Odyssey Explorer seized in Limassol

LOOTED - an emotionally charged word used by arrogant, self-appointed experts to coerce sheepish politicians into passing laws that favor their view rather than to acknowledge other experts that have been trained as well, or better, who might actually inspire the public with their finds.

"Simple Definition of loot: something that is stolen or taken by force"

In my view, mankind's Underwater Cultural Heritage to be sold to private individuals. I had two judicial pronunciations that agree with my view on this...

LOOTED - an emotionally charged word used by arrogant, self-appointed experts to coerce sheepish politicians into passing laws that favor their view rather than to acknowledge other experts that have been trained as well, or better, who might actually inspire the public with their finds.


I would think the proper word would be "Salvaged".

"Simple Definition of loot: something that is stolen or taken by force"

In my view, mankind's Underwater Cultural Heritage to be sold to private individuals. I had two judicial pronunciations that agree with my view on this...

So everything that Spain took from the new world was "loot", stolen from the people there...

Ossy you might be right but if it wasn't for the private sector these wonderful artifacts would never be available for study. All commercial treasure hunters study and record every artifact they find. Usually only duplicate gold and silver items are sold to pay for the excavation.

Odyssey salvaged the 18th century "Blue Plate" wreck and did not sell a single item. They have a wonderful museum in Tampa open to the public. You (and Alexandre) do not know what you are talking about.

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In my view, mankind's Underwater Cultural Heritage to be sold to private individuals.

Your view bites the hand that feeds you. More museums are supported by the private sector than any other source.

"As you see from the accompanying graph, the typical U.S. museum derives just over 24 percent of its operating revenue from such sources. Over the years, the bulk of this has come from state and local governments, with a small percentage coming from the federal level. This revenue stream is trending downward..."
Read more: You Asked: How Are Museums Supported Financially in the United States? | IIP Digital
museum funding.webp

To take something that belongs to someone is to steal / loot...

This does not apply to things that are "lost"...
And to take something that is lost...

I think that anyone that gets upset that someone else has "achieved" something...
Has a case of jealousy... greed or has serious control issues.

The only thing OMEX is guilty of is actually doing very good deep water archaeology, that unfortunately gets right up the noses of many Academic Archaeologist and the desk bound Heritage Managers who support them, most of whom lack the skill, motivation, drive and ambition to put together projects of their own.

Time and time again Academia have shown that they would rather put outdated socialist idiology in front of the actual protection of UCH and the pursuit and the dissemination of the knowledge of our historical past.

If they were in the medical profession, they would ignore a cure for cancer if it came from a tobacco industry funded laboratory or treatments to prevent infant mortality if it came from a abortion clinic etc.

It is a very good job we have the likes of OMEX the Fishers and Arqueonautas etc, who are filling in the gaps in the historical record and presenting history of our seafaring past to millions of people in a format that they understand, whilst at the same time as sparking their interest in shipwreck, maritime & general history and the underwater world at large.

Our UCH is owned by the public and should be used for preserving knowledge and not for preserving state funded jobs.

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The only thing OMEX is guilty of is actually doing very good deep water archaeology, that unfortunately gets right up the noses of many Academic Archaeologist and the desk bound Heritage Managers who support them, most of whom lack the skill, motivation, drive and ambition to put together projects of their own.

Time and time again Academia have shown that they would rather put outdated socialist idiology in front of the actual protection of UCH and the pursuit and the dissemination of the knowledge of our historical past.

If they were in the medical profession, they would ignore a cure for cancer if it came from a tobacco industry funded laboratory or treatments to prevent infant mortality if it came from a abortion clinic etc.

It is a very good job we have the likes of OMEX the Fishers and Arqueonautas etc, who are filling in the gaps in the historical record and presenting history of our seafaring past to millions of people in a format that they understand, whilst at the same time as sparking their interest in shipwreck, maritime & general history and the underwater world at large.

Our UCH is owned by the public and should be used for preserving knowledge and not for preserving state funded jobs.

