New Beale story

... The iron box was found by Pauline Innis by the directions given her by George Hart, Clayton Hart's brother. You can read all about the iron box in her new Book Gold Cover. She found it with the Otey Family in Roanoke, Virginia. Now if you or anyone else wants to find the iron box you will have to go to Washington, D.C. and get it that is where you will find it. I know she had the iron box and there was nothing in it but a couple of pieces torn from a receipt which could have been paper where TJB was deciding how to encrypt the codes.
Interesting, George Hart gave Innis directions to the Otey held iron box.
George's brother, Clayton, was married to an Otey.
Was an iron box containing ciphers ever mentioned in the HAR PAPERS?

Interesting, George Hart gave Innis directions to the Otey held iron box.
George's brother, Clayton, was married to an Otey.
Was an iron box containing ciphers ever mentioned in the HAR PAPERS?
No... "google" HART PAPERS by George L. Hart, Sr.

The iron box is MIA. Yes, it has been authenticated the only problem was it had been altered. It has cuts and holes in it thats not natral wasnt caused by worms or moths. When magnified you can see the chain lines are cut. John hancock signature has been authenticated. Lots of experts puzzled. Why would someone cut this important of a document.
Interesting. Two iron boxes claimed to be part of the Beale story with current location unknown.

Here is the Beale Cipher Codes Deciphered. I do not care that others know what I know, why are you scared to post anything Justintime?
This is for Laf. Go to page 10 of this thread for the solved C1 & C3 Beale ciphers by Franklin.
How do these compare to what you have?

This is for Laf. Go to page 10 of this thread for the solved C1 & C3 Beale ciphers by Franklin.
How do these compare to what you have?

I do not need to compare what I have to anything. And not much interested in any other decoding, just historical facts about the time and place.

A one time you did request the names of those who had solutions to Beale C1 & C3.
Franklin's C1 is really interesting.

I do not need to compare what I have to anything. And not much interested in any other decoding, just historical facts about the time and place.

No, I did not ask him.
Why would I ask for something I have like that?
I have decoded it.

Most likely, none of us are right. :thumbsup:

Simply by the nature of the beast, C3, if we set out believing that Walt Disney wrote this cipher then no doubt, given enough time and effort, we can find a way to fill the clear test of this cipher with the names of Disney characters. And, yes, it's already been done. I wish I still had copy of that solution to post here but I don't so believe whatever you will.

Simply by the nature of the beast, C3, if we set out believing that Walt Disney wrote this cipher then no doubt, given enough time and effort, we can find a way to fill the clear test of this cipher with the names of Disney characters. And, yes, it's already been done. I wish I still had copy of that solution to post here but I don't so believe whatever you will.
BC # 3...? Names & "addresses"...? SURE! Larry Hinson has: Thomas Jefferson Beale (Tom), John Ware (Goochland), William Thorp (Brooke), William Toler (Goochland), George Toler (Goochland), Richard Toler (Goochland), Alexander White (Wood), John White (Wood), Andrew White (Buckingham), Mathias Baker (Wythe) William Hall (Hanover), John Hall (Hanover), John T. Hall (Hanover), Aaron Hall (Hanover), William Clark (Caroline), Edmund Clark (Caroline), John? Russell (Norfolk Borough), Major Russell (Norfolk Borough), Richard Taylor (Norfolk Borough), Robert Taylor (Norfolk Borough), Arthur Taylor (Norfolk Borough), R.B. Taylor (Norfolk Borough), J.S. Taylor,Jr. (Norfolk Borough), Samuel Swann (Caroline), William P. Wyatt (Caroline), William Ellis (Charles City), Joseph Jaco (Harrison), Nathanial Cowles (Charles City), John Rogers (Charles City), John Waddle (Washington).

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