OI: Tell us your What? Who? And Why? No proof needed here.

Schliemann went looking for Troy with his Iliad in hand. That "myth" sent him on the journey to discover Troy. That cannot be disputed.

The "myth" as I posted earlier was Homer's epic poem, but the existence of several Troys built on top on preceding Troys was well known for 3500 years, and was not a myth.
Schliemann knew the location of the Troy site, what he looked for "with Iliad in hand" WAS the Troy of Homer that "sent him on his journey".

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After I clicked the link and looked at what was there, my first thought was, "What in the blue eff does Oak Island have to do with the Cathars?" I figured that I must have missed or forgotten something. I ran a quick Google search. I saw that the Cathars were mentioned in Holy Blood, Holy Grail. And my next thought was, "Oh. We're back to that again."

Is there anything linking the Cathars to pirates, Templars, the Norse, Freemasons, or any other theory (however fringe) that's associated with Oak Island beyond mere speculation? Honest question.

After I clicked the link and looked at what was there, my first thought was, "What in the blue eff does Oak Island have to do with the Cathars?" I figured that I must have missed or forgotten something. I ran a quick Google search. I saw that the Cathars were mentioned in Holy Blood, Holy Grail. And my next thought was, "Oh. We're back to that again."

Is there anything linking the Cathars to pirates, Templars, the Norse, Freemasons, or any other theory (however fringe) that's associated with Oak Island beyond mere speculation? Honest question.

No speculation, you had asked why a certain priory group would need anonymity. My answer was to show what used to happen to those engaged in a dangerous work.
There are many who believe that the Cathars held the Grail secret. Otto Rahn found evidence that something important was secretly carried off Montsegur a couple of nights before the murders during an important Cathar religious observance. It is common knowledge that the Knights Templars of the Languedoc were well connected to the Cathars (easy to check out). The last Cathar was executed in 1321, when led to the stake he stated "in 700 years the laurel will turn green again".
We already know that I for one believe a few Templars brought something to Nova Scotia through Oak Island.
Cheers, Loki

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I was connected to a Catheter once, didn't lead to Oak Island though:dontknow:

No speculation, you had asked why a certain priory group would need anonymity. My answer was to show what used to happen to those engaged in a dangerous work.

Any sect of Christianity that deviated too far from Catholicism, and got too large, could expect such treatment during that era. There were "heresies" that were much less crazy than the Cathars that received similar treatment. All that you had to do was preach something other than strict church doctrine, gain enough followers, and you could expect unfavorable attention sooner or later. No church- or Earth-shattering secrets were required.

There are many who believe that the Cathars held the Grail secret.

Who? Based on what?

Otto Rahn found evidence that something important was secretly carried off Montsegur a couple of nights before the murders during an important Cathar religious observance. It is common knowledge that the Knights Templars of the Languedoc were well connected to the Cathars (easy to check out). The last Cathar was executed in 1321, when led to the stake he stated "in 700 years the laurel will turn green again".

What evidence of something important being carried off? Solid evidence, or circumstantial evidence coupled with speculation?

We already know that I for one believe a few Templars brought something to Nova Scotia through Oak Island.

You have mentioned this once or twice in the past. :)

Any sect of Christianity that deviated too far from Catholicism, and got too large, could expect such treatment during that era. There were "heresies" that were much less crazy than the Cathars that received similar treatment. All that you had to do was preach something other than strict church doctrine, gain enough followers, and you could expect unfavorable attention sooner or later. No church- or Earth-shattering secrets were required.

Who? Based on what?

What evidence of something important being carried off? Solid evidence, or circumstantial evidence coupled with speculation?

You have mentioned this once or twice in the past. :)

Your first statement only shows you don't know too much about that aspect of history! The Cathars were persecuted to extinction, even though Bernard de Clairvaux who was sent to preach against the members actually spoke highly of them. This was the same Bernard de Clairvaux who was responsible for and championed the Knights Templar Order, coincidence?

Based on Otto Rahn's research and writings, several newer books on the subject, as well as the ancient grail romance "Parzival", the German "Ahnenerbe" and yes even "Holy Blood Holy Grail". The latter, which was researched in the 1970's, well before Al Gores internet, indeed had some mistakes, but it also made some points that have not been disproved.

Evidence, read links to each of above.

You had mentioned no credible links between the Cathars and the Knights Templar Order, I hope you researched this since it does become important.

As for Rennes le Chateau, which you haven't yet questioned, there were papers discovered which were central to the HBHG theme, btw, do you know what that theme was? One item that gives credence to the missing tombstone from Rennes that was so important to the story is the fact that it was actually very well recorded by a historian in 1905, before any possible thought of a hoax. I have received a copy of that recording from the local historical society in its original french form.

Btw, there is not enough room in this forum or any other to tell the whole story, only being possible to pique interest

Cheers, Loki

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Btw, there is not enough room in this forum or any other to tell the whole story, only being possible to pique interest

Does that statement apply to the opposing view?

i have read every post here. i must agree with the positive and negative reading. i have no idea anymore what went on with the island. i guess i need to see some real treasure which to me anyway would be gold or silver bars or coin. with say, the lost dutchman mine and the adams diggins there is or are records or actual gold items to look at which are purported to be from those two sites. i have seen no signs of what some of us call actual mineral treasure being located, that that information has been released to the public. ball must have found something buried there, most likely very shallow items to advance in life as he did but i would guess that was pirate items that someone never came back to retrieve. but somehow that is just a bit out there for me also. oh for a wayback machine huh guys.


