Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

That's your opinion franklin. My belief is that the Grail came to Nova Scotia in 1308 on a Templar vessel... Anson and Shugborough put it in Nova Scotia...
Anson's Shugborough Monument, built on their family estate has Poussin's "Et In Arcadia Ego" carved in MIRROR IMAGE of Poussin's work, and the letter meaning have never been revealed or solved, including the pointed to "R" and "M", or why it was built.

It is interesting to note that Shugborough was derived from the Anglo-Saxon word "scucca" for evil spirits, and Shugborough means "devil mound" or "hunted hill".
Citing the "facts" of the reversal of Poussin's painting and relating that to the meaning of Shugborough while alluding to "facts" about the Hellfire Club and Jack the Ripper an intrepid clever writer of pulp pseudo alternative history could build an entirely different "based on facts"version for the purpose on Anson's monument.

Anson's Shugborough/ could build an entirely different "based on facts"version for the purpose on Anson's monument.

"Could build", "it is believed", "it is doubtful", and I'm the one accused of being speculative. Yes, you could separate everything and come to any conclusion you wish but you have to include Teniers, Sauniere, the Cathars along with their fortress of Montsegur and several other items, including the fact that the Templars were well known to have commanderies in the area of Montsegur in 1244. It only all fits together one way.

And the Shugbourough code has been solved by both myself, Franklin and I'm sure others, the "D" and the "M", at each end of the code, standing for "Degrees and Minutes" providing the clue needed to easily solve it. A fact that also helps is that the Admiral was known very well for his expertise in Navigation, even studying under one of the most expert teachers of the art who also worked with Issac Newton one of the listed Grand Masters of the shadowy Priory of Sion.

On the Monument the finger is on the "R" and the Thumb is on the word "IN" slightly different than Poussin's version besides being reversed. This would indicate to me that the designer is telling us that the "in Arcadia" should indicate "in Acadia", with the solved code itself giving a location of Nova Scotia (in Acadia). Another point to ponder is why both the finger and the thumb on the monument have been broken off.

You say that Poussin was not known as the keeper of secrets? Read Louis Fouquet's letter to his brother at Louis the XIV's Court concerning Poussin. I'll post the letter here when I get time.

Cheers, Loki

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You seemed to have missed the point of my comments on Post#2262- that being researched random or unrelated "facts" can be skewed and manipulated to create a seemingly "fact based by research" base to support one's personal pet theory belief, which doesn't actually make it true.
Supposition and speculation based on a hodgepodge of pieced together "facts", is still supposition and speculation, NOT PROOF.
As for the "shadowy Priory Of Sion", the shadow was lifted when ot was proven to be a perpetrated hoax.

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As for the "shadowy Priory Of Sion", the shadow was lifted when ot was proven to be a perpetrated hoax.

The only proven hoax is the modern version of the Priory of Sion! Did you read Louis Fouquet's letter? If so you will see one reason why Poussin is considered the keeper of secrets. And you did call the Shugborough inscription a code didn't you?

Cheers, Loki

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The only proven hoax is the modern version of the Priory of Sion!
Did you read Louis Fouquet's letter?
If so you will see one reason why Poussin is considered the keeper of secrets...
The correspondence of Louis Fouquet to his brother Nicholas Fouquet:
"He and I discussed certain things which I shall with ease be able to explain to you on detail, things which give you , through Monsieur Poussin, advantages, which even kings would have great pains to draw from him, and which, according to him, it is possible that nobody else will ever discover in the centuries to come, and what is more, these are things so difficult to discover that nothing new on the earth can prove of better fortune nor their be their equal".

The ambiguity of that letter confirms nothing whatsoever concerning Poussin, any esoteric hidden meaning of his "Et In Arcadia Ego" paintings, the Holy Grail, etc, but that very ambiguity does leave openings for all the wild outlandish speculation that gets presented as fact.
The Fouquet family was a patron of Poussin, so Louis Fouquet probably had many conversations with the artist, and Nicholas Fouquet, recipient of this letter, convicted of embezzlement, died in prison, 1680, seven years after brother Louis death.

Reading that letter, it appears that Louis Fouquet should be considered the "keeper of secrets" for it reads like a long winded "I know something you don't brother ".

