Now that the stone maps are out of the way, no movie/series....what's next?

Here is an article I came across recently... El color de las amapas: Tayopa, ¿Una mina que nunca existió? | La Chicharra I am not exactly sure of where I read it in the article...But there was a mention of a snake as I was researching Nyarit or was it Nayar...It was somewhere in there...

It is my strong belief that the PSM's lead to Santa Fe or Tayopa or some other lost legend of Sonora...Or some other part of Mexico...Or New Mexico...Or is it New Spain...Or should I have used was???Good luck...

Ed T


In the text that give clues to Tayopa from La Campana hill ( Chihuahua ), there are all true except the month . The real month is April . I don't know if the wrong clue was gave from Flipper or was intentionally written wrong in the document .
When the sun touch the skyline at 7 pm in 7 April , there are 6 degrees west to north from La Campana hill to Real de Tayopa .

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Wow that's was a awesome article! Thanks for sharing, I will share somthing with you, a book written by Louis Serna titled: Knights Tempar and the mysterious stones in northern New Mexico. And also Terry Carter's video on YouTube Dock noss and victorio peak. I could keep going but i am working on a book so I don't want to tell all yet. Enjoy.

Good luck with your book ORO18...I'm glad you liked the article...

Ed T


In the text that give clues to Tayopa from La Campana hill ( Chihuahua ), there are all true except the month . The real month is April . I don't know if the wrong clue was gave from Flipper or was intentionally written wrong in the document .
When the sun touch the skyline at 7 pm in 7 April , there are 6 degrees west to north from La Campana hill to Real de Tayopa .

I believe it is all part of their code Marius...As March =3...But who can say for certain...And isn't there a 7 in the PSM's???Coincidence???

Ed T

I believe it is all part of their code Marius...As March =3...But who can say for certain...And isn't there a 7 in the PSM's???Coincidence???

Ed T

There are not codes in that clue .

There are not codes in that clue .

The matter is if someone is willing to search and to find something like Real de Tayopa , treasure of Santa Fe church , LDM , treasure of Tumacacori , etc. . Once someone found one of these treasures , then can understand what is wrong in the clues which are attached to it .
When I gave that clue for the Real de Tayopa , I have used that concept .
I post a GE image of the Real de Tayopa region . If you pay attention on the details in the picture , then you will distinguish some buildings structures and some mine shafts .

Real de Tayopa.webp

Wow that's was a awesome article! Thanks for sharing, I will share somthing with you, a book written by Louis Serna titled: Knights Tempar and the mysterious stones in northern New Mexico. And also Terry Carter's video on YouTube Dock noss and victorio peak. I could keep going but i am working on a book so I don't want to tell all yet. Enjoy.
There's a recent thread on the Serna material. There wasn't a lot of interest in it.


Have you seen the church in the Tayopa GE image ?

Real de Tayopa 2.webp Tayopa's church.webp

Looks like a staging area for a logging operation, Marius, (possibly illegal).


Have you seen the church in the Tayopa GE image ?

View attachment 1635170 View attachment 1635171

Well Marius...IF you insist that is the church of Tayopa lore you are entitled to your opinion...Heck...I believe I have been to Tayopa and who can say IF I have seen a church when I was there other than myself...I choose not to answer that you have found a church Marius...You should visit the site and check it out...

Ed T ;)

Looks like a staging area for a logging operation, Marius, (possibly illegal).

Could be Wayne . I never been there , but just I know where it is . It's where all the clues lead . I am not interested in that spot , and I gave it to a Tnet member few years ago , because has parents who work and live close by . Instantly dissapeared from the forum and I have not news of what did . I hope is well and found what was looking for .