There are a whole bunch of avenues that will lead one to where the Ark of the Covenant of God is located.

First, solve the mystery of the Beale Treasure and it's encoded DOI
Second, go against all your believes you have ever learned in life.
Three, Decode the KJV of the Holy Bible.
Four, Learn everything you can about our Founding Fathers and how this country was formed.
Fifth, Learn everything about the Rosary Cross, Rosalyn Chapel, Knight's Templar especially about 1307, then learn of the freemasons in America.
Sixth, You will have to know Gematria. Decipher the folios, sonnets of Shakespeare. Read all the books by Sir Walter Raleigh.
Seventh, Learn about Herdewke and Ralph de Sudeley and his sons. Especially the one called "Atoul" which is "Atwell"
Eighth, Read everything about Christopher Columbus. Also the voyage of the Mayflower and her personal log.
Ninth, Everything you can read on Jamestown, Williamsburg, Plymouth Rock, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.
Tenth, Do all of this in reverse and add another 99 items to read and learn.
Then you will be able to find out where the Ark of the Covenant of God is located today.

None of the above list can support the premise that the Ark of the Covenant ever made it to North America, or that the "Adventures and Strangers on the Mayflower removed it in 1620", or that the Founding Fathers recovered it and other Holy Relics and hide them with directions encoded in the Declaration of Independence.
This is an example of gathering random facts and creating an unrelated to those original facts, lore to fit a pet theory.

Franklin, some of us deal in facts, not wild fantasies that we've whipped up in our heads simply because we want to believe that unrealistic supernatural organizations have hidden super secret massive stashes of unfathomable treasure all over the globe.
You don't deal in facts Franklin, you deal in man made fictions and then you spread that fiction as if it is some type of fact bearing knowledge.
You are one of the reason why so many legends continue to be sensationalized beyond human capacities.
In all of these massive conspiracies that you have propagated over the years can you just post one cold hard fact to support any of them? No, of course not. Enough said...
...and this is why doubts are raised and questions are asked.
Not one real cold hard fact has ever been presented in support of this current theory.

Wow! Apparently most of history has been contrived to hide something that may not have actually existed in reality. And last accounts of the Arc it had stopped working. Otherwise the Jews would not have needed Great Britain to rob the Palestinians and give them Israel in 1948.

It is likely a mistake to take The Bible (King James version or others) as a historical work. Last I knew there had been no archeological evidence uncovered of the existence of a "King David" or kingdom of any size in the Levant region when he should have existed. But I guess if The Bible is simply a code book cipher that would explain a lot. Must be that was all moved to Oak Island by the Puritans as well.

And probably not a single one of them had any shipbuilding skills. Not the sharpest bunch of grapes in the vineyard by all accounts.

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... It is an awful shame to put one's whole life into a search and get three feet from what you are looking for and then be stopped by the United States Government. No treasure hunter can know that feeling.
The Secret Society of Men that buried these treasures made it that way, so no individual alone could recover any one of these treasures.
To do it legally it takes the government's approval even if you have millionaire investors to foot the bill. To do it on the sly will not work either.
So the treasures will remain and they most likely will remain there forever...
So you can either believe me or not fellow Treasurenet posters. It really does not make a difference.

Let me say, the Confederate Treasury Gold and tons more have been located.
The "Holy Grail" has been located.
The "Ark of the Covenant of God" has been located.
Whether you believe that or not I simply do not care.
Who were/are the "SECRET SOCIETY OF MEN" that hid all these fabulous treasures?

It is rough when things are beyond one's comprehension. But it is there. Keep looking.

It is rough when things are beyond one's comprehension. But it is there. Keep looking.

It's not so rough in this case. Apparently understating is of no benefit to skepticism; financial or educational.

... When we are taught about the Pilgrims, the history books do not tell of us of the Adventurers Group that they were indebted to for seven years after they got here.
They do not tell us about the other group with them called the "Strangers" ...
The "adventurers" signed on for 1 year, to help establish and defend this new colony from hostiles.
The so called"strangers" were not members of the Separatist (Pilgrim) congregation, composed of the captain and crew, and the adventurers.
No mystery there.
There is NO ships log of the Mayflower's voyage to the New World in existence.
But...The Mayflower will sail again:

geez. A lot of people forget about Darcy O'conner. He was there at the time these discoveries were made. He was regarded, at that time, as the foremost expert on OI.

In his own words from in search of...

"D'Arcy O'Connor, a Montreal journalist and considered the leading expert on the Oak Island enigma, reported in 1976, "I have seen the coconut fiber that has been brought up. I have seen reports by the Smithsonian and by independent botanists stating that it is definitely coconut fiber. I have seen carbon-dating results that Triton has gotten showing that it's several hundreds of years old, that it's not glacial wood that they're finding under the ground. The metal that they're finding is pre-1750, and it's coming deep from under the ground. So, there's no possible way that it's a natural phenomenon or a hoax. Someone was there at some time, and I can only assume to bury something of great value."

So you can rule out natural. I don't even see how you can think so.

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