My abbreviated theory for the Knights Templar treasure in Nova Scotia

treasminder2/ quote from thread/ "Tunnels and more just found in New Ross, N. S." post #137

"Ya unnerstan?

now you know,

I wrote, that's what I do,
anything, big mess fiction, little
fiction matters not I like to write
is all

people grab and go with it

I never expected this"

Fiction or Fact Loki ?

you guess , and I'll tell ya if you got it right

# 1 ,, Is that Nugget a Knights Templar Artifact from an actual KT Vault in New Mexico ?

#2 . Was the Material I posted in a Thread Entitled : " Descendants of the Knights Templar "
used in the writing of the Script for the Movie " National Treasure " ( a few members here know that answer )

#3 . If these Vaults exist , Explain the Intention behind their creation . ( keep mindful , Illogical to stash and run , never
to return , yet leave a trail to find them , as per my prior postings from years ago )

#4 . If you please , What Media or Material , first inspired you to delve into the Theory that the Knights Templar
created Vaults in this Hemisphere ? ( in short , where'd the idea come from )

#4 If given the Opportunity to view a Vault , would you travel to New Mexico and Meet with me for
an excursion to the site ?

( while I posted in : " Descendants of the Knights Templar " , 15 years ago , I offered that per peoples request, none showed )

I'll even Post the site from Satellite for you .

Ok , your getting a Free education , I give , you receive , Conflict with that condition , I lose nothing ,
you however , have a chance to gain .

You are not a Child , right ?

If not , meet me on an Adult level , with a open mind , and your Theory with sharp corners , just might
round out for you .

I did not post in your thread to upset nor Grab it from you , the Glory is all yours , Tap into
your Grace , extend that , receive freely .

If you have no desire to hear it , fine , understood .

View attachment 1349118

Refer to Nugget in prior post and inspect the symbol that I just outlined in Red .

next , I'll take you from Satellite , right down on top of where that Symbol
is carved 30ft Tall on the face of a Bluff .

at the Top of the Carved symbol on the Bluff , are the Initials : " J.R. "

Jorge Rascione , an ancestor of mine . His Body , in his Templar Robe , was removed from a Stone Sarcophagus
that was secreted just left of the Symbol in a Hand Carved Niche that was sealed over .

View attachment 1349119

and here's the Bluff with the 30ft tall symbol carved into it

the small red arrow at top of picture , points the way to His Vault , where I recovered Templar Artifacts .

View attachment 1349124

Vault of La Rue

Note the Grey soil that stands out in contrast to surrounding soil
That is the Excavated Debris that covered the Vault .

That's right , La Rue's Vault was under this Huge Boulder .
La Rue , another Ancestor of mine .

Same Mountain Range as above , same Familial , centuries apart .

You are Looking straight down on an Excavated Vault , the Treasure set 39 feet below the Ground Surface

You can visit it today
Repel down into it .

The folks that excavated this , left Personal Property behind that can be dated , that
property is still insitu .

you know more now , and in seconds , where the many people who sought this Vault
and failed to find it , spent decades of their lives seeking it .

They could not Crack the Codes that gave it's location .
for they were not Familial , I am , to crack the code took one piece of info

instead of Spanish Treasure , it's Knights Templar , and their codes spanned the use of 7 languages
from seven civilizations
as seen on the back side of the Nugget .


Right ?
Respect what you receive then .

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Circled in Red is a Boulder hand set atop of it , is a smaller Boulder .

This is a Marker , That's right , a Marked Trail leads to these Vaults , to Know that and be able
to find and follow these , is Key to discovery .

Red Arrow marks point of excavation , west side of Boulder per Instructions : " Dig on West side to avoid Deadfall Trap "

Who Knew that I wonder , well , who just typed it here ?

How would I know the Location of this Vault ?

It all passed down through my linage .

Locale of the Range
The Clues and codes
The Deposited contents
The Purpose for the Vaults


" A Small Mountain to the West "

Per the Instructions written and Passed down to me , This is stated as the Starting point for the first
Markers that lead into the Range to find the rest of the Markers .

That Small Mountain to the West , is called " A " Mountain Today and sit's astride a paved road leading into
Dripping Springs , Organ Mountains New Mexico .

Nice , you don't have to accept my invite to come to the Mountains and View the Vault .

I can take you there as I have , with Sat Pics .

Isn't Tech Cool ?

NASA thinks so too .
They can find these Sub-Surface Anomalies , via Satellite Tech that you bought for them .

Teams can be sent to them , excavate them , recover contents , and you'd never know it happened .

