New Beale story

The last thing I'm concerned about is who wrote the Pamphlet. The letters, are different,than testimony. The St.Louis letter was the the Key to where the Key was. Beale was apparently afraid of being impersonated,the Key is what Beale gave Morriss,sealed in this place,where,the Box left in his charge. The Vault is much older,probably from when It was less Populated. The one involed lived at the vault site, wagon trained in,due to increase in population,couldn't wagontrain out. Had to leave it. Couldn't risk it,as we might at any time be forced to reveal its place of concealment. That was the dilemma that was spoke of in the letter to morriss. They wanted to move,then the outside parties ascertained,made them leave it. Perilous enterprise,one which promises glorious results if successful,. Ten years of death,by that time the worst had happened,and none to be numbered with the living... These Legacies,so unexpectedly received,will at least serve to recall names that may be cherished though partially forgotten...What kind of Legacies could They have received.. Thanks Justintime

Beale afraid that other parties might impersonate his party, the only party that knew was the people who refused the journey'and was mad when they found out the outcome. Probably fueled a duel or two. Wink. Did Morris's find and tell Ward, or was Morris's infiltrated by Ward, hearing the story from a other source beforehand. The pamphlet was made to bring to light the lost key, all which is useless without. Ward is somewhat a treasure hero, probably with some cipher changes to one and three, so he would have to be contacted to solve. For, It would be a catastrophe if lost forever, Ward would have known from one and three messages the importance... Justsayn. Justintime

Years ago a friend and I discovered an old copy of DOI in a false bottom of a old iron box on the back was multiple hand prints and int. T.J.B. Could have Morris had the key the whole time? The DOI was signed by JohnHancock. Signed,sealed,and endorsed. Sealed were, in the box I left in your charge. The key was to merly state the contents, with its exact location, paper #3 you get when your in the vault.
So you found a third iron box with Beale's DOI and ciphers?
How many official Beale iron boxes are still to be found.

Don't really,know of other boxes. This iron,box had a false bottom, init was a leather bag,with gold dust on it,has gold draw strings,small,in size,if full mabe more than,a golfball one drawstring had a rolled up peice of paper stuck trough it. The other,an Egyptian handle,with hyros on on it,,it looked to be off some type of box,had a hole through it. In the bag was a little round,simithick,clear lens,of spectacles,one. The rolled up paper was the DOI,signed,has the,Initials TJB,aprox. 2 1/2"tall but faded. And has multiple maps,in the County of Bedford VA, that goes together,without question,and that my friend is fact,take it how you will,it is what it is. 8years ago ,I,never In my life ever heard of the story,what so ever. Just a fresh ,Virgin mindedly attack,with the aid of the DOI-Key,to assist me. Oh yea,and I'm four miles from Bufords,. Far as others Boxes don't know. Justintime

I have a few words to say, and if you permit me, give you some instructions concerning it. It being the box. I have been thus particular in my Instructions in consequence of the somewhat perilous enterprise in which we are engaged. You will, doubtless, be surprised when you discover, from a perusal of this letter. You will, be aware from what I have (Written )that we are engaged in a somewhat perilous enterprise, one, which promises glorious results if successful. Instructions, for key holder. Without the key, all is unintelligible. A St. Louis key was sent'and received by Morriss, important information on where the Key was hidden, sealed in this place, where the box, endorsed in the hands of a friend. Robert Morris, Esq., My esteemed Friend, your sincere Friend TJB, my dear friend Morris, in conclusion, my dear friend, your friend TJB. Last little letter' said, Dear Mr. Morriss, that's strange, Mr. And just TJB? Justintime. Hands of a Friend... Instructions

IMG_20130402_224612.webpIMG_20130402_225332.webpThe signer of of the signature is the real Beale. 1806, Justsayn...Thanks

Frank, what do you know about this Thomas Beale. In 1806, he had been to the treasure site, and new it well, to be able to whip it out in his signature. Thanks Justintime

Its, Fincastle Beale, owned lot #9 on main, 16 slaves, and according to PV's book, he had 64, 000$ the national Dept was only five times greater, at the time. Like you said, Frank it doesn't matter who, Just trying to show that the story is older, and dates aren't always right, I have more info to support my claim. Was there a lost treasury, what's the scoop on that, never heard of it. How did it get lost. A Treasure with a legacy, to help recall partially forgotten names. The calligraphied version of the DOI, was signed with the wrong date. Says July 4, 1776, signed Aug. 2, 1776, that important of a document should had the correct date. You would think. Thanks Justintime

IMG_20130402_210222.webpI have seen the word pot on the DOI-Key for a long time, but never really knew what it meant. Then I discovered the same word, POT carved in stone in several places, at the treasure site. IMG_20130402_210945.webpHere is one example.frome the Beale Treasure site. I Think it stands for, Place of Treasure,, POT...Thanks Justintime

I wrote the large Pot above the circle, when circling the Buffilo. Where is the 1822,I,haven't seen it.

1822,I can see it..

IMG_20130327_120914.webpRoughly lined in Stone. Justintime

So you are saying this is the depository?

Where is the pots of gold?
Gold is for today knowledge is for ever. Its not just about gold, help recall cherished partially forgotten
Names,with Legacies. The gold is just a bonus. By the time the game is,played,it shows you the importance,little by little.,,thanks Frank, Justintime

Thomas Beale from Fincastle, signature from 1806, is that when Lewis and Clark Expedition returned. Lewis and Clark left Fincastle, and returned to Fincastle. Fin castle, was founded in 1772, and was something of the last outpost before the Western frontier, serving as a supply station for people heading West. Beale owned lot #9on main street. Clark even married his cousin Judy (Julia) Hancock, related the John Hancock, signer of the key. Julia was supposedly the cause of the Risque and Beale duel. Look in Fincastle, the heart of the mistery, late colonial Virginia and western expansion period.. Lots of prominent Virginians, in and out, of Fincastle. Risque was related to Ward. Thanks Justintime

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