OK then, here it is: Your relationship with Garrett puts a dent in your reputation. That you shot this video as an unabashed commercial for the ATPro opens it to ridicule. And, you saying you don't think you could have done it without the ATPro is as ridiculous as Roy Halladay saying he couldn't have pitched a no hitter without his Rawlings Glove.
Then there is the "Hollywood aspect" of the video. You say in the vid and in your post that you dug these coins. Yet, in the video there is no digging or even signs of digging. You are picking up coin after coin off the bottom. Now, I get it, you did dig it but the digging didn't make the final cut. That's a Hollywood aspect or effect. The point is this, if you are employing one Hollywood aspect into the video, it isn't a stretch to believe you are employing other Hollywood aspects in the video. Staging being the aspect at issue here. And, even less of a stretch considering the video is a commercial production for Garrett. And, that's what Neil was talking about.
Once we start employing Hollywood aspects in our videos the line between what is real and what is not becomes blurred. At that point even innocuous comments, like your comment about fall coming can be opened to interpretation. The Hollywood aspect holds true for all MD videos, not just yours. We have to take it on faith that what we are seeing is real.
As for dirty coins, come on over. Like you I keep all my finds. I can take silver coins dug off the beach last January, bring them back to the beach today, put them in dig holes, make a video, and no one is going to know the difference. Someday, I will get around to cleaning the coins. But until then I can make my own Greatest Day Ever video.