New Beale story

Screenshot_2013-06-29-20-37-35.webp #2. Handed down.. Justintime

In 1776, the vault location was known. Some typeset letters were replaced with ones with additions during pressing, the key-DoI, spelling some info. If the DOI-KEYmaps,was printed on July 4,1776, then these additions were made during printing. 1. Build a vault 2. Round up treasure. Some lost legacies, treasure they figured were it was hidden," these legacies so unexpectedly received", received or found??? Did there natural gold and silver discovery, turn legacy, legacies means more than one. What would the gold and silver have to do to become a legacy. Justintime
Anything on who did the typeset work?Would seem they would be in the loop of shared purpose so as not to leak info.

John Dunlap, done the typeset...congress printer. There was methods, of obligations, and purposes for each craft. Look at the letter to Morriss, Morriss was made part of the association, and was entitled to equal share, if he would have found the key,and visited the place of deposit. The DOI-KEYMAPS is paper number one, paper number three will easily be found when one gets in the vault, number two keeps the game going...till the sum is secured. Justintime

Dunlap then.Good diggin. I,m not familiar with eighteenth century craft as much as earlier in which you did as told. colonial glass trade beads for example being regulated to keep their value up. Too Venetian bead craft protected itself from anyone wanting to leave with trade secrets,one could be a victim of the salamander and turn up knifed in the river. If one did sneak away any family would become victims.Yet glass works were one craft desired here. Wonder if Dunlap had secrecy impressed upon him or a sense of duty kept his knowledge secure. It would seem Morris saw no reason to open the box.

There are lots of time lapses, must wait ten years before the box could be opened.. There probably was several phases to their plan, none of them was nolonger numbered with the living. Dates are important,but not always true. The calligraphic DOI,was signed Aug 2,1776,despite the wrong date was on it, July4? The dates in the cryptic letters, ever thought they might be part of the message, got to have the key ..Justintime

Dunlap then.Good diggin. I,m not familiar with eighteenth century craft as much as earlier in which you did as told. colonial glass trade beads for example being regulated to keep their value up. Too Venetian bead craft protected itself from anyone wanting to leave with trade secrets,one could be a victim of the salamander and turn up knifed in the river. If one did sneak away any family would become victims.Yet glass works were one craft desired here. Wonder if Dunlap had secrecy impressed upon him or a sense of duty kept his knowledge secure. It would seem Morris saw no reason to open the box.
If Morriss should have read carefully the letter from St. Louis, the key to the Key location, backfired plan. There is methods of silence maintaining, probably scary non humans,lol. Every one that was a threat was killed, most were pretty good at keeping secrets, they mostly were assembled of masons. The lodges had already done investigations on members, The Others, used the lodge to recruit. If you pick the right guys,less worries. Beale stayed for months spying, investigating to see of Morriss was fit for their purpose...Justintime

If Morriss should have read carefully the letter from St. Louis, the key to the Key location, backfired plan. There is methods of silence maintaining, probably scary non humans,lol. Every one that was a threat was killed, most were pretty good at keeping secrets, they mostly were assembled of masons. The lodges had already done investigations on members, The Others, used the lodge to recruit. If you pick the right guys,less worries. Beale stayed for months spying, investigating to see of Morriss was fit for their purpose...Justintime

LOL! Blame it ALL on a "CONSPIRACY" of FreeMasons; Americans, French... "DEVILS", they are!

View attachment 820182View attachment 820183View attachment 820184. Its difficult to take pictures of carvings, they,used muli levels of overlapping words, which can be read by moving a,Candle around,each side has different message, I guess it was a technique,developed by carving in the dark,or cave. Chisel the rock by candle, remove the candle light, it looks like knots,on a rock, shadow writing ,,,strange huh. Thanks Justintime8-)
. Fe-Pots. Fe, is the element symbol for Iron, Iron pots with Fe. Covers.. Santa Fe, Santa iron, winter camp.. ? Code writing for key understanding..Justintime

View attachment 771361I have seen the word pot on the DOI-Key for a long time, but never really knew what it meant. Then I discovered the same word, POT carved in stone in several places, at the treasure site. View attachment 771368Here is one example.frome the Beale Treasure site. I Think it stands for, Place of Treasure,, POT...Thanks Justintime

Pot- place of treasure...

Pot- place of treasure...

POT on a tree or carved in stone...? LOL! NOPE! Someone's POT "patch"... POT on stone...? LOL! NOPE! Invitation to get STONED! Back in the "old days"... HEMP was the RAGE; even Prez George Washington had his own HEMP patch! The boys of the DOI in Philly were STONED on HEMP! MEANWHILE, at the Tiki Bar, Rev. Billy C. Wirtz will be the entertainer when SNOOKY (American) & Tina (from France) have a "go at it"; singing his song, TEENY WEENY MEANIE in honor of Ms. SNOOKY! Tiki Bar will have AMERICAN flags decorations, and ALL guests WILL check their weapons at the door; it is NOT a LOADED GUN PARTY "party"...

IMAG0452.webp IMAG0453.webp and these. Justintime8-):key:

Alterations,everywhere. It has been a huge challenge to make since, of all this, still learning, as you figure out what things mean, you realize the next, helps to all come together, sure National Treasure,was a fictional Disney movie, but had to be based on some type of truths. I was working on the ciphers,unaware of maps, when the commercial come on the tv, cage said, there's a map on the back of the DOI, O said what, back it up, and listened again, Thanks Disney, for the help, couldn't have came out at a perfect time. Thanks Justintime

Alterations,everywhere. It has been a huge challenge to make since, of all this, still learning, as you figure out what things mean, you realize the next, helps to all come together, sure National Treasure,was a fictional Disney movie, but had to be based on some type of truths. I was working on the ciphers,unaware of maps, when the commercial come on the tv, cage said, there's a map on the back of the DOI, O said what, back it up, and listened again, Thanks Disney, for the help, couldn't have came out at a perfect time. Thanks Justintime


8-)Beales two friends, headed to Richmond Va, after Morriss's investigation, that's were they had to report to. I find it funny, that , Ward worked so hard to get Morriss, to talk, soon as he does, Ward has to leave suddenly to "Richmond"? What to report, get further instructions, important business? I think the ones Beale was worried about impersonating his party, infiltrated Morriss,for info, and so he got it.IMAG0518.webpIMAG0520_1.webp. Justintime

8-)Beales two friends, headed to Richmond Va, after Morriss's investigation, that's were they had to report to. I find it funny, that , Ward worked so hard to get Morriss, to talk, soon as he does, Ward has to leave suddenly to "Richmond"? What to report, get further instructions, important business? I think the ones Beale was worried about impersonating his party, infiltrated Morriss,for info, and so he got it.View attachment 832528View attachment 832529. Justintime

NOT certain that it was JB Ward... PROBABLY Hutter, being called to Richmond, Va. (author).
Ward was AGENT for Hutter (cousin). BOTH grandsons of JB Risque...

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It seems like Ward, had already heard of a treasure being hid, prior to Morriss's mention of its existence.

BOTH grandsons of JB Risque...[
Risque beale duel , 1806, was it after, Lewis in Clark's return? Two year expected absence,1804-1806, Beale returns deposits treasure, buys some property. Was it on mainstreet?1806 signature on deed. Beale's dad the tavern Beale guy, when he wrote in his will, "& no more of my estate I give , to my Thomas Beale 5 Shillings only, which he signed in ,1806, Beale probably on his mind him being absent two years, not die till 1810. To my Thomas Beale, , nothing, for Beale didn't need any thing, he had "It" Time must lapse, everyone was no longer numbered with the living, probably just Beale and his Richmond buddies.

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