My abbreviated theory for the Knights Templar treasure in Nova Scotia

Quote the Next Replay from a Member there

""""" xmyladylostx on Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:37 am ....but hundreds of year old mystery, top secret's a gift for y'all for being into the mystery?

I don't buy it.

But, if you are who you say you are, as a rightful owner, I say, take ownership of the island and get your goods, babe.

And pass the pipe...I'm in Seattle and the Canadian weed hasn't gone across the boarder much this winter

Uh , you mean ,,, I was all wrong ?

Then why ya'all saying I right Now ?

oh ,,,
you ain't sayin' I right

you just sayin' what I said ,,,, Oak Island is Knights Templar

Now whose smoking weed man ?

Then as new Readers come in that old dust bag forum

My statements begin to influence

Copy Pasted again

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin

" by ckpozek on Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:57 pm bonnie,

what let's expound on these anomolies you are speaking of...where did you get the info from, and why won't the government allow people to look for history that can be better served viewed by the public, instead of by the worms...??? i really want to hear more detailed theories from hippie about the knights templar and the involvement of the masonic order...any other treasures people want to comment on??? i also would love later this year to go and explore for treaure with a group of explorers, any ideas??? any takers???
thank you for your time..

c k pozek ~~~~~~~~~~~~ End copy

I'm Hippie , the poster mentioned

copy pasted quote from that forum , funny , but now everybody supports my Material , they just
forget whose it was , and the sick statements they made about me and the material


" by Haywire on Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:55 pm What ever happened to that "Hippie" person? I DO think it's possible to be so intelligent you're clinically insane!

Anyway, stumbled across this site surfing the net. Don't know anything about "The Money Pit" other than what I've seen on a couple Unsolved Mysteries episodes years back.

