I watched it,,,and as others here said,,, "it's just entertainment TV".
Lots of quotes here I "liked" and those individuals have very good points.
Some of out members here HAVE FOUND gold in these mountains. There is no doubt about it.
Treasures lost,,, treasures hidden,,,treasures found.
The activity though DOES,, in my opinion foster intent from UNQUALIFIED and ILL PREPARED people to head into this very unforgiving environment.
That is my main concern with it. (the show)
No doubt about it,,, there are literally hundreds of "documented treasures" in the South West ,,
Maybe,,,, just maybe,,when I retire I will head out there and do a lil prospecting.
Knowing I will probably find nothing,,,,but then again,,maybe I will.
But all in all,,,it is a decent bit of suspense,,,
The HIT meter gives this a 4 out of 5 stars.