Well said.

And Furthermore....
Who died and made anyone "custodian" of the worlds lost items anyway.
Who ?
Get real... everyone is out for the same damn thing... some just like to think "they" are the "ones"... and no one else is "worthy" and "meets the criteria" set forth by the same people who ***** and whine about someone else finding it first.
Its like when we were in kindergarten...
You cannot play with my marbles !

Stuck up control freak wanna be's who are pissed off some else just IS the guy deep down they really want to be...
But never had the balls...
And OBVIOUSLY the spirits of the past guiding them to be the "one" who finds it.

IF it was meant for ANYONE to find ANYTHING... They would have.
IF you did not...

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Well, for some 2,000 years ago she was called "recovered", then by 1955 it was renamed "plundered". As it will be called in 2400?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]From Omex[/FONT]

"The media reports seem to be a bit blown out of proportion. Here’s what happened: Based upon an incorrect report that Odyssey had been recovering antiquities of Cypriot origin from within Cypriot territorial waters, Cypriot authorities boarded the Odyssey Explorer in port in Limassol on December 23. The authorities were professional and polite and requested to take the artifacts to their experts to see if they were ancient Cypriot artifacts. They also requested documentation for the operating area of the ship.

Odyssey has been working on deep-ocean archaeological project under contract in the Eastern Mediterranean. While we have used Cyprus as a location for port calls, no recovery operations have been conducted in Cypriot territorial waters, which will be very easy for the authorities to confirm. The Cypriot authorities have already confirmed the artifacts are not of Cypriot origin

We’ve been operating legally and have nothing to hide – we expect the issue to be resolved quickly.

We have been paid for our work to date on the project."

OH and one more thing...
What about "LUCK" ?
OR "Destiny" ?

What about the spririt of said "items" ?
Ever think that it plays a part in "WHO"

Like WHO it wants to be found by ?... sounds corny I know...
But it sure seems to be a rather large "coincidence" that many who claim items belong to them are NOT the ones who actually find them.
To me this says a lot.
If the spirits of these items wanted you to be the one who found them.
You already would have.

Like scavengers looking for a carcass killed by another hunter.

This is political BS... always has been.
As long as the cost comes at someone's else's expense.
They claim it is "for the interest of the people"...

But the simple fact is...
The general "people" are not interested... most could care less...
No one really wants to see "only the big guys win".
They like the underdog over the Tyrant in any fight.
Only the interested / people who will benefit by the claiming... are interested in such things...
No one else gives two Shytes.

Ask anyone on the street... go ahead... walk up to the average "joe blow" and ask them...
Ask them if they think it is fair that if you find something that someone can just take it from you.
Take a vote...
Then tell me "its for the people". heh

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I watched this when I was young to the guy I idolized... who was a great man.
Who I might point out ... won.

And just so you know... If I ever find anything of historical / heritage value...
I would gladly donate it anyway.
So the heck with you if you don't like what I have to say...
That's just the way I am.

BUT... I would at least expect a "Thank you" and some sort of pat on the back.
NOT... a "screw you... you should have left it alone".

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Arqueonautas is going belly up - not only have they sued me and lost, but also, because I am such a vindictive guy, they have lost their license for Mozambique and their clothes deal with the Otto Group... now, it seems that they will also deal with the Police: if you excavate enough, you will find the dirt. ;)

As I keep saying, treasure hunting will, one of these days, belong to a museum, together with slavery and witchcraft. In the mean time, I am still waiting for Mel Fisher to returned all those "Spanish looted artifacts" back to the Peruvian and Bolivian people...

It is a very good job we have the likes of OMEX the Fishers and Arqueonautas etc, who are filling in the gaps in the historical record and presenting history of our seafaring past to millions of people in a format that they understand, whilst at the same time as sparking their interest in shipwreck, maritime & general history and the underwater world at large.

Our UCH is owned by the public and should be used for preserving knowledge and not for preserving state funded jobs.

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