My best silver day...E.V.E.R... **UPDATE WITH VIDEO**

OK then, here it is: Your relationship with Garrett puts a dent in your reputation. That you shot this video as an unabashed commercial for the ATPro opens it to ridicule. And, you saying you don't think you could have done it without the ATPro is as ridiculous as Roy Halladay saying he couldn't have pitched a no hitter without his Rawlings Glove.

Then there is the "Hollywood aspect" of the video. You say in the vid and in your post that you dug these coins. Yet, in the video there is no digging or even signs of digging. You are picking up coin after coin off the bottom. Now, I get it, you did dig it but the digging didn't make the final cut. That's a Hollywood aspect or effect. The point is this, if you are employing one Hollywood aspect into the video, it isn't a stretch to believe you are employing other Hollywood aspects in the video. Staging being the aspect at issue here. And, even less of a stretch considering the video is a commercial production for Garrett. And, that's what Neil was talking about.

Once we start employing Hollywood aspects in our videos the line between what is real and what is not becomes blurred. At that point even innocuous comments, like your comment about fall coming can be opened to interpretation. The Hollywood aspect holds true for all MD videos, not just yours. We have to take it on faith that what we are seeing is real.

As for dirty coins, come on over. Like you I keep all my finds. I can take silver coins dug off the beach last January, bring them back to the beach today, put them in dig holes, make a video, and no one is going to know the difference. Someday, I will get around to cleaning the coins. But until then I can make my own Greatest Day Ever video.

tjc45 said:
OK then, here it is: Your relationship with Garrett puts a dent in your reputation. That you shot this video as an unabashed commercial for the ATPro opens it to ridicule. And, you saying you don't think you could have done it without the ATPro is as ridiculous as Roy Halladay saying he couldn't have pitched a no hitter without his Rawlings Glove.

Then there is the "Hollywood aspect" of the video. You say in the vid and in your post that you dug these coins. Yet, in the video there is no digging or even signs of digging. You are picking up coin after coin off the bottom. Now, I get it, you did dig it but the digging didn't make the final cut. That's a Hollywood aspect or effect. The point is this, if you are employing one Hollywood aspect into the video, it isn't a stretch to believe you are employing other Hollywood aspects in the video. Staging being the aspect at issue here. And, even less of a stretch considering the video is a commercial production for Garrett. And, that's what Neil was talking about.

Once we start employing Hollywood aspects in our videos the line between what is real and what is not becomes blurred. At that point even innocuous comments, like your comment about fall coming can be opened to interpretation. The Hollywood aspect holds true for all MD videos, not just yours. We have to take it on faith that what we are seeing is real.

As for dirty coins, come on over. Like you I keep all my finds. I can take silver coins dug off the beach last January, bring them back to the beach today, put them in dig holes, make a video, and no one is going to know the difference. Someday, I will get around to cleaning the coins. But until then I can make my own Greatest Day Ever video.

Everything I have said in my videos I believe and I have never staged/faked any of them. I do not lie. I will go to God with a clear conscience. Thanks for voicing your opinion as I did ask for it. Good luck out there and I hope you do well in your endeavors.

Aqua, thank you for not shooting the messenger. Good luck to you as well!

Beau, just got to be the most beautiful find I've seen! Bunk said you had an incredible find and to check it out. Your name was mentioned around the fire pit at GB last month several times, all good rest assured! Kind of missed the 'shine', but all was good!
People say, you can't do better than your last best find, but it can happen and will!

Thanks for sharing, Shep

Can't believe some folks are thinking "staged"...

I'll just start with this, I have only known Beau since January of this year and have hunted with him for about a weeks worth of digging in that time. And thats more than enough time to come to the conclusion that Beau is the real deal folks. For anyone in this hobby to stage such a thing is disgusting and to even question the authenticity of this amazing find is insane. Even though this statement may be called into question as well i will go on anyways, how about the fact that i got a call from one of his friends the day he found all of these coins?? Not once during the phone call did i ever think to myself...."yeah right".

