Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

It seems simple enough for me, a small island where crop land is premium and swamp land is unusable. Why waste good land on a road.
second, horses get better traction on stone cobble roads than they do on wood plank or dirt, especially when pulling a load.
the island had a boat dock...no doubt
supplies were delivered to the island from the mainland.....no doubt
those supplies needed to be transported from the boat dock by wagon....no doubt

so far....I do not see any indication of a treasure existing.

please leave any treasure rants out of this particular discussion. there is a strange man made structure in the swamp. it is that that i am wondering about.

again i ask, do you agree that there was a huge project on this tiny island? i am wondering why.

to load or unload cargo just does not add up. any supplies brought to the island would be to sustain individuals or for promote farming operations. no city = no commerce. no real pasture land so i would think only a small number of animals. i seem to recall reading that occasionally, animals were brought there to graze. as for products being shipped out, other than Ball's cabbage, what was produced there? so i am left to wonder which is more likely: build a dock in a swamp, then build this massive path to move the unloaded goods, OR BUILD A DOCK IN A COVE AND BE DONE WITH IT

also, any supplies moved on the island were most likely on the backs of men and and animals anything larger than a cart would seem foolish on such a tiny island

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The core samples taken indicate that it was never two islands. I suspect that the swamp was a seasonal wet area until the coast road was built, then it became a swamp proper.

on this i agree

If it is a cobble rock road than there could be some evidence of what it was used for in the width of the depressions for the wheel or skid ruts (rocks settle under load). If there are no ruts . . . what makes them think it was a "road". I haven'tseen an image.

if it were a road, the stones would necessarily be carefully set in place and made secure. the last thing anyone of those times would risk is losing valuable livestock to a broken leg on a poorly built road in a swamp. let's use the common sense thing again. how much produce would need to be moved on a 140 acre, mostly tree covered island? seriously

if it were a road, the stones would necessarily be carefully set in place and made secure. the last thing anyone of those times would risk is losing valuable livestock to a broken leg on a poorly built road in a swamp. let's use the common sense thing again. how much produce would need to be moved on a 140 acre, mostly tree covered island? seriously
First...ask yourself if it was tree covered in the mid 1700’s......I doubt that there are any old growth trees on OI today

if it were a road, the stones would necessarily be carefully set in place and made secure. the last thing anyone of those times would risk is losing valuable livestock to a broken leg on a poorly built road in a swamp. let's use the common sense thing again. how much produce would need to be moved on a 140 acre, mostly tree covered island? seriously

Agreed. That's why I was asking. Hereabouts we make corduroy roads with tree trunks for multi-season use in muddy spots. Seems like "Oak" Island would have wood handy.

Who can speculate on why they built a stone road....it may have been secure when it was built,
one thing is certain, they had rocks and stones, probably came from the fields they were trying to work. If you have ever seen the stone walls in New England, they go on and on and on, why build them? the simple answer is that it was the only thing that made sense, what else were they going to do with them? You cannot leave them where you found them.
one more point.....how many cabbages does ot take to become rich in Samuel Balls time? I would not be surprised if at that time, every square yard of workable land was utilized. If you have ever worked a farm for profit, you would agree.

First...ask yourself if it was tree covered in the mid 1700’s......I doubt that there are any old growth trees on OI today

you "doubt"......... sounds like speculation to make your point

you brow people for proof and then offer THAT. LOL

Agreed. That's why I was asking. Hereabouts we make corduroy roads with tree trunks for multi-season use in muddy spots. Seems like "Oak" Island would have wood handy.

again i ask, "why all that effort to save a few minutes of travel time?"

you "doubt"......... sounds like speculation to make your point

you brow people for proof and then offer THAT. LOL
I know you are trying real hard to come across as if you have a point to make or that you actually did research, I understand, that is why I use such big words as doubt, all for you my friend

Who can speculate on why they built a stone road....it may have been secure when it was built,
one thing is certain, they had rocks and stones, probably came from the fields they were trying to work. If you have ever seen the stone walls in New England, they go on and on and on, why build them? the simple answer is that it was the only thing that made sense, what else were they going to do with them? You cannot leave them where you found them.
one more point.....how many cabbages does ot take to become rich in Samuel Balls time? I would not be surprised if at that time, every square yard of workable land was utilized. If you have ever worked a farm for profit, you would agree.

