My First outing was a nightmare! Im discouraged I will not lie!


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Jan 14, 2013
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Fort Mitchell
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Just some quick background about me, I have panned a couple of times and did really good! We are looking into buying a Highbanker so we decided to go to Alabama Gold Camp first and Rent one and see how we like it! I have gold fever big time, and I want this to be a hobby the family can do together! We have done hours and hours of research and I am passionate about this! I set goals and I will work my butt off to achieve them! My husband is a Construction Executive and I am now a stay at home mom! We are not use to a lot of manual labor, but we are up for any challenge!

So its Saturday and we are going to Alabama Gold Camp and we are going to rent us a highbanker and see what all the fuss is about! So we drive the 100 miles and we are ready to start! We get there and they were short handed they had people out sick, so they had one of the locals that came out all the time set us up on a highbanker! We don't know anything about highbanking other than the videos we have watched online! They didn't give us instruction at all basically put the dirt in here and wash the rocks! So we went to work! We rented it for 2 hours because we knew we could extend it if need be! Well 60 buckets (which is impressive for us, trust me) and 2 hours later its time for clean out! There is NO GOLD!!!!!!!! What are you serious!? Now we found out that the machine was set up wrong, then we find out you dont dig at the top, or the middle of the pile you are suppose to dig at the bottom of the pile! You are suppose to look at the type of material! Riverbed is good, shovel that in....Are you kidding me!? This advice would have been amazing before we dug 60 buckets and fought with a million rocks that kept getting clogged in the machine! So at this point the momentum is gone, but my drive is still there! This girl don't give up that easy!

So the gentleman that just told us all this information moves us to another machine (the people 3 machines down had alot of gold, they left we went on their machine) he told us to dig where they were digging! So now we start digging away...About 10 buckets into it the water stops! UGGGGGG Not to mention we had to keep using a stick to unclog rocks on almost every pour! So he comes and cleans the machine out, we have gold! Well a tiny bit but its a whole lot better then the first machine! But now we have to move to another machine! So we keep digging for about another hour! We get cleaned out! The one part I thought was weird when he cleaned out the carpet stuff he just did a quick rinse and rolled it up and set it to the side! Dont you rinse them better then that? Anyways I have a few flakes out of quick panning!

At this point we are tired, hurting, cold and defeated! We take our bucket of Cons (which had big rocks in it, I do not understand that) and we are heading home! Well 100 hundred Miles later we are home its about 10:30 at night, and I am determined to pan this stuff because I will not be defeated!!!!!!! So my master bathroom is huge so I decided that I am going to pan in there... Its warm! I fill one bucket with hot water and start panning away! I keep telling myself empty pan after empty pan still fighting with big rocks that the gold must be sitting at the bottom of the bucket! Yea...It wasn't! About 4 flour gold specs later and I am finished! I am so discourage at this point!

Here is my thing, If we did everything right and we had no gold I would have felt better about that! The fact is, we did nothing right apparently and did all that work for nothing! I know we lost gold! I wish they would have gave us more information! When I spoke with a lady there at the beginning of the week she said that they are very helpful! Yes they were short handed, I get that! But it would have only took 5 minutes to tell us! They knew it was our first time!

So Price Breakdown
40-equipment rental
15-park fee
50-for a 8inch screen and Trinity Hex Pan (which I would take or leave)
So roughly 200 bucks not even including the supplies we purchased prior to this..Buckets, shovels,gloves,rubber boots..ect
Now for the gold total! Well that would be nice to tell you if I had enough to weigh! My scale does .01 grams, I didn't even have that! No small pickers just a little bit of flour gold!

I really want to like this place, I do! Its a super cool place, and if I want to do this on my own I would feel safe there if I went without my husband! Being a girl it can get a little scary being alone at a river somewhere and I need to be more careful! One thing we did get out of this is experience is what not to do! Like don't ever touch the mat when water is running or you can loose your gold! Well that would have been nice to know prior! UGGGGG But then again we had 2 people telling us 2 different things! :BangHead:

Let me just say this! Everyone was very nice and I know that they were shorthanded and I would hope our experience would be different if they had everyone there! In no way am I bashing them, I am just trying to understand it all!

