Sirusramse, you do know that the terms "high gain" and "power" are interchangeable, don't you? With or without a very powerful amplifier, gain and boost and power all represent the same outcome, so semantics does not play a part here at all. When the Nexus and the GPX are side-by-side it is quite clear that the Nexus transmits more power (has more gain) because its air depth is substantially greater than the GPX. Whoever you talked to at Nexus either lied to you, or wasn't one of their technicians, didn't know what he was talking about, or he drank way too much the night before. But really, he should know that all that already anyway if he works there. Here is what gain is: .. Gain can be defined in more than one way and by more than one application, but it means simply "Power" as in amplification and/or high voltage.. I hope this explains it a bit more..
Again, high gain detectors commonly do not do as well in harsh soils because they are over-amplified and the signal is distorted even with harmonics, but they do quite well in most of European soils, and that's what they were designed for. Another classic example of this application is the Detech metal detector, it works very well and goes very deep on zero to low mineralization soil, but really sucks on high Fe soils. That's why KellyCo quit selling them, and that's why they steer away from Deep Teks too. And it's why few Nexus are ever found on the Western US shore and including far west inland - from the Rocky mountains westward toward the ocean - in the USA
But now I have some questions for you: Why are you sometimes seemingly rude, sometimes insulting, often evoking or invoking anger in other people, and infrequently combative with others who frequent this site? You even called Fella, "worms like Fella". Is your behavior this way possibly because you do not know the more proper and politically kind or preferred English language to use instead, or are you often an angry person? These are honest questions, and I would seriously want to understand your best civilized/rational viewpoint on this, not the insults. And aside from that, if you continue in your name-calling and misbehavior I will contact the moderator here and let him decide what he wishes to do about it. Like others here, I am not here to engage in this unsavory and disenchanting type of misbehavior, I'm here to enjoy discussing the hobby in a gentlemanly-like fashion instead..