Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

But didn’t he also say that there was a 99% chance that it was in the swamp? as well as numerous other locations?

To begin, the original depositors dug a fairly wide shaft roughly 60-70 feet deep. At the bottom of the shaft they constructed a watertight vault and deposited the treasure inside the vault. The shaft with the vault is located in the vicinity of the cave in pit.

Once that was completed, the next step was to protect the treasure. To accomplish this, they measured roughly 10' in the direction of Smith's Cove and dug another shaft to the same depth. The Laginas call this second shaft "The cave-in pit". At the bottom of that shaft, they connected the two shafts by digging a tunnel between the two, then built a watertight door that could be opened and closed from above.

After that was completed, from the "Cave in pit" shaft, they dug a tunnel towards the bay at an upward angle ("Flood tunnel"). From there, the tunnel branched out into box drains, which were covered with coconut fiber to filter the water.

When this part of the system was completed, all they had to do was lift the watertight door and both shafts were flooded, thereby concealing the treasure vault. On the surface, it would look like a pond. It is also possible they filled the area around the treasure vault with boulders then covered it with dirt so anybody that was not supposed to find the treasure, would dig until they were stopped by water.

So.......How did they recover, or add to, the treasure?

The treasure vault was underwater, so they needed to create a method for draining the water out of that shaft. To accomplish this, they went inland several hundred feet and dug a shaft roughly 200-250' deep. This is known as the infamous "Money Pit".

Next, they started at the bottom of the treasure vault shaft, and dug a tunnel at a slight downward angle, which intercepted the "Money Pit" shaft at a depth of roughly 100 feet. Where the tunnel intercepted the shaft, they installed a second watertight door. The "Money Pit" was then filled in with dirt.

When they needed to recover the treasure, they closed the watertight door at the "Cave in Pit", dug out the dirt in the "Money Pit", and then opened the watertight door in the "Money Pit". The water flowed out of the treasure vault shaft, down the tunnel, and into the bottom of the "Money Pit".

While they were at the island, they would have used the "Money Pit" as an outhouse, place to dump trash, dispose of bodies, etc., which is why they found bones, paper, book binder, and pieces of pottery at the bottom of it.

When it was time to leave, they filled the "Money Pit" in with dirt; opened the watertight door in the "Cave in Pit" shaft, and the treasure vault was flooded again.

However, when they filled it back in with dirt, the bottom of the shaft had 100-150' of water at the bottom from when they drained the treasure vault shaft. As such, it would have turned into a muddy mess, thereby making it impossible to dig out when they returned at a later date. So.........in preparation for their return, they installed a platform every 10' feet so workers had something solid to stand on and could dig without falling into a pit of mud. Those are the "Wooden planks" found by Daniel McGinnis.

At 90 feet, they put a rock on the platform that said something along the lines of..............DIRECTLY BELOW YOU IS A TUNNEL FULL OF WATER. SHUT THE WATERTIGHT DOOR BEFORE DIGGING ANY FURTHER. McGinnis kept digging and proceeded to flood the "Money Pit" because the watertight door was not closed first.

It is worthy of mentioning the depositors intentionally left a pulley hanging from a tree, and a small depression at the "Money Pit", to draw attention away from the treasure vault shaft. In doing so, they knew anyone that was not supposed to be there would flood the "Money Pit" because they did not understand how the system worked.

Now for the most important part..........Where to dig?

When they arrived, they unloaded the treasure and moved it to the treasure vault shaft using the slipway. Therefore, from the slipway in Smith's Cove, mark a straight line heading inland from the left side of the slipway. Then, do the same for the right side. The treasure vault shaft will be found somewhere between those lines.

After looking at old photos and comparing them to the direction of the slipway in Smith's Cover, the treasure vault shaft is under the road next to the "Cave in pit". Thus, the reason nobody that excavated in that area found it..........They were driving over the top of it.

Albeit, the entire exercise is pointless because the treasure was moved long ago.

To begin, the original depositors dug a fairly wide shaft roughly 60-70 feet deep. At the bottom of the shaft they constructed a watertight vault and deposited the treasure inside the vault. The shaft with the vault is located in the vicinity of the cave in pit.

Once that was completed, the next step was to protect the treasure. To accomplish this, they measured roughly 10' in the direction of Smith's Cove and dug another shaft to the same depth. The Laginas call this second shaft "The cave-in pit". At the bottom of that shaft, they connected the two shafts by digging a tunnel between the two, then built a watertight door that could be opened and closed from above.

