New Beale story

what makes you believe that the key is in St Louis, we're it says from St. LOUIS PRESSING IMPORTANT, The St . Louis Key was sent to Morriss, And tells were the key is, in this place ,SEALED,were, the box left in his charge. A whole letter was mailed and received from St Louis, that states, let me give you some instructions, let me enlightened you, things like that. Every body knows everything and will not know till the flood comes, goodluck on that key search Frank. Ps, And the Friend is Morriss, my dear friend Morriss, Your Friend TJB, they barely knew each other, friend, friend, friend.

20151207_200723.webpI thought Jefferson wasn't a mason, a friend gave me a masonic book to check out, there's Thomas Jefferson...justcurious info.

Justintime;4777157I thought Jefferson wasn't a mason said:
But Jefferson did employ masons during the construction of Monticello-just saying.

Screenshot_2016-02-25-20-47-56.webp Going to share a little of what I call the Seeside...2015-08-10 18.30.58.webpthree owl guardians, Screenshot_2016-01-13-21-02-25.webp walk on around line up the cracksScreenshot_2016-01-13-21-28-27.webpforms the elongated head guy, Screenshot_2015-10-16-21-01-42.webp The owl rock is also a bufflo, these carvers have unreal talent. Screenshot_2016-02-25-20-48-05.webp next to the buffalo rock, is a buffalo laying down on a large snake head.Screenshot_2016-02-25-20-48-53.webp and a placed parallelogram above the B2 and touching Buffalo-owl rock, Screenshot_2016-02-25-20-46-58.webp,,, look thru the viewing hole, to see the EYE, the viewing hole exits over anubis's nose between the owl guardians Screenshot_2016-02-18-19-35-07.webp...Hope you enjoy the Seeside,lol...keep seeking,seekers.Thanks Justintime

...nice photos, but, alas, still no Beale treasure. Time for another Josh Gates show. :thumbsup:

Screenshot_2015-07-28-13-30-19.webpScreenshot_2015-07-28-13-30-12.webpThe Parallelogram has the name Beale on it. BEALE,Fancy ,U,ARK,Fe,Pot, a rock seek and find...Justintime

Screenshot_2016-03-10-21-01-25.webp Next to Biscuit Rock on the Seeside next to the Eye of providence, David The Lizard Nome,lol...nickname Sundial,Thanks,,,, Justintime

Once one has the true Key, the ciphers are not necessary. The DOI-KEY is paper #1with exact location , and number 3 is with the individual shares in the vault, for they can easily be Found. Cipher 2 keeps the quest alive. The Pamphlet was made after the key was never discovered and after many keyless failed attempts, the loss of the quest would be unrepairable and would be a Catastrophe if lost forever...the purpose was,served...Thanks Justintime.😎

Once one has the true Key, the ciphers are not necessary. The DOI-KEY is paper #1with exact location , and number 3 is with the individual shares in the vault, for they can easily be Found. Cipher 2 keeps the quest alive. The Pamphlet was made after the key was never discovered and after many keyless failed attempts, the loss of the quest would be unrepairable and would be a Catastrophe if lost forever...the purpose was,served...Thanks Justintime.��

Interesting, But you still need to decode the ciphers and that document was a very rare DOI .

You ought to help Justintime out by giving him that limerick.

Lol, I'm good, there really is no need for a cipher solution for one and three, once one has the DOI-KEY you know. Goodluck Justintime.��

Screenshot_2016-05-16-21-32-38.webp I was on the Eye of returning, look to my left and spotted a herd of buffalo, no buffalo tho a compass and square,Screenshot_2016-05-16-21-35-55.webp all the nonunderstandable info from BP letters, are for the key holder. Goodluck to you all. Thanks Justintime.😎

Screenshot_2016-08-03-18-16-55.webp The tunnel was sealed nice and tight, the tunnel was packed with a type of clay stuff, when mixed with water has the same consistency as concrete.Screenshot_2016-08-03-18-40-20.webp when dried hard as a rock,... hard to excavate with daily rain fall, I endeavored through it, having to bucket out water and materialsScreenshot_2016-08-03-18-18-38.webp♤.....not going to share what "gifts" that was discovered yet,soon.... here is what the site looks like nowScreenshot_2016-08-03-18-17-27.webp can walk into it, I opened up and dropped the entrance down so water will drain ,lol...,,☝☝☝👽.....

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