So, I'm here to enjoy the ride and gather some information. I just like to learn about that which I have no knowledge of.

~~~~~~ End quote

and this from a person who uses " Haywire " as an avatar

insane ?

for an Insane person
People sure love what I reveal

and then Bonnie comes in with a Statement about me

Quote from forum

"""" by Bonnie on Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:19 am welcome haywire,

i knew hippie long before i came on this forum or started trying to sort out what is really going on with oak island treasure.

i can tell you that he is completely sane, in my opinion, and that everything he wrote was his truth. and that he didnt even share the half of it.

go to the oak island search, above, and put into the search ........hippie..........

and you can probably read more of his postings.

i dont know what happened to him. i havent heard from him in months.

hope he will stop in here some day and say hello. ~~~~~~~~~~~

Odd , seems I'm sane now

who' a thunk

any Idea who Bonnie is ?

Quote Tank , who now Promotes Oak Island as a Knights Templar site

This is also one of the Members who Trolled me with comments like : Insane
Attempting to provoke me ,,, that's not nice
if I spoke back , I'd be banned

seems to me , that's a Pattern

Quote :

" Oh yes, to answer your question about Hippie. He (?) was not nice on the forum, did not play by the rules and was eventually banned. "

The rule I broke ?

I used the Term Damn in a sentence

Tank SCREAMED : He cussed , I call for a Ban "

and at the end of that forum just before it was closed down

Knights Templar is the Talk of the Town

and formulas I spoke of , they are trying to figure out .

copy paste :::::

Firstly, all ley lines are man made, or at least created by intelligent design. This particular example uses the Great Circle Route from the Kaaba within Islam's Great Mosque to an end point near Annapolis Basin in Nova Scotia, a distance of nearly 6000 miles. This end point is a location I dubbed "Arcturus" because of an equally interesting star map that uses the only three star systems mentioned in the Bible. These systems are Pleiades (called by some "The Home of God"), Orion's Belt (specifically Mintaka) and Arcturus.
At the northeast corner of the Kaaba is a semi circle enclosure that is said to be the location of the Grave of Hagar, who as the 2nd wife of Abraham and mother of Islam has become the most maligned woman of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). The location of this site is at latitude 21-25-21.29N and longitude 39-49-34.11E. The site can also be located by using the"Qibla Locator", a tool that uses the Great Circle Route to point the direction to the Kaaba from any location on Earth. Muslims use this feature to learn in which direction they should face while praying. Check this out, very interesting.
The second point on this ley line is at latitude 46-09-25.59N and longitude 1-09-11.20W, the location of the small loading zone in La Rochelle Harbor which is the same now as it would have been in 1307.
The third point is a place in Nova Scotia called "Fairy Hole Cave" a place where some believe the Holy Grail was hidden by Henry Sinclair in about 1398 (not so of course, but read John Bear Mcneil's "Basket Stories"). Fairy Hole Cave is located at latitude 46-20-39.00N and longitude 60-25-57.67W.
The fourth point, and the last I will locate today is what I call "Pleiades" (from the star map) and is also the exact center of the narrow entrance to Pictou Harbor in Nova Scotia at latitude 45-41-22.19N and longitude 62-39-47.70W.
Arcturus, a point that I have personally investigated being the end of my ley line.
If anyone is interested play with these locations on Google Earth, please note though that the Kaaba is at an east longitude.
on the trail of the grail
wayward Digging for Diamonds Posts: 251Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:31 pmLocation: traverse city,michigan
[h=3]Re: Mother of all Ley Lines:[/h] by wayward on Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:10 pm
wayward wrote:Firstly, all ley lines are man made, or at least created by intelligent design. This particular example uses the Great Circle Route from the Kaaba within Islam's Great Mosque to an end point near Annapolis Basin in Nova Scotia, a distance of nearly 6000 miles. This end point is a location I dubbed "Arcturus" because of an equally interesting star map that uses the only three star systems mentioned in the Bible. These systems are Pleiades (called by some "The Home of God"), Orion's Belt (specifically Mintaka) and Arcturus.
At the northeast corner of the Kaaba is a semi circle enclosure that is said to be the location of the Grave of Hagar, who as the 2nd wife of Abraham and mother of Islam has become the most maligned woman of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). The location of this site is at latitude 21-25-21.29N and longitude 39-49-34.11E. The site can also be located by using the"Qibla Locator", a tool that uses the Great Circle Route to point the direction to the Kaaba from any location on Earth. Muslims use this feature to learn in which direction they should face while praying. Check this out, very interesting.
The second point on this ley line is at latitude 46-09-25.59N and longitude 1-09-11.20W, the location of the small loading zone in La Rochelle Harbor which is the same now as it would have been in 1307.
The third point is a place in Nova Scotia called "Fairy Hole Cave" a place where some believe the Holy Grail was hidden by Henry Sinclair in about 1398 (not so of course, but read John Bear Mcneil's "Basket Stories"). Fairy Hole Cave is located at latitude 46-20-39.00N and longitude 60-25-57.67W.
The fourth point, and the last I will locate today is what I call "Pleiades" (from the star map) and is also the exact center of the narrow entrance to Pictou Harbor in Nova Scotia at latitude 45-41-22.19N and longitude 62-39-47.70W.
Arcturus, a point that I have personally investigated being the end of my ley line.
If anyone is interested play with these locations on Google Earth, please note though that the Kaaba is at an east longitude.

A further interesting aspect of this particular ley line is where it crosses the 45th parallel. In his quatrain 6/97 used by some to show that he predicted the 9/11 attacks, Nostradamus (who IMHO could actually predict nothing) mentions an event happening at 45 degrees, which also IMHO could only refer to a latitude. In this quatrain he mentions a "Great New City" which, if we assume as some do, that the Bible book of Revelations is referring to the Church of Rome when it describes "That Great City, that stood on seven hills" (Rev. 17:18), then "Great New City" could actually mean, in the context of the quatrain, all of the new churchs of the Reformation as well as the Church of Rome. Remember that the Reformation was an ongoing event during the lifetime of Nostradamus.
The 942 quatrains of Nostradamus were arranged in 10 centuries of 100 each, except that is, for century 7, which only contained 42. The number of quatrains between 6/97 and 7/42 (the mysterious end of his 7th century) is "45", an odd coincidence me thinks.
The 45th parallel passes through Nova Scotia (Acadia) near Windsor, as also does the ley line I described. But, Nostradamus lived in the 16th century, before the extremely accurate maps of later years. When Samuel de Champlain first explored the western coast of Nova Scotia in the very early 17th century he wrote in his logs as he entered Annapolis Basin through Digby Gut that he was at 45 degrees. This mistake of some 20 minutes of latitude became permanent on maps of the period, but the mistake could have already been reported as that latitude on earlier maps which Champlain ( who was generally more careful) may have been using.
on the trail of the grail

wayward Digging for Diamonds Posts: 251Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:31 pmLocation: traverse city,michigan

[h=3]Re: Mother of all Ley Lines:[/h] by wayward on Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:13 pm
wayward wrote:Firstly, all ley lines are man made, or at least created by intelligent design. This particular example uses the Great Circle Route from the Kaaba within Islam's Great Mosque to an end point near Annapolis Basin in Nova Scotia, a distance of nearly 6000 miles. This end point is a location I dubbed "Arcturus" because of an equally interesting star map that uses the only three star systems mentioned in the Bible. These systems are Pleiades (called by some "The Home of God"), Orion's Belt (specifically Mintaka) and Arcturus.
At the northeast corner of the Kaaba is a semi circle enclosure that is said to be the location of the Grave of Hagar, who as the 2nd wife of Abraham and mother of Islam has become the most maligned woman of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). The location of this site is at latitude 21-25-21.29N and longitude 39-49-34.11E. The site can also be located by using the"Qibla Locator", a tool that uses the Great Circle Route to point the direction to the Kaaba from any location on Earth. Muslims use this feature to learn in which direction they should face while praying. Check this out, very interesting.
The second point on this ley line is at latitude 46-09-25.59N and longitude 1-09-11.20W, the location of the small loading zone in La Rochelle Harbor which is the same now as it would have been in 1307.
The third point is a place in Nova Scotia called "Fairy Hole Cave" a place where some believe the Holy Grail was hidden by Henry Sinclair in about 1398 (not so of course, but read John Bear Mcneil's "Basket Stories"). Fairy Hole Cave is located at latitude 46-20-39.00N and longitude 60-25-57.67W.
The fourth point, and the last I will locate today is what I call "Pleiades" (from the star map) and is also the exact center of the narrow entrance to Pictou Harbor in Nova Scotia at latitude 45-41-22.19N and longitude 62-39-47.70W.
Arcturus, a point that I have personally investigated being the end of my ley line.
If anyone is interested play with these locations on Google Earth, please note though that the Kaaba is at an east longitude.

I should add to this, that the small harbor of La Rochelle is where many (myself included) believe the Holy Grail and Templar treasures were sitting on vessels in port in august to september of 1307, prior to the arrests of allegedly all Templars in France.
IMHO, this ley line I describe cannot be coincidental, but who could have created it, and why?
on the trail of the grail

wayward Digging for Diamonds Posts: 251Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:31 pmLocation: traverse city,michigan

[h=3]Re: Mother of all Ley Lines:[/h] by Dave Wood on Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:20 pm
Regarding the treasure,Lovuian posted on the RlC forum that a Templar coin had been found,is that true.

Dave Wood Digging for Diamonds Posts: 711Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:55 amLocation: New Zealand

[h=3]Re: Mother of all Ley Lines:[/h] by wayward on Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:51 pm
Dave Wood wrote:Bill,
Regarding the treasure,Lovuian posted on the RlC forum that a Templar coin had been found,is that true.

I don't know Dave, to tell the truth I kind of fell asleep during each of the recent episodes. I do know that Luv would not tell a lie so I will pm her and ask.
on the trail of the grail

wayward Digging for Diamonds Posts: 251Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:31 pmLocation: traverse city,michigan

[h=3]Re: Mother of all Ley Lines:[/h] by wayward on Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:09 pm
wayward wrote:
Dave Wood wrote:Bill,
Regarding the treasure,Lovuian posted on the RlC forum that a Templar coin had been found,is that true.

I don't know Dave, to tell the truth I kind of fell asleep during each of the recent episodes. I do know that Luv would not tell a lie so I will pm her and ask.

I went to a video showing the discovery of a Templar coin and yes it appears that they did. Thanks for having me look into that Dave.

