Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Discussion of the Melungeons in this thread inspired me to review some messages and links about them that have been posted by our members in the past few years. Maybe these will help us to reach some conclusions.



Members of our group can retrieve all our past messages about the Melungeons by simply typing the name in our Keyword Messages Search box.
~Texas Jay

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: ;D I was in the Lynchburg, Va. Jones Memorial Library one day, when I met a young lady, who was researching the GOINS family, for Melungeon research; I was there for BEALE TREASURE/Lynchburg, Va. "connection". I told her I had BOWLING family from SW VA. (grandmother); GIBSON family, ALLEN family... HECKS! Even my wife's mother, was a COLLINS from North Carolina, AND! Mother-in-law's grandfather KILLED a man, in North Carolina... went to prison. HA! :o
The Scot. Comp. that "hired" Swift DOES sound like the "SCOTTISH RITE", from Scotland. THEY were "descended" from ORIGINAL Knights Templar, who fled the "nastiness" from France... and the TEMPLAR FLEET probably became PIRATES, BUCCANEERS, COUNTERFEITERS "over time". Is Dan
Brown reading this? Does Oliver Stone wanna do a "JFK/BORN ON THE 4TH OF JULY-type" movie?
Coming to yer neighborhood. SOON! :D :wink: EVERYONE, please read... MELUNGEONS - THE LAST LOST TRIBE IN AMERICA by Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman... :wink: :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Hmmmmmmmmmm... After thinking about "it"; MAYBE. it would be better as NATIONAL TREASURE III, as it "follows" the CSA/KGC "theme". Ah well... :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I like the new avatar...did you get that pic taken at the mall and is that your real beard?
It's funny how you look exactly like I pictured you would.
Find anymore false doors lately?????


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

DMSDAK said:
Hey Swiftsearcher,

I have a guess are you maybe meaning the Ark may have been brought here? Now that would be an interesting find, and totally not be where the mainstream theological society would expect it but I guess possible, considering other things that have been found in stranger places. And would deffinately be a good place to hide them from those in europe, africa and the middle east who oppose christianity.

aka.. Seth

Hi Seth,

Great to see you posting. That area would be a great hiding place for the Ark, as nobody would expect it to be there! I was thinking more along the lines of some other Religious artifacts (and NO, not the Holy Grail either for those making fun). I was thinking of some artifacts of importance that would relate to the Israelite Tribes and God's plan for the British Isles and America - could be artifacts from the Temple, something related to Ancient Arts or Alchemy, could be scrolls/documents, could be a mixture. As I stated, nobody will really know until they are inside. The AOC would be nice Seth! Plus, the Hills of Appalachia would be the LAST PLACE anyone would look for it!

Makton, YES, that is my real beard! That picture was taken of me after my excavations at Swift's Rich Mine, before I finally took a bath. :D As for the "false doors", I did find one early on at the "vault", if that is what you are referring to. IF you are referring to the Rich Mine of Swift's, I can tell you that there was DEFINITELY no false door there. While I cannot say what I found inside on here, it was well worth the work!!!!! :thumbsup:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:icon_thumleft: Ss, GREAT! TJ, THANKS, for the "Melungeons links"... got GOOD up-dates! Hope Dr. Kennedy is STILL with us... "recovering" from STROKE, he had a few years, ago; we owe a LOT to him!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

makton said:
I like the new avatar...did you get that pic taken at the mall and is that your real beard?
It's funny how you look exactly like I pictured you would.
Find anymore false doors lately?????


Makton, since you were accurate in your mind on how you "pictured" I would look, I will take a stab at how I picture you look. Here goes.............. ;D ;D ;D


  • makton.webp
    10.4 KB · Views: 547
Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Rebel - KGC said:
:icon_thumleft: ;D I was in the Lynchburg, Va. Jones Memorial Library one day, when I met a young lady, who was researching the GOINS family, for Melungeon research; I was there for BEALE TREASURE/Lynchburg, Va. "connection". I told her I had BOWLING family from SW VA. (grandmother); GIBSON family, ALLEN family... HECKS! Even my wife's mother, was a COLLINS from North Carolina, AND! Mother-in-law's grandfather KILLED a man, in North Carolina... went to prison. HA! :o
The Scot. Comp. that "hired" Swift DOES sound like the "SCOTTISH RITE", from Scotland. THEY were "descended" from ORIGINAL Knights Templar, who fled the "nastiness" from France... and the TEMPLAR FLEET probably became PIRATES, BUCCANEERS, COUNTERFEITERS "over time". Is Dan
Brown reading this? Does Oliver Stone wanna do a "JFK/BORN ON THE 4TH OF JULY-type" movie?
Coming to yer neighborhood. SOON! :D :wink: EVERYONE, please read... MELUNGEONS - THE LAST LOST TRIBE IN AMERICA by Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman... :wink: :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D

