The only thing OMEX is guilty of is actually doing very good deep water archaeology, that unfortunately gets right up the noses of many Academic Archaeologist and the desk bound Heritage Managers who support them, most of whom lack the skill, motivation, drive and ambition to put together projects of their own.
Time and time again Academia have shown that they would rather put outdated socialist idiology in front of the actual protection of UCH and the pursuit and the dissemination of the knowledge of our historical past.
If they were in the medical profession, they would ignore a cure for cancer if it came from a tobacco industry funded laboratory or treatments to prevent infant mortality if it came from a abortion clinic etc.
It is a very good job we have the likes of OMEX the Fishers and Arqueonautas etc, who are filling in the gaps in the historical record and presenting history of our seafaring past to millions of people in a format that they understand, whilst at the same time as sparking their interest in shipwreck, maritime & general history and the underwater world at large.
Our UCH is owned by the public and should be used for preserving knowledge and not for preserving state funded jobs.