~~~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~~

Imagine that
Now they claim to have found a Templar Coin on the Island

that's why I was Banned

My Material was more convincing then the Material they were going to use
for their scam

all done

Just wished to know where people get the idea that Oak Island is Knights Templar site for a Vault

Personally , I know for a Fact , the seed thought behind Templar's in this Hemisphere ( whether Oak Island or anywhere )
was never a thought , it came out of material I posted as above .

Just funny how it all turned around after I began posting the info .

so Loki , what avatar handle did you use at Oakislandtreasure.UK ?

Curious ya unner stanley

Personally , I know for a Fact , the seed thought behind Templar's in this Hemisphere ( whether Oak Island or anywhere )
was never a thought , it came out of material I posted as above .

Just funny how it all turned around after I began posting the info .

so Loki , what avatar handle did you use at Oakislandtreasure.UK ?

Curious ya unner stanley

Mine didn't, and thats a fact Jack!!!

Actually, I followed wayward's ley line.

Cheers, Loki

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wayward Digging for Diamonds Posts: 251Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:31 pmLocation: traverse city,michigan

Transmutation into Loki From a Wayward Child


and Leylines "?

where'd ya thunk dat up from ?

So , I post about Leylines attached to Knights Templar
in 2003 on that forum

7 years later in 2010
you're posting as Wayward about Ley Lines

6 years after that , in 2016

You're Posting a Knights Templar Theory in Nova Scotia


Knights in this Hemisphere

uh ?

so where'd you first get the Idea that Knights Templar were here using Ley Lines

I think ,,

wasn't that odd to have my post deleted by BB at that Forum

and Now , Oak Island
Nova Scotia
are being called Knights Templar sites ?

unner stanley ?

