Anyone who believes those in power want try to continue to attack our rights behind closed doors slipping riders and short paragraphs in 5000 page bills attacking our rights and freedoms when no one is looking is either, blind or a fool...
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This is nothing new. This has been going on since the beginning of our country.
Government uses events that stoke emotions or create fear to create new policy or consolidate power. This always involves relinquishing rights.
We are seeing this now with the gun control push. And, no pun intended, you are up in arms over it! Don't take my rights way!
Yet the gun control push, is small pototoes compared to the rights our government took away from us in the advent of 911. That policy change was Called Real ID. it is the most invasive legislation written since the constitution was created. And, it is law. Where were you ( the right)then, while the government was stealing your American Freedom from you? Trading it for protection against the bogie men who might do you harm?
The extreme right laid down like sheep to be shorn on Real ID. They led the battle cry for it's passage into law. Please MR. Big Government, protect me and my family. Here are my rights as an american citizen. You can have them.
I don't think the right's arguement on the 2nd amendment has anything to do with rights. After-all, considering their position on Real ID, why would they care? The 2nd amendment fight is really about don't take my guns away. The pro gun lobby cloaks themselves with the 2nd amendment. They say their fight is about Freedom and protection. But i'm with Thomas Jefferson on this - He said "Those who would trade Freedom for protection deserve neither Freedom or protection." Clearly on Real ID the right, which includes most of the pro gun lobby, traded freedom for protection.
So maybe change the battle cry - take away my freedom, but let me keep my guns. That's much closer to the truth.
And, the amazing thing to me is, that the right is now screaming about the government taking thier guns. Well, you let them take your freedom, what did you expect?