Mystery Mauling.....

I'm so glad Mike is doing better. Got pictures of him shaved? I'd also love to see later pics when he's recovered.

The only part they shaved were around the right leg inside and out and a small patch on his left. Some of his worse wounds are on the back of the neck and on his rib area. His fur hides it though. His right leg today is not as swollen as yesterday but still really swollen. He's turned into quite the "wimp" since his mauling. He now just lies on blanket by slider door. Guess any of us would step back also if we got our asses whupped like this also. I realize many other folks have had there pets mauled and probably a lot worse included death... I just can't get over the fact the dogs ALL (except Mike) huddled by the slider together... just have never seen this behavior from them. Oh yea.... "Mike" and his brother "Ike" say howdy from Middle TN. He'll be back running the ridges soon (I think)...?


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Sorry to here about your dog Mike. Seems like he had the guts to try and chase them coyotes off. Them coyotes can be very nasty when working in pairs, they are survivalist. But I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a pair of feral dogs running in the area. I am also surprised that your Boxer didn't join in the ruccus. The two male Boxers that I have had in the past would not have missed out in a little fun. Thanks for sharing you and Mike's ordeal, hope he get to feeling much better. :icon_thumleft:

...hard to tell from the pics and doesnt have the characteristics of a lion attack at all,but I am sure they gave ya anti biotics to have him on?Especially lions have a "channel", on the back(inside of the curve)that holds bacteria,and any wound will cause a horrible infection,but all animals carry infectious bacteria's.Very well could be Feral Dogs as well.....virtually no way to tell the difference......the hardest and most expensive cases I ever worked were Feral Dog damage to cattle and sheep

More than likely a bear. Sorry for your dog.

ok I think it still could be hogs. the wounds look like tusk wounds to me. Claws or teeth would be deeper in my opinion

Sorry to here about your dog Mike. Seems like he had the guts to try and chase them coyotes off. Them coyotes can be very nasty when working in pairs, they are survivalist. But I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a pair of feral dogs running in the area. I am also surprised that your Boxer didn't join in the ruccus. The two male Boxers that I have had in the past would not have missed out in a little fun. Thanks for sharing you and Mike's ordeal, hope he get to feeling much better. :icon_thumleft:

Yea... my boxer "always" joined into the fun. Even lead the charge most times. And yes he's came back home dinged up some. All the dogs have. That's what so weird about what I witnessed. Not until "Mike" screamed did they all grow a pair and charge. But they were back quickly... real quick.

And yes we do have feral dogs right along with the coyotes.... "Mike" himself was one.

And after the vet x-rayed, and checked out his wounds he said Mike has a bad infection already in his shoulder and leg. He was very swollen. Vet said he would have died from infection not his wounds. Mike has another opinion but he didn't pay the bill.

Hey guys something else I didn't mention.... When this dog crawled back up on deck... he STUNK[/B]. I mean where all that slobber was (wherever he was wet) he REALLY STUNK!!!! Can't imagine what left that kind of smell on something after a mauling....????? This was the first thing we noticed then the blood before Mike collapsed. Any ideas on the horrible smell?

Glad Mike is on the mend! That must be a large pack of wild dogs or coyotes. I'm thinking the smell is probably what ever they were eating last. What kind of smell was it? Real bad meat? Wolves & etc. roll in decaying meat to mask their scent when they hunt. That would account for Mikes infection. Unchecked that pack is bad news to everyone, they will just get bolder. I hope your hunting is "very" successful !

I beg the neighbors to please put up their pets during hunting season. Gut piles are bringing in coyotes and the friendly porch dogs pack up and run the deer even the little rat terriers. I am so glad your dog is ok. Many are never seen again. The does are in estrous and the bucks are rutting. A lot of scent in the woods to draw a dog in. Glad your dog is ok.

If Mike were my dog, after what he's been though, he'd have his own bed in whatever room of the house he wanted it. That's a guy who will protect your family no matter what. Glad he's getting better. Hope you find what attacked him.

If any of you have noticed how our pet dogs will rub themselves in/on where some other animal has died. I'm not exactly sure as for the reason, but maybe it is appealing to them as a cover scent. And if you have noticed that if you attempt to spray an odor (perfume) that is pleasing to us humans, they do their best to resist. But they seem to not be hesitant to rub in something that reeks.

