My First outing was a nightmare! Im discouraged I will not lie!


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Jan 14, 2013
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Fort Mitchell
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Just some quick background about me, I have panned a couple of times and did really good! We are looking into buying a Highbanker so we decided to go to Alabama Gold Camp first and Rent one and see how we like it! I have gold fever big time, and I want this to be a hobby the family can do together! We have done hours and hours of research and I am passionate about this! I set goals and I will work my butt off to achieve them! My husband is a Construction Executive and I am now a stay at home mom! We are not use to a lot of manual labor, but we are up for any challenge!

So its Saturday and we are going to Alabama Gold Camp and we are going to rent us a highbanker and see what all the fuss is about! So we drive the 100 miles and we are ready to start! We get there and they were short handed they had people out sick, so they had one of the locals that came out all the time set us up on a highbanker! We don't know anything about highbanking other than the videos we have watched online! They didn't give us instruction at all basically put the dirt in here and wash the rocks! So we went to work! We rented it for 2 hours because we knew we could extend it if need be! Well 60 buckets (which is impressive for us, trust me) and 2 hours later its time for clean out! There is NO GOLD!!!!!!!! What are you serious!? Now we found out that the machine was set up wrong, then we find out you dont dig at the top, or the middle of the pile you are suppose to dig at the bottom of the pile! You are suppose to look at the type of material! Riverbed is good, shovel that in....Are you kidding me!? This advice would have been amazing before we dug 60 buckets and fought with a million rocks that kept getting clogged in the machine! So at this point the momentum is gone, but my drive is still there! This girl don't give up that easy!

So the gentleman that just told us all this information moves us to another machine (the people 3 machines down had alot of gold, they left we went on their machine) he told us to dig where they were digging! So now we start digging away...About 10 buckets into it the water stops! UGGGGGG Not to mention we had to keep using a stick to unclog rocks on almost every pour! So he comes and cleans the machine out, we have gold! Well a tiny bit but its a whole lot better then the first machine! But now we have to move to another machine! So we keep digging for about another hour! We get cleaned out! The one part I thought was weird when he cleaned out the carpet stuff he just did a quick rinse and rolled it up and set it to the side! Dont you rinse them better then that? Anyways I have a few flakes out of quick panning!

At this point we are tired, hurting, cold and defeated! We take our bucket of Cons (which had big rocks in it, I do not understand that) and we are heading home! Well 100 hundred Miles later we are home its about 10:30 at night, and I am determined to pan this stuff because I will not be defeated!!!!!!! So my master bathroom is huge so I decided that I am going to pan in there... Its warm! I fill one bucket with hot water and start panning away! I keep telling myself empty pan after empty pan still fighting with big rocks that the gold must be sitting at the bottom of the bucket! Yea...It wasn't! About 4 flour gold specs later and I am finished! I am so discourage at this point!

Here is my thing, If we did everything right and we had no gold I would have felt better about that! The fact is, we did nothing right apparently and did all that work for nothing! I know we lost gold! I wish they would have gave us more information! When I spoke with a lady there at the beginning of the week she said that they are very helpful! Yes they were short handed, I get that! But it would have only took 5 minutes to tell us! They knew it was our first time!

So Price Breakdown
40-equipment rental
15-park fee
50-for a 8inch screen and Trinity Hex Pan (which I would take or leave)
So roughly 200 bucks not even including the supplies we purchased prior to this..Buckets, shovels,gloves,rubber boots..ect
Now for the gold total! Well that would be nice to tell you if I had enough to weigh! My scale does .01 grams, I didn't even have that! No small pickers just a little bit of flour gold!

I really want to like this place, I do! Its a super cool place, and if I want to do this on my own I would feel safe there if I went without my husband! Being a girl it can get a little scary being alone at a river somewhere and I need to be more careful! One thing we did get out of this is experience is what not to do! Like don't ever touch the mat when water is running or you can loose your gold! Well that would have been nice to know prior! UGGGGG But then again we had 2 people telling us 2 different things! :BangHead:

Let me just say this! Everyone was very nice and I know that they were shorthanded and I would hope our experience would be different if they had everyone there! In no way am I bashing them, I am just trying to understand it all!

So now I don't even know if I like the highbanker or not because I am pretty convinced this one was possessed by the devil himself and I am completely back at square one! Any advice, comments or answers to some of the questions above would greatly be appreciated!

Update:First, I would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support and feed back on this forum! This website has some amazing people on it, your advice and encouragement is priceless in my opinion.

