Chad, excellent job of missing the point!
The point isn't helmets or guns. The point is the ability to shoulder the finanacial consequences of your actions. Thus, the concept of writing a check you can't cash. Which, both Helmetless motorcycle riders as well as gun owners do.
While insurance would cover those responsible enough to carry it to a point, all insurance has limits. A million dollar limit, which most believe adequet, barely covers getting a seriously injured/wounded person out of intensive care, let alone providing for rehab or life long care. So, who picks up that tab?
Thus gun owners who seriously wound another person with their legally owned guns, via ownership, are writing checks they can't cash. The exact same way helmetless motorcycle riders do the same thing. Both groups justify their behavior with "it isn't going to happen to me"
if you had bothered to read my last paragraph you would have seen that i covered rights versus priviledge.
Lastly, define accident? Most of us define it as unintended action. Something we didn't intend or purposely do. But, that's not the definition. An accident is an unavoidable event. So when your gun discharges "Accidentally" was it by accident or just plain carelessness?
An just to cover the apples part of my post that makes no sense, short of getting hit by a metorite, there is no such thing as a motorcycle accident. Now, motorcycle crashes? They happen every day.