The correspondence of Louis Fouquet to his brother Nicholas Fouquet:
"He and I discussed certain things which I shall with ease be able to explain to you on detail, things which give you , through Monsieur Poussin, advantages, which even kings would have great pains to draw from him, and which, according to him, it is possible that nobody else will ever discover in the centuries to come, and what is more, these are things so difficult to discover that nothing new on the earth can prove of better fortune nor their be their equal".

Firstly, thanks for posting this so I didn't have to.

And you don't think that this letter in any way indicates Poussin is guarding a great secret? And probably one of the reasons Louis XVI wanted Poussins painting? Also remembering that later it along with one of Teniers was mentioned in the Shepherdess Parchment.

Its all part of a great puzzle in which all the pieces fit together and the object that Poussin had alluded to sits near Annapolis Basin in Nova Scotia.

Cheers, Loki

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That letter between the Fouquet brothers really doesn't indicate that Poussin is guarding a "great" secret, since it seems that he "discussed" it with Louis Fouquet, and by the tone of the letter, intends to explain in detail to his brother Nicholas.
The great secret have been for an exquisite Poussin family recipe for goose liver pate that Cardinal Richelieu proclaimed the best in all of France to Louis XIV's father from the ambiguity of that letter.
As I posted earlier, King Louis XIV purchased Poussin's "Et In Arcadia Ego" from French Military engineer, Henri Avice, in 1685, 12 years after the death of Louis Fouquet and 5 years after Nicholas Fouquet died in prison serving a sentence for embezzlement.

David Teniers, an admitted Flemish alchemist and painter, included allegories and alchemist symbols in his works, including a self portrait in his lab, and lacks a direct connection to Poussin or as an inheritor of Poussin's alleged great secrets, or to the Priory of Sion, Templars, Nova Scotia, or the Holy Grail.

... the Shugbourough code has been solved by both myself, Franklin and I'm sure others...
According to the caretakers of the Shugborough Estate which is managed by the British National Trust, thousands have claimed to have solved the "code" on the monument, including Darwin and Dickins, and at least three visitors a week make the same claim.
What is interesting is that NONE of the "solves" are the same, but reflect the solvers pet point of view.

If you want them to review your "solve" and add you to their ever expanding list:

*NOTE* The Shepard's Monument is one of several landscape follies Thomas Anson had constructed on his Shugborough Estate, which was a common practice of estate owners during that period.
No attention was given to the letters or meaning of the reversed image of Poussin's "Et In Arcadia Ego" on this folly's design until Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln "created" a connection to the Holy Grail in their 1982 book, "HOLY BLOOD,HOLY GRAIL".
The caretakers and curators that oversee the Shugborough Estate for the British National Trust place no credence on the claims in HBHG, considering nonsense but a good tourist draw.
For the British, the 1996 reopened operating Estate Brewery producing "real ale" is a more important draw than a visit to study the Shugborough Estate's landscape park follies.

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View attachment 1775728

As I have previously indicated on this thread that the tall trees once grown on Oak Island were actually "Acacia Trees" and not "Oak Trees" as wrongfully stated.

This brooch found could be a representation of an Acacia Leaf which I have previously stated was very symbolic to the early Freemasons.

View attachment 1775729
It still is

According to the caretakers of the Shugborough Estate which is managed by the British National Trust, thousands have claimed to have solved the "code" on the monument, including Darwin and Dickins, and at least three visitors a week make the same claim.

At least you agree that it is a code, thus there is a decipher.
This makes it all the more impressive that both Franklin and I solved it.

Its not just a random relief that is a copy of a painting, as it is all connected. The Shugborough relief is a reversed copy of a painting thats been identified as having a cipher. The relief also adds the cipher for a set of coordinates, as shown by the "D" and the "M"(you know, degrees and minutes). The proper Teniers painting references the Poussin and both paintings are identified by the Shepherdess Parchment. The Teniers leads one to an exact location in Nova Scotia through its own cipher.

Btw, your last two posts seem to be more speculative than anything I have written.

Cheers, Loki

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At least you agree that it is a code, thus there is a decipher.
This makes it all the more impressive that both Franklin and I solved it.

