New Shipwreck - Take a stab at dating artifacts.

No luck today with the the skiff in behind the site but it was way too rough to anchor up and string out all the hoses. We tried to get out the cut and go see what the single cannon site looked like, but nearly swamped the thing trying to get out. Got to be a break in the seas soon...this is generally a pretty good time of year down here. We'll try again tomorrow....for now I'm going magging in the big boat. ;-)


Jason, have you been already in touch with Terry?
When do you think that will be better weather in Luperon? Here in Santo Domingo is raining like hell.......


It rained here all last night, and the swell was horrible on site today. It didn't rain today, but the wind blew very strong until around 6pm. It's still now and I can only hope that it will be that way in the morning. the wind and white caps don't bother us out there, just the swell...when it lays down we will accomplishour goals...I just hope that happens THIS month. LOL

I have not been in touch with Terry, I need an email address...I have a package ready to go to him, but lost his email in my move from the U.S. to the D.R. Get it to me and I'll send his stuff out tomorrow...I had almost forgotten about that, thanks for the reminder.


I don't know how you or Mark did it, but I finally got to review your thread without the page locking up! Great stuff! Best of Luck,

Hi Jason,

I sent you PM with email address of Terry. Please, be in touch with him. Thanks.
I wish you better weather over there, guys.....Here is terrible as well.


Jack - I've found a few ships in the 100-200' range but am not sure of your target price range. If you'd like, PM me with that info and I'll narrow the search.
I did find one in the DR, but she'll require some modifications for your use.

Jason - nice piece of video, now at least Jack has a stand in if he needs to take a few days off. lol

Hope the treasure gods are smiling on all of you.

Stay safe

Goldust said:
Jack - I've found a few ships in the 100-200' range but am not sure of your target price range. If you'd like, PM me with that info and I'll narrow the search.
I did find one in the DR, but she'll require some modifications for your use.

Jason - nice piece of video, now at least Jack has a stand in if he needs to take a few days off. lol

Hope the treasure gods are smiling on all of you.

Stay safe

Once again Goldust, thank you! Our price range is what it will cost for what we get. In other words, if we buy one on the cheap and need a ton of money to fix it up, that is what it costs and one that is more, but good to go, will pay for it being ready without all the down time. That being said, the labor costs here are minimal, so if it may save us in the long run if it does need some fixing up. (Now I'm confused!)

I would be very interested in what you found here in the DR just in case. (We may end up owing you BIG time and make you come down here and work your butt off for awhile! No good deed goes unpunished! HA!)

I was quite happy to see Jason post a video and though I don't need a day off, I am working on expanding the company by trying to set it up all legal and everything offshore in maybe the BVI or Cayman Islands whereby we can sell shares to get us a bigger boat and some more tools and to expand the number of folks we have to form more Teams to double or quadruple our efforts. We have WAY TOO many ships here to address (if that's possible) for our current staff and equipment.

I wish I was a lawyer sometimes! The questions I need to answer are WAY too complicated! YIKES! Time will tell if I'm up to the task. I definitely would rather be editing and posting videos and thank goodness Jason has stepped in to free me up some.

In the mean time send me what you got and I will put it in the budget and see if it flies (or should I say floats) as the bigger boat needs to be in the budget before I file. Thanks again!

BTW, the Team went out this morning and it's still a bit too rough, but so much better than yesterday and 100 times better than the day before, so we have our Team and the Fernandez Brothers Team set to go out tomorrow so we will have two to three Teams ready to dig as we think we may have a weather window coming up for at least a few days!

DIG LIKE HELL BOYS and put some "T" on the deck and then getting what we need to expand will be a moot point!!! Wish them luck!


Great posts, great videos, I am with you 24 hours a day in my thoughts. I am in regular touch by phone with Rick anyway. We agreed that I will better come when the weather will be better to dive with you as well, but even if the weather is bad, I need to talk to you urgently, so I will probably come for one day by the end of the week anyway just to sit down with you. For now, it looks like Friday or Saturday for the whole day, I will call you before. Is it OK with you?

Regards buddy, give a hug to Jason, please.....

Hey Lubos!