As for the poster above asking "why wait 2 months to post up such a great find?" Answer me this, if u stumbled upon a once in a lifetime find(s) would you do anything at all (post pictures/video, talk about it) to jeopardize the spot being found by others?? Had someone seen him in that area that day and then he posts up the same day or the next about this incredible find...that would clearly put his spot in jeopardy. What is wrong with secrecy in this hobby? Countless times i have seen threads on various forums with people complaining about one of their buddies going behind them and in a sense stealing a spot etc. Beau obviously knows better than to offer any clues whatsoever as to where he hunts.

TJC45, have you ever water hunted yourself? If you are hunting a solid rock bottom, the items u find literally are laying right there...they dont sink...u dont have to "dig"!...just some simple fanning of the hand exposes the relics unless there are a couple rocks on top of them.

As for the coincidence of him saying "if not for the AT Pro i would not have found it" or whatever his exact words were...there is probably some truth to that. After hearing great reviews about this machine from Beau's friend(who told me about the silver find day), i had to get one myself. This person constantly told me that the discrim on the AT Pro is that good for water hunting. Hunting some spots would drive a person insane if they had to dig that much iron. I can vouch for it, i did not have an insane summer of water hunting but i did put over 100 hours on my AT Pro...all of those in the water i might add. Found some decent stuff but nothing breathtaking. The thing was a beast to say the least and i could not imagine hunting in the water without a good discrim like that. I'm a big fan of the AT Pro now. And no i dont work for Garrett nor do i have any ties to them actually more of a Whites fan myself.

Take it for whatever its worth, this is just my 2 cents. I have followed this thread since he posted it(been a while since i have looked at it though) and after seeing this find being called into question i felt inclined to leave my opinion on it. GL hunting to all and take care


All bickering aside as to staged or not...I am a late bloomer to this post, but after seeing all of those coins in such fantastic shape from a river bottom I want to "coin" a new term...Coin Porn! this find makes me want to disappear into my shop in the cellar and stare at these beauties on the computer until each and every one is ingrained in my memory. That way the next time I hunt the water I am in my happy place, my positive frame of mind to recover like minded coins. Right now I am hitting a spot with scuba gear in a river at 28' that has given up mercs, barbers, v nickels, 2 cents and Wheaties and all except the cents are in great shape with a dark patina.

I find the banner finds on here are what keep my spirits up to get out every chance possible and dive/detect/dig.

Great job, please keep up the good work.

still shocked everytime i see this thread/video :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

This is close to unbeatable in my mind....Wow. Now in order to top this you must find El Dorado!

Golden Silver

Yea after watching this video I went down to the river and dug 10 beer cans and 12 sinkers.. :laughing7:

A lot is location,location location. Amazing treasure for sure.One day...

birdman said:
Yea after watching this video I went down to the river and dug 10 beer cans and 12 sinkers.. :laughing7:

A lot is location,location location. Amazing treasure for sure.One day...

But maybe next time.... Thanks a lot spear85 and shepcal. It was good hearing from you again. I hope to see you in the field soon!

What kind of research did you do to find such an area? It looked very secluded. As a wannabe..I would not have even thought about an area like that.

Great video....loved the underwater shot.


Hey guys and gals..

Check this link out. I don't think it originated on this forum, but can't remember. They were discussing whether or not my find was fake and someone posted this.

In this story, the guy found several caches that were eerily similar in composition to my find. Except he also found a bunch of quarters which I didn't and he ended up with 500+ coins. The dates of the coins are almost identical as well. The story is several decades old I believe. It's almost like one of his caches was transported down my way and lost. So I wonder if it is possible that the guy who buried the New England caches traveled down my way and lost one of his caches, or if something happened at that particular time that made people hoard those denomination coins (no copper or gold)? Food for thought...

Awesome article and exciting to know that there have to be more of those era caches out there. :coffee2:

You go, we dream!

I'm from Maryland and hunt in Maryland. What county did you find these treasures?

What I find equally amazing as the find is how calm, cool, and collected he was as he was finding these coins while filming! I would lose my composure for sure!! Congrats! :icon_thumleft:

wow wow wow great finds

BigPete said:
I'm from Maryland and hunt in Maryland. What county did you find these treasures?
Dude, I'm not even saying what state until I'm done with the spot :laughing7:

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