New Beale story

Screenshot_2015-08-07-19-17-03.webp next to the Biscuit Rock is some owls, three owls, The guardians... move around to the side, line up the rocks, Screenshot_2015-08-07-19-25-10.webplines up and to make an elongated head guy, the owl behind the head has the Parallelogram that has the name Beale carved on it is above it. Screenshot_2015-08-07-19-11-17.webp under the Biscuit Rock right were the arrow is pointed on the "crack" carving and right were the elongated head guy is looking is were a beam of light shot out of a rock.Screenshot_2015-07-28-13-26-07.webpScreenshot_2015-07-28-13-26-21.webp, In an excavation or "A vault" Screenshot_2015-06-25-00-27-48.webpScreenshot_2015-07-28-13-30-19.webpScreenshot_2015-06-26-19-48-24.webpeven says CAVE next to my,,,Justintime

Why didn't you take Josh Gates to this site when you on his Beale show, instead of displaying a DOI copy with a jagged top that matched the Peaks of Otter?

Can't really talk about that, ECS,lol,,,all I can say is,"It's TV"...

Not really, has concept...TV theory.

It's a fact that I have a Declaration of Independence with the initials TJB, that has many, different maps of different points of veiws, Using the DOI-KEY ,I located the place being shown,In Bedford Va, about four miles from Bufords, which was easy part, learned as I went, digging up every treasure symbol 6ft deep, In an excavation, when the vault was right in front of me, or a vault, figured out what Beale was involved by accident, the real Beale helped me read the DOI-Key. I go with the flow, Unlike Beale, and his bosses, I don't make plans, unless I want to make God laugh. The Beale Quest was just for fun, having something different and fun and adventurous, it soon became real, one thing lead me to another, once you find the marker on the DOI-Key it help to locate the next, I've noticed the marker and found it on the DOI-Key, works both ways, hasn't been a easy journey, I don't want to die in a cave trap, have to analyze properly and thoroughly. I've made more discoveries in one night than most will in a life time, I could make a series of shows on invisible messages and writing that I can't read, needs some type of spectral imaging. I'm sharing this info with you guys, just in case something does happen, I wanted all of you to know. There is enough info out there to do so....I can't wait to show the world, the truth,and my amazing discoveries, so let it be. You don't have to believe me, I'm kool with that, it's not for you. Thanks Justintime.😎

It's a fact that I have a Declaration of Independence with the initials TJB, that has many, different maps of different points of veiws, Using the DOI-KEY ,I located the place being shown,In Bedford Va, about four miles from Bufords, which was easy part, learned as I went, digging up every treasure symbol 6ft deep, In an excavation, when the vault was right in front of me, or a vault, figured out what Beale was involved by accident, the real Beale helped me read the DOI-Key. I go with the flow, Unlike Beale, and his bosses, I don't make plans, unless I want to make God laugh. The Beale Quest was just for fun, having something different and fun and adventurous, it soon became real, one thing lead me to another, once you find the marker on the DOI-Key it help to locate the next, I've noticed the marker and found it on the DOI-Key, works both ways, hasn't been a easy journey, I don't want to die in a cave trap, have to analyze properly and thoroughly. I've made more discoveries in one night than most will in a life time, I could make a series of shows on invisible messages and writing that I can't read, needs some type of spectral imaging. I'm sharing this info with you guys, just in case something does happen, I wanted all of you to know. There is enough info out there to do so....I can't wait to show the world, the truth,and my amazing discoveries, so let it be. You don't have to believe me, I'm kool with that, it's not for you. Thanks Justintime.

D & R, then...?

Screenshot_2015-08-11-10-50-20.webp The fake mystery hides the truth

The Holy Grail ........c'mon Justin just say it.

Do you think you found the vault that holds the Holy Grail and the Jewels from the Temple?

You think they were placed out west somewhere, relocated by this crew, and then transplanted to VA?

And if so, do you think this goes back to the Freemasons who were tinkering around on Oak Island? Or maybe someone else?

I found evidence of Mormon and KGC operations in Halifax searching for clues there as well. One of them is crafted in VA, from 'Bedford Basin', and it originated from Champlain, who is supposed to have brought religious artifacts to Nova Scotia and Vermont.

My guess is that someone opened this trove in secret and moved something sacred, but I can only speculate until I get there to Nova Scotia and Virginia to verify.

The Holy Grail ........c'mon Justin just say it.

Do you think you found the vault that holds the Holy Grail and the Jewels from the Temple?

You think they were placed out west somewhere, relocated by this crew, and then transplanted to VA?

And if so, do you think this goes back to the Freemasons who were tinkering around on Oak Island? Or maybe someone else?