So now I don't even know if I like the highbanker or not because I am pretty convinced this one was possessed by the devil himself and I am completely back at square one! Any advice, comments or answers to some of the questions above would greatly be appreciated!

Update:First, I would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support and feed back on this forum! This website has some amazing people on it, your advice and encouragement is priceless in my opinion.

I have been Re-Panning my cons from this trip and with a little dawn dish soap in my pan, I didn't have any jetdry and didn't want to seem like a panning addict and siphon the Jetdry out of my dishwasher, my husband would have me committed for sure( just like The day before the trip I bought a black shirt and some Gold Sparkly iron on letters, the front said IMA, the back said GOLD No one really appreciated the shirt but me! Nothing says you cant be themed while doing this) anyways back to the point, I am finding more flour gold not alot, but anything is better then none! Thank you again for your support, I need all the help I can get!

Update On Saturday I received a call from Mike at Alabama Gold Camp, he had read the forum and was very apologetic. As I said in the Blog they had people out sick, and assured us that things would have been very different if they were there. Mike invited us to come back and get the true experience of AGC. Apparently the Gentlemen that stays around the Highbankers was out also, Mike didn't want our experience to be like this one. He wants everyone to leave happy!

Let me say this, I respect that phone call and for that I will be back. The fact is, He didn't have to make the phone call! I know that our experience wasn't all Alabama Gold Camp, I am sure if someone knew what they were doing they would have had a different experience then us. We did have fun and a lot of the clubs around my area have outings there once a month. I believe that this will be a great place to meet fellow prospectors and build our knowledge to send us out on our own. I am excited to give it another try, not just for the gold but for the knowledge! I will keep yall posted!

Please see my 2nd outing post

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They saw you coming & the gold stayed in the carpet. But now the next time you go out, you will know what to tell them about their set ups. Watch the videos in this playlist below & you will learn everything needed to highbank right next time. Then ALWAYS sample the pile with a gold pan first. If there's no gold in the pile then don't shovel anything from it. His line "You should have dug at the bottom" & so on was bs...
Power Sluicing With Different Models - YouTube

Hang in there Crystal, you are "paying your dues". Learn something each time you go out and Sample, Sample, and Sample some more. After a while you will figure out where the pay layer is in your area.

Have fun

An outing with a local(ish) club would be a good next step...before you buy anything more than pans. That way you can see what gear local folks use, learn to use it and ask lots of questions...and hopefully see some decent gold too!

Your enthusiasm and work ethic will take you far in this hobby and in the world too! You sound like someone I would love to prospect next to!

Mine it and recycle it!

H! Crystal
I live in central California near the "Mother Load" not in it but not more than 30 minutes from there. My biggest problem is access. I bought a 4 inch Keene dredge for my retirement hobby. $4,300.00 sitting in my garage can't be used in California any time soon. Been sitting there about three years set up for two divers. Just to show you, you are not alone. As a young man I use to always want to prospect and I was able to find where there is a lot of gold. Now that my kids are all grown and gone I wanted to do what I wanted to. Then the cr@p hit the fan with the dredging. I now just was able to buy a metal detector. A "White's GMT Metal Detector" next will be a Hot Foot Coil for that, then down the road a "Whites V3i metal Detector". I have even tried to buy some land here that I know gold is on so I could have access. That is still on my to do list and I'm now 68 yrs of age. I really want to leave it to my kids that still don't even an idea how to make a good living. I want them to have something. Rivers here are pretty much full of gold. most of it looks like course black pepper or coarse sand with small nuggets here and there. most of the cracks that run across the river beds trap the gold. Behind huge pieces of bed rock or boulders there is also gold trapped there. The inside of the bends of the rivers where the water flow slows and where the rivers widen out and slow the gold is too heavy for the water to move it so it settles down as far as it can go below the sand and rocks. With a simple sluice box you will need to more stay to the dry areas and clean out cracks and behind obstacles. That means clean as far as you can. You can also do that here in the desert areas. Don't go alone or unprotected into the wilderness. Take snake bite kits, first aid kits small large dogs that will stay near you and not wander off and a gun. Not to scare you but you should know and never forget that when ever you and your family venture out into the wilderness you need to take some sort of fire arm and bear spray. We are in their world there and we are also on the food chain below that of mountain lions and bears. go with a group such as a gold prospectors club. I belong to one and we have outings every month and we also have our own claims. You also need to get on the internet and research where the gold is in your part of the country. There is gold every where here, it's just being able to get to it.

