Next Assault on 2nd Amendment: Mandatory Liability Insurance

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Bevo, i'm not trying to insult you or challange you. it is all crap! There is nothing to listen to. it is entertainment meant to drive ratings thus increasing bottom line revenues to FOX or whoever is presenting what you are listening to. It is nothing more. Everyone has a roll. Everyone has a job. Matthews is there to incite you. Hannity to preach the truth. But it's not about the truth, it is about ratings. it is about money. These people are not there to lead you, to lead some cause. They are their to collect a paycheck. A large paycheck. A paycheck that increases with ratings.

The best way to protect yourself is to listen and read news, real news, not entertainment talk shows like Rush or hannity or matthews, from as many sources as possible. Fact check those emails you are getting from the right wing or left wing blogosphere. You will be shocked at how much BS is in them. Stuff, you will beleive because you wanna beleive because it agrees with your POV. But don't beleive it, don't accept it.

You want to try this right now? Here is how. You are telling us that the racism rant originates from the left, not the right. The truth is i don't know. But i don't accept at face value your claim it comes from the left. Prove to me, with unbiased web references that it comes from the left. That means you need to find a factual source, not some blogger with an agenda. Give me a web address and lets see. lets start there since we both want truth.

NF you are likely wasting your time with some of the folks on here. As you know all to well people looking for power/money will carefully craft a message to ensnare those who don't know any better. Whether it be Manson, Jim jones, hitler or the modern nazi/skinhead movement each one of these people/groups had a finely crafted message targeting a very specific part of the population. And when they get their hooks in these people are caught hook line and sinker. No logic or reason works any longer. Luckily it generally only works on a very finite part of the population. Best.

Bevo, i'm not trying to insult you or challange you. it is all crap! There is nothing to listen to. it is entertainment meant to drive ratings thus increasing bottom line revenues to FOX or whoever is presenting what you are listening to. It is nothing more. Everyone has a roll. Everyone has a job. Matthews is there to incite you. Hannity to preach the truth. But it's not about the truth, it is about ratings. it is about money. These people are not there to lead you, to lead some cause. They are their to collect a paycheck. A large paycheck. A paycheck that increases with ratings.

The best way to protect yourself is to listen and read news, real news, not entertainment talk shows like Rush or hannity or matthews, from as many sources as possible. Fact check those emails you are getting from the right wing or left wing blogosphere. You will be shocked at how much BS is in them. Stuff, you will beleive because you wanna beleive because it agrees with your POV. But don't beleive it, don't accept it.

You want to try this right now? Here is how. You are telling us that the racism rant originates from the left, not the right. The truth is i don't know. But i don't accept at face value your claim it comes from the left. Prove to me, with unbiased web references that it comes from the left. That means you need to find a factual source, not some blogger with an agenda. Give me a web address and lets see. lets start there since we both want truth.

The newspaper here took a left lurch recently,, I was amazed at the disinformation and the blatant lies in it. I do not usually read the paper because it is getting so out of date, but my father in law reads it religiously.

As it turns out one of Mr Buffets companies bought it.

I also wanted to add this, how can Fox make the current administration and politicians out to be liars? These guys never tell the truth so how is it that anyone could make them look worse than they do for themselves?

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Yes ratings for sure. what I am talking about is the rhetoric spewed forth from the left. In comparison to the right.
The bald faced lies the vain popping testimonies the hate inspiring broadsides put forth, the up is down, wrong is right
the 2+2= 5 the ministry of truth, or love the subject changes the arguing louder when confronted with the truth, It makes me sick, that people eat it up like candy.

This is an odd comparison Floridian?
"I look at this Bill the same way as i look at motorcycle helmet laws. Ask any motorcyclist and they will tell you it's their body and their right to ride without a helmet. Except when that biker falls off his bike hits his head and runs up a million dollar hospital tab that he can't pay. That is my problem! Because i am among those picking up that tab."

Why do you care,, with the new health insurance everyone is required to have it and pay the rates for it,, except those that don't, Why do you think all of those insurance companies liked the idea to begin with? They have a captive clientele, and nearly every one of them required to pay an amount that will be more than they paid when they were not required to pay,, It is easy to see why, it's a government mandated monopoly.
So my point is it only costs you more in higher rates for you soon.

To really get you going I think seat belt laws are stupid too.

