**UPDATE** Thanks for the comments everyone. I finished up the season with a total of 178 silver coins from the spot. It included 126 U.S. Halves and 19-8 Reale coins and weighed in at 6 1/2 pounds. No coppers

but also no gold

Here is a video I shot of the experience. I hope you enjoy!
YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDC3SUK3axM Sorry for the wait, but I had to hit the site one more time today to pick up any strays. This is the missing second of my three recent "finds of a lifetime" for me. I found all of these coins at a ford in the river just recently. I dug 120 the first day and have managed to pick up 18 more on subsequent trips. Everything is dated from the 1770's through the 1830's. Over 115 of the coins are 1/2 dollar or larger. I found 96 U.S. halves, and quite a few Spanish 8 reales, several 5 franc coins, one from Brazil, one from Peru and one from Mexico. Most of the smaller silver coins are 4 reales. I found a whopping 4 1/2 pounds of silver coins! I still can't believe my good luck these past few weeks. I know I have already said it, but I do have to give a lot of credit to the new Garrett AT Pro that I have started hunting with. I truly believe that I may have skipped over this spot if I hadn't been using this machine. I have already written and submitted an article to American Digger magazine and Butch thinks he can get it in around the first of the year. And yes, I'm still on cloud nine! Here is a selection of some of the various coins. There will be many more shots in The American Digger as well as some "field photos". I hope you enjoy!