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So ,

we roll to this moment , and I pull up an old email from back in those times

do a search of the email files ,,, BLEEP ,,, and there's some emails and replies to you Loki

That's the email addy of mine , that the emails are stored in .

#1 email begins

" I'm not interested in visiting your site in New Mexico , I'm in MIch , so I'm not after
your Treasure site , I would like to ask you a question about the Knights Templar "

don't worry about it Loki
and heck no
I ain't gonna copy paste your entire email file on this page .

left out this part of the email
it actually began :::::::::::::::::::::

I post as Wayward on Oakislandtreasure.UK forum

crazy how cycles are ,,,, stuff years ago ,, can come bite us in the A$$ later .

again , Leylines ?
from my post of 2003 , and Yes Wayward/Lokiblossom you were there

Oakislandtreasure.UK Forum Dec. 2003

I'm posting as " Hippie " on that Forum

~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin Copy/Paste ~~~~~~~~~~~~

by hippie on Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:08 pm Gentlemen
What Oak Island has is a depository of Knights Templar Articles.
The Treasure is obtained by entering the shafts and or tunnels.
The entrance to these tunnels will be found through the leylines of the Golden mean.
Stones, with drill holes have been found on the island.
These are your increment stones.
The holes will be a certain depth
each inch = 1ft.
If the hole in the stone is 12 inches deep , then the increment is 1 inch per foot.
Measure the distance to the next stone, note how many inches you come up with, say you come up with 123, this means your diagonal line from your southeast corner to your northeast corner will equal 123 feet, this will be the long line of the ley line of the golden mean, You will be looking to set a golden rectangle by this increment.
Where the ley lines intersect on that rectangle, is one of your entrances to the tunnels that will safely get you into one of the vaults.
Next, you must begin to arc the golden spiral, where the spiral cross's the ley lines, there you will find more entrance's to more vaults.
Your next step is to leyout the golden triangle and the Golden circle, remembering that it is 1/3 of the circle that is the portion you are looking for, note that where the lines of the triangle cross the bisect of the circle is your next entrance.
Perhaps it is best, that you take an ariel photo, mark the locale of each stone with the holes that have been found. overlay the photo with clear plastic, set you degrees at 36 and 76 for the ley lines, and see what you come up with.
This is the KEY to the chest.
A study of Pythagorean Geometry, fibbonacci number sequence, and the golden mean would help.
The date on the stone of 1704 is not a date, it is an increment.
this is part of the esoteric knowledge used for these burials.
The alchemy symbols for such are in the area.
The Hippie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~ End Copied Text ~~~~~~~~~

cut copy from that posting of mine

Where the ley lines intersect on that rectangle, is one of your entrances to the tunnels that will safely get you into one of the vaults.
Next, you must begin to arc the golden spiral, where the spiral cross's the ley lines, there you will find more entrance's to more vaults.
Your next step is to leyout the golden triangle and the Golden circle, remembering that it is 1/3 of the circle that is the portion you are looking for, note that where the lines of the triangle cross the bisect of the circle is your next entrance.
Perhaps it is best, that you take an ariel photo, mark the locale of each stone with the holes that have been found. overlay the photo with clear plastic, set you degrees at 36 and 76 for the ley lines, and see what you come up with."""""""""""""

end ,

Theory ?

Your Theory ?

Hmmm ,,,
I see in an email to you , that I direct you to the website of Colleague of mine in France and another Colleague in Great Britain

They Both have Investigated Rennes , and they both received from me the connection
to Oak Island / Nova Scotia

Both used my Formula concerning Leylines .

hmmmm ?

from a song Lyric : " Their Pants are down , and their cover's Blown "

View attachment 1351795

Copy paste from page #1

" If studied in a closeup it can be seen that his index finger is directly on the letter "R" in Arcadia. IMHO, he is telling us the "R" should not be there making the word "Acadia"."""""""""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~~

Understand ?

1; I was not even interested in any of this in 2003.

2; Your so called ley line is a toy compared to mine, which goes from a site in Mecca to Annapolis Basis. Also notice no Oak Island.

3; As far as I can recall the only item I ever premised as being on Oak Island was the stone triangle. I will say again for your benefit "there are no vaults on Oak Island".

4; I certainly did not learn of a Knights Templar presence in Nova Scotia from you!

5; I will not mention my true sources to you as your m.o. seems to be to harass and I will not put them or their families through that, although I will say two of the three are deceased.

6; Your last post here about the "R" in Arcadia is mine and only mine, are you trying to say that post is yours?

7; But have fun, I'm sure you will eventually find something. You do have my ley line if you could figure it out, but I doubt it.

Cheers, Loki

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