Its not just a random relief that is a copy of a painting, as it is all connected. The Shugborough relief is a reversed copy of a painting thats been identified as having a cipher. The relief also adds the cipher for a set of coordinates, as shown by the "D" and the "M"(you know, degrees and minutes). The proper Teniers painting references the Poussin and both paintings are identified by the Shepherdess Parchment. The Teniers leads one to an exact location in Nova Scotia through its own cipher.

Btw, your last two posts seem to be more speculative than anything I have written.

Cheers, Loki

Wasn't there a large treasure found by a monk or something using a painting that he had traveled to obtain. Wasn't it Rennes or something like that?

At least you agree that it is a code, thus there is a decipher.
This makes it all the more impressive that both Franklin and I solved it...
I mentioned the word "code" in the context of those, like you that refer to it as such.
AS the British National Trust curators and caretakers of the Shugborough Estate have stated on their official site, that get a minimum of three "solves" a week, and with all the thousands of "solves" presented, none are the same.
Do you understand that the Shepard's Monument on the Shugborough Estate was constructed as a folly, a garden ornament decoration fantasy piece along with several folly structures by Thomas Anson for the estates grounds, and most importantly, NOT a monument commemorating anything.
If you have questions concerning the Shepard's folly, or want to share Franklin and your "solve", Email the curator at the Shugborough Estate and discuss your findings.

I mentioned the word "code" in the context of those, like you that refer to it as such.
AS the British National Trust curators and caretakers of the Shugborough Estate have stated on their official site, that get a minimum of three "solves" a week, and with all the thousands of "solves" presented, none are the same.
Do you understand that the Shepard's Monument on the Shugborough Estate was constructed as a folly, a garden ornament decoration fantasy piece along with several folly structures by Thomas Anson for the estates grounds, and most importantly, NOT a monument commemorating anything.
If you have questions concerning the Shepard's folly, or want to share Franklin and your "solve", Email the curator at the Shugborough Estate and discuss your findings.

Nobody knows for what reason the monument was erected or why the letters were carved into it. There have been many (some famous) who have tried to decipher the code long before the authors of H.B.H.G. ever thought of a Holy Grail. If the current caretaker says it was constructed as a folly, as you say, it is only to stop people from bothering him, because earlier the owners "National Trust" welcomed attempts to decode the inscription. They eventually wrote that there were so many that they became wary.

It is a known fact that Admiral Anson was expert in navigation learning the art from a world renowned instructor who was an associate of Issac Newton himself a listed member of the Priory of Sion, and more importantly a Rosicrucian.

Btw, I don't go to your links because the last time I did I picked up a virus!

Cheers, Loki

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There is a guy digging on an Island off the coast of South America for a treasure connected to Anson. He has a map and everything. His last name is the last name of one of the six men killed at Oak Island. Is there a connection. Maybe the co=ordinates need to be reversed for the Southern Hemisphere. Meet the treasure hunter that has spent over 2 decades searching for 800 barrels of gold or something like that. It is in the Treasure Legend section.

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Nobody knows for what reason the monument was erected or why the letters were carved into it. There have been many (some famous) who have tried to decipher the code long before the authors of H.B.H.G. ever thought of a Holy Grail.
If the current caretaker says it was constructed as a folly, as you say, it is only to stop people from bothering him, because earlier the owners "National Trust" welcomed attempts to decode the inscription. They eventually wrote that there were so many that they became wary...

Btw, I don't go to your links because the last time I did I picked up a virus!
It is known why it was constructed as a folly for Thomas Anson's vision of Arcadia/Paradise decorative garden ground of decorative follies, which were built for the sole purpose of a landscape ornament, a common practice of the 18th century wealthy landed gentry. The sculpture of the reverse Poussin copy is known, BUT it is not known if he or another carved the letters, or if indeed it is a coded hidden message.

Most of these folly structures were made to symbolize classical virtues and art in the form of temples, graves (sound familiar),ruined abbeys, castles, Egyptian pyramids, Chinese temples and bridges (Anson commission one at Shugborough).
It is NOT what a current caretaker named those structures, but what they were called and referred to when being built in the 18th century.

Shuborough Estate has several of these follies in addition to the SHEPARD'S MONUMENT, and all are pictured and described on the British National Trust site.

