Mystery Mauling.....

MAJOR UPDATE: "Mike" the 44 lb. mauled dog was in bad shape about a hour past my last post. Yelling, whining and whimpering a lot and loud. My son, wife and I wanted to DO SOMETHING but Mikes past behavior was foremost in our minds. Finally my son (33 years old) said I'll pick'em up. He did and Mike did NOTHING. Got him into car, called vet and left. Got to vet... then muzzled and drugged him. Later x-rays showed no broken bones. But while he was "out" vet said he was able to look him all over. He stated that Mike has a lot of deep canine bites to the bone all over on his neck, shoulder, leg, back and ribs. He said they appear to be coyote bites or "wild dogs". I said I've watched my dogs chase coyotes all over these ridges. He said not alpha males or a pair of them. He said that's probably why none of your "normal" critter getting dogs would engage... because they knew better...? Hard to believe for me but he said the bite marks are from large coyotes or dogs. He said that also explains why the dog was drenched with slobber when he returned because there were more than one... and he was drenched.

So now we have antibiotics and some new pain pills.... and he said Mike should start to be better in 3-4 days. I have coyotes ALL OVER my area but now have a new perspective on these animals.
They beat him up pretty bad, but Mike sounds like a tough old survivor, I'm sure he will bounce back. Yes it's time for a new perspective on these cunning devils, Well done Kuger for spotting the signs.:icon_thumright:


Hey everyone... Got "Mike" home at 3:00 pm today and he was still loopy. They shaved a large area around his shoulder and it now looks 1000% worse than it did which explains his agony. The vet said he was very lucky not to have any "life threating" injury's outside of the bad infection he now has. We gave him his antibiotics and his pain pill then "out" he went within 30 minutes (good for him).

I have seen, watched and heard these dogs chase "all" critters but NEVER have I ever witnessed "my" dogs pace the deck and not leave.... EVER! I still have a very hard time believing this was a coyote attack without the others diving in. Now they did all go after Mike was attacked but the damage was done. You know... Mike reminds me... of ME!!!!! All balls and no brains. Some of you know this.

Hope Mike has a speedy recovery. I lost a large male Lab in 2004 to coyotes. The first time I knew it was happening, I had let him outside and had to go look for him when he didn't come in as usual. He was following a female coyote that was in heat and was about to be ganged by a larger group who were paralleling him. I kept him close for a while and then about six months later they got him. When I found him he was much as you described, covered in bites around the neck and head area and covered in drool. He was alive when I found him but died soon after. I have become a coyote assassin since then. I already had a FoxPro digital caller and .22-250 I use for predator calling when fur is prime, but I call and hunt them year around now. I know I will never get them all but I keep them thinned and afraid!!!!

Make no mistake here... I am an EXPERT on weapons from archery to rifles. You do not want to be on the receiving end of either sight or scope. I wish I had someone close to hit this rabbit call with me on the other end of a 22 mag or a 222.

They're rare in your neck of the woods, but it sounds like a bobcat to me. Like bears, dogs either shy or attach, as there seems to be no in-between.

They're rare in your neck of the woods, but it sounds like a bobcat to me. Like bears, dogs either shy or attach, as there seems to be no in-between.

..not a was already determined what it was.Bobcats are thick out here and in 35 years of Wildlife control and sport hunting Bob's with Bobcat would do what has been described....

this year after hearing coyotes tangling with the neighbors dogs, I looked up the law here in indiana. if a coyote comes on your property you can kill it anytime here. I have no pets , but it's good to know should they get too close.

this year after hearing coyotes tangling with the neighbors dogs, I looked up the law here in indiana. if a coyote comes on your property you can kill it anytime here. I have no pets , but it's good to know should they get too close.

I usually also carry a 22 mag with me when I go wandering out into the woods whichever direction I decide to go... I've seen 2 bobcats (both in January) in full prime pelt and let both go. It was just great watching them through the scope and binoculars. And then again.... I've watch many coyotes the same way and let them go also... it will just be hard to do now. I have killed a lot of deer, rabbits, squirrels, quail and pheasant's in my day but never do I kill and not bring home, clean and eat it. It's just the way I was raised I guess.

But with the above said... did the coyotes (or whatever it was) go after the dogs or did the dog(s) go after it....? And don't be mistaken... if my dog was being attacked something would be dead shortly thereafter if I had a say in it. But a varmint call (I have) and a 22 mag today would be a lot of fun. Anyone close...?

Speedy recovery Mike. My bull mastiff got in a tiff with coyotes in the NY Adirondacks end result was $1300 in vet bills
and three dead coyotes must have been one hell of a battle!

I'm in the southeast corner and believe me , we have bears out the wazoo. I just sold some land near Ocoee River and all the neighbors said they could not leave dog food out because the bears came around. It could be a big cat , it could be a wild boar of some sort ... I was canoing The Harpeth River when I was about Ten and we were attacked by wild hogs of some sort , we had to climb trees. Or it could be a bear. Bears kinda act like a big lazy dog about 90% of the time. The other 10% , find a place to hide because Hell is on the way. Who Knows...