I will kiss Jason's hand if it has a gold coin it! That would make my work so much easier and what a great video that would make! HA! Hell, I'll kiss his...uh, never mind...I just got nauseous there for a minute!

Man do we ever need to talk! I just heard back from THE power house of attorneys in the BVI with offices all over the world apparently and they will take us on and by running with the Big Dogs maybe we can stay out of trouble in this bizarre business. These attorneys handle some of the biggest clients in the world that all of us have heard of so they must know what they are doing. I feel good about it.

We all know in our hearts we are going to find it but you have to be careful what you tell other people and advise them we may not find it which is hard to do if you know you are! We know for an absolute fact it is there...all around us in multiple wrecks actually, but are we going to find it? Of course we are if we have the budget! Are we going to find it before we peter out of funding? Therein lies the rub and why I'm feverishly doing what I'm doing right now and after over 20 years here, I'm not about to give up now when we have finally narrowed it down to a square mile or less! I bet we are actually within square yards now!

You can help me with my diabolical plan very, very much my friend and I will be 100% available to you when you get here. I found a great new watering hole! You like German food? Hungarian Goulash that has rave reviews from Hungarians even? And the best pate I've had since Geneva! That reminds me, while you are here remind me to tell you about the time I was on Air Force ONE with Henry Kissinger!

The next time you hold a clump of silver coins, they will be ours!
Let's see what tomorrow brings!
Jack :icon_study:

OH! And BTW Lubos, how could I forget, but I got your book Hidden and Lost Treasures in the Dominican Republic and started reading it last night! WOW! What great research and a great story-telling flare you have. I was hooked from the introduction from Terry Armstrong and chapter after chapter until the wee hours! What great dreams I had and I awoke rejuvenated for today's tedious activities to push this juggernaut further along.

Tonight I start the chapter, "The Island of Hispaniola: Domain of Lost and Hidden Treasures" then on to "Captain William Kidd's Elusive Treasure" and "Sir Henry Morgan and Saona Island" I spent some time on Saona Island and the local divers knew of sites with cannon and it's one of the most picturesque and most tropical islands that is just like in all the photographs of perfect beaches etc. for travel brochures. The pure white sand, palm trees hanging over the beach with hammocks strung between them and the most vibrant emerald green and lovely crystal clear blue waters anywhere. Let's plan a reconnoiter trip there soon OK? I'll buy the beer if you provide the excuse!

I must confess I skipped ahead to the chapter "The U-Boat Treasure of the Third Reich" on page 106 and read it just before sleep since one of our divers found what he described as exactly one of those impacted into a vertical wall in 90 feet of water with all the hatches still closed. It is, if I remember correctly, at a 90 degree angle to the vertical wall, sitting upright, with another 100, or possibly much more, feet below it sticking out like a cigar! (Well, a cigar that just happens to have a conning tower! HA!) I assumed that was some sort of a random thing since I had heard they hung around here but I didn't know the story behind your research that this was a planned event to get the spoils of war out of Europe at the bitter end and now I'm wondering if this may be one of those missing?

If we are going to bring that up we are really going to have to have a bigger boat! I better get off this forum and get back to work!

We have so much to talk about! Pirate ships to U-Boats...Dang! If we only had some lions, tigers and bears...OH MY!
See ya this weekend!
Jack :icon_study:


You made my day, bro! U-boat stuck in coral reef, it is something! It has been my passion, German Tresure Submarines, for a long time. I heard about one U-boat that fits your decription but this one was 200 feet long, in 70 feet of depth, stuck int the reef, but this one was in the middle of the Crooked Island Passage on the Diana Bank. Hopefully "your one" is closer, may be even in DR!!!

I will definitely come, be ready for a long talk, Jack!
Best regards,


Jack - I've found a few ships in the 100-200' range but am not sure of your target price range. There are a few 140-160' ships in the $750K neighborhood. If you'd like, PM me with that info and I'll narrow the search.

I did find one in the DR, but she'll require some modifications for your use.

Jason - nice piece of video, now at least Jack has a stand in if he needs to take a few days off. lol

Hope the treasure gods are smiling on all of you.

Stay safe

Here's a 47 meter ship in Denmark, very recent upgrades. 325 lbs Sterling, approx. $497K

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