Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

lastleg said:
Speaking just for me, I'd like to hear what those anomalies are as we
wait. Isn't it this weekend that you will meet Swiftsearcher to open the
Google search for historical anomalies .
What Swiftsearcher and I do will be up to him to divulge . You won't be getting any information from
me .

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Don't be a spoilsport, Truckin. Even descendants of Henry C. Magruder
are interested in what you and Swifty discover. The original "Sue Mundy"
may have helped put it in the ground.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

No spoilsport to it , friend , just the honorable thing to do . This is Scott's deal and I'm just helping .
Not my place to be talking out of turn .

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Agree completely.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Too many websites to post, so here is the Google search for ancient Phoenicians in America and ancient harvesting of cedars in the Americas. Again, Roger Snow has told me a lot as well that is unknown to many. Plus, in some of Henson's books, he tells of ancient Hebrew coins being plowed up in KY near some of the Silver Mine sights. And, there have been things found there and in Gold Mines out West that directly point to these ancients (around Solomon's time) being here mining ore, as well as cutting several cedars in North America.




LL - Don't know where you came up with this weekend the vault will be opened????? Truckinbutch is coming down for a day out in the field next week to look things over. We need to decide how to proceed opening the vault first, as I found a deadfall last time out there that needs to be moved (or, another entrance found with the fiber optics cam. we have coming).

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Twolf - Yep Michael Paul Henson. If I remember correctly, there are a couple stories/locations in his blue book (Treasures and Mines of Kentucky) about people finding ancient Hebrew coins while plowing in KY. If those sights have not been detected, they might be great places to get perm. to detect and check out to see if there are any other ancient coins there! :thumbsup:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

As long as it takes SWR . Physical limitations , research , and family obligations limit 'boots on the ground' and extend search times .
How long have you spent to recover your wonderous finds that you never share with us ?
I am always open to advice from a supertrooper that can share with us how to 'GET ER DONE' with
documentation of his success ;D

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"


You are right that folklore isn't gospel unless it is supported by authticated
geneological records. What is amazing to me is the way some will swallow
whole another person's fantastic yarn without at lease checking it out for
themselves. "Ol' so-in-so said it so it's gotta be true". Live and learn guys
and gals.

I guess you and I should join the Optimist Club too.


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

SWR said:
truckinbutch said:
As long as it takes SWR . Physical limitations , research , and family obligations limit 'boots on the ground' and extend search times .
How long have you spent to recover your wonderous finds that you never share with us ?
I am always open to advice from a supertrooper that can share with us how to 'GET ER DONE' with
documentation of his success ;D

Sorry you weren't around back when I shared some finds. Interesting how you can say I never shared any.

My supertrooper advice is to research the researcher. You would be surprised at the number of writers who confuse folklore with historical research
Site some examples . I'm a Charter Member and can search the archives if you care to share .

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

T-Wolf and T-Butch, I had a laugh this morning reading SWR's response to T-Wolf working a site/lead since 95. One can tell who actually gets out in the field and does searching/work around here and who does not by his response.

Simply b/c one knows the general area something is in, doesn't mean you can go out, find it, get all the work done and obtain your goal in a short amount of time. Finding something most of the time is like finding the needle in a haystack. Then, once you have found something, the work begins! I found Swift's Rich Mine last April 25th (after searching for sometime) and only recently finished the excavation (the last time out as a matter of fact). I still need to go back and document some things/make sure nothing was left at least one more time (maybe more). Sometimes the two biggest hinderances in time are life and health (day to day must do's that come before going out in the field and doctors' appointments and health issues slowing one down).

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

This truly has turned into both a comedy and a religous thread.
I like the Roger Snow references...Swiftsearchers new mentor. The guy who has had implants put into his teeth by the FBI or goct agencies to trace him and the same guy that gets kicked off almost every forum because he is so "looney tunes".

Can one of you KGC gurus tell me why there is such vast wealth buried in these vaults and just left there for 100 to 600 years. All the time being guarded by rich/powerful people. If they were so rich and powerful, why wouldn't they remove it long ago and put it in a place where Joe the treasure hunter couldn't find it?

I need to shoot over to the Swiftmines thread so I can get some more laughs ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I didn't take that long to put a man on the moon. No offense Timber.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Lastleg - you put a man on the moon????? :o And to think you believe some of our claims are outlandish! :D
lastleg said:
I didn't take that long to put a man on the moon. No offense Timber.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

How bout just one little photo of a treasure found in this vault? I wont hold my breath :dontknow:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I don't know if you cannot read, or simply did not bother reading any of this thread, but the vault has not been opened yet.

Since there have been a few smart A@s relplies, I doubt I will update this thread when the vault is opened.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Exactly why im not holding my BREATH...not even a pic of this so called vault.
When people get on here and TALK alot about what they know, what they found but cant produce anything other then rambling on and on about what they got, Then it becomes apparent that they really have nothing and just want attention.

Whats the chances HOFFA is in this vault? :tongue3:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Hate to prove you wrong SWR, but there have been people from T-Net who have been with me and seen the things I have found and are going to help me with the vault!

I have heard you guys ran off the person who found the coins at Pigeon Water Cave and a few others however. Oh well, your loss, not theirs, as they made their finds. You guys were just left out of the "loop" when it came to finding out about their finds and will be again if I find anything in the future! ;D

T.Parker, not only can you not read, you didn't even see the pics in this thread - the FIRST one is a close up of the vault! You need to think before you type!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

That crack about TWolf taking so long to finish up a treasure lead was made from pure ignor-ance of big ticket recoveries. There are reasons for the long time frame. Perhaps there is a problem with access such as an uncooperative owner and the need to wait for a change in ownership. Or, some structure in the way. Or, a thousand different other reasons. The point is, each project is different and for some back benchers to kibbutz other folks' work is ASSanine. The fact that THEY have the time to spend yakking from the sideline, proved THEY have no projects of their own. Most of those folks read about and dream of those beat up, old treasure legends printed and reprinted in the treasure magazines.

Swiftsearcher, TWolf, et al; keep on keeping on and let those self-appointed "experts" keep doing...........................whatever worthless thing it is that they do. Their negativeness will NEVER put anything good in their own bankaccounts.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

A few posts back I requested that you bring it to get it; as in you have posted something you have found years ago .
Tell me 'bout it so as a Charter Member I can search for your bonafides .

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