My True Treasure Tale - Long, but the Whole Story.....


1. Congratulations, we're very happy for the both of you!

2. By the way, you tell your doctor that you don't care what he says, you absolutely know for a fact that your heart is in great shape!

3. Next time, if Outtosea won't go, call me!

4. AAHHHH! A stress-free life! It sounds wonderful! Detecting on the beach....Whew! Congrats again!!!!!!

Take care,


Congratulations! I wish you and your wife all the best, and may you live long enough to spend it all having a great time, and bounce the check to the mortician! ;D ;D ;D



great story--- any idead how a bunch of 1920's-30's era loot wound up there? old mobster hide out and cash loot / stash could be maybe? ---- remember whats done is done ---have no regrets ---use your "one time" blessing wisely---and carefully least the blessing turn into a curse instead. Ivan

That's the best story I've ever read! Congrats my friend. Enjoy :o :o
BTW, the Panhandle is a great place to be. ;D If I ever get down there to see my family, we'll get together and have a beer or something.

Wow! I woke up this morning and signed in - many PM's and loads of replies to this post. To answer a few questions,

- I have tried to recover the pics from my old hardrive...they were deleted early in the morning, the night our friends showed up from out of state. It makes good sense on one hand, but I wish I had printed off hard copies for my own personal show and tell.

(actually, I'm going back to bed).

Thanks again for the replies,

Night Stalker


Wow-- great saga-- inspiration for the rest of us MDers....

I'm sitting here at my desk numb after reading this! You have lived every treasure hunters dream! I can't thank-you enough for sharing this story with us. I wish you much happiness and continued good health for many years to come. I can't focus on work today now, I know of an old foundation waiting for me.....Steve

NS, if you ever get the chance, can you check Terry Thomas' US Treasure Atlas for your county (or the county in which the cache was found) to see if you can find any info on your cache? It would be great to know if he has at least one story that proved to be accurate - or partially accurate. You don't have to give details if you don't want to, but it would be interesting to know if he listed info for your cache.

Again, WTG!!!!

As I said before, I am very happy for you and your family! What an incredible adventure and such a blessing that you were able to share the story with us! :D :D

Wow, thats the kind of find that keeps us fired up.You must have a top of the line pacemaker if that didn't short it out. Congrats. But did you find any mushrooms?

need to add my wows.

I just about cried with you guys reading that post. Thanks for sharing your great story with us.

Your deleted pictures should still be available on your hard drive if you wish to recover them. Nothing is deleted from your hard drive when you hit the delete button, only the references to the file are deleted. all the information that composes the file still exist and are not truly deleted until somthing else is written over it. There are programs out there that "wipe" a hard drive by writing 1's and 0's all over the drive multiple times making any files that existed "deleted"

I have recovered many files for users where I work using the following programs, some are free, others are free to try.

(the above link is also good for recovering deleted photos from camera flash cards)

Again, thanks for sharing and God bless.


Amazing. Truly amazing.
Thanks for sharing your (all of our)dream-come-true.

Amazing and I am so glad many blessing have came your way. Its too bad about deleting the pics. For future caches, buy a polaroid. I am also glad you added the part about the people and the house fire. I had too many crazy thoughts about where it came from and from who. I really love the adventure of it, and the way you told it. I could almost imagine being there. Best of luck for the future.

Isn't that the truth of it....I was so into that story I most definitely imagined myself right there to the point of looking over my shoulder and thanking God such things truly exist. Tim you are a talented story teller as well as a good man. You should consider a writing career when you take breaks from adventuring! ;)

Congratulations on you find. If it were me, I likely would have needed a pacemaker after a find like that. I just wish I had a decent metal detector that could actually detect gold. Hopefully I will soon, (if people would just stop bidding up the old nugget hunting MD's on eBay).

I've wanted to hunt for morels too, but was always worried I'd pick the wrong mushroom. We have them in the east and west Kootenay mountain ranges, (among other places), here in British Columbia and I thought I'd give it a try next time I'm out gold panning in one of those areas. I just hope my camera batteries don't die on me if I stumble on a find anything like yours. ::) With my luck, I'd find the well you were concerned about stepping into. :o

Good luck with your future exploits.


All I can say is WOW!!!!!. I am very happy for you and your family. When I read this story it made my day. BTW I lived in the Ft Walton for about 7 years in the 1970s. I think you would like it there. Its about a 1 or 2 hr drive to just about any where on the panhandle. There are a lot of treasure stories there. I was stationed at Eglin AFB and I lived in a few of the little towns east of FT Walton, you might check them out. The only problem could be that the Air Force base is about 50 miles long by about 15 miles wide. BTW thereis good deer hunting on the base. You have to get a permitt though. This is getting to long. I wish you a good and happy life whatever you decide to do. If you want you can Email me and maybe some of the things I remember about the area would help you out. HH Sonny

:o :o :o :o :o

Amazing! Utterly amazing! The whole story has left me. . almost ;) . . speechless . . & let me state that is a feat in itself! ;D

The find of the foundation, logs, well . . that drew me in right away but then the finishing find . . wow! :o

I got to say I had to chuckle :D as you began to run out of ways/items/methods to carry the coins back to the car & you seemingly began to do a "strip tease" there . . :D lol :D . . what a site that must have been!

The box "wooden coffin" you discovered. . I am awe struck & so curious about that item in itself! Wonder if it held any clues to the mystery of it all. . . ???

I know this may sound off the wall but . . have you gone back to the site & explored around anymore? Just curious . . the mason jars, old logs, stove parts, tins & so forth . . those I find extremely interesting too!! Did you save any bricks? or wood bits from the box? Out of curiosity did you later do any research on the property & find out any information? Google map?

This will probably sound off the wall too but with the amount I am visualizing you found . . I am thinking perhaps the people who once resided there had stumbled across a bit in a mine, or hidden treasure themselves?

I truly can not say congrats ;D enough to you!!! As well thank you for sharing not only the story with us but words of wisdom should any of us ever be in this situation. . .


Bogart :D

Man oh man, NightStalker, what a fantastic story you have shared here with us all. 8) Your's is 1 of the 2 best "Treasure Found" stories I've read in years. What makes it so neat is how you told us SO many kool little details, feelings, ideas etc, that were happening to you while you were discovering it! 8) Like, we were all right there, with you, watching over your shoulder. :) Dude, THAT is really good writing, no matter what you've said about your word smithing in here, you humble guy you. ;)

I am SO happy for you and your wife, mostly because I feel that I know you a little, from here. This windfall, couldn't have happened to a more deserving man. YOU, have put together ALL the right pieces to this puzzle that you've recently just completed. 8) Thank you so much again NS, for your very generous sharing of so many cool details of a totally real Treasure Found!

Be proud of yourself my friend, we all are! :)

All the best,


Dude, from one Kentuckian to a (former?) Kentuckian, I'm excited for you.

You found the dream of many a treasure hunter, have stuff to show for it and a great tale to tell.

I have a Journalism degree and your story was as good as anything that I could have written.

Good luck to you and your wife. Forever. :)


I am so very happy for you and your wife ! What a wonderful story and what great fortune. Very well written as I was glued to every word. You will need to make your second fortune by writting a book on this experience ! :) Blessings your way .

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