Nexus Standard MKII vs Garret ATX? Which is deeper?

Sirusramse, is this story on this 8oz nugget impossible too at 3 feet deep with stock 11" coil? Also I can assure you the coil size can make a huge difference on depth capabilities of any machine and most especially the GPX. Soil timing made a huge difference too as expected. Switching between Normal, Sharp and Coin&Relic was the difference between detecting the copper penny at 24" and not. I could barely get a threshold whisper in normal. When I switched to Sharp somewhat better, but C&R made the target stand out well.

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Sirusramse, is this story on this 8oz nugget impossible too at 3 feet deep with stock 11" coil? Also I can assure you the coil size can make a huge difference on depth capabilities of any machine and most especially the GPX. Soil timing made a huge difference too as expected. Switching between Normal, Sharp and Coin&Relic was the difference between detecting the copper penny at 24" and not. I could barely get a threshold whisper in normal. When I switched to Sharp somewhat better, but C&R made the target stand out well. 8 Ouncer at Nearly 3 Feet Deep | Success Stories

The basic calculations regarding coil size are simple.
To double the dept you have to go for a four times bigger coil diameter.
This means the difference between 10"DD and 12"DD for example will be only 10% in sensitivity.
So the coils size actually makes little difference unless the coils are huge. This is the reason Nexus company makes their big Ultima coil. They have figured it out.

As for timing it makes no difference what that value will be. The only factor that will define the dept of any detector is the search coil size. As all detectors work with wire wound loops those loops are the very limitation for any detection in any technology.
The induction properties of a loop can not be improved upon or enchanted by any electronic means.
The differences between different timing setting only mean that one setting if better or worse than another, but they can not increase dept beyond the limitations of the induction loop in the coil.

What ever any detector can find in air will be its maximum in the ground. This is where it all ends at least for those who have the common sense to trust science, before urban legend.

I have done some more tests on the Garrett ATX. After one gets hold of it it is not all too bad to be honest. It definitely beats all digital IB detectors that I have on my test coin, but only in discrimination at 0. With proper discrimination setting is no better than the Deus.
And it can be never match for Nexus, not in a million years.
I am going to produce some simple video as soon as I can, but after that I am selling the Garrett as it holds substantial value and does not deliver near what Nexus does.
So until I get more tests from my other detectors Nexus is the winner for now.

So how many meters does this Nexus pull this coin at?

Hello Sirusramse Thank You for doing this field tests I am obout to pull the trigger on the Nexus MKll.

So how many meters does this Nexus pull this coin at?
To your sarcasm Fella.
The test is set with a 20 Euro cent coin at 10" dept only, because it turns out most detectors can never find it any deeper.
For the record Nexus MkII can get this coin even with the small dual 4" coil with a loud and clear signal.

I'm trying to tell you that MANY readily available machines can in fact pick coins at 10" very easily. No their coils aren't resonant tuned but they will do it and give a pretty accurate VDI indication. Do you have to have a video to believe me or are we not capable of knowing how deep our targets truely are without them falling into deeper hole from sidewall. Yes I'm one of those Minelab guys you eluded to earlier, but I happen to know from experience on Tnet that fella despises them. Well despises may not be the right word, but doesn't feel the same way I do about ML. Would his depth tests hold anymore validity than my unscientific tests.

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Yes I'm one of those Minelab guys you eluded to earlier, but I happen to know from experience on Tnet that fella despises them. Well despises may not be the right word, but doesn't feel the same way I do about ML. Would his depth tests hold anymore validity than my unscientific tests.

I think ML makes great machines. Great machines that I don't care for but great machines none the less. Yes my opinion is based on only using one model (E-Trac) and may not be the most unbiased. I've made disparaging comments re: ML's but I've been trying to be better and no malice is really ever intended.

Oh I know fella, we all have certain machines that we dislike for whatever reason. I just can't understand why this person makes the statement that most machines can't find coins deeper than 10" when I do it all the time with a 10" coil with an Excalibur, Sovereign, CTX (11" coil). I'm talking beach detecting, where it's possible for targets to quickly sink well over 10" or be covered by replenishment sand. Maybe I'missing his whole point????

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I'm trying to tell you that MANY readily available machines can in fact pick coins at 10" very easily. No their coils aren't resonant tuned but they will do it and give a pretty accurate VDI indication. Do you have to have a video to believe me or are we not capable of knowing how deep our targets truely are without them falling into deeper hole from sidewall. Yes I'm one of those Minelab guys you eluded to earlier, but I happen to know from experience on Tnet that fella despises them. Well despises may not be the right word, but doesn't feel the same way I do about ML. Would his depth tests hold anymore validity than my unscientific tests.
As I said, some of the detectors I have do detect the coin at 10", but that is just about all they can do.
10" is no challenge dept, but CTX3030 failed on it, simple as that.
Deus and F75 can detect the coin with discrimination, Tesoro Cortes only without discrimination, so does the ATX. The V3i happen to be the shallower of all that I have.

