The cipher is math. It tells a story people like yourself cannot see and the proof is that it has gone unnoticed for 700 years. If you would simply apply yourself you can see it.
Here are some of my thoughts (some) on the questions that you ask as posted in a group on facebook:
Have you ever wondered how treasure locations were marked? What clues were left behind? These questions often leave us with more mysteries than answers. However, Einstein had a method for working through complex problems: he would mentally create scenarios, ask questions, and logically build models to explore solutions. His theories were often developed from the perspective of an observer, a key aspect of his problem-solving process.
Let’s imagine ourselves as treasure hunters on Oak Island, trying to uncover its secrets. We begin by considering key questions: who, what, how, and where. For example, let’s pick usual suspects and define these parameters:
- Who: The Templars
- What: Religious artifacts and money to hire an army
- Where: Oak Island
- How: A Cipher encrypted in 13 stones shaped like a cross and Taurus with a 3 sided ptramid
Each of these choices has a basis in historical context and logic. What ‘base’ is the cipher built on? Will future generations be able to decode it? These are complex issues that need careful consideration. One thing we do know is that the creators of the treasure left clues related to the earth and stars. This suggests that the cipher is based on something enduring, allowing future explorers to follow the clues.
The North Atlantic is known for its rough seas, therefore Oak Island would have been a safe harbor for ships needing to anchor, repair, and resupply. An exploration team would have been sent to investigate the island’s resources—documenting plants, water sources, wildlife, and more. This is SOP for ships arriving in unpopulated lands.
During the exploration, some strange and fascinating features would catch the captain’s eye: an "eye" in the swamp, a "December Triangle," standing stones in the shape of the Hyades constellation, and twelve megalithic stones, each nine feet by nine feet and oak groves.
The captain, skilled in navigating by the stars, would recognize that these stones form a cross and align with the Taurus constellation. He notes that the "eye"—missing from the stone formation of Taurus —may be the swamp feature, and estimates that the eye of Taurus corresponds to this location. The December Triangle, a stellar pattern used to locate Taurus, reassures him that the clues are leading him in the right direction.
This procedure of mapping and charting would continue until the area was thoroughly documented. A day map, like Zena’s Day Chart, would be drawn from a ships chart and the local details filled in indicate the location of the "eye," the stone triangle, and the December Triangle. Upon arrival, the explorers would locate megaliths and confirm the cross and Taurus symbols, providing them with the necessary clues to reach the hidden chambers.
The next step would be to measure the cross’s segments and document the stone triangle, then search for the eye in the swamp, a task that could be done using a pole or spear. Once the location is identified, the cipher can be executed.
While today we rely on GPS and chart plotting technologies, the traditional art of manual charting is becoming rare. However, the grid system used for navigation today dates back to 200 BC, when a Greek scholar improved upon an earlier system. This system is still in use and ensures that the depositors of the treasure would have been able to communicate with future generations.
Oak Island’s stone formations create a chart with defined waypoints, similar to a map. The seven megalithic stones suggest a chart roughly 1.5 miles wide by 1 mile high. Nolan’s Cross forms a compass rose, and within this compass, a CTS plot is embedded. The chart includes a legend and a datum, providing key information about distances and locations.
By using a cipher that would be recognizable to ship captains, the treasure could be hidden with confidence that it would eventually be found. In addition, a secret group, the Freemasons, was formed to protect the cipher’s clues. Their symbol—a square and compass—was designed to obscure the true meaning of the cross and stone pyramid.
The square and compass, with dividers set at 60 degrees and a 150-degree arc on either side of the exterior, represents the cross. The square offers angles of 90 and 270 degrees, pointing East and West—this relates to the Sun and Moon, or "Sol A Mon." This might be a clue suggesting that treasures from the Temple of Solomon are involved, and possibly even the Ark of the Covenant.
Which Ark? Perhaps the one excavated at the Temple, as Arks are sacred objects for many churches. In modern terms, the Ark could be seen as a capacitor, potentially even powered by radium—a substance abundant in Egypt.
For further insights into the cipher and its components, check the group’s media section, where detailed explanations are provided. A particularly intriguing post discusses Asmodeus, an adviser who was compelled by ring given to Solomon by God to help Hiram Abiff in hiding the Ark. Although the 586 BC raid on the Temple failed to locate the Ark, the Templars eventually discovered it—and they brought it to Oak Island along with Asmodeus’s trick. (You can find it in the Triangulation portion – Groups Media)