Mystery Map and a Fake Grave-yard (WHY)?


Sr. Member
Jul 8, 2003
Detector(s) used
army all terrain
This story is a personal mystery and I'm still working on it.

It all started in the late 1980's. I received a letter and map from a man in Columbus Ohio. He related that he was sending this map in hopes that i could figure it out. the map was a copy of a rubbing that fit on an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet. The man stated that they tried for six months to figure it out, but no luck. He stated the map was found outside of Clay City, Kentucky on his uncles farm and was used has a door stop. Having no other info on this, i used topo maps of the area and after 3 months located a curve on the Kentucky River that matched the map and looking south found the rest of the signs. I sent a letter to this man and it was returned no such address. No phone, nothing.
Myself and several others went to this area. The topo map showed an old trail that went down to a creek. We parked at the top of this trail and walked down toward the creek, It would be about a 1/2 mile. We came to an old cabin that had fallen in on its self. At this time one of the girls that was with us asked why there was no sounds. No one could figure it out. No sound, no wind, it was odd. After checking the cabin out, we started on down the trail, The others went a little ahead of me. Just past the cabin about 40 yards there was a small path, both sides of the trail was overgrown and hard to see more than 20 feet. I stopped at the path and told the others that i was going to see where the path went. About 30 feet on this path, to my right i saw a grave and beside it four more. I called out to the others to come look, why i don't know. We looked at the dates and they showed that they all died on the same date in 1927. The path ended just past the last grave. For some reason that no one can explain, i walked past the end of the path about 10 yards and found another grave. I called the others to come look. The head stone had my name on it, with the dates, born 1804, died 1872. We took a photo of the headstone. All photos turned out except for the one of the headstone, It came out in a reddish blue light. To this day, i cannot find out anything on this man or the cabin. After doing research on this, i found that a whole family died in a house fire there in 1927 and later on, while looking at maps of the area, i found a village just 20 miles away with a general store/post office, one gas pump, the place has my last name. Odd the things you can find in the Genealogy section of the library.

Because of work i was not able to go back until 2001. Now about the map, it shows a hill and a plus sign on the top, going toward the top of this hill, there are 30 headstones made from limestone 2 inches thick by 18 inches wide and 16 inches above ground and 10" below. The headstones are spaced around the hill in three rows. By the way, there are no carvings on the stones. The stones are spaced 150 feet apart as you go to the top of the hill, there are 14 stones and then 10 and near the top 6. the graves were never used. To this day i have no idea what they mean.
Leaving the hill and going about 150 yards on the trail, Just to the south-side of the hill, i saw a deer path heading west around the hill. We followed it and came to a small ledge that had moss on it. scraping the moss away, there was a vee carved into the top of the ledge, pointing north toward the top of the hill. Going on this course for about 200 feet we came to a cave that goes about 30 feet down and at the opening is 8 feet across. On one side of the opening is a U shaped cut out that goes to the floor of the cave. the U is 3 feet wide by 2 foot deep. There are two ledges on the wall of the cave that look to be cut for a person to stand. On the floor of the cave is a large rock the size of a dining room table and is three feet high. how the rock got there is a mystery. the cave is limestone and the table rock is sandstone. the room is 12 by 16 feet. there is a lot of rock chips on the floor. with or detector we found an old flintlock type Rifle with the largest bore i have ever seen, Its more rust than gun. If you tap on the walls or floor it sounds hollow. no carvings at all. I'll tell the rest of this story later this week and what the rest of the map has on it. One thing, about 2 miles from this hill is a cave with the date 1632 on it. (any ideas.)

You KNOW we gotta see those pictures!!! :o

Nana ;)

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i second the motion dig em all >:(

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didn't know i was going to be taken that way, i was telling of something that has been on going for 20 years. just wanted a little help on this, thats all. i wont bother you all.

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Don't be so sensitive Boomer. Most of us would be tickled pink if/when you are finally able to figure out whatever is going on here and hope you make the discovery of your life.

Some are highly skeptical and rightly so. There are many people out there all too willing to prey upon the hopes of every one of us treasure hunters who has ever purchased a metal detector. There have been many false stories posted an various forums. Kind of like counterfeit money. You know it's out there but assume it'll never happen to you. Then, all of a sudden you get burned and from that time on, you don't trust any bill you receive and check it carefully. We have seen people purchase coins or relics on eBay or some such and then post them as a detector find with a glorious story behind it.

There are many that are in the middle. They may be doubtful but are not condeming. They are simply following the story line and are waiting to see how it all ends.

