other on the back, rubbing shoulders in an empty hole........should make for a great book :thumbsup:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

truckinbutch said:
T.Parker said:
Guess i got here Waaaaaaaay to late......dont see any pictures posted just talk about taking info down!
Day late , dollar short , and fifty cents too much mouth when you don't know what you are talking about . Many of us involved got Scott to pull pics and posts that naysayers have no need to know .
Nunya have a divine right to any info so you get what Scott gives ya at his leisure while we are pursuing our adventure .
Have a nice day ;D

:sign10: :thumbsup:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

truckinbutch said:
A few posts back I requested that you bring it to get it; as in you have posted something you have found years ago .
Tell me 'bout it so as a Charter Member I can search for your bonafides .
Reposting onto a new page . I'm still waiting ........

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

good evening my friends: I may be a bit late, but I have been wondering about a few things. If I may ??

A) swr posted ->

The short answer would be there is none. Then again, we are talking about mainstream history and not historical revisionism*

* historical revisionism is the reinterpretation of orthodox views on evidence, motivations and decision-making processes surrounding an historical event
a) Which is most correct and why?


B) swr posted ->. ancient Hebrew coins dug up in Kentucky :::chortles:::
b) Why the chortles?

C) swr posted -> Henson passed in what, 1995? How many years does one work a "treasure lead" before calling it plausible/worthless

c) You tell me. From the time of first hearing about Tayopa to actually finding it and owning it, took me from 1958 - 1992. I consider it time well spent in memories, adventures, eventually changing parts of western History, fun, and what goes with it.

D) Rucking butch posted - posted ->

SWR : A few posts back I requested that you bring it to get it; as in you have posted something you have found years ago .
Tell me 'bout it so as a Charter Member I can search for your bonafides

d) Yes swr, I too am a bit curious, since you have never mentioned this to me before.

E) swr posted -> We DO know about the KGC. We know about their rise, as well as their fall. We know about their different chapters (castles), goals and ambitions. We know about their financial struggle, and we know about their political struggles as well.

e) Very very true, but, what we don't know is what went on behind the scenes, explain our present political parties for examples.

F) swr posted -> Lets try to use proper history

f) agreed, but whose version?

g) swr, Yeppers to your respone :icon_thumleft: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Excuse me for butting in swr, but you have always posted "You show me the proof, since you have made the statement". un quote.

I am curious about your finds myself, I rather suspect that many others in here are also, but don't have the time or privilege of researching 4512+ posts in TH. This would require over 24 hrs, counting the runs to empty the Pork and bean convenience can..

So please post them yourself, since you should know where they are, while the members in here, would have to search and read each one to be sure that they didn't miss any of your finds..

I am always ready to learn new data and techniques from successful hunters of history and treasure.

Join me later for :coffee2: :coffee2: :read2:??

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

swr My friend first :coffee2: :coffee2: --- now. You missed your prime career. You should have been a dance instructor or a professional dancer, instead of being an electrical Eng, since you dance around answering any questions rather than just answering them. Makes one wonder?.

But then -----sigh.

As for ->"You show me the proof, since you have made the statement". I can show you various times that you said that in slightly different 'versions', but I will use the same reasoning that you are suggesting, 'go look for them in past posts'.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Come on now...we are getting off topic of another false door or empty vault. However, there must be something in there because the blue/white helicopters, nice dressed people on horseback and cars w/ un-registered plates don't just follow people around that are looking for rocks. Maybe it's reality show producers secretly filming a new series "Treasure Jest". Could one of those people on the horse have been Geraldo??? I heard he was looking for another empty vault.

I am bored with this now so I'll stop posting on this topic but promise to return when I need a laugh.

Good luck with the book Swift/KGCSearcher!!!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

makton said:
Come on now...we are getting off topic of another false door or empty vault. However, there must be something in there because the blue/white helicopters, nice dressed people on horseback and cars w/ un-registered plates don't just follow people around that are looking for rocks. Maybe it's reality show producers secretly filming a new series "Treasure Jest". Could one of those people on the horse have been Geraldo??? I heard he was looking for another empty vault.

I am bored with this now so I'll stop posting on this topic but promise to return when I need a laugh.

Good luck with the book Swift/KGCSearcher!!!
Ya seem to have a sour stomache , son . Perhaps a bit of warm milk before you go to bed ....
and lay off those greasy junk foods for a time ;D

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Look Y'all, when I first saw the pictures swift put up I was amazed. I had read about stuff like his vault, but had never seen photos. Could swift be pulling everyones chain? I suppose so but I doubt it. Thats just me, I am giving the benifit of the doubt. I personaly hope that swift finds that his vault is fillled to the rim with the rich taste of brim ya know!! Thats enough for me. Keep on keepin on swift and keep yerself healthy,

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D To All... SWR; SECRET Wealth Recovery "group"... "milking" ALL of 'em for INFO... a REAL "troll"! :D :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Speaking of writing a book, my ole buddy is a sucessful THer.
By that I mean he finds and sells for a profit. Not at all like me who
keeps and stores at a loss. Anyway to my surprise he also dabbles
in writing Science Fiction yarns. Trouble is his writing style resembles
hieroglyphics at least to his daughter who is expected to turn it into
elaborate prose. She hollers "Dad, I can't make heads or tails out of
this mess." So he just leaves sheaves of dribble with her still full of
hope that Someday, Somehow the world will recognize his brilliance.

I would at this time propose a cease-fire and in exchange a time-
certain for completion of vault/s and declaration of victory or defeat.

The date I propose is April 15, 2010. Of course this is negotiable.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Good morning Ladies & Gentlemen: swr you posted -->

"A classic example would be the ball-peen hammer that was found. Swift defends it to the end that it came from the 1700s and was used by silversmiths. Should those who know better follow blindly? Well, according to those drinking the kool-aid we should"!

??? I am a bit curious as to why you took issue with 'that', since they have been around basically as long as man has been making armor. Making armour required riveting and it was early learned that peening actually strengthened the metal.

I am curious, so will you please post your creditable source for that statement??

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

HI swr: you posted-->

" WTF?? Do you even read these threads/post"

Frankly no, that includes many of your posts, since soo many are quit predictable, but in this case where / what is your source of contention? Most tools of recent origin have their manufacturers id mark, does this hammer in question have any ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Dear group;
Has there been any progress on this KFC vault? I am curious to know if anything of an historical nature has been uncovered.
Your friend;

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"


Not really, although the nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken joint is hopping.

Your friend always,

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Guys, when I first posted about the "vault", I was inquiring about it, NOT making any claims. I presented pics (too many actually according to many) and asked questions. Actually, I stumbled on it by accident, while researching something else! I had read HBB's book and knew enough about the KGC to recognize some signs/rocks/carvings/etc. to believe it might be KGC related. I have since done tons of research and have come to the conclusion that it might be. I have NEVER stated for certain that there might be anything at all inside it. I even told Truckinbutch several times that I cannot make him any guarantees and he might be coming down here for nothing, which he was fine with. I can say that myself and some others have spent close to a full month of days working on gaining entry and will NOT turn back until we find out what, if anything, is inside.

As for the hammer, Tayopa is correct. My partner, Ralph, took it to Colonial Williamsburg for examination and, according to the experts there, it very well is as old as I claim (definitely pre Civil War) and would more than likely have been used to knock the ore out of the molds!

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D To All... SWR; SECRET Wealth Recovery "group"... "milking" ALL of 'em for INFO... a REAL "troll"! :D :wink:

Rebel, I believe you hit the nail on the head with this post! :thumbsup:

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