New Beale story

These guys are,good,who,hid it. The marker rocks are in,a general location,some exposed some hidden. I got maps,that are difficult to read, using the Key,I discovered the general area, found the hard evidence,to support my claims. The 1806, Beale Signature had similarities to, my general area,made the connection, then boom,here I am. Maybe people didn't pay attention back in the day.. I would have to say, the general area is well located. They had it covered,all the angles,Justsayn,Thanks Justintime

Yes ,careful justin, don,t trust rocks or whats around them. Have fun though.

You and reb ain,t had coffee yet? L.o.l.
Thanks releventchair, I try to stay aware of my surroundings, its,fun,and exciting, not for everyone, very hard work. Thanks Justintime

These guys are,good,who,hid it. The marker rocks are in,a general location,some exposed some hidden. I got maps,that are difficult to read, using the Key,I discovered the general area, found the hard evidence,to support my claims. The 1806, Beale Signature had similarities to, my general area,made the connection, then boom,here I am. Maybe people didn't pay attention back in the day.. I would have to say, the general area is well located. They had it covered,all the angles,Justsayn,Thanks Justintime

STILL raining, getting COLDER; ground MAY be frozen by X-Mas. NO "marker rocks" in Bedford County, Va.; put maps up... MAYBE we can help you. :headbang:

YO! Will send new "addy", soon. Be glad to help. PM sent ya @ 9 pm, today. Have 2 "addys".

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Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Justintime

Seasons greetings all!

Snowed in Ch'ville, Va. area, last night (X-mas eve); clear & cold X-mas day, coming back to L'burg, Va. (today). BIG snow for us tonight, tomorrow... HA! BRING IT ON! GREAT for I & R on "puter"... Thomas Jefferson Ley Lines, Poplar Forest - Axis Mundi, Geomantic "mysteries", Jefferson Davis (CSA) Ley Lines... it MUST be LOVE! LOL!

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And to you & yours, franklin; NICE to be "home". It's Jefferson Ley Lines from Poplar Forest , the Axis Mundi (aka "navel/belly button"). ALL Ley Lines radiating out from PF, that are of "interest" to us; should see the circles, straight lines, 8-sided house, 7 steps to get into the Retreat; will try to find a "bird's eye" view of PF. LOTS of Rosicrucian "influence" in the "workings" of Monticello & Poplar Forest... from TJ's years in France, meeting with the Rosicrucians of OLD France; SOME seen in Philly, Pa. & Bucks County, Pa.; and a bit west from there... The MONKS of THE RIDGE. MEANWHILE; back in Bedford County, Va. & the War of 1812... the FRENCH "connection" & New Orleans, La. The CSA Mint (was FIRST US MINT). I am such a "tease"... LOL!

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Years ago I gave a copy of the Beale papers to a neighbor who was a bit of a wizard at math and code breaking. He used to do radio talk shows where folks would call and ask him to solve perplexing math puzzles. Never, not once, was the man stumped. From time to time he'd update me on his progress on the Beale papers, and tell me what documents he'd reviewed and eliminated, none which provided the treasure's location. Melvin wasn't secretive with his progress, but I eventually became very sheepish about talking to him. He'd become obsessive, and, in many ways, I felt like I'd ruined his life simply by showing him the Beale papers.

Melvin's dead now, but a few months before he died he told me he'd broken the final code, the one that indicated where Beale had hidden the treasure. At the time, he claimed he'd gone to Virginia and was going back to search through old maps. This much he did tell me: the place he was searching for (apparently a mountaintop with some kind of religious reference) wasn't indicated on current maps. He wouldn't share details like the name of the mountaintop, but he did say the document he used to break the code was an obscure document particular to Virginia, not a national document like the Declaration of Independence, or a Biblical passage like the 23 Psalm.

Gosh, it's been several years since I thought about Melvin's search for Beale's treasure. Recently I've considered trying to find his family to see if they preserved any of his papers related to the Beale treasure, but the problem is this: I'm not sure I want to go nuts searching for a treasure that probably doesn't exist. It's not like I have tons of money and time to waste on speculative trips to Virginia, and, unlike Melvin, I'm no code-breaking wizard.

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I'll try to find either his widow or daughter. I went through old deed records and found out his wife had remarried, so at least I have her new last name. They (Melvin's widow and her new husband) moved quite some time ago, and the old house has changed hands several times. It's up for sale now, and there's a nosy part in me that wonders if Melvin might have hid the papers somewhere in the house or out in the shed. Probably not, since his wife was partially blind and I expect she really wasn't too interested in hearing about Beale and his treasure.

I'll see if I can find anything. You know, part of me says it's all just folklore. But then there's another part that wonders if it's real.

Frankin and Frankn. I am back defending myself from your harassment insults.

Looks like Sam may have gotten too close to the edge of the Physical Cliff.

That being said I will share another important piece of info, that is both DoView attachment 712747I-Key,and signature related. The Eye,carved out of solid stone, it was covered up. The little I,on signature, the T rock was pointing at it.
Beale Treasure, Eye remain as ever

20120415_204937-1.webp with the last communication20120415_204337-1.webp handed Morriss the box, and in the hands of a friend is were the Key was placed, Friend..? Sealed in this place, endorsed, A DOI with exact location.Justsayn,,Justintime Your Friend TJB

Instructions for (IT). (IT) being the box. (ITs) loss might be irreparable. It being the box. The paragraph as a whole, is reGarding the box left in his charge. Justintime

Justintime does your DOI give you directions to the burial site? I know the general area where you are but the map on the back of your DOI reveals an entirely different location. You, I believe are way outside the four mile area of Buford's Tavern yet the map on the back of your DOI is within the four mile distance of Buford's Tavern. Are you sure you are reading the directions correctly?
Anything is possible,and nothing surprises me anymore. Im pretty sure, about outside of the box. Justintime

After reading all these post, what are we waiting for?? Let's go grab $63 million in gold and prove them wrong. We find it, it becomes a secret. No need to tell the law or gov.
Like I say" Everything is ok until you get caught" Any update???

After reading all these post, what are we waiting for?? Let's go grab $63 million in gold and prove them wrong. We find it, it becomes a secret. No need to tell the law or gov.
Like I say" Everything is ok until you get caught" Any update???


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