Now that the stone maps are out of the way, no movie/series....what's next?

Well HG, I'd have to say, I disagree, Everything has a beginning and a end. Even life it self or A day or night, And ones end is another's beginning. Most people don't even know there great grandfather's name, that's about a hundred years.
Thats about how long went by from the Old Jesuit order to the new Jesuit order. A lot of the Old Jesuits melted in to the Jewish Religion to hide from execution. The old ways were lost.


The apostolic succession started with Peter. Peter was Jewish. Judiasm has been in the Catholic Church from the beginning. The Pope today is a globalist, a Marxist, Socialist, ect. ect. Marx was Jewish. Judaism, or the "Jewish Religion" as you call it, is actually Talmudic. Marxism is from the Talmudic belief system in which Jews are the Superior race on the planet. The Jesuits, in their own eyes were supreme over all. The Jesuits did not "melt" into anything, especially the "Jewish Religion." They already were, from the beginning and they still are today. Just because it is all hidden from your eyes, doesn't make it untrue.

To get an idea of how the world would came to see the Jesuits, we have many examples from the Protestant point of view, as Englishman Giovanni Battista explained in 1876:
“In no other epoch of history, certainly, have the Jesuits been more dangerous and threatening for England than in the present. I am no alarmist. I refuse to believe that England will relapse under the Papal yoke, and return to the darkness and ignorance of the middle ages, because some scores of citizens pass over to the Romish communion; but at the same time I do believe that many bold and less reflective persons make too light of the matter, and are wrong in refusing to countenance vigorous measures, not for religious persecution, but to check the insolence and countermine the plots of these audacious monks. It is true that there exists a great difficulty in deciding what measures are to be adopted for accomplishing this end. It is repugnant, doubtless, to a liberal and generous mind, and it is unworthy of a free and great nation, to persecute any sect, and to make different castes in the same body of citizens. But it may fairly be asked, are monks, and especially Jesuits, really English citizens, in the strictest sense of the word? Do they recognize Queen Victoria as their legitimate sovereign? Are they prepared to yield a loyal obedience to the laws of the land? To all these questions I answer, No! Even when born in England, they do not consider themselves Englishmen. They claim the privileges which the name confers, but will not accept the obligations it imposes. Their country is Rome; their sovereign the Pope; their laws the commands of their General. England they consider an accursed land; Englishmen heretics, whom they are under an obligation to combat. The perusal of this work will, I imagine, prove beyond the possibility of contradiction that, from their origin, the Jesuits have constantly and energetically labored towards this object. I cannot too much impress upon the minds of my readers that the Jesuits, by their very calling, by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits. Accordingly, we find them in this evil dilemma. Either the Jesuits fulfill the duties of their calling, or not. In the first instance, they must be considered as the bitterest enemies of the Protestant faith; in the second, as bad and unworthy priests; and in both cases, therefore, to be equally regarded with aversion and distrust.”
In History of the Jesuits: their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs, by Giovanni Battista. Published in 1876. Public Domain.

Does this sound a lot like a rant describing the "Wondering Jew" to you? I have read many such rants. All you need to do is replace the name Jesuit with that of adherents of Judaism, of the Zionist persuasion.

I don't usually get on this rant myself but to reply to your under researched reply and disagreement, while running the risk of being ostracized in a vitural cornacopia of ways, I answered you anyway. So prove me wrong before the politically correct ban me. By the way, do you know the definition of Politcally Correct? It's trying to pick up a dog turd by the clean end.

Oh yea, I know all of my Grand Father's names, going back to Ireland. The information is out there if you only take the time to find it.

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I don't know about the rest of ya'll...But I think that i am going to look for the 7 sorrows of Mary least that is what i am calling them...It is a Real that consists of 7 mines...Or at least that is what i have been told...

Ed T:):tongue3:

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I don't know about the rest of ya'll...But I think that i am going to look for the 7 sorrows of Mary least that is what i am calling them...It is a Real that consists of 7 mines...Or at least that is what i have been told...

Ed T:):tongue3:

Why invite more sorrow? Learn to play guitar and become a Rock Star. You know the odds are better.

