Lim,yes,take great caution with Feral dogs.The dynamics of the animal itself and its habits/reactions are very unique....unlike coyotes,or even wolves.
The one case I mentioned caused two of my co-workers to actually quit there jobs,and one had a nervous breakdown....both were top notch trappers as well...feral dogs do not follow any,"rules",or have the same habits coyotes do,therefore containing them or patterning them is a huge challenge.This particular "main",pack was actually consuming a large nut we have here called a Buckeye....which is some what toxic,and is much like soap(Indians would mash these up and put hem in contained pools to suffocate fish...or bring them to the surface)I had never even seen wild hogs eat Buckeyes!These dogs were truly wild!I say "main",pack because as this went on,and the damage escalated,more and more dogs were getting involved.....I caught a Bulldog cross that had a collar with a name and address.Due to the fact that the owner of a dog who is responsible for damage is liable,I had the terrible job of notifying the owners as well....this particular dog was this ladies"kid",he slept with her,until she left for work at 3:30 A.M,at which time she would put the dog out.......I caught the dog over 6 miles from its home.....with blood,and hair from a large steer the dogs had chewed the ears off of(this is the common damage/injury dogs ommit on cattle....chewed off noses as well)My point is,dogs act on adrenaline and some how seem to have a communication link that something big,and fun is going on,and they act like a pack of kids....they do something together that none would do alone.They also often maime or kill for joy,not out of hunger