BTW, I serious doubt that you got a virus from any of my posted links which are mainly academic sites with real researched and documented historical and art facts, or like the British National Trust, government sites.
By avoiding these posted links you are doing yourself a disservice, missing out on hard researched and documented sources of information, but that is your choice, and I understand the reasoning behind that decision.

Nobody knows for what reason the monument was erected or why the letters were carved into it. There have been many (some famous) who have tried to decipher the code long before the authors of H.B.H.G. ever thought of a Holy Grail. If the current caretaker says it was constructed as a folly, as you say, it is only to stop people from bothering him, because earlier the owners "National Trust" welcomed attempts to decode the inscription. They eventually wrote that there were so many that they became wary.

It is a known fact that Admiral Anson was expert in navigation learning the art from a world renowned instructor who was an associate of Issac Newton himself a listed member of the Priory of Sion, and more importantly a Rosicrucian.

Btw, I don't go to your links because the last time I did I picked up a virus!

Cheers, Loki

I still stand by the above post and wonder why you didn't include my sentence about Anson's navigation background and roundabout connection to rosicrucianism through Issac Newton.

Cheers, Loki

I did not include the reference to Adm George Anson because it was Thomas Anson who commissioned the ornamental garden follies, and Issac Newton being listed as a "member of the Priory of Sion" as well as the Priory of Sion lack any collaboration evidence outside of HBHG, Dan Brown novels, and other fabricated pulp pseudo histories if that ilk.
*NOTE* One can claim that the Priory of Sion is documented due to the DOSSIERS SECRETS being registered by Pierre Plantard. with the French government in 1956 and placing a list of former Grandmasters in the BIBLOTHEQUE NATIONALE in Paris.
Plantard claimed to be a Grandmaster and a direct descendant of Jean de Plantard, a lineal descendant of the MEROVINGINIAN KINGS.
Issac Newton, in despite of his identification of the scientific principles of the ENLIGHTENMEMT, Newton was an alchemist who spent years trying to unlock secrets of the natural world, and while considered a heretic, Newton associated with many know Masons and other esoteric groups of his time.
There is NO documentation outside of the DOSSIERS SECRETS list of Plantard, that Newton, or anyone eles on the list was ever a Grandmaster of the PRIORT OF SION, or that the PRIOTY OF SION ever existed before 1956.

I did not include the reference to Adm George Anson because it was Thomas Anson who commissioned the ornamental garden follies, and Issac Newton being listed as a "member of the Priory of Sion" as well as the Priory of Sion lack any collaboration evidence outside of HBHG, Dan Brown novels, and other fabricated pulp pseudo histories if that ilk.
*NOTE* One can claim that the Priory of Sion is documented due to the DOSSIERS SECRETS being registered by Pierre Plantard. with the French government in 1956 and placing a list of former Grandmasters in the BIBLOTHEQUE NATIONALE in Paris.
Plantard claimed to be a Grandmaster and a direct descendant of Jean de Plantard, a lineal descendant of the MEROVINGINIAN KINGS.
Issac Newton, in despite of his identification of the scientific principles of the ENLIGHTENMEMT, Newton was an alchemist who spent years trying to unlock secrets of the natural world, and while considered a heretic, Newton associated with many know Masons and other esoteric groups of his time.
There is NO documentation outside of the DOSSIERS SECRETS list of Plantard, that Newton, or anyone eles on the list was ever a Grandmaster of the PRIORT OF SION, or that the PRIOTY OF SION ever existed before 1956.

Thomas and younger brother George both studied navigation under the same famed Mathematician and close friend of Rosicrucian, Priory of Sion Grandmaster Issac Newton.

The hoax began in 1956, every important function is at sometime the victim a hoax.

The Priory of Sion did exist beginning in Jerusalem during the first Crusade becoming synonymous with Rosicrucianism after the 17th century. If you don't believe that look at Priory of Sion Grand Master Jean Cocteau's "Crucifixion" at the Church of Notre Dame de France in London and notice the Rose at the foot of the Cross ie, "The Rosy Cross".

You see, its all a big puzzle where the pieces all fit if you take care.

And btw I did get a virus when I tried your link. I'm not saying it came from your source but somehow got hooked up to it. The actual link didn't work.

Cheers, Loki

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