Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D s.s., you are doing fine... CARRY ON! :icon_thumleft: NOW! Persher Code info is correct, as I have seen; the "JOB PRINT" (aka BEALE TREASURE "story"), is a GREAT ex-
ample of Persher Code... a story within a story. Like an archeologist, I will leave "something" for FUTURE generations. ;D As a FreeMason, "G" could be G*D, GAOTU, GEOMETRY; OR... simply GOLD!
As in REBEL GOLD (Confederate Treasury), from "Sue", "Q", JJ, et al. Delete this "post", as you need to... Good Luck & HH! :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

truckinbutch said:
SWR said:
truckinbutch said:
As long as it takes SWR . Physical limitations , research , and family obligations limit 'boots on the ground' and extend search times .
How long have you spent to recover your wonderous finds that you never share with us ?
I am always open to advice from a supertrooper that can share with us how to 'GET ER DONE' with
documentation of his success ;D

Sorry you weren't around back when I shared some finds. Interesting how you can say I never shared any.

My supertrooper advice is to research the researcher. You would be surprised at the number of writers who confuse folklore with historical research
Site some examples . I'm a Charter Member and can search the archives if you care to share .
Even those who are not charter members can go to a posters profile click on the show last posts line and check everything that they have ever posted. Since he has posted 4500 posts that may take awhile to find. siegfried schlagrule

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hi swiftsearcher. Your latest posts were very interesting and informative. You say:

"...Could this be that inside there are two caches - one of Swift's and one of Quantrill and Sue Mundy? Or, could this be a Masonic cache of Swift's and one of Quantrill and Sue Mundy? Was there more to Swift's mining activities? Could he have been hiding a "Masonic Treasure" as well? I am not going to go into details now, however, there is much evidence to this at the Rich Mine! What are others' thoughts - especially any Masons, Rebel, etc.?..."

I've learned in my research that the Knights of the Golden Circle had members whose job it was to search for and locate as many of the treasures that were previously buried or hidden in this country. According to at least one of Quantrill's Guerrillas, they were very successful. Once they found one of these gigantic treasures, they either took it and re-hid it or they left it where it was and added to it. It is my firm belief, corroborated by many other researchers and authorities, that the KGC descended from the Sons of Liberty of the Revolutionary War Period and the Sons of Liberty were descended from the Knights Templar. Many or all of Quantrill's Guerrillas were KGC AND Masons and those who survived the War usually rose to the rank of Master Mason. There are several examples of this in the history of my own county, Brown County in rural central Texas. Anyone who doubts this can read the book, taken directly from the records of these early-day Masons, "Freemasonry in Brownwood" by Donovan Duncan Tidwell, 1966. I will provide no further information about this history on any public forum as we have already covered it many times at our Yahoo group and will only provide specific names of these former Guerrillas to you, swiftsearcher, or others who have become friends on this forum via private email if you wish. The naysayers can do the work themselves just as I did. :)
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Jay, is that really fair to the thousands of naysayers out there? Without
them we would be awash in conspiracies dating back to the Garden of Eden.
Someone has to question the authenticity of claims and you well know that.
When a single lead turns into a saga that involves every large legend in the
book, well . . .
Not to say it's not interesting. It is and grows more entertaining each day.
I dare say Swiftsearcher is gaining a larger audience than the Health Care
Debate. If everyone fell to their knees begging for free shots and pills there
would be no debate. So you guys can quit acting like you are highly insulted
and mortified that anyone in their right mind would like . . . say "WHAT?"
I don't recall anyone questioning your assertions on Templar/Masonic
involvement in the KGC. That's old news. Now connect the dots between
California KGC/The Bealle Code/LAD/Lost Dutchman/Tayopa and the Holy Grail
and you've got something.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hi lastleg. I do not intend to educate the uneducated who choose not to do the necessary research themselves. There is nothing stopping them from joining our group and asking any question they want to any or all of our 139 members or to use every feature of our group's files and archives. Why don't they? It's easier to criticize than to work hard. Here's a hint for anyone who wants to follow up on if they care to. It involves the treasure of Victorio Peak in New Mexico. Several years ago, under the Nixon Administration, Congressional Hearings were held on the subject. Those who testified included John Dean. Remember him? Then, the government sealed all records of those hearings. Conspiracy? Perhaps.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Jay, that's ancient headlines too. It's gone now and was lost due to
stupidity. Why is it each discovery is made by a lunatic?