Last year near here in Nevada City , CA. some prospector guy was grading the road into his property and found a "six and one half pound nugget" not a ten pounder but close. Then the last week found in Australia "twelve and one half pounds". look them up on the internet. They are easy to find on the internet LOL. The place here I can go when they allow dredging back again I can get easy one ounce per day or more every day. That is why I am re-making part of my dredge so it will no longer be classified as a dredge. I have a neighbor that bought 297 acres up river from where I go I showed him where to look and told him what to buy and where and how to study on the internet what to look for. He invited me to buy a dredge and join him on his ranch. Well I bought my dredge two days later and when he saw my new Keene 4 inch, he went up and changed the locks on his ranch gate without saying a word and locked me out. This is my neighbor that lives two doors from me. Talk about gold fever. I am still pi$$ed over that and that was almost three years ago. I don't have as much money as he dose but I am getting up there. With a little luck I will own some of that land my self. I almost forgot to mention that neighbor of mine that season in about three months just in some of his spare time got "one and one quarter pound" of beautiful clean dry gold. He sold it and got 80 percent of market price for it. I think if he gets more I will buy it from him myself at that price I can make tidy profit.
I use to do a lot of welding on the sky scrapers and at night off in the distance you could see the blue arc of my welder from several miles away as you were driving to the job site. That is where I got the handle "bluarc1" a.k.a.” bluarc”, “thebluarc” they are all me. Now an older prospector called by any of those three.

Hi Crystal
I am surprised to your diligence and aspiration to the purpose. In the childhood I read many books Jack London about a gold-rush on Alaska. My favourite hero of Smoke Bellew. I too very much would like to try to wash gold or to look for it with the device, but we in Russia it is impossible to hunt for gold.
Once again I express you the admiration.

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Hi Crystal
I am surprised to your diligence and aspiration to the purpose. In the childhood I read many books Jack London about a gold-rush on Alaska. My favourite hero of Smoke Bellew. I too very much would like to try to wash gold or to look for it with the device, but we in Russia it is impossible to hunt for gold.
Once again I express you the admiration.
Sever. Welcome to the Net. Попробуйте использовать Google Translate, чтобы написать свой английский язык. Я использую это прямо сейчас. Попробуйте это сделать. TTC

Welcome to tnet, Sever! - your translated words sound better than my English:icon_thumright:

Welcome bluarc - sad to see you getting off to such a bummer start with your retirement hobby. Hang in there. You guys have my utmost respect for
actually BUILDING things - a vanishing generation, hope not!:headbang: Note: That nugget near Nev. City was kind of a hoax, as it came from somewhere else.