So as to the odor that your dog had, most likely came from the contact from the other canine.

If you are thinking ''hogs'', pigs/hogs are really a clean/odor ''less'' animal. The reason they seek the mud and other moist areas is to cool off. Pigs don't have sweat glands, therefore they seek out the most logical areas to cool off. Also, being a ''prey'' animal, pigs most likely want to have the least amount of foreign odor on themselves.

Mike update:

Mike now wants inside a lot more than he ever did. And yes he has his "own" blanket now. He's healing fast but the wound on his right leg broke open yesterday and started to bleed all over again. It's a deep bite wound all the way to the bone. For whatever reason... whatever feral instincts "Mike" still harbored appear to have "gone away" since the mauling. But not his brother "Ike's".

And I TOTALLY agree it's only gonna get worse if it is a pack of feral dogs. Rest assured if I see them I'll reach out and "touch someone".

YES.... every dog owner who lives in the country has had their dog come home STINKING from rolling on a dead carcass (something real dead!!!). But Mike didn't stink before the attack. What did it smell like someone asked? Just like a 2 week old dead carcass x 10. And the smell was coming from the slobber covering him. The other dogs wouldn't go near him. Even barn yard pigs go to a certain spot to do their duty that's why I ruled out a hog quickly also. A pig wouldn't soak the dog down... a panther or cougar wouldn't either and he'd be dead. A bear would have done the same.

Tnmountains... Totally agree with your above comments also.

But my dogs NOT engaging is really concerning.... meaning how many were their... or how bad could they be? Maybe I should have let my wife's Great Dane go out there. If I had I'd have to move in with one of you guys... Thanks guys... stay tuned. Maybe I'll get my revenge soon.

Limitool, I've been reading and following and so concerned for Mike. I'm glad he is on the mend.
Is he still on antibiotics for his infection? Did they test the saliva samples for rabies? Or, can saliva be tested for rabies?
This would greatly concern me, in that you or your family may could have come into contact with the saliva.
If you covered that somewhere and I missed it, I apologize. Best wishes for Mike and his, and you and yours.

Just found this thread..

Limitool, I'm in agreement with Kuger on was coyotes, and since
they didn't kill Mike it could have been a group of adolescents that have
gone off on their own, but haven't yet split up.

It's not unusual for a female in-heat to be "sent in" to lure out a domestic
dog...they hang around upwind of the dogs...letting her "come get me" smell
just waft down with the breeze. Could also be why all the dogs were agitated,
as they could smell her upwind. Mike was thinking with the wrong head and
pursued the bait..sadly, he paid the price for it, in spades.

What is unknown is how much damage Mike did to his attackers.....and I'm hoping
he kicked the sheite out of more than one. If so, the group might think twice before
deploying that tactic again.

I'm not quite up-to-speed on the family structures of south-western coyotes, but
in general the male/female split up once the pups are weaned and on their own.

Too many non-target critters around for setting traps, so as mentioned your best
bet is "selective calling". Once you ID that dominant male (if he's indeed the issue)
you'll need to stay on his ass until you get him. Then it becomes a battle of wits,
and never underestimate the intelligence of your enemy...that dog didn't get to
be the "Alpha" by being brainless...they're a lot smarter than we give them credit

Ever hear an "angry" sounding howl?

sounds like mike tangled with a black bear --maybe a momma with a cub to protect or a mean tempered old male bear ---wild boar pigs are no joke either and can tear up a dog badly --ask any hog hunter that hunts with dogs.

coyotes use a female in heat to lure male dogs away (coy dog)--once they are safely away from the humans area and other dogs to help him out , they encircle the dog--the ones in back of the dog go after the rear leg hamstrings while other ones faint in the front to keep him busy --once the hamstrings are cut the dog is disabled and can not effectively fight --then they "mob attack" and go in for the kill biting the neck /head area.--it is a nasty way to go.--coyotes are shoot on sight animals if you got livestock or pets.

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coyotes use a female in heat to lure male dogs away (coy dog)--once they are safely away from the humans area and other dogs help him , they encircle the dog--the ones in back of the dog go after the rear leg hamstrings while other ones faint in the front to keep him busy --once the hamstrings are cut the dog is disabled and can not effectively fight --then they "mob attack" and go in for the kill biting the neck /head area.--it is a nasty way to go.--coyotes are shoot on sight animals if you got livestock or pets.

