On another note - drone strikes - they dont mind killing Americans

I agree, it is a touchy situation. The problem is if the govt can just take someone out and claim they are a terrorist than where does it stop? After all many on the left call people on the right terrorists. I don't like opening the door up to slippery slopes...

don't know where it stops, but I do recall where it started. the previous administration passed a law that let them collect all emails and phone calls if they thought you may be talking to a terrorist. and without a warrant in spite of the constitution

Picker, your right drones don't kill people, people kill people. Same as with guns...

Jeff, that wasn't right either.
More proof of that slippery slope!

Picker, your right drones don't kill people, people kill people. Same as with guns...

Exactly my point - you caught it. And they are just "inanimate objects" also. I think that's from the NRA sound bite handbook too.

whitewater was clinton wasn't it?
Whitewater controversy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Whitewater controversy (also called the Whitewater scandal, or simply Whitewater) began with investigations into the real estate investments of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates, Jim and Susan McDougal in theWhitewater Development Corporation, a failed business venture in the 1970s and 1980s.
A New York Times article written during the 1992 U.S. presidential campaign reported that Clinton and his wife had invested and lost money in the Whitewater development project.[SUP][1][/SUP]
David Hale, the source of criminal allegations against President Clinton in the Whitewater affair, claimed in November 1993 that Clinton, while governor of Arkansas, pressured him to provide an illegal $300,000 loan to Susan McDougal, the partner of the Clintons in the Whitewater land deal.[SUP][2][/SUP] Clinton supporters regarded Hale's allegations as questionable, as Hale had not mentioned Clinton in reference to this loan during the original FBI investigation of Madison Guaranty in 1989. Only after coming under indictment for this in 1993 did Hale make allegations against the Clintons.[SUP][3][/SUP]
A U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigation did result in convictions against the McDougals for their role in the Whitewater project, but the Clintons themselves were never prosecuted, as three separate inquiries found insufficient evidence linking them with the criminal conduct of others related to the land deal.[SUP][4][/SUP] Bill Clinton's successor as Arkansas Governor, Jim Guy Tucker, was also convicted and served time in prison for his role in the fraud. Susan McDougal later served 18 months in prison for contempt of court for refusing to answer any questions relating to Whitewater, and was later granted a pardon by President Clinton just before leaving office.
The term Whitewater is also sometimes used to include other controversies from the Bill Clinton administration, especially those such as Travelgate, Filegate, and the circumstances surrounding Vince Foster's death, that were investigated by the Whitewater Independent Counsel.[SUP][5][/SUP]


Susan McDougal later served 18 months in prison for contempt of court for refusing to answer any questions relating to Whitewater, and was later granted a pardon by President Clinton just before leaving office.

don't know where it stops, but I do recall where it started. the previous administration passed a law that let them collect all emails and phone calls if they thought you may be talking to a terrorist. and without a warrant in spite of the constitution

don't know where it stops, but I do recall where it started. the previous administration passed a law that let them collect all emails and phone calls if they thought you may be talking to a terrorist. and without a warrant in spite of the constitution

It's funny how done people forget just when the so called "patriot act" started that opened the floodgate for our loss of rights.

I find it very very very funny that my conservative friends didnt mind when bush passed it and now are up in arms under Obama. On the flip side my lib friends though bush was creating the Gestapo society and now are silent that Obama is doing the same thing!! People both parties are in on the gig. Do you really think there is a difference. Off to the pastures you go sheeple.

Notice I don't agree with the patriot act...

Notice I don't agree with the patriot act...

Yet I'm not sure why you think this is all a "liberal" thing? Last time I checked so called "conservatives" have done plenty to erode our constitutional rights. Just just historical fact - correct?

it's a 'politician thing' they are all the same when they get elected

Picker, I blame Obama for not stopping the practice. Bush has not been president for many years now.

maybe I missed something, have there been drone strikes here?

If you to ask that question You would probably hear I don't know, I forgot, let me look into it I'll get back to you, I'll plead the fifth. What difference does it make. Ask that again and the IRS will pay you a visit, if it happened Rush Limbaugh did it. My teleprompter is out I can't answer Next Question.

Picker, I blame Obama for not stopping the practice. Bush has not been president for many years now.

The previous administration was a long time ago??

So the administration that created the law bears no responsibility only the administration that continues the law? Ill let you decide if you think that is logical or not.

And here is the problem; Presidents as one individual , rightly or wrongly are only a firebrand for these legislative inactments, less we forget the fact that to become law, both houses of Congress need to pass it! Exec. Priveledge, can also be overridden By Congress. The root of the problem is that emotion and agendas have taken the place of common sense and due diligence in completing the country's business.

Just a word of warning to all aspiring citizens of the US, if you plan on heading down the terrorist road to employment, don't move out of the country, cause you will be "droned"

And here is the problem; Presidents as one individual , rightly or wrongly are only a firebrand for these legislative inactments, less we forget the fact that to become law, both houses of Congress need to pass it! Exec. Priveledge, can also be overridden By Congress. The root of the problem is that emotion and agendas have taken the place of common sense and due diligence in completing the country's business.

Just a word of warning to all aspiring citizens of the US, if you plan on heading down the terrorist road to employment, don't move out of the country, cause you will be "droned"

And so you should be if you plan on attacking the US. But don't be afraid of the drone it is just an "inanimate object" and has never killed anyone.

Picker, I never said Bush bears no responsibility, but he is out of power now. Obama is in power and can stop it. But he sits there and does nothing.

Let me revise that statement. Obama doesn't just sit there and do nothing about the patriot act. He expanded it! Remember the huge underground storage facility that has been built for digital storage?

Let me revise that statement. Obama doesn't just sit there and do nothing about the patriot act. He expanded it! Remember the huge underground storage facility that has been built for digital storage?

Yes, but I hold both responsible. Repubs/conservatives don't get a free pass in my book.

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