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Oh, can't we figure it out? Does that make the maps fake? Somebody said humans can't fly, just before the Wright Bros. Oh yes, I forgot, Charles Polzer S. J. told you the maps are fakes. But then again, George Soros will tell you that the New World Order, meant to enslave you, is also fake, conspiracy B.S. Slaves? Free your mind. The maps are real. The Jesuits created them. They didn't rediscover them in the desert, Tumlinson did but he didn't create them. If the Jesuits had re-found them, you would have never seen them. Polzer was only protecting the Jesuit they could keep telling you that they don't, or never did communicate in code. Let me spell it out for you, S-U-B-T-E-R-F-U-G-E. The only thing that isn't real is all of the H-O-R-S-E-C-R-A-P people believe about the Peralta's being involved, where was Julia's Ice Cream Stand, and how many hogs did Ole Jake Waltz have, besides his chickens? But then again, that's why someone, other than everyone else, has already found it. They put their maximum brain power on what really counted. Not Jakes chickens, to be sure. That map that is supposedly Jake's map given to the Buzzards that were perched upon his bed posts, as he lay dying, makes me laugh so hard I poop myself! Most of what people write about Ole Jake makes me laugh just as hard. Their books don't even make good trail wipe. Let's face it. This story, the true story, is bigger, more amazing, and extremely more intricate than the average dog can swallow.

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It seems that it is always those who cannot understand codes who call them fakes, too bad, that preconception will blind you to some facinating history.

Oh, can't we figure it out? Does that make the maps fake? Somebody said humans can't fly, just before the Wright Bros. Oh yes, I forgot, Charles Polzer S. J. told you the maps are fakes. But then again, George Soros will tell you that the New World Order, meant to enslave you, is also fake, conspiracy B.S. Slaves? Free your mind. The maps are real. The Jesuits created them. They didn't rediscover them in the desert, Tumlinson did but he didn't create them. If the Jesuits had re-found them, you would have never seen them. Polzer was only protecting the Jesuit they could keep telling you that they don't, or never did communicate in code. Let me spell it out for you, S-U-B-T-E-R-F-U-G-E. The only thing that isn't real is all of the H-O-R-S-E-C-R-A-P people believe about the Peralta's being involved, where was Julia's Ice Cream Stand, and how many hogs did Ole Jake Waltz have, besides his chickens? But then again, that's why someone, other than everyone else, has already found it. They put their maximum brain power on what really counted. Not Jakes chickens, to be sure. That map that is supposedly Jake's map given to the Buzzards that were perched upon his bed posts, as he lay dying, makes me laugh so hard I poop myself! Most of what people write about Ole Jake makes me laugh just as hard. Their books don't even make good trail wipe. Let's face it. This story, the true story, is bigger, more amazing, and extremely more intricate than the average dog can swallow.


The Stone Maps are, first, a topographic map. There may be codes added to the map, but any codes simply tell you where to go from specific places on the topo map.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo


The Stone Maps are, first, a topographic map. There may be codes added to the map, but any codes simply tell you where to go from specific places on the topo map.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Joe I suppose you could call them a Topo map of some sort, but there more of a topo depicting Map,
And Holyground I do agree with the Jesuits concept but as for Polzer he had no concept of what they mean't. The old order Jesuit and the New are night and day from each other's Ideology.


Joe I suppose you could call them a Topo map of some sort, but there more of a topo depicting Map,
And Holyground I do agree with the Jesuits concept but as for Polzer he had no concept of what they mean't. The old order Jesuit and the New are night and day from each other's Ideology.


So you are telling me that the Jesuits of today, could not have recreated the technology of their earlier brethren and refound all of the mines that were secretly encoded in unassuming documents? I'm sorry but I find that to be a stretch. The Jesuits not only stashed tons of gold and silver church ornaments to protect their wealth, but they also left the coordinates to the maps out in the open, for later use. The maps were stashed in certain cache sites. I say they were made of stone so the rats wouldn't eat them and the moisture wouldn't degrade them. To have decoded these dummy documents, by the uninitiated, would be impossible. They had their spys working in the hall of records to destroy any proof of their massive holdings before the suppression. What else were they doing in there? No, I say they had a tight plan and they have recovered much. Maybe not all, but much. They may have even found some of the Spanish Cache sites. A JesuitDSC02683.webp could follow the dots on a Spanish Lost Mine like it was a kid's coloring book. The Spanish were not wise to all of the Jesuit's tricks. Here is a picture I took a number of years back. Coming out of a very rugged area were cattle once ranged. A Jesuit statue was broken on the ground. I'm telling you, granny didn't just make it in her kiln and decide to set it on that rock. No, there was a very specific reason for it. By the way, we finally located their cache site. It was all but empty. I say they refound it, then left us a hint as to exactly who did it. They knew we were there and what we were doing. We saw them a few times but at that time we didn't put 2+2 to get the answer...yet. Did you ever hear the story of the two back pacers that were out in the middle of Hell And Gone? They came upon two Jesuits in full robes, on a rugged trail, taking pictures. I know it to be true. They be hunting.