After that was completed, from the "Cave in pit" shaft, they dug a tunnel towards the bay at an upward angle ("Flood tunnel"). From there, the tunnel branched out into box drains, which were covered with coconut fiber to filter the water.

When this part of the system was completed, all they had to do was lift the watertight door and both shafts were flooded, thereby concealing the treasure vault. On the surface, it would look like a pond. It is also possible they filled the area around the treasure vault with boulders then covered it with dirt so anybody that was not supposed to find the treasure, would dig until they were stopped by water.

So.......How did they recover, or add to, the treasure?

The treasure vault was underwater, so they needed to create a method for draining the water out of that shaft. To accomplish this, they went inland several hundred feet and dug a shaft roughly 200-250' deep. This is known as the infamous "Money Pit".

Next, they started at the bottom of the treasure vault shaft, and dug a tunnel at a slight downward angle, which intercepted the "Money Pit" shaft at a depth of roughly 100 feet. Where the tunnel intercepted the shaft, they installed a second watertight door. The "Money Pit" was then filled in with dirt.

When they needed to recover the treasure, they closed the watertight door at the "Cave in Pit", dug out the dirt in the "Money Pit", and then opened the watertight door in the "Money Pit". The water flowed out of the treasure vault shaft, down the tunnel, and into the bottom of the "Money Pit".

While they were at the island, they would have used the "Money Pit" as an outhouse, place to dump trash, dispose of bodies, etc., which is why they found bones, paper, book binder, and pieces of pottery at the bottom of it.

When it was time to leave, they filled the "Money Pit" in with dirt; opened the watertight door in the "Cave in Pit" shaft, and the treasure vault was flooded again.

However, when they filled it back in with dirt, the bottom of the shaft had 100-150' of water at the bottom from when they drained the treasure vault shaft. As such, it would have turned into a muddy mess, thereby making it impossible to dig out when they returned at a later date. So.........in preparation for their return, they installed a platform every 10' feet so workers had something solid to stand on and could dig without falling into a pit of mud. Those are the "Wooden planks" found by Daniel McGinnis.

At 90 feet, they put a rock on the platform that said something along the lines of..............DIRECTLY BELOW YOU IS A TUNNEL FULL OF WATER. SHUT THE WATERTIGHT DOOR BEFORE DIGGING ANY FURTHER. McGinnis kept digging and proceeded to flood the "Money Pit" because the watertight door was not closed first.

It is worthy of mentioning the depositors intentionally left a pulley hanging from a tree, and a small depression at the "Money Pit", to draw attention away from the treasure vault shaft. In doing so, they knew anyone that was not supposed to be there would flood the "Money Pit" because they did not understand how the system worked.

Now for the most important part..........Where to dig?

When they arrived, they unloaded the treasure and moved it to the treasure vault shaft using the slipway. Therefore, from the slipway in Smith's Cove, mark a straight line heading inland from the left side of the slipway. Then, do the same for the right side. The treasure vault shaft will be found somewhere between those lines.

After looking at old photos and comparing them to the direction of the slipway in Smith's Cover, the treasure vault shaft is under the road next to the "Cave in pit". Thus, the reason nobody that excavated in that area found it..........They were driving over the top of it.

Albeit, the entire exercise is pointless because the treasure was moved long ago.

All of that was debunked many, many years ago.......no money pit, flood tunnels, etc. ever existed on oak island...anything stating otherwise is fiction....

Anyone else see a pattern here. Regardless of what anyone else says Singlestack has the same comment..

Anyone else see a pattern here. Regardless of what anyone else says Singlestack has the same comment..
Singlestack is right and your wrong !

Thank you soooooooooooooo much for that comment. Apparently he is GOD and knows everything past, future, and present... Let me ask you since you've popped in here out of the blue. If there never was a Money Pit dug by the original 3. What information did they give to the people/companies that came in to help them dig and there after. Did they tell them hey we live on this island and think there is treasure on it come over here and help us dig it up the whole place.. Is that truly what you think happenend.. Would you fall for that sells pitch...

There would not have been millions of dollars wasted over the past 225 years unless there was some truth to a belief that a treasure was on Oak Island in the first place. They would not have known where to dig had not a hole been dug by previous searchers. So THE BEGINNING A HOLE IN THE GROUND. Whether a block or tackle was hanging on the hung Oak Tree is only icing on the cake to entice would be investors to dig until they got to China.