Unless ,,,
People such as myself , Hack the Servers , Hack the Data Base of Top Secret Documents .

and release the Data Publicly .

we the people own the Data we pay for .
This type of Data is not for National Security .

We own it , it's kept from us , we want it , they won't give it to the owners , so we take it .

Just that simple , Corrupt entities pass laws , rules , regulations , and break those , at times , right
in front of our faces .

Justice is a Twisted Girl , Laying in the Gutter with a Needle hanging from a Vein in her arm .

We Feed her Needle for her .

Feel good about that ?

View attachment 1349148

in this Thread you speak of Rennes

Years ago , in another forum ( several as well as this one )
I stated that all the exact same Monolithic Stone Monuments found at Rennes
are also set in the Organ Mountains of New Mexico in several locations .

The Horse of God Monument is circled in red , This is dead center of Soledad Canyon .

small red circle around other stones set as you'd see them at Rennes . EXACTLY as seen at Rennes

Elongated Red circle is a hand set stone direction Marker with elevated Turtle which tells you to : " Go up " from
this point .

Arrow points UP the Slope to the Vault I entered and removed Knights Templar Artifacts as well as Documented
those on Film using a 1958 Yashika 35mm Camera and a Kodak 110 Camera . One of which is my Photo
of the Nugget seen in prior post , with the symbols engraved on it , That Photo was taken with the Yashika
I'm the Photographer .

The exact same Horse of God as seen here , Set's above a Bluff at Rennes , and photos of that one
are on the internet available for search , using my other internet handle of : " roger snow55 "

Succinct to your thread here , and a part of the Mystery .

These two sites , thousands of miles away from each other , in two separate Hemispheres , Exact duplicates
of each other ,,,,

Right ?
you're Welcome .

You may note that on Page #1

of that Linked thread
I start the post with : I don't know what happened to the other thread I started concerning this "

I did know , it was deleted by Shawn Davies , owner of the forum , He was prompted to do so
by the Producers of the Movie : National Treasure

The Post in that missing Thread were used in the Script writing of the Movie .

Theft of Intellectual Property Law Suit , was feared by Disney .


kinda makes a Hippie Mad when people pig my material .

Pig <-----<<< Promote themselves with it , like a Pig , and attempt to make money with it .

Back to Oak Island. They say that the Atlantic is moving West at 1 inch per year eroding the shore. So 100 years, 100 inches. How long has the treasure supposed to have been there? 200 years or more than that? 200 years means the shore was 200 inches further east.15 + feet. So would the tunnels still be under water back then? Just something to think of.

Back to Oak Island. They say that the Atlantic is moving West at 1 inch per year eroding the shore. So 100 years, 100 inches. How long has the treasure supposed to have been there? 200 years or more than that? 200 years means the shore was 200 inches further east.15 + feet. So would the tunnels still be under water back then? Just something to think of.

Hey Au , Jebus , been years since I've seen you post
ha we're both still in the Saddle
cool to see ya Audigger

Flack left , cool
back to education then

Loki , you're interest in KT rennes and such

The material I'm posting is for you to use as you wish , if it has value to you .

There is connection between the people who set the Monolithic stone monuments at both Rennes
and in the Organ Mountains of New Mexico

both sites gave up KT arties

genuine Knaights Templar artifacts at both sites .

stuff is still there in the Organs , not long though .

so , if you prefer for me to stop posting in the thread
I'll understand you have no interest
if you'd like me to continue
then use the photos and text as you wish
free to do so
thank you

Loki , you're interest in KT rennes and such

The material I'm posting is for you to use as you wish , if it has value to you .

There is connection between the people who set the Monolithic stone monuments at both Rennes
and in the Organ Mountains of New Mexico

both sites gave up KT arties

genuine Knaights Templar artifacts at both sites .

stuff is still there in the Organs , not long though .

so , if you prefer for me to stop posting in the thread
I'll understand you have no interest
if you'd like me to continue
then use the photos and text as you wish
free to do so
thank you

Thanks, but I think our premises are too far apart for me to feel any connection.
Cheers, Loki

Thanks, but I think our premises are too far apart for me to feel any connection.
Cheers, Loki

The Disembodied Spirits of the Merovingian's would agree ,
Premises have one seed as primal source .

all that flows out , expands in broad spectrum , comes back to seed and cycle continues .

see ya's

" A Small Mountain to the West "

Unless ,,,
People such as myself , Hack the Servers , Hack the Data Base of Top Secret Documents .

and release the Data Publicly .

we the people own the Data we pay for .
This type of Data is not for National Security .

