Odyssey Explorer seized in Limassol

Arqueonautas is going belly up - not only have sued me and lost, but also, because I am such a vindictive guy, they have lost their license for Mozambique and their clothes deal with the Otto Group... ;)

As I keep saying, treasure hunting will, one of these days, belong to a museum, together with slavery and witchcraft. In the mean time, I am still waiting for Mel Fisher to returned all those "Spanish looted artifacts" back to the Peruvian and Bolivian people...

If you feel that way about treasure hunting what is your purpose for being here...?

"because I am such a vindictive guy"

Truer words have never been spoken.

Do they teach that on Underwater Archeological degrees or are your kin just born like that ?

No. Only when treasure hunters drag me to court and threaten my family will I go to such lenghts to really shut them down.

"because I am such a vindictive guy"

Truer words have never been spoken.

Do they teach that on Underwater Archeological degrees or are your kin just born like that ?

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Sorry your family was threatened. That is uncalled for. I would have the same response.

As I keep saying, treasure hunting will, one of these days, belong to a museum, together with slavery and witchcraft.

Slavery has always been around, and sadly always will be. Ditto on witchcraft. Ditto on treasure hunting. Your efforts are futile as the majority of museum support will continually come from the private sector, along with sound archaeology that you can't seem to acknowledge.

We are working hard so that one day academic archeology will be history. Your funding is drying up and your influence is very small. One day it will be privatized due to incompetent bureaucracy. There is no money in what academic archeologists do. It is a drain on our resources. States and universities spend millions so that a grad student can spend a week doing absolutely nothing. Archies couldn't find a piece of material on the sites we work. Too much work. Every major find that has been made recently has excited the public and got them more involved. Public opinion is on our side and history won't be on yours. Don't worry though you can still give your unwanted opinions on a forum that people interested in shipwrecks use to educate themselves. Academic archeology is just another work for incompetent bureaucracy.

"No. Only when treasure hunters drag me to court and threaten my family will I go to such lenghts to really shut them down"

And you never tried to shut them down or ever made vindictive comments before they took you to court ?

It would be a much better world if the academic world went about their business and let others go about theirs.

The academics have no more rights to our UCH than anybody else has.

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The world is shutting down on you... no more investors, no more good press for treasure hunting, no more friendly politicians... soon, you will all be as anachronistic as a floppy disk. ;)

"No. Only when treasure hunters drag me to court and threaten my family will I go to such lenghts to really shut them down"

And you never tried to shut them down or ever made vindictive comments before they took you to court ?

It would be a much better world if the academic world went about their business and let others go about theirs.

The academics have no more rights to our UCH than anybody else has.

Investors are breaking down the doors to get involved. I know of several projects getting fully funded for 2016. It's your funding that is being cut. Europe is in debt crisis and countries like Spain and Greece are near bankruptcy. You know nothing of what we do. We can record all the same data you do, although with better equipment. It's not hard to do what you do. Take pictures and draw sketches? Wow. You are irreplaceable. Hope that crow tastes good. Our side is winning in courts all around the world. UNESCO is very close to being exposed for their corrupt practices. Colombia is going to set the precedent.

No more good press? Do you follow the news at all? There has never been a year like 2015. We have had nothing but good press and are swaying public opinion to our side. You are doing nothing to prove your case. Making accusations only proves my point

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"The world is shutting down on you... no more investors, no more good press for treasure hunting, no more friendly politicians... soon, you will all be as anachronistic as a floppy disk"

You do make me laugh Alexandre, what planet do you live on ?

Plenty of investors, plenty of press, TV and media and loads of friendly politicians, you just need to get out more and see what's all around you :-)

Luckily you all shot yourself in the foot with your ill conceived and very flawed UNESCO convention, as most of you are now totally surplus to requirements, and you have given the governments every reason they needed to withdraw your funding.

No excavation = No artefacts to conserve or study = No jobs for conservators or archaeologist.

Still Alexandre I am sure you will soon get your five stars when serving in McDonalds, Big Mac Please :-)

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As I keep saying, treasure hunting will, one of these days, belong to a museum, together with slavery and witchcraft. In the mean time, I am still waiting for Mel Fisher to returned all those "Spanish looted artifacts" back to the Peruvian and Bolivian people...

Are you serious... heh... lol.
Like that would ever friggin happen.

Too bad the state did not take the deal that Mel offered them at the time.
Now the State does not even own so much as one cannon from Atocha.

Mel offered ... A fair Split... Everyone wins... State said no...
So... Off to the Supreme court they go... Where the court ruled against a State...
Do you realize what this means in our country ?

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AARC, times have changed. There are many times a State has lost against the Feds.