I am an old dog who is not really into learning new tricks Hg...I don't even think that I will really keep on looking for any Real of minas...I have already found most of what i have been looking for...hehehe...IF the small amount of ore which i have in my possession is from an ancient Spanish platinum mine...It could be quite valuable as specimen ore to those who are into rare mineral what are the odds of proving such a claim...Pardon the pun...They too are probably far less than becoming a rock star as well...

Ed T;)

Howdy Holyground,

Just what is it about the Stone Maps that make you believe they are Jesuit made? You mentioned that it was because of where Travis found them has something to do with it? Just trying to see where you are coming from, thanks. In my opinion, a Jesuit would not have made spelling mistakes.


Coazon de Oro,
I used the reference to where Travis found them to illustrate my point that just possibly, one, two, or three maps may have been demolished by the backhoe that they obviously used to dig for them. Just my opinion, but more than a slight possibility of an unkown that would influence the outcome of the search. Why do I believe the maps were made by Jesuits? I know they were made by Jesuits. However, there is nothing I can say, do, or sing to you while doing an Irish jig, that would make you believe otherwise. That is fine. I know people brag and make wild statements all of the time. Well, my bragging and wild statements are backed by close to 78 years of knowledge combined. My Grandfather in the fourties, my two uncles after him, then me and my Pardner ever since. Coupled with the fact that Polzer inspected them. Why is that so out of the ordinary you ask? Because they could tell from pictures if they were Jesuit or not and coupled with the fact that a Jesuit wouldn't walk across the road to watch a piss ant eat a bale of hay if there was no payoff. I know he needed close ups of each side of them. He was on a search for everything left behind and as far as the Lost Church Treasure of Santa Fe is concerned, it was their major concern and they refound it, emptied it and are happy. As far as the spelling mistakes, there are a lot of factors that could be the reason. The main carvings were done by one group of people, then the coordinates were later done by a higher echelon group. The two Spanish name were the artisans signing their work. There were close to 600 Mexican born Jesuits at the time of the suppression. They were trained in many fields but grammer probably was the least favorite subject. I have a college degree but I still can't spell and I say ain't, because I like the way it sounds. The Jesuits were a military organization first. Everything was on a need to know basis. The Spanish may have had a book describing all of the monuments and symbols that lead to a mine (TOP SECRET) but the Jesuits did it all differently. Very differently. Thier fingerprints are on the stone maps, so to speak. There are no Spanish Monuments leading to the Santa Fe Cache. It's all in the air and the only way to see it is with a sextant. You have to see it all at once. The big picture, all at once. Again, Jesuit finger prints, not Spanish and sure as HELL not some Peralta family, to be sure! The Peralta idea was conjured up by folks that needed to tell a story that has absolutly nothing to do with fact. 99% of the LDM story has absolutly nothing to do with fact. Travis did find the Stone maps and someone used a digging machine to try to find them all. That may have been a big mistake.
The mine could not be found without both, the CVRSVM PERFICIO Compass Stone and the Jesuit Stone Maps. Since we only have a fraction of those things, the average Joe just ain't gonna find it. Does that seem like a reasonable statement to you sir? It is to me beacuse it is the reality. On the other hand, the Jesuits themselves could find it again, and have.

Why were the Stone Maps made of stone, such an unwieldly and awkward thing to tote around the world, even on a burro? Because they were going into storage for the duration. Travis found them south of the mountains. The Jesuits were hauling them to Mexico for safe keeping in a underground fortress of their own design. Stone would last through rat nibbles, moisture and pretty much anything, except a backhoe. I don't even pretend to know exactly why they ended up where they did but I would bet $100.00 that them pesky Apaches had something to do with it. At the time, the King of Spain was not the only one that wanted rid of the Jesuits. The Indins REALLY wanted rid of them for crimes against humanity. It seems obvious to me. The date of the declination of 8 degrees is the deciding factor. It's as obvious as the big Irish nose on my face!