You better stop trying to convince me in anything. I have the detectors with me and I am not blind for what they are capable of.
I have nothing against any brand. I'm simply not a blind fan of any of them, but expect them to deliver quality against their price.

I just can't understand why this person makes the statement that most machines can't find coins deeper than 10" when I do it all the time with a 10" coil with an Excalibur, Sovereign, CTX (11" coil). I'm talking beach detecting, where it's possible for targets to quickly sink well over 10" or be covered by replenishment sand. Maybe I'missing his whole point????
Because they don't. How can I ever more clearly spell it?
The beach is different. Sand is nothing like soil. Sand is silica SiO2 - totally non conductive.
Soil is conductive and it also have a reactive component called paramagnetism. You have to grasp the concept of metal detecting to understand what I am saying instead of getting frustrated and insulted.
There is way much more behind the detectors you have than going out with them.

You better stop trying to convince me in anything.

LOL! I don't care if you have 10 million dollars worth of machines there beside you. You are spreading misinformation. I'm through arguing about it, I will bow out of this thread now. Good day.

Well if your "scientific" test is a freshly buried and your Nexus is deepest. Great!

If these wonder wands are so damn good, why are they not more popular? It's been my experience that detectorist will use what works well. I've read enough to know that the Nexus have a problem in mineralized solid and don't do well in iron. You keep saying "that's the old ones blah blah blah" but all you ever mention is how far it can detect a freshly buried coin.
Take that magic wand out hunting and bring some other machines with you. Start comparing REAL targets.

Well if your "scientific" test is a freshly buried and your Nexus is deepest. Great!

If these wonder wands are so damn good, why are they not more popular? It's been my experience that detectorist will use what works well. I've read enough to know that the Nexus have a problem in mineralized solid and don't do well in iron. You keep saying "that's the old ones blah blah blah" but all you ever mention is how far it can detect a freshly buried coin.
Take that magic wand out hunting and bring some other machines with you. Start comparing REAL targets.
Actually I stated that the coin was buried only 10" because some of the detectors I have would not detect it any deeper. I did not even put Nexus into this figure, because 10" is a meaningless test for Nexus. This detector is far more powerful than that.

Now if Rolls Royce is so good why are they not so popular? Or Ferarri, or Lamborgini?

It's a stupid question.
Nexus is known to be a small company. For years it was actually a one man company I'v red on forums. How do you expect such a small company to ever manage to manufacture enough that every user around the world would have one?

Instead of getting infuriated by my statement get one your self and try it out. The Nexus company have money back guarantee against lesser performance. So if your Nexus does not actually detect as they claim they will give your money back.
Does Minelab or XP or Garrett or any of the other companies ever offer such conditions?
For Christ sake! They don't even declare what is that you can expect, not even at the minimum range, just blasting technology bollox, videos with chicks and all sorts of brain washing crap for detectors that work as mediocre as ever before, only look better.

Wake up from this "I am a proud American" tale and look into the reality, because reality makes no difference between brands, but only between performance level.


OK good luck. Nexus is best!

Actually I stated that the coin was buried only 10" because some of the detectors I have would not detect it any deeper. I did not even put Nexus into this figure, because 10" is a meaningless test for Nexus. This detector is far more powerful than that.

Now if Rolls Royce is so good why are they not so popular? Or Ferarri, or Lamborgini?

It's a stupid question.
Nexus is known to be a small company. For years it was actually a one man company I'v red on forums. How do you expect such a small company to ever manage to manufacture enough that every user around the world would have one?

Instead of getting infuriated by my statement get one your self and try it out. The Nexus company have money back guarantee against lesser performance. So if your Nexus does not actually detect as they claim they will give your money back.
Does Minelab or XP or Garrett or any of the other companies ever offer such conditions?
For Christ sake! They don't even declare what is that you can expect, not even at the minimum range, just blasting technology bollox, videos with chicks and all sorts of brain washing crap for detectors that work as mediocre as ever before, only look better.

Wake up from this "I am a proud American" tale and look into the reality, because reality makes no difference between brands, but only between performance level.


I try to keep an open mind and believe everyone has something to offer and was enjoying everyone's post until you made
it personal.

Why do you feel the need to insult Americans with your snide remark, it's uncalled for and childish. I'm sure you are capable of having a debate without stooping to a lower level.

He's been that way from day one. Probably why nobody takes him seriously.

Now if Rolls Royce is so good why are they not so popular? Or Ferarri, or Lamborgini?

Another awesomely horrible analogy! You ALWAYS gravitate toward the most expensive is better. It's just not so. How does a the Lambo/Ferarri handle off road conditions? Mud & Snow? What kind of gas milage do they get? Different tools for different situations. Same as detectors! I'm sure you're even capable understanding that.

BTW, I've driven a few Ferraris and Lambos (along with several other exotics). While the Ferraris I drove are brilliant track cars that's where their brilliance ends. They do ONE thing well. ONE! The Lambos were pure garbage everywhere. And since we're at it and you want to bring up high dollar cars as benchmark, the same or BETTER road & track performance can be had by cars costing less than half as much! FACT!

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