I have been Re-Panning my cons from this trip and with a little dawn dish soap in my pan, I didn't have any jetdry and didn't want to seem like a panning addict and siphon the Jetdry out of my dishwasher, my husband would have me committed for sure( just like The day before the trip I bought a black shirt and some Gold Sparkly iron on letters, the front said IMA, the back said GOLD No one really appreciated the shirt but me! Nothing says you cant be themed while doing this) anyways back to the point, I am finding more flour gold not alot, but anything is better then none! Thank you again for your support, I need all the help I can get!

Update On Saturday I received a call from Mike at Alabama Gold Camp, he had read the forum and was very apologetic. As I said in the Blog they had people out sick, and assured us that things would have been very different if they were there. Mike invited us to come back and get the true experience of AGC. Apparently the Gentlemen that stays around the Highbankers was out also, Mike didn't want our experience to be like this one. He wants everyone to leave happy!

Let me say this, I respect that phone call and for that I will be back. The fact is, He didn't have to make the phone call! I know that our experience wasn't all Alabama Gold Camp, I am sure if someone knew what they were doing they would have had a different experience then us. We did have fun and a lot of the clubs around my area have outings there once a month. I believe that this will be a great place to meet fellow prospectors and build our knowledge to send us out on our own. I am excited to give it another try, not just for the gold but for the knowledge! I will keep yall posted!

Please see my 2nd outing post

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The best thing that you can do & it will make you really happy is to buy some panning concentrates so you can actually get some gold. Once that you have it & learn how to pan with it, then you will have the confidence needed to go out and try it on the river. Also this way you can fill a large container with warm water and not have to worry about the cold winter water. You can buy either plastic or metal tubs in many places. Try to get one at least 30" around and get the round ones because this will teach you the in's & out's of swirling the water in your pan. The tubs make the water swirl on their own so you learn really fast. All of my friends like buying Felix Paydirt because he puts a lot of gold in every bag. I know a lot of people who do this and this is where you should start Felix Paydirt's Gourmet Gold - Fairbanks Alaska


This is so hard for me!!! :-( so many choices and at times I feel overwhelmed, is that normal?! So I was going to try and hit some spots this weekend! All I have is shovels, buckets, 8 inch screens, sniffers, and a couple of pans and some super cute rubber boots! Am I wasting my time by doing test samples? Or can I buy something super quick that will help me out more? What is practical to have right now? I know I have to walk before I run!!! I don't want to go to another pay site!
Be careful if those spots you are hitting this weekend are in Alabama.I would put on a orange hat or vest.This is the last weekend of deer season and the woods will be full of trigger happy hunters.

I ordered his first sample, and I have done others! I have the panning down, I know we have gold around my area and I want to get out there and find it! Felix better send me some good gold! LOL

The best thing that you can do & it will make you really happy is to buy some panning concentrates so you can actually get some gold. Once that you have it & learn how to pan with it, then you will have the confidence needed to go out and try it on the river. Also this way you can fill a large container with warm water and not have to worry about the cold winter water. You can buy either plastic or metal tubs in many places. Try to get one at least 30" around and get the round ones because this will teach you the in's & out's of swirling the water in your pan. The tubs make the water swirl on their own so you learn really fast. All of my friends like buying Felix Paydirt because he puts a lot of gold in every bag. I know a lot of people who do this and this is where you should start Felix Paydirt's Gourmet Gold - Fairbanks Alaska


Hang in there. I've had a couple bad days myself. Here in north carolina if you find a few specs of flour gold its considered a good day. I've stuck with it. Found a few pickers, have had a lot of fun going out.

Crystal, what kind of metal detector do you have?

Your story sounds just like mine. Don;t give up. Here's a coupe of ways you can cover alot of ground, and do the panning at home. You'll need a good Handheld GPS unit I bought me a Delorme Earthmate 60w Handheld GPS.
1st Way: When I am sampling new areas seeking color and I am always limited on time since I live in Florida and only get up to North Ga when I go up to visit family, I take a Back pack small bucket and a 1/8" Screen and 20 or so 1 gallon zip lock Bags. As I take samples from different areas I screen the material down to 1/8" save the coordinates of each location and I label the bag to the location it was saved as. By doing this you can cover alot of ground in a much shorter period of time than panning as you go. Once home you can pan out the samples, and if you have color in one or more you know exactly where to go back to on your next trip. Downloading a US Topo Map of the areas you are wanting to sample will also help. You can download the maps for free online.
2nd way: I have now moved up on my sampling techniques and I use a Super Mini Bazooka Gold trap with it, With the Bazooka there's no classification so you can run alot of material. I can spend 10 minutes in a location run 10 gallons of material do a clean out into my small 2 gallon bucket in 10 seconds or less dump the cons onto my 1/8 screen which has my 10" gold pan under it. The screen makes the panning much faster since it reduces the material by almost half and within 2 mins of my clean out I know whether the areas is worth working or not. Hope this helps you out. If you need the link for the free topo's PM me or just check out my past postings.