I see with the latest recovery, history has repeated itself with Odyssey. With the SSCA, Odyssey worked an existing Admiralty Arrest, and hoped that the Court would side with RLP (and them). The Court did, and they were lucky. Then again, ownership of the recovery has not yet been determined, after what, 2 years now? Odyssey worked for a day rate plus percentage on the SSCA, how has that worked out so far.

Now, the same scenario repeats itself. Working a claim for a day rate. Since all legitimate work has been stopped or taken away ( Gairsoppa, Victory, Susssex) who are they working for, another secret project?

The artefacts landed in Cyprus, a similar situation to the UK ROW. Odyssey claims they have a permit, but what does that mean regarding ownership, it appears nothing, as the artefacts have been seized, and the authorities are doing an ownership search.
Antiquities is quite the market in those areas, as is the laws regarding them.

Odyssey is very careful to keep repeating the same story, they have a permit, it wasn't in Cypriot waters, and they have been paid a day rate. Everyone is well aware the project was off the coast of Lebanon, so why keep repeating? It is irrelevant, you landed the recovery in Cyprus, so stop acting so guilty.

If the project is legit, why all of the secrecy? Did they have a 'permit' to recovery an 'unknown sailing vessel"?

This is all pointing down the same road as the Mercedes. In this part of the world, they don't mess around with the laws regarding theft of antiquities.


Transport ministry official Alecos Michaelides told the Cyprus News Agency that the antiquities found on board the ship date back to the 18th century.

Limassol detective Yiannis Soteriades told reporters the authorities had informed Interpol about the seizure.
The items had been documented and numbered more than 600, mostly porcelain vessels which appear to be from a sunken ship.


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I would "assume" that what is being said by Odyssey... is exactly what Odyssey's lawyers instructed them to say...
And nothing more.

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If you feel that way about treasure hunting what is your purpose for being here...?

Alexandre, Is one of the worlds best underwater Archaeologist, He Love Treasure hunting , but won't sell any relics , He saves them so we may all see them.
I once asked him about what coins he had in his collection, HE Said None !
Mr Moderator , you should feel Privileged to have someone like Alexandre here on Tnet .
Some of us can only dream to have his knowledge

Alexandre, Is one of the worlds best underwater Archaeologist, He Love Treasure hunting , but won't sell any relics , He saves them so we may all see them.
I once asked him about what coins he had in his collection, HE Said None !
Mr Moderator , you should feel Privileged to have someone like Alexandre here on Tnet .
Some of us can only dream to have his knowledge

Don't feel privileged at all, not when he attacks the very purpose of the forum, comparing us to slavery and witchcraft.

We are primarily a treasure hunting forum, anyone who doesn't like treasure hunting doesn't really have a reason to be here..

As I keep saying, treasure hunting will, one of these days, belong to a museum, together with slavery and witchcraft.

Slavery and witchcraft... lol what a hoot.

You left out Torture.

Oh wait... that still exists... Those lame statements being a good example.

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Investors are breaking down the doors to get involved. I know of several projects getting fully funded for 2016. It's your funding that is being cut. Europe is in debt crisis and countries like Spain and Greece are near bankruptcy. You know nothing of what we do. We can record all the same data you do, although with better equipment. It's not hard to do what you do. Take pictures and draw sketches? Wow. You are irreplaceable. Hope that crow tastes good. Our side is winning in courts all around the world. UNESCO is very close to being exposed for their corrupt practices. Colombia is going to set the precedent.

No more good press? Do you follow the news at all? There has never been a year like 2015. We have had nothing but good press and are swaying public opinion to our side. You are doing nothing to prove your case. Making accusations only proves my point

Spain and Italy receive economic recovery boost - BBC News
Have you been under a rock ! I've just come back from a holiday to Spain, all over Spain. stunning place with warm and friendly people
Food and History to die for !
By the way I have been to the states 5 times .

Ehhh ?
What does your vacation to Spain have to do with this ?
I do not follow the correlation between the people of Spain and the food...
And the thirst its government has with shipwrecks containing huge amounts of valuables.


Glad you could visit the US... Did you visit any of our historical museums ?
Particularly museums dedicated to any Spanish Shipwreck(s) while you were here ?
How about a Spanish fort restored to its full glory and preservation ?

I think most would be proud to have these items on display in such a way as we do here.
Spain should be proud to have these places here for the world to admire.

And they are welcome to visit and brag about how cool it is...
And they can bring all the good food they want here if they desire...
We really like good food.

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Ehhh ?
What does your vacation to Spain have to do with this ?
I do not follow the correlation between the people of Spain and the food...
And the thirst its government has with shipwrecks containing huge amounts of valuables.

You been under a rock to !!
They own their shipwreck's , they are Spanish royal navy .
Your argument on thirst and greed go out the window ! They don't sell any of them off to anybody .
It cost the government money to build and maintain their museums

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