Here is an article I came across recently... El color de las amapas: Tayopa, ¿Una mina que nunca existió? | La Chicharra I am not exactly sure of where I read it in the article...But there was a mention of a snake as I was researching Nyarit or was it Nayar...It was somewhere in there...
It is my strong belief that the PSM's lead to Santa Fe or Tayopa or some other lost legend of Sonora...Or some other part of Mexico...Or New Mexico...Or is it New Spain...Or should I have used wasGood luck...
Ed T
Wow that's was a awesome article! Thanks for sharing, I will share somthing with you, a book written by Louis Serna titled: Knights Tempar and the mysterious stones in northern New Mexico. And also Terry Carter's video on YouTube Dock noss and victorio peak. I could keep going but i am working on a book so I don't want to tell all yet. Enjoy.
In the text that give clues to Tayopa from La Campana hill ( Chihuahua ), there are all true except the month . The real month is April . I don't know if the wrong clue was gave from Flipper or was intentionally written wrong in the document .
When the sun touch the skyline at 7 pm in 7 April , there are 6 degrees west to north from La Campana hill to Real de Tayopa .
I believe it is all part of their code Marius...As March =3...But who can say for certain...And isn't there a 7 in the PSM'sCoincidence
Ed T
There are not codes in that clue .
There's a recent thread on the Serna material. There wasn't a lot of interest in it.Wow that's was a awesome article! Thanks for sharing, I will share somthing with you, a book written by Louis Serna titled: Knights Tempar and the mysterious stones in northern New Mexico. And also Terry Carter's video on YouTube Dock noss and victorio peak. I could keep going but i am working on a book so I don't want to tell all yet. Enjoy.
Have you seen the church in the Tayopa GE image ?
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Looks like a staging area for a logging operation, Marius, (possibly illegal).
Oh, can't we figure it out? Does that make the maps fake? Somebody said humans can't fly, just before the Wright Bros. Oh yes, I forgot, Charles Polzer S. J. told you the maps are fakes. But then again, George Soros will tell you that the New World Order, meant to enslave you, is also fake, conspiracy B.S. Slaves? Free your mind. The maps are real. The Jesuits created them. They didn't rediscover them in the desert, Tumlinson did but he didn't create them. If the Jesuits had re-found them, you would have never seen them. Polzer was only protecting the Jesuit they could keep telling you that they don't, or never did communicate in code. Let me spell it out for you, S-U-B-T-E-R-F-U-G-E. The only thing that isn't real is all of the H-O-R-S-E-C-R-A-P people believe about the Peralta's being involved, where was Julia's Ice Cream Stand, and how many hogs did Ole Jake Waltz have, besides his chickens? But then again, that's why someone, other than everyone else, has already found it. They put their maximum brain power on what really counted. Not Jakes chickens, to be sure. That map that is supposedly Jake's map given to the Buzzards that were perched upon his bed posts, as he lay dying, makes me laugh so hard I poop myself! Most of what people write about Ole Jake makes me laugh just as hard. Their books don't even make good trail wipe. Let's face it. This story, the true story, is bigger, more amazing, and extremely more intricate than the average dog can swallow.
The Stone Maps are, first, a topographic map. There may be codes added to the map, but any codes simply tell you where to go from specific places on the topo map.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo
Joe I suppose you could call them a Topo map of some sort, but there more of a topo depicting Map,
And Holyground I do agree with the Jesuits concept but as for Polzer he had no concept of what they mean't. The old order Jesuit and the New are night and day from each other's Ideology.