We own it , it's kept from us , we want it , they won't give it to the owners , so we take it .

Are you actually saying on a public forum that you have or are attempting to hack into government servers? If I'm reading this correctly it certainly does not seem like a wise thing to do.

View attachment 1351248

are you afraid ? why ? seriously . are you afraid of a system you pay in support ?

Wise ? is that Wise ? excuse me , I have to question people's wisdom ( in general , not you )

Yes I am saying exactly that in an open forum .

Wise ?
NSA has you hacked , are you scared to hack them back ?
you pay them to hack you .
and that doesn't bother you ?

Wise ?
is it Wise to pay an agency to spy on you by hacking your devices ?

I was abducted and tortured by the U.S. Agents
several times

I'm going to be concerned about Consequences ?

Jebus , so this is the Land of the FREE , home of the Brave .
yet people FEAR
and pay for freedom they can't live .

sorry man
Humanity has a need to know

what's released , is Knowledge of the system that controls them .

what they do with it
will expose if they were worth the effort or not .

so far
Fat Lazy selfish scared , comfort Bunnies , is all I've Observed out of them .

Pay an agency to spy on you ?

and you think I'm crazy ?

PFfffffft ,,

It's never been SAFE for any of you .

But all of you certainly pay a lot to feel safe .

What's in Like in that Bunny Hole ?

Hey Loki , ever read my post on ?

these post

~~~ Copy Paste Post from OIT.UK ~~~~

~~~ Begin~~

by hippie on Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:24 am Hi Tank, Not to worry, It is hard to rattle me.
This is my first visit to this site.
On my formulas and where they come from, or as you state it, " how do I know this ?
I am the descendant of the Grand Master Ruxillias of the Knights Templar, circa 1651, as well, My linage is that of Huges duPayen.
Huges, was from the Monastery where Dagobert the II was exiled to after his overthrow by the Carolingians, Dag, was what is known as the last Merovingian King of Middle Europe.
This linage is said to be that of the Saan Grael, known as the Holy Grail, or better stated, Translated loosly from the Latin, Holy blood (Saan Graael)
The Esoteric Knowledge is handed Down through the Linage of the Holy Blood line of King David through to the first Merovingian King and unto the first Grand master of the Knights Templar, which was Huges Du Payan,
The Sacred Geometry outlined above in my prior post, is the Key to many ancient sites and structures of the Ancients.
Much is Laid out to the Geometric design Pythagoras Attributed to Element #47 out of Euclids book #1 of the 13 books of Euclids elements.
This Geometry is relative to all sites within the Ancient Esoteric and Arcane arena. It is the foundation by which The Pyramids at Giza are set and as well as that of other sites inclusive in these is the Cities of Atlantis.
Yeah, Atlantis is real.
As is appearent unto all who have attempted to discover the Mystery of the design implemented in the Construction of the Oak Island Vaults and channels (tunnels) The designers were above the mainstream populace in their Knowledge of constructing such a baffeling maze of stumbling blocks and shafts to protect this one site, as well, even today, with the Technology extent, We struggle greatly to unravel this site.
This is evident in and of it's self that the construction and design is "NOT" that of the simple Pirate,
Simply, the site is one that was very cleverly planned, and replacates those vaults of the Ancients that have yet to be discovered.
A simple demonstration of the Knowledge that the Grand Masters of the Knights Templar were the inhieritors of is the Fact that they were able to enter King Tuts tomb nearly 900 years ago and remove objects more precious then Gold, without the burden of removing the Mass of stones covering the tomb as did Carter and Canarvon had to remove.
This was done, and articles removed, then the 4 doors resealed, and the few stones blocking the channel under the rest of the stones replaced without causing a cave-in. The knowledge of this construction, may have been retrived in Constantinople during the Crusades, where it had been taken by the Zealots who had Sacked the Great Library at Alexandria back in the 4th century, As well, Huges and the other 8 Knights, may have recovered from the Holy land the Documents with the information within them a century before the invasion of Constantinople.
Either way, it was somewhat mind boggeling to Carter that someone had opened the Tomb of Tut, and did not Bother to take ALL the treasure from within, and they were not in a rush, for they took the time to reseal the doors with plaster, and as Carter thought, Heave all the stones back in place, so it is not as though they did not have the time to take all the treasure , nor is it a matter of them being caught, for the items they took, were not placed back in the tomb as they would ahve been if the looters ahd been caught, simply, what was removed meant more to the retrievers then the gold and jewels of Tut, and as well, the Knights Templar already had more Gold and Jewels at their disposal then they ever needed, so why burden themselves further ? ( must be nice to have that much, don't ya' think ?)
The Drag marks of trunks being removed from the Tomb and drug OUT the doors on a prior raid of the tomb, were still in extent upon Carters opening the Tomb some 7 hundred years later.
Carter must have went to his Grave Bothered Greatly by that Mystery.
I can well imagine he did.
On a futher note,,,,,
One may find within the seals of Solomon, and in the Ancient Hebraic Alchemy, all the symbols for such Geometry and the increments of measure, as well as many other features pertaining to Matters of the spirit.
The Ancient Kabbalah, is a set of symbols, each with a mathmatical equivalent, for instance : Pythagoras attached the letter "Y" to element #47, this Geometric design, per his Theorem, was the Key to the Transmigration of the soul from one being or body unto a higher one.
Well,,,, Thats what his theory states. so don't bug me about it MAN