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Coazon de Oro,
I used the reference to where Travis found them to illustrate my point that just possibly, one, two, or three maps may have been demolished by the backhoe that they obviously used to dig for them. Just my opinion, but more than a slight possibility of an unkown that would influence the outcome of the search. Why do I believe the maps were made by Jesuits? I know they were made by Jesuits. However, there is nothing I can say, do, or sing to you while doing an Irish jig, that would make you believe otherwise. That is fine. I know people brag and make wild statements all of the time. Well, my bragging and wild statements are backed by close to 78 years of knowledge combined. My Grandfather in the fourties, my two uncles after him, then me and my Pardner ever since. Coupled with the fact that Polzer inspected them. Why is that so out of the ordinary you ask? Because they could tell from pictures if they were Jesuit or not and coupled with the fact that a Jesuit wouldn't walk across the road to watch a piss ant eat a bale of hay if there was no payoff. I know he needed close ups of each side of them. He was on a search for everything left behind and as far as the Lost Church Treasure of Santa Fe is concerned, it was their major concern and they refound it, emptied it and are happy. As far as the spelling mistakes, there are a lot of factors that could be the reason. The main carvings were done by one group of people, then the coordinates were later done by a higher echelon group. The two Spanish name were the artisans signing their work. There were close to 600 Mexican born Jesuits at the time of the suppression. They were trained in many fields but grammer probably was the least favorite subject. I have a college degree but I still can't spell and I say ain't, because I like the way it sounds. The Jesuits were a military organization first. Everything was on a need to know basis. The Spanish may have had a book describing all of the monuments and symbols that lead to a mine (TOP SECRET) but the Jesuits did it all differently. Very differently. Thier fingerprints are on the stone maps, so to speak. There are no Spanish Monuments leading to the Santa Fe Cache. It's all in the air and the only way to see it is with a sextant. You have to see it all at once. The big picture, all at once. Again, Jesuit finger prints, not Spanish and sure as HELL not some Peralta family, to be sure! The Peralta idea was conjured up by folks that needed to tell a story that has absolutly nothing to do with fact. 99% of the LDM story has absolutly nothing to do with fact. Travis did find the Stone maps and someone used a digging machine to try to find them all. That may have been a big mistake.
The mine could not be found without both, the CVRSVM PERFICIO Compass Stone and the Jesuit Stone Maps. Since we only have a fraction of those things, the average Joe just ain't gonna find it. Does that seem like a reasonable statement to you sir? It is to me beacuse it is the reality. On the other hand, the Jesuits themselves could find it again, and have.

Why were the Stone Maps made of stone, such an unwieldly and awkward thing to tote around the world, even on a burro? Because they were going into storage for the duration. Travis found them south of the mountains. The Jesuits were hauling them to Mexico for safe keeping in a underground fortress of their own design. Stone would last through rat nibbles, moisture and pretty much anything, except a backhoe. I don't even pretend to know exactly why they ended up where they did but I would bet $100.00 that them pesky Apaches had something to do with it. At the time, the King of Spain was not the only one that wanted rid of the Jesuits. The Indins REALLY wanted rid of them for crimes against humanity. It seems obvious to me. The date of the declination of 8 degrees is the deciding factor. It's as obvious as the big Irish nose on my face!

Thanks for your response, it's good to know why we have our differences, and I respect your position. Even though I am tempted to take your bet, I am not here to try and change your mind about it. When I first found out about the PSM's, I studied sextants looking to match numbers with the PSM's. I figured that the Horse was Pegasus, and that when the double star Enif which is his nose, touched the horizon, he would be grazing North of the river. I figured that was when the sextant would be used at some place indicated on the stones, to line up Pegasus's heart with the mine, or cache. That idea didn't pan out for me, so I tried something else that showed color for me, in fact I wound up with all of the PSM's numbers in the same pan.

I enjoy your posts, always good to find something to read here.


I like to believe that the =7 on the stones is the key to them...I call it 7 mines for 7 brothers being Jesuits...Of course I could be wrong in my assumption but we are all entitled to believe that which we choose to believe...To be a stoner or not to be a stoner...

I really wonder IF the tale that the masons had discovered the arc of the covenant at one point and seem to have misplaced it somewhere might be true...Could those Jesuits have been masons???I Wonder...Could such a treasure be the lost treasure of the PSM's???We may never know...hehehe

Ed T

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I like to believe that the =7 on the stones is the key to them...I call it 7 mines for 7 brothers being Jesuits...Of course I could be wrong in my assumption but we are all entitled to believe that which we choose to believe...To be a stoner or not to be a stoner...

