I didn't see if your statement was answered yet, but it is only against forum rules to link to another forum. I mention Feldman's LDM Forum, Steve Herschbach's Detector Prospector Forum, Desert USA, and a few others, and have never heard a peep from a Mod. I have forgotten, and posted links to other forums and had them quickly taken down.
The Olber's Manifest is certainly a conversation from awhile back, so my memory can't be relied on. No doubt you were part of that discussion, but to be truthful, I don't recall your being part of the "team" that went after the facts. Paul did most of the heavy lifting as I remember, finding the record of where some of the manifest was "lifted" from existing records. We certainly covered it to some very minute details. My problem here is that I hate to see Mrs. Corbin's reputation being drug through the weeds. I have read all of the books she authored, some not having anything to do with the LDM, and she was a fine author.
A transcription is a copy of another document, not to be confused as the original document.
As an aside, I did find both Jacob Waltz's and Jacob Wiser's (more than one of each) in records from the Civil War.
Good luck,
I am right with you on the memory thing. A couple of times (ONLY a couple HAHAHA), I would have sworn on a Bible that I was right about something (and it was always about something I DID!), only to have been proven wrong. I vowed never to make the same mistake again (if I could help it). As you said, that discussion started a long time ago. I don't even think I started posting about the Dutchman until about 2006. I was busy chasing down a large box of research left by Chuck Kenworthy regarding Anza-Borrego (CA) and the Lost Gonzalez Mine (still not finished with that monster).
In light of my previous statement, I went back to our source (Feldman's Forum), Novice started the whole thing on 04 May 2005. You had good input (except for your "good source" about Tom K being Mrs Corbin's Source for the manifest HAHAHA). I read 22 pages of Roger, Novice, and a couple of others researching the hell out of the story, Bill behaving horribly, and you Redison, Dutch Elm Disease bickering (granted, it was about them casting aspersions at Mrs Corbin who could not answer or defend herself, and a very good reason for a fight [in my eyes]). Up until I began posting, not one of the researchers had directly contacted the ISTG, and NOBODY before my FIRST post had compared the blocks of passenger lists of other ships for matches. My first post was in 2011:
View attachment 1246776
Cubfan posted the next post after mine a day later (13 April 2011):
Looks like we found the same information about the same time. I alluded to it first, but he posted a link first.
I also was the first (in five years) to directly contact the ISTG:
That was my original email to the ISTG after a nice phone conversation. This was their first response:
Okay, so the original passenger list may have been destroyed. My research found that a significant portion of Passenger Records in the archives at the Port of New Orleans had been destroyed in a fire many years earlier. So it sounded plausible. So.......I scanned the pic of the Olbers Manifest and emailed it to the very lovely person of Mrs Zanon (who helped me immeasurably in researching several things with the ISTG [not only Olbers[). This was her reply:
This (while not the answer I was hoping for) answered any question in my mind as to the authenticity of The Olbers Manifest as presented in The Bible on the LDM. It was a fraudulently prepared document.
Still wanting to be ABSOLUTELY certain of my work, I looked for some kind of period verification. I scoured old newspapers. I started seeing the "MARINE INTELLIGENCE REPORTS" daily in the New Orleans Times Picayune. I found the issue from 17 November 1839 (which I posted here for the first time):
There was my period documented absolute proof that no Ship Olbers had made port in New Orleans as stated by the "Bible" Olbers Manifest. I congratulated Paul, and proceeded to show specifics as to which names had been cut and pasted, and how it was done:
Comparing manifest entries is LOOOOOONG and tedious work. I started with a much earlier date than Paul did. He got to 1846 before I had. I started with the ISTG Olbers Manifest for 1836, and started working newer.
So, in a couple of days (April 12th and 13th), Paul and I put the final nails in the coffin of that document.
Maybe you care to explain again how I didn't have anything to do with researching or verifying the Olbers Manifest? I may not have started until long after the conversation began, but I was definitely one of the ones that ended it. Y'alls research basically ended in 2006. There were a couple of posts after that, but nothing from 2006 until 2010, when you outed Matthew as being the source for the manifest. I just couldn't believe that none of you had contacted the ISTG Directly or compared ship manifest entries in five years.