Look at where Travis found the Jesuit, NOT PERALTA!, Stone Maps, and the most possible trajectory of where they were heading. Into today's Mexico. That's the money shot, if you don't get shot! That's where the Jesuits had their best hiding places. I know that for a fact.

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As far as the stone maps being topo maps, no. The stone maps fit perfectly on a topo map, if you need something to hold your topos down in a wind. If you knew exactly where the stone maps would sit upon the right topo map/maps, then you would be in bidness, fur shure. You might even still find some corrrelating symbols on the ground. You wouldn't find any church treasure, to be sure. The D on the dagger that stands for Demarcation, isn't anywhere near the top or the bottom of any topo map, I'm sure. So wadda ya got? Nothing! How do you know that there weren't 8, 9, or 10 stone maps in the original set? Those grave like holes out there where Travis found the maps looks a bit careless for my taste. Somebody was getting itchy to find them all...FAST! It's a big area. How many miles does one stone map cover? There is much much more to decoding the maps than the first question usually asked, Is this guy a witch or just a phake phreak? A lot more. Trying to figure out something so extremely illusory only leads to befuddlement. When people get befuddled beyond hope, they give up. The answer is not approachable from one location, from one simple clue that remains, nor five clues all put together. It is a whole, all at once. As the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz said, "You can't get there from here." You have to be there already.

Don't give up. It looks bad on your Resume. JOB TITLE: Treasure Hunter. NUMBER OF YEARS AT CURRENT OCCUPATION: 5 minutes, I gave up. I broke weak.

It's the next best and most profitable job to being a drug dealer and as a special bonus, you get to try and hide all of your money in the craziest places, just like the Jesuits did and do. Just learn how all of our politicians hide theirs and do the same. They make all of the laws to protect their money, not yours. You can get it all done right there on the internet unless of course, you just want to visit Jersey in the fall?

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Remember, CVRSVM PERFICIO means perfect course. You don't even know where the CVRSVM, or Course, begins, so how could you even guess where it ends? A real, certified, bonifide, actual Treasure Map has a beginning, a middle and an end. Each part makes up a whole. This isn't a golf game, you can't just play through. Everyone hasn't left the clubhouse OR EVEN played the FIRST HOLE...

I got my copy of the C.P. paper back in or around 1978. I was pissed when I found out that Jim Hatt had exposed it on the internet. I guess it wasn't his fault. I was told only 4 people had the map in '78, and most of them were dead. Doesn't matter too much now. I realized that it hasn't sunk into the treasure hunter subconscious like all of the crap stories told by book writers over the 100 years of this delimma has. That's the upside of keeping a secret. With an extreme lack of actual fact surrounding the LDM, I thought everyone would turn their gaze instantly. It's a funny thing how that works. People get conditioned into living with the lie. No one knows where it was. No one even knows where it might still be. No one cares except for me and maybe 10 others, as far as I can tell. You need both to even get a clue. I started a thread a while back to see how many people knew anything about it. Nope.

I used to take bacon in a can out in the mountains. Remember the bacon in a can? I got it at the KMart in Sun City area. It was from Denmark. When you fried a can of that bacon, I swear, hungry folk came crawling out of the gullys. IT WAS GOOD! Some bacon is all it cost me. Oh, and three scrambled eggs that I shared with them too. It was one friendly gesture for another. Those two old guys told me more in one afternoon than I have learned in 35 years put together. All sitting on a rock. The best thing I learned, it really pays to be nice. That's what my Mama taught me. That map and the story attached to it gave me many hours of back breaking back packing. It is sunk deeply into my entire body. For all I know, it may be a yard ornament in Scottsdale by now. Kids crawling all over it, dogs pissing on it.

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Well HG, I'd have to say, I disagree, Everything has a beginning and a end. Even life it self or A day or night, And ones end is another's beginning. Most people don't even know there great grandfather's name, that's about a hundred years.
Thats about how long went by from the Old Jesuit order to the new Jesuit order. A lot of the Old Jesuits melted in to the Jewish Religion to hide from execution. The old ways were lost.


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