I really wonder IF the tale that the masons had discovered the arc of the covenant at one point and seem to have misplaced it somewhere might be true...Could those Jesuits have been masons???I Wonder...Could such a treasure be the lost treasure of the PSM's???We may never know...hehehe

Ed T

Let me sing the praises of Kenworthy, if I may.

All triangle points are numbered uniformly and marked on each point with a monument. Southerly point is always point # 1. The next is #2 and the most northerly is #3, except when it isn't! What if the # 3 point, that points to the mine, is facing, say, east instead of north? Then the numbers must be changed to account for that shift in direction. 2=3, or 2 is now in place of 3, shifting the treasure site to the east. The double circle has another meaning as does the 18 but the 7 is the most important. It is amazingly important but that is all I know. I will say this, however, the 7 relates directly to the C. P. paper map. No wonder we are so confused with 2 different maps bouncing back and fourth! Oh wait a minute, me and my Pardner found a third stone map! You shoot coordinates from north to south too! Now how confusing is that!?!? It's not, if you are a Jesuit trained in such matters. I think the 18 is self explanitory. Afterall, it tells you they went 18 places. But where are the 18 places? Where do they start? Where do they end? You see, it is not a formula or some silly Witch Math, no. It is a string of things that transpire when on the Perfect Course. Unless you are there, you can't get there from here. The CVRSVM PERFICIO. The double circle is the prized jewel, the ultimate secret.

2=3-©-18=7 It is a beautiful thing indeed.

So that is all I know about it. I'm glad I don't do this anymore. I'm going to start looking for the Seven Sorrows of Mary Mine too. I thought it very near the town of Circle City, Az. I followed the straight line and ended up at the North Pole. NOTO to self, STOP THAT!

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... He was on a search for everything left behind and as far as the Lost Church Treasure of Santa Fe is concerned, it was their major concern and they refound it, emptied it and are happy. ...

What exactly is this treasure? What is included in it? Where did it originate? When was it accumulated? By whom? When was it hidden?

The treasure of Santa Fe is still out there . If you have the guts and the knowledge to get to , then you have earned your rights on it .

The apostolic succession started with Peter. Peter was Jewish. Judiasm has been in the Catholic Church from the beginning. The Pope today is a globalist, a Marxist, Socialist, ect. ect. Marx was Jewish. Judaism, or the "Jewish Religion" as you call it, is actually Talmudic. Marxism is from the Talmudic belief system in which Jews are the Superior race on the planet. The Jesuits, in their own eyes were supreme over all. The Jesuits did not "melt" into anything, especially the "Jewish Religion." They already were, from the beginning and they still are today. Just because it is all hidden from your eyes, doesn't make it untrue.

To get an idea of how the world would came to see the Jesuits, we have many examples from the Protestant point of view, as Englishman Giovanni Battista explained in 1876:
“In no other epoch of history, certainly, have the Jesuits been more dangerous and threatening for England than in the present. I am no alarmist. I refuse to believe that England will relapse under the Papal yoke, and return to the darkness and ignorance of the middle ages, because some scores of citizens pass over to the Romish communion; but at the same time I do believe that many bold and less reflective persons make too light of the matter, and are wrong in refusing to countenance vigorous measures, not for religious persecution, but to check the insolence and countermine the plots of these audacious monks. It is true that there exists a great difficulty in deciding what measures are to be adopted for accomplishing this end. It is repugnant, doubtless, to a liberal and generous mind, and it is unworthy of a free and great nation, to persecute any sect, and to make different castes in the same body of citizens. But it may fairly be asked, are monks, and especially Jesuits, really English citizens, in the strictest sense of the word? Do they recognize Queen Victoria as their legitimate sovereign? Are they prepared to yield a loyal obedience to the laws of the land? To all these questions I answer, No! Even when born in England, they do not consider themselves Englishmen. They claim the privileges which the name confers, but will not accept the obligations it imposes. Their country is Rome; their sovereign the Pope; their laws the commands of their General. England they consider an accursed land; Englishmen heretics, whom they are under an obligation to combat. The perusal of this work will, I imagine, prove beyond the possibility of contradiction that, from their origin, the Jesuits have constantly and energetically labored towards this object. I cannot too much impress upon the minds of my readers that the Jesuits, by their very calling, by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits. Accordingly, we find them in this evil dilemma. Either the Jesuits fulfill the duties of their calling, or not. In the first instance, they must be considered as the bitterest enemies of the Protestant faith; in the second, as bad and unworthy priests; and in both cases, therefore, to be equally regarded with aversion and distrust.”
In History of the Jesuits: their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs, by Giovanni Battista. Published in 1876. Public Domain.

