Don't really,know of other boxes. This iron,box had a false bottom, init was a leather bag,with gold dust on it,has gold draw strings,small,in size,if full mabe more than,a golfball one drawstring had a rolled up peice of paper stuck trough it. The other,an Egyptian handle,with hyros on on it,,it looked to be off some type of box,had a hole through it. In the bag was a little round,simithick,clear lens,of spectacles,one. The rolled up paper was the DOI,signed,has the,Initials TJB,aprox. 2 1/2"tall but faded. And has multiple maps,in the County of Bedford VA, that goes together,without question,and that my friend is fact,take it how you will,it is what it is. 8years ago ,I,never In my life ever heard of the story,what so ever. Just a fresh ,Virgin mindedly attack,with the aid of the DOI-Key,to assist me. Oh yea,and I'm four miles from Bufords,. Far as others Boxes don't know. Justintime