Thank you soooooooooooooo much for that comment. Apparently he is GOD and knows everything past, future, and present... Let me ask you since you've popped in here out of the blue. If there never was a Money Pit dug by the original 3. What information did they give to the people/companies that came in to help them dig and there after. Did they tell them hey we live on this island and think there is treasure on it come over here and help us dig it up the whole place.. Is that truly what you think happenend.. Would you fall for that sells pitch...
You asked a for an opinion i gave you mine...out of the blue ? you can`t even see i`v been here 5 years longer than you do the math if you can ...just got tired of you cryin .

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yeah but you have been absent from this particular forum topic for a good while.. yes you gave your opinion which was just to agree with someone else. Guess you had no opinion on the question I asked you in my last post?
Also if Singlestack is correct and NO ONE EVER DUG A HOLE ON OAK ISLAND. How did we all get to this point.

yeah but you have been absent from this particular forum topic for a good while.. yes you gave your opinion which was just to agree with someone else. Guess you had no opinion on the question I asked you in my last post?
Also if Singlestack is correct and NO ONE EVER DUG A HOLE ON OAK ISLAND. How did we all get to this point.

Easily led, gullible folks believing in fictional tales. I’m confident a couple of the treasure digging companies started out thinking there was some truth but after digging hundreds of feet down in many locations finding nothing as well as destroying the beach at smith’s cove and discovering there were never any flood tunnels, they too pushed the narrative that a mysterious money pit with water traps and treasure existed......until investor’s money stopped coming in.

The most salient condemnation of the hoax was when Dan Blankenship admitted on the show a few seasons ago that there was no treasure. He too had milked the hoax for many years after confirming nothing had ever been on the island but common junk from human habitation.....

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yeah but you have been absent from this particular forum topic for a good while.. yes you gave your opinion which was just to agree with someone else. Guess you had no opinion on the question I asked you in my last post?
Also if Singlestack is correct and NO ONE EVER DUG A HOLE ON OAK ISLAND. How did we all get to this point.

Attempting to twist words again? A multitude of people dug/dig holes on hoax island......BUT there was never a hole dug to encase a vault containing the ultimate treasure of the ages with oak platforms, flood tunnels, etc.

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N2mini: Perhaps the real treasure they were seeking was the space/time warp tunnel Franklin discovered on the island. I’m thinking native Americans observed templars dial the gate code and disappear into the light then reappear later with wild tales about their experiences partying on Mars.......the Martians soon tired of the templars attempting to set up a scam banking system and shut down the space/time warp tunnel.

The Martians do use it occasionally to manipulate the stock market as well as fund cable tv shows until the interest dies and the revenue decreases....

There would not have been millions of dollars wasted over the past 225 years unless there was some truth to a belief that a treasure was on Oak Island in the first place.

Monumental efforts do not validate incorrect beliefs, but confirmation bias can fool people into thinking so.

Alchemists would not have spent over two millennia trying to turn base metals into gold unless there was some truth to a belief that the Philosopher's Stone existed, but here we are - no treasure, and no Philosopher's Stone. It didn't matter how hard all of those people believed in alchemy over several thousand years; at the end of the day, no one could turn lead into gold, and immortality remained a dream.

Just like Oak Island.

Originally Posted by n2mini
yeah but you have been absent from this particular forum topic for a good while.. yes you gave your opinion which was just to agree with someone else.
I read on Tnet most day this thread is just one...I don`t agree with you ...so ya i agree with someone else.

... If there never was a Money Pit dug by the original 3. What information did they give to the people/companies that came in to help them dig and there after.
Did they tell them hey we live on this island and think there is treasure on it come over here and help us dig it up the whole place.. Is that truly what you think happenend..
Would you fall for that sells pitch...
It appears, as a professional Oak Island holelogist, you have indeed fallen for that sales pitch! :laughing11:

again, thank you soooooo much for that post..

as in the other thread suddenly the original 3 weren't the first to dig. First I have heard of that, were the original 3 still on a drunken binge Mr. Singlestack when they came across that. Did they actually take a boat to paddle around the island to figure that out or just walk from the land they owned on the island? Wholly cow, ya'lls story sure has changed alot since early this morning when I called all ya'll out on how this all started if the original 3 did not dig a hole. Guess ya'lls group chat came up with that info..

Here is you a little something today posted by Doug Crowell on Oak Island digs. You may want to read it several times. 89 years before the hunt began 1706.webp

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