On the Hippie conotations. I would like to point out that Hippism is not a drug based paradigmn,( no matter how the media attempted to portray it)
It is about consciousness, one closely aligned with the teachings of Both Jesus Christ and Pythagoras, whereas , PEACE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE WERE THE PARAMOUNT ELEMENTS OF THAT CONSCIOUSNESS.
Funny, but I notice as I reviewed the community of Pythagoras, how it appeared to me that this Community surely must have been the contemporary HIPPIE COMMUNE of Greece at the time.
well, just a cute observation to add here in the midst of all the esoteric dialog.
Lets see, I guess I shall at this point throw out a theory as to where exactly the Oak Island Articles came from and why they were deposited there at the island. ( please, keep in mind that i have for the most part read a hugh amount of other theories, and I do not discount them, and this should not be taken as an opurtunity to open a debate with myself by others, I allow them their theories, without attcking such, and in a fair exchange, May they allow me mine, without attack )
As I hav'nt the time to look back on the exact date of this event, I am going to just use for the momment a supposed date, this being done without refering to notes. so please, do not pick the time-stamp apart, geeees-its ! Thank you.
In or ABOUT???? 1602, "ROUGHLY", and in answer to the Church once again targeting the knights Templar in yet another inquitition, by which to frame them for heresy and thereby obtain the Knights land holdings and wealth. The Knights found that perhaps it was time for a little retribution to be paid back to the Church, They brought their combined ships and Harbored them, then, paying off the sentinels, entered the Vaults within the Catacombs beneath the Vatican, They raided and looted these vaults, loaded the loot upon their ships and set sail for the New World.
The deposit at Oak Island, is but a small portion of that loot taken from the Vaults, Some of this loot comprised some of the Templar Treasure that the Church had unjustly taken control of in the 14th century during King Phillipes frame job of the Knights, of Friday the 13th 1307.
This looting of the Vatican Vaults was retailiation for the unjust lynchings of the Knights to gain control of their wealth, and as well, was simply taking back from thieves what was originally stolen from the Knights. The looting was kept hushed by a Vatican which felt secrecy about it would best serve the purpose of trying to retrieve the goods.
Interesting to note, it was The Knights Templar who had found the Gold of King Solomon, and it is as well interesting to note that Huges du Payan was a direct descendant of King Solomon, so you might say, Huges was recieving his rightful legacy after almost 2000 years, It was this gold that was part of the loot the Knights took back from the Vatican which the Church had Tortured and killed for 300 years earlier.
Something to ponder, What did Saunier find in Rennes, that substantiated the Claims of this Bloodline, That caused the vatican to allow Saunier pretty much a free lincense. It was not so much gold he found, yes, he did find wealth, but it was Documents and evidence he found that was more devastating to the Church. Documents that told of the Bloodline of Christ, the holy blood. The real divine right to rule bloodline. uh,,, debate it all you wish, never the less, it is true. but hey, I ain't sellin' no books on it. so sheeesh-its already.
Anyway, that is a side note.
hippie Digging for Coal Posts: 12Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:41 pmLocation: New Mexico U.S. Top
[h=3][/h] by hippie on Fri Dec 05, 2003 1:26 am
UMMMMmmm, just as a very interesting side note, and to add a truth that amy as well help people to understand these Caches of the Knights templar.
There is alive today at least one descendant of the person who made this deposit at Oak Island, He is a first born son of a first born son of the linage.
Within the linage of the scione, there are certain requirments to be met concerning each and every deposit, or inhieritence as it may be refered to.
This is all laid out within the documents, of the leagacy.
The Order of scione as it is refered to, is the protection agency within the Knights Templar, they keep a watch on the descendants, and this is done in secrecy, they as well, keep a watch on the caches.
The documentation, are compiled and held within a database by the Government of the United States.
The Vatican, as well, have copies of those documents compiled.
Both the U.S. government, and the Vatican, KNOW who the inhieritors are for each cache.
They keep this out of the public domain, and I can well attest that they have through their intel agencies, attempted to swipe these treasures from the descendants. The files within the treasury department outline this imensely, and they are filed under a clearence heading of :
One of the preiminent grand-masters of the current Knights Templar society was my Great Grand-father Chris Brooks, He is the prime source of my knowledge of these facts, he as well, had access to all documents held within our Governments files that cover these treasures.
The Corruption appearent within the United Staes agencies that have these documents in their posession, has cost some of the inhieritors a great fortune.
This is not a new happenstance whatsoever, for this battle for this wealth has been carried on ever since the Gold of King Solomon was brought to Europe, it has been the Cause of many a torture and death, quite an intrigue. In my own case, when I recieved from my G-Garndfather my own documents, He told me straight forward that this had been going on for 350 years, or since the time of the looting of the vaults of the Gold and other articles rightly belonging to the Scione of the San Grael.
I will here add, that all of these sites ahve built into them deathtraps , and these are triggered if unknowledgable people attemt to open these sites, In the Case of Oak Island, this has already been exampled.
Further, I personally, am "NOT" the inhieritor of the treasure of Oak Island, it belongs to someone else. I have not any gain by telling you the truth of the matter outside of helping to clear the fog a bit for those who wonder over the Mystery of the Cache and how and why it is there.
If there was honesty within the Governments who have the knowledge of the inhieritors, they would approach the inhieritor of the Cache at Oak Island, and produce the documents and then attempt to help that person recover his rightful legacy.
However, This is not the case at this time, yet,,,, perhaps through exposure of these facts and the documents available, This condition can and will be changed.