Rebel, as usual, you are "right on the money". This important point is one thing MANY people searching for Swift's Mines have failed to catch over the many years of searching - the Templar/Masonic symbolism in ALL of John Swift's journals! :thumbsup: It seems that when people would "catch" the ship part, they wanted to associated Swift with Pirates, instead of the Scottish Rite, even though it is in the journals plain as day and refers to the "Scots". I have to give you credit Rebel, as I have known of this "Scottish Rite Connection to Swift" for a long time, but my thoughts were confirmed when reading your threads on Pesher Codes and Masonic Allegory. THANKS!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

SWR said:
swiftsearcher said:
Here is a bone for you guys. Rebel mentioned this might be one of the Four Queens' depositories. Well, here is what looks to me like a Queen's Head Rock.

A rock. Looks like any other rock. Especially the rock directly behind it, in your picture.

As adults...are we supposed to believe a human hand chiseled this particular rock...and, possibly the one directly behind it...and not question it? Me thinks not. The picture shows natural errosion and wear from the eliments. Same with the rock directly behind that one. The picture does not show any man-made marks or other intrustions typical of being man-made or man-handled.

SWR, maybe you need to stick to your area of expertise - underwater research and recovery of seashells, plankton and such! IF a rock was carved 250 years ago or earlier (as many of these were), it is going to have that many years of wear and erosion! On many of the rocks and carvings, you can see the chisel marks still yet - Truckinbutch showed me what to look for. However, on some of the really old ones (before Swift's time) - FORGET IT! IF you had any experience at all of land research and recovery, you would know that many carvings on rocks and trees have to even be chalked in before one can make out what they are - if not, you more than likely have a newer carving.

I have discussed this with many in the Midwest and West, as it seems this area, with its climate, is harsher on carvings and rocks than their areas. Also, what carvings aren't worn away are many times covered with moss or lichens. BTW SWR - Spell Check is a FREE option on this forum - you might want to try it in the future! :thumbsup:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

SWR said:
The Confederate States of America had no part in squirreling away tons and tons of gold and silver, in anticipation of a second Civil War.

My Southern heritage and pride will not allow these false, slanderous fables be told without any source of validation. No, the Confederate States of America did not give its treasury, or any of its assets, to the Knights of the Golden Circle for safe keeping.

And do you have a source of validation or extraordinary proof for this extraordinary claim?
You seem so sure of it that perhaps you possess some incontrovertible proof. Or is your statement just based upon emotion and wishful thinking, due to your heritage and pride?


Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

I was going to see if anyone noticed. However, since nobody has yet noticed (and maybe the picture is too confined of the rock of the Queen's head), I will give you some information about it. The rock has fallen from where it was originally placed (in fact, there are many fallen rocks in the area). These rocks fell during the large earthquake of 1811/12. So, now we know that this rock was carved and placed here BEFORE the Winter of 1811. As with some other rocks (the Turtle Back Rock, Buffalo Rock, etc. etc.), Swift mentions them in his journals as landmarks, they were there BEFORE Swift came into the area! I believe, after researching up close many non-natural rocks in the area (like the Turtle Back Rock, etc.) that this Queen Rock also predates Swift and Company (maybe Swift did not mention it, b/c it was away from the mine he worked or he wanted people in another area away from the "vault" area). Also, SE of this rock and the "vault" is what I call the "Stone House" - it really resembles Stonehenge and has carvings on it and a "door" or opening that is on a straight line to the "vault". As many know, Stonehenge is associated with the early Celts and Druids (and there are many such sites in other countries, where these peoples migrated). I won't go into detail too much, but the Celts and Druids were migrating Israelites (just look in the Bible - God was angry with them at this time for worshipping Baal and the Celts and Druids are associated with Baal worship).

