I'm going to get into the weeds here a bit. Feel free to skip this post if your head is already exploding with info overload.
I can not screen shot the meat of the manifest as published in Ms. Corbin's book. Mike, if you can add that I think it would advance understanding here.
I've included below a copy of an actual period manifest record and the transcribed version of a portion of it from ISTG records, compliments of Ancestry.
This is the ship "Mississippi" and its arrival in the port of New Orleans on July 16, 1846. I have included this record for two reasons.
The first: Its one of the ship records (but not the only one) that information was "lifted" from to create the fake Olbers Manifest under discussion. Interesting in and of itself.
The second: To show you what an original manifest looks like and what a transcribed one from ISTG looks like. If Mike is kind enough to furnish the screen shot from Ms. Corbin's book of the names list you will see the style is very similar to the ISTG format - as to the PASSENGER list. I feel, certainly not exact, but similar.
The lead in info from the Captain that Mike furnished us is OBVIOUSLY not in the style of ISTG. But, its a little more sketchy as to the passenger list which does conform in type set and style to genuine ISTG prepared lists. I don't think Ms. Corbin was EVER under the impression she was looking at an 1839 document nor made any assertions that's what she was publishing. It was always portrayed as a modern transcription document. The comparison that needs to be made is whether or not the modern TRANSCRIPTION is close enough to fly under the radar as one done in the style of ISTG.
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