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

You actually ask a very good question, lastleg, except I think you have the wording a bit off. I would ask: "Why is every person who discovers a KGC cache or depository labelled a "lunatic"? Why is every treasure hunter who documents and photographs his KGC or James Gang treasure recoveries in a book called a "fraud"? Why do the naysayers always criticize any document, photograph, book, magazine article, or census entry that doesn't agree with traditionalist historical myth as a "fairy tale" or "fictitious writing"? Having dealt continuously with these kinds of people for over 4 years now, I can assure you that their motives are neither good nor beneficial to the study of history or the hobby of treasure hunting. Name-calling and distraction are their main weapons.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hello. "fringe theory...action-adventure novels...amateur researches". My point, exactly. :thumbsup:
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Evening last leg: You posted -->

"Why is it each discovery is made by a lunatic?"

Sniff gimme back my beer, you ungrateful wretch ! heheh Actually you and my wife are treading on similar grounds. Have you two met?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

HIO swr: You posted -->

"Action-adventure novel - adventure novel is a genre of novels that has adventure, an exciting undertaking involving risk and physical danger, as its main theme."
Sheesh no SEX?? It will never sell my friend..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Rebel, thanks for the answers! Your posts are always highly appreciated and very informative! :thumbsup:

I took the numbers carved into the rocks before we started destroying them and used them to go to the two following Bible verses (the numbers were 4 and 7). Notice the "Sons of _" references in both verses, which reminded me of "Sons of Liberty" I read about the KGC in some books. Also, the second verse, where it mentions "Sons of_", two carts and four pack animals. This is significant, as the story behind Q, Sue Mundy, JJ and Co. and their "Secret Mission" involved three wagons, then one was used to transport JJ to have his wounds tended to and the contents of that wagon were loaded onto four pack animals!

Jay, I too, have read about the KGC being VERY SUCCESFUL in finding older treasures (including Aztec)! In "Jesse James Was One of His Names", Jesse was talking about a treasure book printed in the 1930's and stated that the author really knew what he was writing about, but we (the KGC) had already found 90% of the treasures he wrote about! Anyway, my last post was a question, but some feel the need to be smart a@@es and post their own little agendas, instead of answering a legit. question, so I will block them, as many have done.

BTW - Truckinbutch and I went out yesterday to the "vault" and I am GLAD we did, as it appears a larger section than I thought is ready to fall if more work is done! Going to have to go to the camera I told Jay about now to see how to go about this safely and see if it actually contains anything to pursue before any additional steps are taken! :thumbsup: BTW - Truckinbutch was able to find a few things we had missed, including a large animal carving near the "vault"! He is a great person and I really enjoyed taking him to the "vault"!

Also, if someone will e-mail me at joejackson1919@comcast.net with the answer to this question, I will highly appreciate it! What does a five pointed star mean on a KGC map?

NUM 4:4 This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, about the most holy things:

Num 7:7 Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto the sons of Gershon, according to their service:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

The star is in an area that is West on the map. Looks like it is marking a specific area on the map. The star is upright.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I just now read this from the following website and thought it interesting. There is more to this than meets the eye (maybe the all-seeing eye of the Masons!). One interesting thing I noted when I recently excavated Swift's Rich Mine was a large Masonic "G" to the left of the mine entrance, along with a bird's head carved pointing toward the entrance. Also, the "vault" is very close to another one of Swift's Mines. Is this coincidence or by design? I guess I will not know the full answers until the vault is finally opened, but one can speculate until then. What are others' opinion on this "vault" story I have posted below and its relation to the Freemasons (which we know many of the KGC's higher ups were high ranking Freemasons)?