CrystalPayne, I had so much to say but it looks like everyone beat me to it. You and your husband should invite some family or friends next time. Shared cost is great but larger numbers for safety is priceless...:) btw, 60 buckets is hard work don't sell yourself short soldier !

Your story sounds just like mine. Don;t give up. Here's a coupe of ways you can cover alot of ground, and do the panning at home. You'll need a good Handheld GPS unit I bought me a Delorme Earthmate 60w Handheld GPS.
1st Way: When I am sampling new areas seeking color and I am always limited on time since I live in Florida and only get up to North Ga when I go up to visit family, I take a Back pack small bucket and a 1/8" Screen and 20 or so 1 gallon zip lock Bags. As I take samples from different areas I screen the material down to 1/8" save the coordinates of each location and I label the bag to the location it was saved as. By doing this you can cover alot of ground in a much shorter period of time than panning as you go. Once home you can pan out the samples, and if you have color in one or more you know exactly where to go back to on your next trip. Downloading a US Topo Map of the areas you are wanting to sample will also help. You can download the maps for free online.
2nd way: I have now moved up on my sampling techniques and I use a Super Mini Bazooka Gold trap with it, With the Bazooka there's no classification so you can run alot of material. I can spend 10 minutes in a location run 10 gallons of material do a clean out into my small 2 gallon bucket in 10 seconds or less dump the cons onto my 1/8 screen which has my 10" gold pan under it. The screen makes the panning much faster since it reduces the material by almost half and within 2 mins of my clean out I know whether the areas is worth working or not. Hope this helps you out. If you need the link for the free topo's PM me or just check out my past postings.

In my years of prospecting, that never ocurred to me! I thought I had to get it into the snuffer bottle before heading home - Boy, am i a dummy:BangHead:

If you have a local club or even one not quite so local, it would be well worth the time to join and go on some outings. You'll get some really good advice and some real hands on experience with people who have been through some of what you experienced. You'll get to see different equipment operate so you can decide which is better for you. Lots of fun and you'll learn a lot quicker.

To echo what Doug is saying.

Here are the GPAA (Gold Prospectors Association of America) goups in Alabama & Georgia. Also there are a number of private prospecting clubs in AL & GA as well.
Meets 2nd Saturday monthly at the Alabama Gold Camp Call Bill Lambeth 334-864-8197 for details.



The Weekend Gold Miners Org in GA
Week End Gold Miners Club

PO Box 910
Dahlonega, GA 30533 USA

I hope this helps. Remember, "It's not about the gold. It's about the journey."


Any of you want to take my offer? Check my post here in gold prospecting forum :)

I have a Bounty Hunter QSIGWP Quick Silver Metal Detector with Pin Pointer, its not a expensive one! I bought this a while back!

It's not going to pick up gold less than a small nugget, but it may let you know where a concentration of black sand is and that is where you may find some color.


Hello Crystal just go and have fun, It seems like no matter what you do the harder you try the worse things get. just get out with the family and have fun and don't make work out of your hobby. your family is your Gold the other is just a precious metal. Mike

You might want to consider posting your "update" here at the end of the thread. Most of us check in and look for the unread postings. A lot of folks might not see your update on your initial post.
Have a great day!!!!

Yes yes, please do Crystal!

Mine it and recycle it!

mellowyellow said:
Welcome to prospecting! Hahahaha. Somedays will be better than others in this hobby. My first 4 times out I did not even find one piece of flour or fly poop. And I was alone and got stuck on someone's private property and had to go knock on their door and ask for help, so embarrassing. I was green then, just like u are now. Don't give up... I would start with the basics. Forget the high banking idea for now and just get some buckets, shovel, classifier, and a well made sluice. Learn the basics of how the sluice works, learn how the river/creek moves gold through it.. Practice your panning, even if you are good.

Just remember.. The odds are you are not going to get financially rich being out there! You WILL get memories of a lifetime and quality time with family and friends. The gold is just the topping ! Like southern apple pie !! Lord have mercy! Mmm

Hang in their and maybe think about buyin a sluice and starting there. Crawl before u run! And stay mellllllow...

Mellow yellow...

I think this is excellent advice Mellow.

Не волнуйтесь! Ваш английский гораздо Bett, чем мой русский! Позвоните еще ​​раз, когда вы можете. TerryC

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