Does this sound a lot like a rant describing the "Wondering Jew" to you? I have read many such rants. All you need to do is replace the name Jesuit with that of adherents of Judaism, of the Zionist persuasion.

I don't usually get on this rant myself but to reply to your under researched reply and disagreement, while running the risk of being ostracized in a vitural cornacopia of ways, I answered you anyway. So prove me wrong before the politically correct ban me. By the way, do you know the definition of Politcally Correct? It's trying to pick up a dog turd by the clean end.

Oh yea, I know all of my Grand Father's names, going back to Ireland. The information is out there if you only take the time to find it.

HG a rant it was

But most of your rant was just rants out of context a piece of this and a piece of that to make it sound as a piece of history. Compiled to fit your Views. CNN truth, they call that. Now the real truth is No Jesuit had any power in the Catholic Church persay till they changed there agenda to education, And it was France that sent them and backed them to build schools in the US.

I see no reason you should be banned, He'll I just got off that.


The " Peralta " stone maps , are Spanish maps to treasure . Someone who knows to read old Spanish treasure symbols , can understand they are Spanish .
Few years ago in another thread , I have revealed the word and symbol written on the maps which make them Spanish . Of course then nobody paid attention to what I have wrote . Without the meaning of that word or symbol , the maps will remain an enigma and will be indecipherable forever .

Let me sing the praises of Kenworthy, if I may.

All triangle points are numbered uniformly and marked on each point with a monument. Southerly point is always point # 1. The next is #2 and the most northerly is #3, except when it isn't! What if the # 3 point, that points to the mine, is facing, say, east instead of north? Then the numbers must be changed to account for that shift in direction. 2=3, or 2 is now in place of 3, shifting the treasure site to the east. The double circle has another meaning as does the 18 but the 7 is the most important. It is amazingly important but that is all I know. I will say this, however, the 7 relates directly to the C. P. paper map. No wonder we are so confused with 2 different maps bouncing back and fourth! Oh wait a minute, me and my Pardner found a third stone map! You shoot coordinates from north to south too! Now how confusing is that!?!? It's not, if you are a Jesuit trained in such matters. I think the 18 is self explanitory. Afterall, it tells you they went 18 places. But where are the 18 places? Where do they start? Where do they end? You see, it is not a formula or some silly Witch Math, no. It is a string of things that transpire when on the Perfect Course. Unless you are there, you can't get there from here. The CVRSVM PERFICIO. The double circle is the prized jewel, the ultimate secret.

2=3-©-18=7 It is a beautiful thing indeed.

So that is all I know about it. I'm glad I don't do this anymore. I'm going to start looking for the Seven Sorrows of Mary Mine too. I thought it very near the town of Circle City, Az. I followed the straight line and ended up at the North Pole. NOTO to self, STOP THAT!

I am not exactly sure exactly where i read about the seven mines...It is in this book somewhere ...I wish my memory was

Anyhow...I wonder IF this has anything to do with the seven stars or the seven golden candlesticks of Revelation???hehehe

You won't see me out chasing any of them stars...rofl...I have already been there and done that...Maybe I might change my mind and chase after them one day...We'll just have to wait and see...