The carvings, monuments at/around the "vault" speaks VOLUMES. IMHO, this site predates Swift and was set up as a testament to the True Israelites. The Templars and early Freemasons knew this and had Swift to bring something(s) here to be deposited. It was probably already a "storehouse" when Swift arrived. Many "Native Americans" always referred to the real early white travelers in North America as "Gods" (just research the Maya to confirm this) - could an early white Israelite group (of the so-called "Lost Tribes") have visited this area to establish a "vault" for their New Jerusalem? Could this be why the Shawnee considered this "cave" sacred? I think so. However, as I stated before (and before I get bashed for my THEORY I will state it again), THE ONLY WAY TO FIND OUT FOR CERTAIN WILL BE WHEN ONE IS INSIDE THE VAULT AND CAN MAKE IT TO WHATEVER IS THERE SAFELY AND LAY EYES ON IT!

One question for Rebel before I quit typing. Is there any significance of a carving of two heads - facing opposite directions that you are aware of? I have been told it might refer to Chief Doublehead (mentioned in many Swift stories). However, I believe Chief Doublehead might have been allegorical in the Swift Legend and it/he relates to something totally different than simply a Chief who knew of the location of the Great Cave and Mines!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Dear Goodyguy;
You wrote:
And you have a source of validation or extraordinary proof for this extraordinary claim?
You seem so sure of it that perhaps you possess some incontrovertible proof. Or is your statement just based on emotion or wishful thinking?

My question is, can you provide some incontrovertible proof to the contrary, my friend? And therein lies the Pandora's Box. It's difficult to proof the legitimacy of an actual action, simply because no one would ever think they would need to require proof of such an action. It would be akin to stating "Can you provide proof that you purchased that televesion set on 12 March 1971?"

The set was legally and lawfully purchased, the receipt filed away and eventually disgarded sometime after the warranty expired. This does not mean that the TV set was not legally purchased my friend. It merely means that receipt of purchase no longer rexists.

On the other edge of the sword, very rarely does someone keep a comprehensive record of illegal activity, therefore those records most probably do not exist either.

I personally believe that there exists isolated treasure caches from the Civil War era, mostly due to widespread distrust in the banking system and no firm knowledge of future events, therefore many Southern landowners and people of means cached their valuables until the future seemed brighter. And in doing so, many times the caches were lost, or the original owner passed away before recovering the cache, etc.

However, I do not believe there was a concerted effort by a shadowy group to cache large sums of valuables in order to overthrow the federal government at sometime in the future. Events simply do not unfold this way and people are simply incapable of organizing themselves in such a coherent manner.

It just doesn't add up my friend. If the South had any real source of wealth, they could have purchased weapons and thus extended, and very possibly won the Civil War. After all, they were killing Northerners at a rate of about 3 to 1, however they lost the war of attrition, and the reason why they lost is because they ran out of funds to feed the war machine.

Mampower was not an issue with the Southerners, my friend. Most Southerners were from an agricultural society and therefore large families were the norm instead of the exception. After five years of hard fighting, the South would have been able to field 75-80% of their total original number of forces. On the other hand, after the same five years of fighting, the North would have only been able to field 35-50% of it's original number.

After five years of campaigning, the Southern military ground to a halt because it could no longer afford to field an Army. Fielding troops was never a serious long-term issue for the South, yet feeding and equipping those troops was. When the South could no longer feed and equip it's forces, it was effectively beaten and the war was over.
Your friend;

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Your last post saves me highting parts of the rock house and sending it back to you . I assume you saw the confirmation figure to the right of the entrance as well .
Who is the gent with the walking stick ?

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D GET READY fOR THIS... ARE YOU READY? :D :wink: Ss, "google"
JANUS... "Wiki" is good. (PARAPHRASE)...GUARDIAN "of gates, doors, doorways; looks BOTH ways
as it is a "symbol" of BEGINNINGS, and ENDINGS." LAWD GAWD A'MIGHTY! ;D :wink:

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Thanks Rebel! I will Google that ASAP. :icon_sunny: :icon_profileleft: :icon_profileright:

I should have thought earlier in history than the Israelites and remembered in Genesis where TWO Cheribum were guarding the Tree of Life! I feel:tongue3:

Lamar - your post makes me want to gather arms and help the South win! I believe you are correct in your assumptions however, and this is another reason I believe the large depositories were/are meant for "something else"! :wink:

Truckinbutch - Please PM me or e-mail me as to the confirmation symbol you are referring to, as I might have missed that one. The gent in the pic is Jack - he is the person who introduced me to Bill Williams (we three go out in the field and KGC hunt when we can). The pic was taken when I had them look the area over to make sure I was correct about the site early on. They are a couple of great guys - you will have to meet them sometime! Jack is great at finding signs and Bill is practically a Confederate Encyclopedia!