I will share my "theory" with you guys, although I am sure SWR and a handful will doubt it and make fun of it. I believe this "vault" might originally have been a storehouse for Swift and Co., but not in the sense we believe - more along the lines of a "Masonic Vault" than simply a storehouse for some backwoodsmen mining Silver (although it might have been used for that as well). Then, Sue Mundy, and the "KGC" came in with their deposits (maybe even digging up some of Swift's cache) and added to this. They knew about the Swift "vault" b/c of their "Masonic Connection" and might even involved Mundy, since she was a descendant of Swift's Mundy - maybe something to do with Swift's Company's "pact" that they needed a descendant of the original crew to come along, I don't know?

While at the "vault" the last time, I noticed what seemed to be a map carved on the side of it with two "dots", indicating two deposits. On top of the rock where these two deposits should be according to the map, the vegetation was dead! Every place else around, the vegetation was green! Could this be that inside there are two caches - one of Swift's and one of Quantrill and Sue Mundy? Or, could this be a Masonic cache of Swift's and one of Quantrill and Sue Mundy? Was there more to Swift's mining activities? Could he have been hiding a "Masonic Treasure" as well? I am not going to go into details now, however, there is much evidence to this at the Rich Mine! What are others' thoughts - especially any Masons, Rebel, etc.? BTW - Yesterday, while out with a couple friends, we found the famous anchor, where it should be (and I had overlooked) from the famous Swift Map in Henson's book!

IN your above statement , i dont get were your crossing the Swift legnd with the KGC. The shawnee cavern or great cave as some call it was not walled up or sealed!!!. Swift however walled a storeroom up that was IN the shawnee cavern, not the outside of the cave. Once in the Shawnee cavern is huge, big enough for the shawnee to bury their dead there many years and for swift to store his treasure, the shawnee indians that helped swift find the cave would not have let Swift and crew step on the graves of their ancestors i would think.. The cave itself was hid good enough..."and still is" Good luck with the rest of your discovery!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Ki, I was not referring to the Indian Cave where Swift walled up his storeroom. Sorry for any confusion. I was referring to a large "G" and some other things inside the Rich Mine I found.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Keep us posted --- i for one would like to know what turns up :thumbsup:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Scott ,
Got home this afternoon after spending the night at my son's house and having a great , too short visit with him and my inlaws . Got the equiptment we talked about and an 'outside the box' suggestion
from my FIL on how to quickly and safely deal with the massive death trap in a legal way . I'll tell you about it in our next phone conversation .
For the other readers : there is definitely a death trap . A wrong move will bring down over 90 tons of stone with no chance of escape for anyone in it's path .
Thanks again , Scott for your hospitality and the invitation to this grand adventure .

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Dear group;
Our highly esteemed colleague, truckinbutch has broached a very delicate and interesting subject, that being the placement of the highly dreaded death trap! It would seem that if someone went through all the time and trouble to design and construct a death trap, then by all means, we should respect that person's wishes and leave the area intact the way it was previously.

In other words, if someone encounters a death trap, turn around and go back!!! Do NOT proceed!!! Even if you are able to bypass or deafeat the death trap, you should not do so out of respect for the person who put the death trap there. I know that I would feel very poorly towards every Tom, Dick and Harry who came by, springing all of my carefully laid out death traps at will, without regards to my feelings or state. Therefore, out of respect for those who have gone before us, we should leave all death traps in place, as reminders of our ancestors.
Your not gonna spring the trap friend;

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D WELL! This is getting VERY interesting! The ANCHOR is a VERY old "symbol"... as an anchor hold steady a ship in a storm, or "at rest" in the harbor... so it is for treasure "deposits", etc. OR... simply a "hide-way" in the coming storm (think "Sue", "Q", JJ, et al,
OUTLAWS... ALL of 'em.) ;D "Sue" PROBABLY did have info "passed down"; it was found and "added
to". :o NOW! The KGC did use numbers & letters; as was indicated, the numbers allude to BIBLE verses, in the OLD TESTAMENT. Letters like "G" COULD be FreeMasonic, or simply abbreviations like
"G" for Genesis... MOSTLY of the OLD TESTAMENT. Thus, look up Genesis 1:1, IF... you find "G"... then 1:1 or simply a "1" here, and a "1" there. LAWD GAWD A'MIGHTY! :o :-X

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: "STOP" for sure... DUNNO about "change direction". :dontknow:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Could someone please say more on the Meaning of The Anchor. What do you do when you spot one in the Field.

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