On another note - drone strikes - they dont mind killing Americans

He can't even read from a 3x5 card right.

I as well hold all responsible, however Obama is the one who can do something about it. But I don't hold much hope for him doing something right.

Actually it's up to congress to "do something about it". That's how the political process works - right?

I agree, it is a touchy situation. The problem is if the govt can just take someone out and claim they are a terrorist than where does it stop? After all many on the left call people on the right terrorists. I don't like opening the door up to slippery slopes...

We need to understand how the socialist's believe, ''If you don't conform to their ideology, you are the ''terrorist''. Therefore they will have no compulsion but to eliminate you from the equation.

I as well hold all responsible, however Obama is the one who can do something about it. But I don't hold much hope for him doing something right.

I think a lot of folks get confused about the roles of the president and the role of the congress.

pinkos, are in office. They are among us.:sadsmiley:

pinkos, are in office. They are among us.:sadsmiley:

And have been ever since FDR. Welcome to the world of socialist security and Medicare and Bush's free meds for all. AARP is the largest communist group out there.

pinkos, are in office. They are among us.:sadsmiley:

You can thank the communist baby boomers for bankrupting this great country and in a generation turning us into a piss poor third world country.

Picker, I agree with your last two posts, but as far as what Obama can do...well he got Obama care passed, as well as other big ticket things. So I guess he can do something about the patriot act. And since when has there been any limits on this presidents executive orders?

Picker, I agree with your last two posts, but as far as what Obama can do...well he got Obama care passed, as well as other big ticket things. So I guess he can do something about the patriot act. And since when has there been any limits on this presidents executive orders?

Huge limits on the use of executive orders - you can read up on the history and how they can and can't be used to do.

You need to remember that its the congress that creates all the laws - pres just signs. It's easy to target the pres since he is high profile but its typically the congress that has a much greater impact on the laws of the land.

Picker, I agree with your last two posts, but as far as what Obama can do...well he got Obama care passed, as well as other big ticket things. So I guess he can do something about the patriot act. And since when has there been any limits on this presidents executive orders?

And "obamacare" had to make it through congress before the pres could sign it into law. Just like every other law - has to go through congress.

Congress is being made irrelevent.

I know obamacare had to get through congress but that was played dirty with payoffs.

The house has voted 37 times to repeal it.

I know obamacare had to get through congress but that was played dirty with payoffs.

Payoffs - unlike every other bill ever passed in this country which is done purely on merit with no back room dealing!! Hello - mcfly - you just defined "political process". Don't tell me you are just figuring this out know??

LOL! No I am not "just figuring this out" LOL!!!!!! At least you admit there was back room dealing for obamacare. As condescending as your post was I did find it funny! LOL!!!


LOL! No I am not "just figuring this out" LOL!!!!!! At least you admit there was back room dealing for obamacare. As condescending as your post was I did find it funny! LOL!!!

Back room deals on every bill ever passed. How do you think Washington works? Not trying to be condescending but I would assume most folks now how Washington works.

It's like when I read posts about people complaining that Obama is pushing his agenda. Hello people he is an elected politician. Elected politicians are elected to push their agendas. Do people think they are elected to push the other parties agenda?? That's why we have elections. People just can't be this naive??

Picker, most if not all folks know how this works. My point is it is done dirty and thats not ok. Arent you the one always saying no free passes? The condescending part was the Mcfly comment. Funny, but condescending...by the way, Back to the Future was one of my favorite movies of the eightys. All of them.

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Picker, most if not all folks know how this works. My point is it is done dirty and thats not ok. Arent you the one always saying no free passes? The condescending part was the Mcfly comment. Funny, but condescending...by the way, Back to the Future was one of my favorite movies of the eightys. All of them.

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Got you. I like to drop a mcfly here and there - no insult intended.

My only point is that every single bill is passed by doing a ton of back room deals. That's part of the democratic process. It's why most bills have "pork" attached to them. That's what was given to a congressperson to secure their vote for the bill. I guess if you don't like the bill you call that "buying the vote" or dirty tricks but this is the democratic process created by our founding fathers.

You know how many votes were bought to get the constitution passed? Point being this process has been going on since the very beginning. It's like sinclears "the jungle". It's ugly seeing how the sausage is made.


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