Being that GREED seems to be the GOD of some souls in this world, and those souls who have succumb to GREED and replaced their GOD with it, and they are the ones who have the documents within their files, it is un-likely that they will contact the Scione and allow for an honest echange with them for as to allow them to collect their Legacy.
Further, as I have already stated in a post above, I am not open to debate as to the Validity of my statements here, or anywhere, I have very personal Knowledge of these facts . for I live them, I as well have reviewed the Top Secret Documents from the files, Therefore, I ask that the readers of these post, please refrain from any attempt to shoot arrows. I give you these truths, as a gift, not as a spring board for others personal attacks steming from the glorified egos and self agrandisement of those who wish to push to the top of solving the Mystery.
I say this simply because I have noted the echange of post here and elsewhere, containing agumentive debate and exchanges, NONE of which furthers anyones hope of ever discovering the truth, it just makes for a bad display of ill manners, and as well is tiresome to the eyes and mental process to witness and read. THANK YOU.

hippie Digging for Coal Posts: 12Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:41 pmLocation: New Mexico U.S. Top

[h=3]Knowledge of the ages[/h] by Tank03 on Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:35 pm
Rog (hippie),

Recognize this Members Avatar Handle ?

Copied post as above , with reply from a member who now promotes Oak Island
as a Knights Templar site

~~~~ Begin ~~~~

by isethebye on Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:09 pm I think Hippie might be the closest to the facts yet.
isethebye Digging for Gold Posts: 191Joined: Fri Jan 02, 2004 2:50 amLocation: Bonavista, NL Top
[h=3]Hippie[/h] by Tank03 on Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:11 pm

You have got to be joking....................

Tank03 Digging on Oak Island Posts: 1144Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 3:04 pmLocation: Nova Scotia

Is Isethebye you Loki ?

by the way
a Moderator there whose avatar was BB

deleted a bunch of my post about oak island being Knights Templar

they did not get6 them all however

just a wonderin' ya unner stanley

Quote of Isethebye : " I think Hippie Might be closest to the Truth "

Quote of Tank's : " Isethebye , You have got to be Kidding ,,, "

Rather Interesting isn't it

I'm first to state O.I. ,,, is a Knights Templar Site .

Called crazy

and now ,,,,

well ,,, my info is being used in Main Stream Media

Hey Scott Wolter ,,, thanks for the Offer Bud .
But my info is not for Pimping Advertising Time on your T.V. Show

Just a wonder

How things switch when I influence people with my Material .

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