New Beale story

The will merely state the contents of the vault. C1 is the map, and C3 is with each individuals portions.

I don't have a book to sell, just want the truth to be told, and I can't wait to show you guys. When I do right a book, it will start with the ending,wink... There are People out there don't want the truth available, and are very aware of what it is, have experience them, threats..ect. long hair don't care. With the use of" No Ciphers", just the key and letters. The content cipher 2, is a bounus, and mistakes on the key helps get in on the right track. Not trying to force a theory, its,not theory nolonger. As a bonus to all of you when I do the great unveiling, I will post the map-DOI-key, for all to see, there is,alot more to be discovered there, best of luck seekers.

I am wondering if you got to the overlay part with your DOI, where it uses the SINJ'ed holes to derive locations.

Did you attempt to do a full overlay, and look for multiple locations throughout the scale of the document over the map there, or were you just targeting a single location like the Vault?

On the map, a hole represents a rock. when I first started didn'tknow were to start, were bufords was, nothing. Then I read "The game is worth the candle" when you look at the DOI-key, there is a burn spot with info, there was a map, helped me go straight to the area, then once you line the topo up, it help to locate starting point, Bufords...truely amazing, then once you got the two locations start and finish, it uses the folds to take you to the other maps that work together,The disposed to line, complcated at first, but...You soon will see...good luck, Justintime8-)

On the map, a hole represents a rock. when I first started didn'tknow were to start, were bufords was, nothing. Then I read "The game is worth the candle" when you look at the DOI-key, there is a burn spot with info, there was a map, helped me go straight to the area, then once you line the topo up, it help to locate starting point, Bufords...truely amazing, then once you got the two locations start and finish, it uses the folds to take you to the other maps that work together,The disposed to line, complcated at first, but...You soon will see...good luck, Justintime8-)

Discovery & Recovery...?

On the map, a hole represents a rock. when I first started didn'tknow were to start, were bufords was, nothing. Then I read "The game is worth the candle" when you look at the DOI-key, there is a burn spot with info, there was a map, helped me go straight to the area, then once you line the topo up, it help to locate starting point, Bufords...truely amazing, then once you got the two locations start and finish, it uses the folds to take you to the other maps that work together,The disposed to line, complcated at first, but...You soon will see...good luck, Justintime8-)

Here's what I grabbed from the few photos of the hole you posted,

The DOI was used with the codes so a person from the Philly area can be informed to pick up the goods once they were stored in the vault.

Ken Bauman also has found info that shows Philly is involved as a hub for their operations, or a place where some affair related to the Beale was planned.

The hole in the DOI there represents the shape of the old town limits as drawn on the map. The town of Bedford.

The hole then is aligned so the shapes all match over the map and the boundaries of the town line up perfect with the city limits.

The words on the DOI are then used as the code to find the trove based on the positioning of these specific words over the map,

The words 'Direct Object' are seen about 4 miles from the hole as it appears over the map.

The Direct Object is then made to be located from the exact position of the dot in the letter j.

The other things I derived from the small and confined pics you posted is nothing to be overlooked.

They are involved to a degree in the location I found, but it only leads to the Direct Object as far as I can tell.

Because of the interests of the KGC and the corrupted Masons there is nothing that prevents you from being able to find an earlier arrangement that was made to code something there a part of an earlier operation, before even the tales of the Beale.

When I used your DOI, the location and the clues died at a small lake....where the ARK and FE and the Fancy U were drawn into the ground......the letters POE can also be seen crafted around the pond.

When you read into the Gold Bug, seeing the name POE, you see there is a phrase that shows the movement from that Direct Object to the next location, the vault. The Directions listed in a phrase in the Gold Bug, originates as there a stop, a small backtrack, and then a move to the left at a certain angle to walk over the next hill to the valley the Vault is placed in.

Using your information it was impossible to get to the vault I found, without the coding and the directionals pointed in the Map Stones I found in AZ, to correlate to the actual full mapped trail and series of markers.

Some of the stones you have found with markings, the TJB, the Masons X, the letters ARK, FE and the Fancy U, also may correlate to the locations that are marked on the Map Stones as a large X. There are a few of them to chart, that's why I had originally wanted to team up. If you remember I had questions not to find your clues, but to make sure that we did have two seperate trails charted as the information showed two different operations there.

You can read my work here:

The Simpson Papers | Beale Cipher
I thought your map was incomplete, and not wanting to use the info, I had to use other map stones and markers to form the trail from the mines and the other clues related there. When I went to try to find the vault there was a series of markers, but none featured the players you are mentioning, and none of this info was found by anyone else, so it has to come from the DOI delivered to PA, and may relate to another operation in Philly.

Ken Bauman's theory also shows this location being in Philly and I believe he has located the area and building the DOI was delivered to in 1832, and is interesting to talk with him about these facts. It shows the larger operation was being plotted from higher ups, who might have been in the lodges in more than just VA.

What I found unique is the fact you located something with a minimal amount of info using the DOI, and the Beale Papers alone, and the fact that there are a couple of hunters being led to find the same area from other maps, and shows that there are multiple sites there and located throughout the country, that were plotted and planned using this Direct Object as a focal point in charting numerous treasuries and troves.

I believe this is a focal point of the investigation into this all.

Thanks again for talking with me about this.....I definitely want to make sure you can work without thinking we are creeping up on your trail.

I am pretty sure now we have two different troves, possibly using this KGC Ceremonial ground as a reference point on the map.

Can talk to me anytime to clear any of the confusion up, or to confer with us on the whole, but just waiting to see your goods and solves....

:occasion14: Eldo

The truth can be told also after a book is written. The truth will never be told until the treasure is recovered. I do believe I have just a good a chance of recovering the Beale Treasure as you do. A person can be an author as well as a treasure hunter that way you can tell the public as well as show the public how to find these treasures. If you are waiting on a recovery of the treasure before you tell ALL so am I.


Screenshot_2015-08-07-20-20-39.webpScreenshot_2015-08-07-20-20-24.webpI'll show a little of the Beale Biscuit Rock messages...enjoy and have a nice weekend.

Screenshot_2015-08-07-19-16-41.webpScreenshot_2015-08-08-10-27-45.webpThe Beale Biscuit Rock, Using my map I discovered it, then helped to find someone involved, 1806 Thomas Beale signature has Biscuit Rock on it, with the word POT, "Place of treasure" words show direction of veiw.... Goodluck Justintime.😎

Sorry to hear Eldo, wish you luck with FBI..

You do know I was joking about the feds right.....

I was calling them to let them know there was a solve in the murder and to keep watch on the sites in AZ so no raiders tried to disturb the evidence before the forensic archs i called move in.

I want them to see it was a secretive mining operation from the markers they built and not early spanish in AZ.

So I also tried to get into the NSA symposium with a submission but it was futile, I missed the deadlines by a week or so.

They said they would keep me on the waiting list in case anyone backed out.

Will be funny to show them the guy before who said it was a fraud, was way off base

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That is the drawing of a Cowboy swinging a pick axe

The story of a Mining Operation out west.

It is clearly a natural inclusion in a rock that was formed by heat and pressure.

Lol, Yep just a crack,wink..

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