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Unless you really like it, I wouldn't go back to the Alabama Gold Camp. Your first year is all about accumulating knowledge, you don't haveto spend that much money on an outing at all. They pretty much sound like a ripoff, $50 for a classifing screen and a hex pan??? ?Instead of going to the Pay-To-Dig-Ripoff-City, join a club that has claim access as part of the membership like the Gold Prospectors Association of America (GPAA) or some other, that way your not paying parking or any access fee everytime you go out. Owning a powersluice is great goal, but need to get some gold finding skills without breaking the bank. It's so easy spending a ton of money in the begining and it's a morale killer throwing money into something without results. Since you have the hand tools and buckets already, all you really need for now are some hand sluices and a concentrator to work your concentrates. Since you have a family you might want to get two hand sluices, roughly less than $300 depending on brand, a concentrator like a Blue Bowl, less than $100 for the kit, and several more gold pans for no more than $10-$15 each. Make sure you get several snuffer bottles to suck up your fine gold out of your pans, and some plastic vials for your gold. If you use glass in the field, you can drop them and break them then your SOL. Depending on the type of sluice you pick, there might be a few other accessories that you'll need. So for less than $500 you have the equipment you need for you and your family to begin to learn the hobby, rather than spending $2000+ and not really knowing what your doing. Ask a lot of questions, we'll answer them.

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Don't expect to recover gold in any paying amounts until you spend thousands on the biggest dredge that the state will allow and even then only after you have a few years of experience under your belt.

So for now just take it slow and easy and have FUN! Learn all you can and gradually master each step and piece of equipment along the way. Such as panning, sluicing, high banking, dredging, crevicing, sniping and detecting for nuggets as well.

Of course learning where gold can be found is the key to sucess no matter what equipment you use.

Joining a club is the best advice for a novice there is.

Go for the gold

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crystalpayne I forgot to mention one more thing that really helped me to get intrested in prospecting and gain a lot of knowledge quick. Watch "Gold Fever" on the Outdoor channel. Some of the hardcore miners will say it's stupid, but you know, before I ever went out and prospected, that show got me totally excited about wanting to do it. It really has everything for a beginner, panning, sluicing, metal detecting, highbanking a.k.a. powerslucing. I still watch it.

This is so hard for me!!! :-( so many choices and at times I feel overwhelmed, is that normal?! So I was going to try and hit some spots this weekend! All I have is shovels, buckets, 8 inch screens, sniffers, and a couple of pans and some super cute rubber boots! Am I wasting my time by doing test samples? Or can I buy something super quick that will help me out more? What is practical to have right now? I know I have to walk before I run!!! I don't want to go to another pay site!

Oh and I have a metal detector... I don't know if that helps or not

There are some guys that mine for gold in Alabama and post on here and do pretty well. Good luck and have fun.

crystalpayne said:
This is so hard for me!!! :-( so many choices and at times I feel overwhelmed, is that normal?! So I was going to try and hit some spots this weekend! All I have is shovels, buckets, 8 inch screens, sniffers, and a couple of pans and some super cute rubber boots! Am I wasting my time by doing test samples? Or can I buy something super quick that will help me out more? What is practical to have right now? I know I have to walk before I run!!! I don't want to go to another pay site!

That is definitely the right gear to start with. If you are in a known gold bearing area then spending some time sampling, you might find something I did in my town!

Mine it and recycle it!

This is so hard for me!!! :-( so many choices and at times I feel overwhelmed, is that normal?! So I was going to try and hit some spots this weekend! All I have is shovels, buckets, 8 inch screens, sniffers, and a couple of pans and some super cute rubber boots! Am I wasting my time by doing test samples? Or can I buy something super quick that will help me out more? What is practical to have right now? I know I have to walk before I run!!! I don't want to go to another pay site!

Oh I don't know. Sounds pretty borderline. Pics of the 'super cute rubber boots' might help. ;-) Just kidding. Visit the 'Gold Prospecting > Sluicing' forum and read the home made/ DIY threads. It doesn't take lots of money to get started, just ambition and you've already got plenty of that. Youtube has lots of DIY videos as well.

Best of Luck

Thanks a lot, TerryC and Fullpan. I use something similar. It allows to avoid spelling errors, but I worry that syntax (creation of offers) from the point of view of English not the correct. I won't litter a branch is already other subject

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