Moe: "Hey Larry, let's build a road in a swamp"

Larry: "Sounds like a great idea to me"

Curley: "Neuck, neuck, neuck"

now the "only thing that makes sense" use stones to build a road in a swamp on a 140 acre island? are you kidding me? how about one of those wall you mention? more useful than a road into a swamp. they used to make houses out of stones. and barns.

common and practical sense people!

Moe: "Hey Larry, let's build a road in a swamp"

Larry: "Sounds like a great idea to me"

Curley: "Neuck, neuck, neuck"

now the "only thing that makes sense" use stones to build a road in a swamp on a 140 acre island? are you kidding me? how about one of those wall you mention? more useful than a road into a swamp. they used to make houses out of stones. and barns.

common and practical sense people!
You do not know if it was a swamp when the stone road was built, you also do not know who owned what part of that island or what that land was being used for.
you should heed your own advice...common sense indeed, LMFAO

Who can speculate on why they built a stone road....it may have been secure when it was built,
one thing is certain, they had rocks and stones, probably came from the fields they were trying to work. If you have ever seen the stone walls in New England, they go on and on and on, why build them? the simple answer is that it was the only thing that made sense, what else were they going to do with them? You cannot leave them where you found them.
one more point.....how many cabbages does ot take to become rich in Samuel Balls time? I would not be surprised if at that time, every square yard of workable land was utilized. If you have ever worked a farm for profit, you would agree.

where were these rocks coming from that they had nothing better to do or do with them then just build a wall..
Based on this thinking. Maybe the stones in the swamp came from the MP as it was being dug and they had nothing else to do with them so they built a road.. Neither of those statments makes any sense..

where were these rocks coming from that they had nothing better to do or do with them then just build a wall..
Based on this thinking. Maybe the stones in the swamp came from the MP as it was being dug and they had nothing else to do with them so they built a road.. Neither of those statments makes any sense..

Since a money pit treasure vault never existed, the stones didn’t come from there.

The explanation as to a stone path thru a muddy area folks needed to cross periodically is that it was easily built from all of the stones typically available on a rocky island.

Everything doesn’t need to somehow have templars behind its explanation....

where were these rocks coming from that they had nothing better to do or do with them then just build a wall..
Based on this thinking. Maybe the stones in the swamp came from the MP as it was being dug and they had nothing else to do with them so they built a road.. Neither of those statments makes any sense..
As the farmers plowed the field, they would turn up rocks.....that is where the rocks come from, but after a few seasons, there are no more rocks, or very few at least.

As the farmers plowed the field, they would turn up rocks.....that is where the rocks come from, but after a few seasons, there are no more rocks, or very few at least.

What's that? Farmers on oak island? Were these templar farmers?.....

You do not know if it was a swamp when the stone road was built, you also do not know who owned what part of that island or what that land was being used for.
you should heed your own advice...common sense indeed, LMFAO

I only looked at the previous two pages of this thread. Here is what i found:

In post #3459 YOU referred to the "swamp"
In post #3472 YOU referred to the "swamp"
In post #3474 YOU referred to the "swamp"
In post #3479 YOU referred to the "swamp"

Just maybe you could put more effort into being consistent, and less into snarky one liners.

As the farmers plowed the field, they would turn up rocks.....that is where the rocks come from, but after a few seasons, there are no more rocks, or very few at least.

while that along with many other theories on the swamps rock roads is possible, keep in mind when plowing a field with cows 300 years ago I'd think they would not be plowing any deeper then absolutly necessarily which means this island at one time was virtually covered with rocks just laying on top of the soil and sediment had just barely covered them over time before being farmed...and for some reason unknown to us currently they just had to build a road across a swamp vs going around it... All that is possible of course...

I only looked at the previous two pages of this thread. Here is what i found:

In post #3459 YOU referred to the "swamp"
In post #3472 YOU referred to the "swamp"
In post #3474 YOU referred to the "swamp"
In post #3479 YOU referred to the "swamp"

Just maybe you could put more effort into being consistent, and less into snarky one liners.
Go piss on someone elses parade, when you have a real point to make......come back, lol

Go piss on someone elses parade, when you have a real point to make......come back, lol

Now THAT is mature discussion.

Mommy not make your favorite cereal today?

... The Templars had made large scale discoveries of copper, tin and manganese in the New World...
There you have it. The Templars were not bringing treasure to put in that world famous hole, but were removing loads of copper, tin, and manganese thus creating that hole.

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