I found evidence of Mormon and KGC operations in Halifax searching for clues there as well. One of them is crafted in VA, from 'Bedford Basin', and it originated from Champlain, who is supposed to have brought religious artifacts to Nova Scotia and Vermont.

My guess is that someone opened this trove in secret and moved something sacred, but I can only speculate until I get there to Nova Scotia and Virginia to verify.
:director: Are we working on the script for the next Indiana Jones movie? :director2:
Or a Nick Cage National Treasure movie? :happy1: Get out the pop corn this is sure to be a blockbuster!

The national treasurer movie was based off my mentors work. Who is the real* Ben Gates? [emoji6]

The national treasurer movie was based off my mentors work. Who is the real* Ben Gates? [emoji6]

Which National Treasure movie KX ?
I understand the next installment of National Treasure is on the Lost Colony of Roanoke founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. Though not steeped in riches, this is interesting to me as I am decendent of Sir Humphrey Gilbert and my dad,( before he passed ), spent alot of time in Virginia but never told us why.

I bet the movie guys making the film are rolling on the floor wishing they were on this treasure hunt instead.

Seems this is something to be made into a Sherlock Holmes series.

The reasoning behind my beliefs is that I have found certain marks relating to EITHER older Rosicrucians from 1600's, OR Templar Masons from the 1776 era's in Nova Scotia on some of these stones.

Some of them even looking specifically like George Washington's face leading me to believe they might have had to bring up the troves, and then to rebury them further away from the imposing British forces in Nova Scotia.

There is a theory they were there on the island collecting some silver and gold deposits for funding the revolution, and that they were informed about these troves by the Masons in the Grand Lodge of London.

There is a member here named Robot. His research extends into the Oak Island mystery with claims the founding fathers were bootlegging the whole affair with these troves.

If you have information to gather about their operations, you should contact him to find the correlating evidence showing Benjamin Franklin's involvement in the whole affair. It might be the link you are looking for showing that they had ALSO gathered the sacred items and placed them into vaults or tombs for a later time.

The other evidence I have gathered was the fact that the later organizations of the KGC in NYC, and their Mormon associates in upstate New York and Vermont were avid about trying to peruse the areas in Nova Scotia for these troves, to use them to convince their followers of their affairs, as being "Called by God" to follow the train out west.

They either found these troves, or were 'hired' to find these troves and hide them, on behalf of higher Jesuit authorities, who also possibly gave them the maps or locations to their gold vaults in the Superstitions, or in Santa Fe, to reinforce their operations


They were given the information from an insider in the Free and Accepted Lodges in the US, who had ties to the higher orders and used these troves for their own demise.

Albert Pike.......the 33rd Degree Mason, one of the founders of the KGC, and a keeper of a castle in New Orleans.

They were plotting to run a secret organization of banking moguls behind the scenes.

The Standard Oil Trust of the 1871 pact they formed was the Pennsylvania monopoly that dried out quickly.....

As the oil dried out they moved to making the gold theirs.

This Beale Story may be a part of the whole affair mentioned above, as being the crescendo to make the monopoly a controlling factor in the US Govt. I believe they may have gotten to the vaults and disposed of the goods in an area under their control.

Notice the marks on your DOI that show a hole singed around both the words 'Disposed To'?

There is a lake in Nova Scotia that looks exactly like the shape of your marks, and you did say the marks were intentionally made for a reason?


If there was a removal of an object from the Nova Scotia troves, and if this mark is found near Bedford Basin, NS, with another mark found in the Beale clues that show a Map of the area, with the same mark, using the same name Bedford as its source.

That is far too coincidental to overlook, as is the thought of Benjamin Franklin possibly editing your DOI and including his eyepiece and Key......

The Mark there in Bedford is also found in Bedford Basin, and is obviously a map to guide one to the items they "Disposed to" or dumped

Beale Omega Map.webpChamplainMapCrop.webp

Here is the mark that holds the Exclamation Point


And these mapped carvings actually lead to this point south of the Lake there in Bedford Basin,

Just got thru reading the holy grail by Joseph of Aremathea traslated by Thomas Jefferson....when did he translate it? What year did he create the jefferson bible. I am going to refrain from a final conclusion. There is more than one legacy, hidden in Bedford Va. , go to the place of deposit and sucur it's contents. Goodluck to you all. Justintime

This is going to get outrageous so I wont spoil the surprise.

Who's your mentor..KX

Robert Kryder is my mentor. Ben Gates is a real person and we/he knew the "Cage" family. Only the first movie was based off what Ben offered...the rest of the movies are just Disney writers. Rob and Ben had access to the 1st Masonic lodge on this continent. We weren't involved with NT at all.

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