I used to ride motorcycle before I became a father . It was a RISK I was willing to accept for the freedom & confines a automobile can't give you cruising back country roads . I had a rider on my insurance that would give me IN HOME healthcare IF I became cripled from an accident . But , when I became a father the risk and fear my daughter would want to ride passenger was no longer acceptable to me . Now lets go to firearms . I not only believe it's my God given Right , but my obligation to protect my daughter from the evils of our society . I've carried more in the past 6 yrs. than in my prior 44 . I cannot imagine anyone that would try to legislate Right away from a parent let alone the parent actually concidering obeying such legislation . I can't even express the anger I would have to ANY parent that doesn't feel the same . They , NOT the Govt. , brought that child into this world . To not want to defend that child with your last dieing breath is inconceivable to me as it is with most parents . Firearms are the best equalizer in a ( God forbid ) life & death situation . BTW I'm to old for martial arts training .

NF you are likely wasting your time with some of the folks on here. As you know all to well people looking for power/money will carefully craft a message to ensnare those who don't know any better. Whether it be Manson, Jim jones, hitler or the modern nazi/skinhead movement each one of these people/groups had a finely crafted message targeting a very specific part of the population. And when they get their hooks in these people are caught hook line and sinker. No logic or reason works any longer. Luckily it generally only works on a very finite part of the population. Best.

The exact same thing can be said of the liberal media...........

The exact same thing can be said of the liberal media...........

Cmon TH, You know that reason no longer works with some people, and others must be paid to stay that uninformed.

The exact same thing can be said of the liberal media...........

That's exactly right. It's never just the "liberals"/Obama/democrats or conservatives/bush/repubs. Once people realize its both sides is when we will actually get meaningful political change in this country.

That's exactly right. It's never just the "liberals"/Obama/democrats or conservatives/bush/repubs. Once people realize its both sides is when we will actually get meaningful political change in this country.

I will believe the conservative side long before I would believe the liberal media who has refused to do anything but sing high praises of the king completely ignoring all the lies and deceit, Benghazi is a good example of the lies and deceit completely ignored by main street media.

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I will believe the conservative side long before I would believe the liberal media who has refused to do anything but sing high praises of the king completely ignoring all the lies and deceit, Benghazi is a good example of the lies and deceit completely ignored by main street media.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I believe neither and view everything with a high degree of skepticism. I think one can learn to look at information and tell quickly if there is bias and if there are red flags to the potential accuracy of the information presented. I think that is what some of us have attempted to show with various articles posted here. Show people how to use logic and rational thinking to not be deceived. I think it is a common trap for anyone to fall in to where we want to believe the conclusion of an article as it fits our world view. People then sometimes just want to believe even if the piece is throwing up a ton of red flags. As difficult as it is people have to learn how to look at information without preconceived biases and without emotion etc. hopefully we all just want to know the truth whether we like it or not.

I think we should all have to pay "Free Speech Insurance" just in case we yell FIRE in a crowded theater.

If our forefathers had REALLY had vision they would have seen the morons governing in the future and they would have added to the constitution one final line: "Nobody living legally under this constitution shall ever have to pay to exercise these rights."

If our forefathers had REALLY had vision they would have seen the morons governing in the future and they would have added to the constitution one final line: "Nobody living legally under this constitution shall ever have to pay to exercise these rights."

It's been very successful keeping a limited on the number of fully auto weapons in check in this country.

I think we should all have to pay "Free Speech Insurance" just in case we yell FIRE in a crowded theater.

And what would make someone think that isn't the next target? Because What's his name said it isn't?

LOL!!! Look at his track record. He promises what he needs to to keep the press on his side . . . until he no longer needs them. Free speech is already being restricted by the trolls here who continually try to drown it out.

Again, when he no longer needs those trolls or the press, he'll throw the First Amendment under the bus just like all the other Amendments and the rest of that pesky Constitution.

Kinda presumptuous to think he's smarter than Thomas Jefferson and the other framers of those documents.

Hello Mr Insurance Agent, we're here to get some gun insurance


  • need insurance.webp
    need insurance.webp
    12.8 KB · Views: 77
If I get gun insurance can I then get a fully auto AK47? Why not if insurance is the answer??

Do you have to let your homeowners insurance folks know you have a gu n : do they ask? Do you get or need a rider on your homeowners? I don't know but am curious.

Picker, you said "It's been very successful keeping a limited on the number of fully auto weapons in check in this country."
What exactly do you mean by "successful"?-You find success in the fact that people are getting killed with different kinds of guns besides autos??

I don't picker, and they have never asked. I think you brought up a good point though. I should let them know I want my guns covered by my policy, not my actions.

Picker, you said "It's been very successful keeping a limited on the number of fully auto weapons in check in this country."
What exactly do you mean by "successful"?-You find success in the fact that people are getting killed with different kinds of guns besides autos??

I believe fully auto weapons are potentially much more lethal than non full auto especially in untrained hands.

I don't not believe we would have had the casualties at sandy hook if the assailant would have had a hammer, golf club and bat - do you??

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