bigcypresshunter said:
We joined at about the same time in Dec 2004. I didnt know about the pacemaker. Its amazing to read about the finds of members as time goes by. Other times amazing finds are made by members who got their start right here on TN. Congratulations. Treasure is truly out there for those who try.
Thanks - I remember you also! Yeah, I had the pacemaker/ICD combo implanted February 2005, that's life, it slowed me down a little bit, but not much. Anyways, wifey got transferred to Panama City Beach just after I made my amazing discovery in Kentucky. A few people on here still doubt my good fortune, but one member on here saw it with his own eyes, plus, I could care less who believes what. An extra hundred grand-plus would help anybody's budget on TNet lol.
It was an amazing "lucky" find, at times, I still don't believe it happened to me...the landowner tried to get a bit greedy, but with proper words and control, he backed off and took his


, but it all worked out in the end, that one outing that morning sure did change our lives forever! I splurged and bought me a Corvette (my new avatar lol) and we used the rest to get the heck out of Kentucky....forever.
The beach is always beautiful and the weather is always comfortable - life is good. Without the discovery of my treasure a few months ago, we both would have still been in Kentucky - working. My wife still works (a few more years to retirement), but I'm fully retired. I still go detecting at times along the shores, but mostly dig up old corroded clad or the occassional ring - nothing to get excited about. I think that once you discover real treasure, the little stuff just don't interest you least in my case.