New Beale story

IMG_20130412_133650.webp There's a littleIMG_20130412_133650.webp more going on than a ,signing. RolledupDOI-Key, Papers hanging off the table, Ben has his glasses in his hand,which the lenes on the glssses is the same as the one found in the bag with the DOI-Key. And who is the guy by the door with the hat on. A treasure related,contract with the wrong date,look at tge last words of tge DOI. Thanks Justintime


View attachment 776670 There's a little more going on than a ,signing. RolledupDOI-Key, Papers hanging off the table, Ben has his glasses in his hand,which the lenes on the glssses is the same as the one found in the bag with the DOI-Key. And who is the guy by the door with the hat on. A treasure related,contract with the wrong date,look at tge last words of tge DOI. Thanks Justintime
Someone has watched the NATIONAL TREASURE movies one too many times.
Now with a pair of X-RAY Specs from the Johnson-Smith catalog,if look at the back of a two dollar bill the secret will be revealed in fine print on the rolled up DOI.
The guy by the door with the hat is Fireman Fred,and has the pipe that will be used as the "KEY" to the treasure vault.

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Lol,not the Bruton Vault,thats in Williamsburg. The Vault had no treasure,was already seperated by the time of rediscovery. Just maps to,the locations of the treasure vaults(supposedly 144). Some were easy to find some hard. Fincastle, was the start and finish, of the treasure rodeo roundup. The treasure related to,Beale wasn't his treasure. Beale was advised,and regally had to report,this man of man,bada@@,leader,Boss of certain tasks,but, The ones telling him what to do? Outside source. The prominent Virginians Flocking to Fincastle,were checking on there investments. The treasure was brought to Fincastle,then deposited elsewhere. Beale was probably in charge of depositing, not finding treasure, he was informed when some had be found,got ready to,deposit. There was a enlargement project,of the Deposit Vault, large amounts of Metal. Got Hard evidence,just can't share yet. Thanks Justintime

Goodone ECS, lol,it would make a good movie,but no Joke,Justsayn Justintime

One can show All the evidence,lay it out, I've have revealed more info than advised,but its never enough,its OK. I understand change is tuff, I'm shocked daily,and learn daily,when you close your eye,cause of all,knowing syndrome, you'll never know,wasting time stuck in what we beleive. thanks Justintime

Someone has watched the NATIONAL TREASURE movies one too many times.
Now with a pair of X-RAY Specs from the Johnson-Smith catalog,if look at the back of a two dollar bill the secret will be revealed in fine print on the rolled up DOI.
The guy by the door with the hat is Fireman Fred,and has the pipe that will be used as the "KEY" to the treasure vault.

HA! I thought it was Sherlock Holmes... VERY nice hat!

Yes,all the markers are shown on DoI-Key,only when you find one you know what the next is,something like that, not scatches in rocks,lol. Thanks Justintime

You be careful traipsing around while you're out their looking Justin. If they hid the stuff, be willing to bet they also left some "surprises" for those who shouldn't be there. I've bumped into a few looking for another buried "item". Sneaky is an understatement.

Thanks Doc, I've had a couple of close ones, all been rigged rock traps, they used the lure of the obvious, here I am. I proceed with caution, to the best of ability, all I know is wide open, ssometimes I need a break to think. Thinking, justintime

John Hancock was a Smuggling powerhouse, had his on ship company, and his name is on the Key-DOI. The initials T.J.B.,are also there, The name Beale is carved in a rock, at the Justintime site, there are endless amounts of connections between the key to site,site to letters,letters to key, it is a very difficult challenge to take on, one which fatigues you into compliance, you can easily get snow blinded, I more than anyone hate to waste time, at first I feel like I wasted time, I would dig,dig,dig, get tired and take a break, that's when it will come to ya, there is no way one can give an exact location without some type of map. There is so much going on on the
map-key, its like every one that was involved, put there ideas in, different perspectives,, one person would have an idea on how to show something, someoneelse would say ,I can't see that, what if the recipient can't read it, so then his idea would be added, what it seems like. There is a disposed to pattern,on the DOI-KEYmaps,the other maps are scattered in quadrants, there is faded writing which, most is not legible, so I have to figure out and separate the maps one at a time, each time you figure out something,you get excited, but yourjust making progress. Its hard to believe, and I'm not the smartest person on TN, but I've been somewhat forced to know, I had to attack the key, based on what I got, read the maps and do the research, All the pressure beale was under, I now have the pressure. Excavation or a Vault, lol. Game is worth the candle, hands of a friend, sealed, ext., all the strange phrasesin the letters,they are intended for the recipient of the DOI-KEY. I am a treasure Hunter, Justintime,, hopefully one-day, will be a treasure finder..THANKS endeavor to preserve...

In Alabamy... "talk" to "Scoop"; MAYBE, you do have the "French Connection"... NOT the Beale Treasure, in Bedford County, VIRGINIA!

In Alabamy... "talk" to "Scoop"; MAYBE, you do have the "French Connection"... NOT the Beale Treasure, in Bedford County, VIRGINIA!

Lol, goodone reb. It's in the county of Bedford,four miles from Bufords. I got my connections..thanks tho. Justintime

IMG_20130307_224119-1-1.webpIMG_20130414_000839.webpIMG_20130325_164505.webp. Its difficult to take pictures of carvings, they,used muli levels of overlapping words, which can be read by moving a,Candle around,each side has different message, I guess it was a technique,developed by carving in the dark,or cave. Chisel the rock by candle, remove the candle light, it looks like knots,on a rock, shadow writing ,,,strange huh. Thanks Justintime8-)

Bedford Virginia.24523
Is that on FOX's fall schedule? A story of the teenage decendants of Ward ,Morriss,and Sherman are confrinted by a stranger in town,named Beale?Ward and Sherman are the "nerds" who put out the local highschool newspaper,while Beale has moved into an apartment complex run by Morriss's parents.
The show is filled with teenage angst,as Beale makes moves on popular cheerleader Chloe Delaney,but suspicions arise when Beale disappears for days on a "secret " search tied to his family's past.

Is that on FOX's fall schedule? A story of the teenage decendants of Ward ,Morriss,and Sherman are confrinted by a stranger in town,named Beale?Ward and Sherman are the "nerds" who put out the local highschool newspaper,while Beale has moved into an apartment complex run by Morriss's parents.
The show is filled with teenage angst,as Beale makes moves on popular cheerleader Chloe Delaney,but suspicions arise when Beale disappears for days on a "secret " search tied to his family's past.

For the YOUNG & RESTLESS, the DUEL begins...

In 1776, the vault location was known. Some typeset letters were replaced with ones with additions during pressing, the key-DoI, spelling some info. If the DOI-KEYmaps,was printed on July 4,1776, then these additions were made during printing. 1. Build a vault 2. Round up treasure. Some lost legacies, treasure they figured were it was hidden," these legacies so unexpectedly received", received or found??? Did there natural gold and silver discovery, turn legacy, legacies means more than one. What would the gold and silver have to do to become a legacy. Justintime

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