I'm in the southeast corner and believe me , we have bears out the wazoo. I just sold some land near Ocoee River and all the neighbors said they could not leave dog food out because the bears came around. It could be a big cat , it could be a wild boar of some sort ... I was canoing The Harpeth River when I was about Ten and we were attacked by wild hogs of some sort , we had to climb trees. Or it could be a bear. Bears kinda act like a big lazy dog about 90% of the time. The other 10% , find a place to hide because Hell is on the way. Who Knows...
I guess folks dont was a coyote/or pack there of.I can tell you a bear seldom wounds a dog,they kill,and for sure they do not fail to break bones...hogs slash...they do not leave puncture wounds....or slobber all over.....

I guess folks dont was a coyote/or pack there of.I can tell you a bear seldom wounds a dog,they kill,and for sure they do not fail to break bones...hogs slash...they do not leave puncture wounds....or slobber all over.....
wasn't canine teeth marks mentioned also...I think we know who the culprits are, and several of them.


Speedy recovery Mike. My bull mastiff got in a tiff with coyotes in the NY Adirondacks end result was $1300 in vet bills
and three dead coyotes must have been one hell of a battle!
Trouble is with dogs they don't react to pain like we do, they just carry on until the end. That sounds like it was a right ole ding dong of a battle.



I do a lot of coyote hunting here. Two of our local veterinarians will tell people to call me when they have yote issues and in reality there are WAY too many to make any difference. My point being, I am an avid hunter, when I have tried to help it is about as often that I discover feral dogs being the issue as the coyotes.......... Spent many years hunting in the Linden TN area growing up (Brush Creek). Sure enough in God's country there. Kuger may be able to give you some advice about keeping them at bay as he is way more experienced than I about predatory animals. Best of luck.

PS. Not to create undue worry but I would really be cautious with kids etc if it is feral dogs as they are way more aggressive than coyotes toward humans.

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I totally agree now that this was not a bear due to obvious size difference... One bite or good slap and "Mike" would be dead. I have not noticed any bear signs within my area either. I understand hogs are close to this area now but I haven't seen/heard any to date. And I agree about this is NOT a bobcat attack either. The cat would have done much more damage and or killed him quickly. Bobcats are around here though. Cougars.... I hear from folks who are in denial... but I SAW ONE. After the vet visit, x-rays and a good "looking over" coyotes are most likely even though at first I had a hard time with this scenario.

This morning Mike allowed me to check him all over and damn he has a lot of holes all over him. He actually woke me up early and wanted out. Walked on three legs through the house and off the deck. When he came back and stopped he'd stand on all fours... good sign. Must be some very good "drugs" he's on. He even ate for 1st time since mauling Sat. night. My large male boxer (110 lbs.) and a large mixed breed female (90 lbs.) and the female black lab all ran off the deck when they heard Mike screaming and I could hear them howling 150-200 yds. away. They came back quickly though. But not one of the 6 ran off the deck till Mike engaged. This was the first time I'd ever witnessed this behavior from my dogs.... but somehow they knew better (except Mike).

TNGUNS... I totally understand the hog advise but to date no sign of them but I wouldn't be surprised if they are very close.

A pack is different than a single.
Its "play" or pecking order when my dogs surround one of their own and get it on its back with a dog on each leg,throat,belly and keep tormenting.Seen it in wolf Shepherds years ago too.
Canine groups of just a few have been filmed catching a different breed and stretching them multiple ways in the process of killing them. Yote vs fox,wolf vs yote, domestic vs wolf, mostly with our help.
Dogs not wanting to leave porch with coyotes in shadows reported here in Michigan.
Now there are areas hounds can not be run as wolf pack in area kill them.
10 or 11 beagles killed at a minute a piece pace and last reported two larger hounds out of a bear hunting group during chase,not by bear and when wolves would not leave collars were recovered following day, one off eaten dog.
When "working" an area by pack,very different than passing through.Packs relocate by necessity on occasion and their softer cousins not all ways a deal breaker. Geeze,nearly like us.

I gave Lim some tips on calling that I dont "advertise".They will insure that he calls only the dominant pair in the area,which were the ones responsible for the damage.
I have watched how yotes work a dog and its something else.......just like everything coyotes do....awe strikes a guy,really!

I almost forgot I was on a metal detecting forum. I am sorry about your dog and hope he gets better soon. Here is what I would do. I saw that a member here offered to help you lure in the Alphas to remove them permanently. After disposing of said coyote, I would then go metal detect and find the bullet and make your dog a nice leather collar with the bullet trinkets. I would use a .50 Cal Beowulf as the bullets will be easier to find. :)

I'm so glad Mike is doing better. Got pictures of him shaved? I'd also love to see later pics when he's recovered.

No doubt the coyote, as well as many other predators, have the killing game down to a fine art. It is how they make a living for lack of a better phrase.


Bet I know exactly what you told him to get the Alpha's in. Not the usual dinner bell call........ ha ha

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