Ed T:)

I've never been accused of being like CNN before! Okay, you are right. The Jesuits didn't get evicted nor did they mistreat Indians nor did they have any mines nor were they politically dangerous to Kings of France or Spain. Nor were Jesuits from different countries working in unison for an overall result. None of it ever happened. I guess we need a new thread about everything that never happened. Wouldn't that be fun!? I guess my years of study were all for naught. Well, I'll just keep it to myself as not to offend. And to think, I was just getting ready to reveal what "Places" really means. Oh well, didn't happen so it would have to be all wrong, as decided by the people here that were there... Later

I've never been accused of being like CNN before! Okay, you are right. The Jesuits didn't get evicted nor did they mistreat Indians nor did they have any mines nor were they politically dangerous to Kings of France or Spain. Nor were Jesuits from different countries working in unison for an overall result. None of it ever happened. I guess we need a new thread about everything that never happened. Wouldn't that be fun!? I guess my years of study were all for naught. Well, I'll just keep it to myself as not to offend. And to think, I was just getting ready to reveal what "Places" really means. Oh well, didn't happen so it would have to be all wrong, as decided by the people here that were there... Later

"Sometimes some things are better left unsaid" lugares...I still claim an old miner showed me a small coin sized stone that had the Roman numerals XVIII on it... Who knows who created that small stone and IF it has anything to do with 18 lugares...

Ed T:)

Happy new year to everybody !!!


I've never been accused of being like CNN before! Okay, you are right. The Jesuits didn't get evicted nor did they mistreat Indians nor did they have any mines nor were they politically dangerous to Kings of France or Spain. Nor were Jesuits from different countries working in unison for an overall result. None of it ever happened. I guess we need a new thread about everything that never happened. Wouldn't that be fun!? I guess my years of study were all for naught. Well, I'll just keep it to myself as not to offend. And to think, I was just getting ready to reveal what "Places" really means. Oh well, didn't happen so it would have to be all wrong, as decided by the people here that were there... Later

HG all you said about the Jesuits is pretty true, Of the Old Order. But in the end as of Right now a Jesuit Pope, American born sits on the Vatican Throne. All do to one man, Even a man to this day is on Tnet and posts now and then shares the last name. And claimed his father found the Royal Fifth.

I would have loved to have meet his dad.


HG all you said about the Jesuits is pretty true, Of the Old Order. But in the end as of Right now a Jesuit Pope, American born sits on the Vatican Throne. All do to one man, Even a man to this day is on Tnet and posts now and then shares the last name. And claimed his father found the Royal Fifth.

I would have loved to have meet his dad.


If you must split hairs to bolster your argument then let me state the obvious: All I ever refur to is Jesuits of Pre-Suppression. Who found the Royal Fifth and how did they know it was the so called Royal Fifth? Any Royal Fifth I know of sat tightly in the Kings vaults. It didn't become the Royal Fifth until it was shipped to the king. The Jesuits didn't pay the Royal Fifth because they didn't mine gold or silver or anything for that matter. See how that all worked for them? All they gave the king was the Royal Finger. As far as modern day Jesuits, ain't worth a bucket of cold spit to me. I hold Church wherever I may be. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. Martin Luther is right. Don't need the middleman. If you want to give your money to someone, buy someone something to eat or buy a kid some shoes. We just did that this Christmas and guess what, we didn't need a Jesuit to do it for us. So tell me wrmickel, what does the term 18 places on the Stone Maps mean? I'm not being pushy, I'm just excited that I found someone like you, with all of the answers. Oh! Oh! If you're not too busy, could you also tell me what exactly 2=3-©-18=7 means also. Come on, spill it! Oh! Oh! While you're at it, would you please tell me what that symbol to the left of the line of numbers means too. You know the headstone with the two lines in it and the small cross above? I'm just dying to know. Hey, you are the answer man. Show us what you got.

Thanks for your response, it's good to know why we have our differences, and I respect your position. Even though I am tempted to take your bet, I am not here to try and change your mind about it. When I first found out about the PSM's, I studied sextants looking to match numbers with the PSM's. I figured that the Horse was Pegasus, and that when the double star Enif which is his nose, touched the horizon, he would be grazing North of the river. I figured that was when the sextant would be used at some place indicated on the stones, to line up Pegasus's heart with the mine, or cache. That idea didn't pan out for me, so I tried something else that showed color for me, in fact I wound up with all of the PSM's numbers in the same pan.

I enjoy your posts, always good to find something to read here.

Homar know what the double circle symbol means and where it points to?

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