.....a coy - dog is the cross of a coyote and domestic/feral dog..............I have owned several and shot many........

Glad Mike's recovery is coming along, all be it slow. His wounds are deep, even after the outer skin is healed the inside may not be completely healed. I'm guessing the reason he wants to come in more is, wounds exposed to cold air hurt more, and he knows he's not in any shape to take on what attacked him, but some day he will be, and wiser. If you had let out the wife's Great Dane it's one of the few dogs that could probably out run what was out there. Best wishes for a good hunt! Keep us posted.

........................a tall lanky dog like a Great Dane is no match for a pair of yotes either....they are clumsy and those long legs are easily taken out,and once on the ground its over.......I have been bit by coyotes and bit by Pit Bulls...a coyote bite is in a league of its own.....I will take a Pit bite over a yote any day

1. Mike is/has been on strong antibiotics and will be 3 times per day for the next 5 days. He does get a pain pill in morning and evening. No.. the saliva was not tested. It was really not a concern because I've dealt with "cleaning" MANY wild animals, cutting up, packaging/wrapping then freezing. If this was a concern it's too late now... everyone is fine tonight.

2. Adolescent coyotes.... NO WAY. My dogs would have engaged. This comes from their experience. No way. Kuger... help me out here guy. Adolescent coyotes would have ran from an entire "pack" of 7 dogs. "They" know the difference as my dogs did by staying on the "porch". NO!!!!! Opinion??? And did Mike maybe get a lick in...??? Yea I know he did. And I see today my boxer has a ripped up nose and sucked it all up (he is mamma's baby also)!!!!

3. Black bear... I think NOT especially with cub. Mike would be DEAD along... probably with other dogs. But if the bear just wanted to get away maybe... most (all) are well East of this location.

4. "Mike" the dog had ZERO wounds on his hindside... It's obvious he went in head first (chip off the "old" block).

5. Kruger.... Our dog "Sissy" is a cross also (found in woods as pup). She's 1/2 or 1/4 but she's a CROSS! She's a "dog" but does NOT act totally as a dog. Has many traits that are not "normal". She does the nip greeting "thing" when we come home and "grooms" all the dogs summer long among other things. She also is VERY SMART (smarter than Mike & I) and has dual dew claws on all 4 legs. Maybe from cross-breeding?????? But she is very loyal and loving but does not act as the other dogs.

6. Letting out Great Dane.... 1st. WIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN PISSED... INSTANTLY. 2nd of all.... Kruger is right (very right!)... (I knew) To much legs... and this dog had NO EXPERIENCE "running the ridge". But experience be damned for this dog Kruger is right. And Kruger... I have NOT been bitten by a coyote or yote but those animals bite to KILL for a living and anybody with any common sense should know the difference between an animal who hunts for food and defends themselves and those that are "fed" by humans. There is a difference....

I hope Mike's doing better. Looks like he is. I hope he was up to date on his rabies shot, and they gave him a booster. No need to test saliva, that won't show up there. People or other animals can catch it from being exposed to the saliva though. Unfortunately I have had some extreme education on the rabies virus. When I was little I was bitten by a dog they thought had rabies. The dog had to be isolated 6 months. It was a mean old dog, it did not have the disease and I didn't have to get the shots, but I have garnered a wealth of education about the disease. I won't even go near an animal I don't personally know. Got scared real good as a kid.

My brother died in 2010. I got his cat. Pretty cat, but almost totally feral it reminded me of your story about Mike. The cat was used to being outside and going inside only to eat or when it was cold. I do not allow my animals outside. PERIOD. It's too dangerous anymore. I even had a bear and cougar here in Maryland. Saw them at the house. Makes going outside scary. Anyway, Smokeythecat got out last September. Something whooped his sorry cat butt real good. Bitten really bad. It took 4 weeks to catch him, he outsmarted havaheart traps (they make them for coyotes too), and he went to the vets right away. (I had to use a commercial drop trap and remote TV monitoring to catch him.) He got all cleaned up and a rabies booster, and now he doesn't even think about going outside. He is no longer feral, and let's me pet him and he "boings" around the house he is so happy. I hope Mike will do what Smokey did, and become tame, for both of your sakes. Try some brief head pets to start.

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