You don't have to "prove" anything. All we want are the facts. Keep us informed and let's see what happens. If someone else is playing a joke on you, it is up to you to uncover the truth and, again, let us know.

Just because you are telling the truth does not mean everyone will believe you. And when you lie there are also some who will believe you. None of us likes to be played for a fool. It could also be said that you are making it all up and were just waiting for someone to challenge you so you could get indignant and disappear. As of now, none of us know what is going on. And we won't ever know if you quit.

You decide what you are going to do. I, for one, haven't a clue, but would like to see how this all ends.



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boomer said:
didn't know i was going to be taken that way, i was telling of something that has been on going for 20 years. just wanted a little help on this, thats all. i wont bother you all.


I for one am intrested, & I'm shure Every one else is also.

My guess it's just a little Good Natured Ribbing.

And For the Record, I HONESTLY Believe BEEKROCK was telling the truth, about everything except not knowing the contents of the Suitcase.
Curiosity ALWAYS WINS out.

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boomer, I for one am wanting to hear the rest of this so come on man keep us informed. this is good stuff. thanks, wendell

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boomer i mean no disrespect lee mentioned ,im trully sorry post some pics and and othe rinfo well be glad to help you!!

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1632, seems like it would have to be from European explorers, if it is really a date....are there any known expeditions that went through those parts, but history that far back isn't very detailed....probably would be hard to determine


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A fake GraveYard makes Me think Movie Set ?
? ?Halloween, "Haunted Graveyard" for the Kids ?
? The Map added makes me think maby A game of some type put on by a Radio Station ?
? ? ? ? To find a "Treasure".

? ?keep the Story Going Maby We can Narrow it down, OR turn away from these Possibilities.

ALSO, Are you Absolutely Shure The Grave Yard is FAKE.
Maby other reasons for No names, like :
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? TIME, Contents, ?

MABY one Contains the "Treasure" & the others are a Destraction, & Clues Tell which one to Dig ?

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Hey Boomer.... sorry man, that is one of the faults with E-mails and message boards. It's hard to convey a feeling with words alone, things can get a bit twisted. I totally believed the Beekrock saga and just like Jeff, I also believe he knew EXACTLY what was inside the suitcase! Either way, I wasn't expressing any doubt about you, or your post. Just my excitement about your finds!

Sorry you misunderstood what I was saying.

Anyway, about that graveyard....

Think "Unknown Soldiers" Many fights were fought in all three wars in that general area. In those battles many men died. Afterwards, all the personal effects were taken from the dead to be sent home to the soldier's family. Later the locals would bury the dead and just place a rock as a headstone, and sometimes not even that much. Not knowing names or anything else, there wasn't much more that they could do. After all, everyone around at that time knew that they were ______ war soldiers from General ______'s army from ______. All that info is now lost to time.

In the later part of the last century a lot of folks decided that the soldiers should have a proper headstone. Many or the rocks were becoming hard to find. Groups such as the Sons of Confederate Veterans would buy cheap, wholesale headstones and set them in the ground so the graves would not be lost forever.

Could also be graves from indian fights, but I would bet good money that they are civil war markers as it was common practice to hurry and bury them before they started decomposing.

Hope that helps you out Boomer, and again, sorry about the misunderstanding!!!! ;D

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Boomer, is this by chance around Wolfe County? I don't want to say too much because I notice you have conspicuously left out identifiers that would indicate the location. I have kin in Bath Co.
Could the grave stone carvings be worn away from age? That's characteristic of limestone (like the ones in the Hensley Settlement in Bell Co, KY).

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I'm a pretty good story teller but I know when to draw the line between fact and fiction and always acknowledge that fact. I believe there's some truth to all stories, or at least they are drawn from some life experience relating to same.True or not, I enjoy a good story as much as I enjoy telling them. Keep it coming boomer and let us judge as individuals what we choose to believe or not believe. It would be a sin to leave everyone hanging. Take the comments for what they are, merely opinions and you know that opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one! ;) Monty

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vic910 said:
C'mon Boomer!!!!? Please finish the story!? Please, please, please.? Forget the doubters!? Curious minds want to know!


I for one am very interested in hearing the rest of the story,,,
Did you, or do you have any family from around that area?
Sounds like a great story, even if that's all it turns out to be...
Good luck on it, & Happy hunting!

P.S.> Remember, The good, the bad , and the ugly, the treasure was in a grave with no name...
I would be on that, like Jeff is on a post in the wrong section... ;D Just kid'n ya, Jeff...

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Come on Boomer...can't you see we're all in need of our own brand of "soap opera"? Mysterious caves and gravestones...possibly treasure-bearing? We're in need of our "stories"! :D

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