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Rebel - AGAIN - THANKS - Just what I was looking for!

See the bust of Janus below - very similar to the carving at my sight.

Here is what I think Rebel. I think the references to "Chief Doublehead" in the Swift legend are allegorical to "Janus" (he is usually associated with the "Great Cave" - Swift's "storehouse"). The carving I found is beside an "opening" that is on a direct 44 degree angle to the two columns at the vault (the door or entrance). I believe that both the journals and this carving are referring to the entrance of the "vault" or "storehouse"!

Rebel, you and I should start our own esoteric lodge! :thumbsup: :icon_sunny: :icon_profileleft: :icon_profileright:


  • janus.webp
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Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Below is from Wikipedia on "Janus". The "doors" were closed + Universal Peace = Jesus' 1000 Year Kingdom on Earth = New Jerusalem! :thumbsup: :icon_sunny: :icon_profileleft: :icon_profileright: :o

The doors were closed in ceremony when peace was concluded. Augustus and Nero both advertised universal peace, which had led to 'the closing of the Janus', during their reigns.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

As for the 44 degree angle. Here ya go!

44 is the length of Consummation of the Age, as defined in the Great Pyramid (New Age - New Jerusalem). 44 is also the number of years that Jacob's trouble was doubled in the Bible. Jacob had 22 years of laboring in a strange land for his wives and 22 years of mental anguish in the loss of Joseph. Joseph's "Blessing" was doubled with Ephraim and Manasseh receiving his Promise from THE EVER LIVING GOD. Here, with the number 44, we have a clear link from Jacob to Joseph to Manasseh (with the US being Manasseh or a New Jerusalem)!

I have told others and am telling anyone here wanting to hunt any cache related to the KGC - STUDY THE BIBLE! :read2: This also helps with other hunts, such as Spanish mines/caches, as the Spanish, too, were very Religious.

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

"Where is the Beef"????????

Re: Opinions on this KGC "Vault"

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D GET READY fOR THIS... ARE YOU READY? :D :wink: Ss, "google"
JANUS... "Wiki" is good. (PARAPHRASE)...GUARDIAN "of gates, doors, doorways; looks BOTH ways
as it is a "symbol" of BEGINNINGS, and ENDINGS." LAWD GAWD A'MIGHTY! ;D :wink:

Rebel, the part of your post about Janus being a symbol of Beginnings and Endings also relates to my New Jerusalem theory. The beginning, being when THE EVER LIVING GOD created Adam and the ending being Jesus' 1000 year Kingdom on Earth in the US (Manasseh, or the New Jerusalem for the Real Israelites - Followers of Christ). Another way of looking at this would be the beginning as with Jacob (Israel) and ending with Jesus' 1000 year Kingdom on Earth (Manasseh, or the US). In this scenario, you would have BOTH the beginning and the ending being Israel (THE EVER LIVING GOD's chosen)! :icon_sunny: You could also view it as the beginning being when THE EVER LIVING GOD created Adam and the ending being when the "NEW JERUSALEM" or HEAVEN comes down to Earth AFTER Jesus' 1000 year Kingdom - when THE EVER LIVING GOD will judge mankind and Israel will "Walk with THE EVER LIVING GOD"!

Either beginning begins with THE EVER LIVING GOD's "chosen" - Adam, or Adam's descendants through Jacob (Israel) and ends with a NEW JERUSALEM - whether this be Jesus' 1000 Year Kingdom on Earth or Heaven descending and THE EVER LIVING GOD being with us. We have two common denominators in this theory - THE EVER LIVING GOD's "chosen" (or True Israel) and a NEW JERUSALEM! Both the True Israelites and a NEW JERUSALEM play an important role in, not only the "vault", but, I believe, the KGC's TRUE reason for hiding these caches (not the silly second Civil War theories we have heard over and over). Again, I believe this theory not only relates to the KGC, but goes back much farther in time at this site and possibly at other KGC depository sites.

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