My abbreviated theory for the Knights Templar treasure in Nova Scotia

Quote Loki : "
4; I certainly did not learn of a Knights Templar presence in Nova Scotia from you! "

That's true ,
for the Knights Templar prior contact , is fiction , I believe I was the first to write that fiction , at least , no one
has produced and earlier text on it .

We cannot prove a Fiction to be a Fact .

check it out
from the old oak island forum , if that forum wasn't created as a means to bilk investors ,, I'll tell ya folks,,
just disturbing what people do for acknowledgement and money .

read this one

by Tank04 on Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:30 am acdonah,

Man oh man, are your days ever winding down fast now. Soon time to meet the little darlings at the front door of the school and "welcome" them back for another year.

Trevelyan and Ken touched on two key points, ownership and financing. I certainly cannot speak for the availability of funding here in Canada, but I am willing to suggest that if access issues were to be ironed out, then the way could be cleared for an attempt at funding for a good quality dig at certain spots around the island.

I personally would push for a dig at the Ball ruins first, mainly because I think you have the best chance at attracting the interest of those who do this sort of thing, and more importantly, those who make the decisions. The Ball site should be fairly clear of "modern" influences and is no where near current or past treasure hunting activities. Once you have their interest sated after some good work archeological work at that site, then you may be able to get further funding to look in the highly "contaminated" sites. There is another ruins I would love to see examined too, so one project could feed off another as long as funding and the desire to continue were in place.

Yes the freeze ring idea was proposed way back in the mid 20th century. People had a really good hee haw over that one and the proponant never came to the island. Too bad too, the idea must have been cutting edge at that time and maybe it would have cost much less to do given all things are equal between today and then, 20th century dollars/laws/procedures versus 21st century dollars/laws/procedures.

~ end copy paste ~~~~~

That's the same Guy ,,, " Tank " who trolled me on that forum ,,, then turned around and claimed it was Templar all along .

interesting old post from a dead forum

Wayward Speaks

quote :

by wayward on Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:21 pm On his History Channel program, firstly he only mentioned the original founder of the 14th century New Ross site and its first promoter "Joan Hope Harris" once and only in passing, and never mentioned her name in relation to her "Holy Well", named as such by her. Next, he claimed that the name "The Cross" which he mentioned is hundreds of years old, could have come from the Cross on Templar tunics. In fact, the name "The Cross", is shortened from "Charing Cross" (I have a photo of this name on a New Ross gun emplacement) which was more than likely brought over from London either as my research shows by the Knights Templar in about 1308 (who certainly would have seen the "Queen Eleanor" cross being erected at Charing Cross) or if I am wrong, later with the arrival of English settlers. Also, my research indicates any artifacts from the Charing Cross site were moved to a site deemed more secure in the early 16th century, up the Gold River over the Nova Scotia divide of waters at Blue Mountian and to a certain site near Annapolis Basin.
I do respect Scott Wolters work, especially regarding the Kensington Runestone which I have recently started a thread on here, but when researching The Secret City of Joan Hope, he should give her all the credit she deserves. I wonder if he even read her book?
Last edited by wayward on Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

anyone here know who " Wayward " is ?

quote : " I wonder if he even read her book? "

Maybe so , maybe not

however ,,,
from an email he sent me , he admits he's read everything he could find of my writing ,,, and asked where
he could possibly find more of it .

seems his so called " Research " is actually gleaned from writers , some on the net writing fiction as I do .

Quote Loki : "
4; I certainly did not learn of a Knights Templar presence in Nova Scotia from you! "

That's true ,
for the Knights Templar prior contact , is fiction , I believe I was the first to write that fiction , at least , no one
has produced and earlier text on it .

We cannot prove a Fiction to be a Fact .

check it out
from the old oak island forum , if that forum wasn't created as a means to bilk investors ,, I'll tell ya folks,,
just disturbing what people do for acknowledgement and money .

read this one

by Tank04 on Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:30 am acdonah,

Man oh man, are your days ever winding down fast now. Soon time to meet the little darlings at the front door of the school and "welcome" them back for another year.

Trevelyan and Ken touched on two key points, ownership and financing. I certainly cannot speak for the availability of funding here in Canada, but I am willing to suggest that if access issues were to be ironed out, then the way could be cleared for an attempt at funding for a good quality dig at certain spots around the island.

I personally would push for a dig at the Ball ruins first, mainly because I think you have the best chance at attracting the interest of those who do this sort of thing, and more importantly, those who make the decisions. The Ball site should be fairly clear of "modern" influences and is no where near current or past treasure hunting activities. Once you have their interest sated after some good work archeological work at that site, then you may be able to get further funding to look in the highly "contaminated" sites. There is another ruins I would love to see examined too, so one project could feed off another as long as funding and the desire to continue were in place.

Yes the freeze ring idea was proposed way back in the mid 20th century. People had a really good hee haw over that one and the proponant never came to the island. Too bad too, the idea must have been cutting edge at that time and maybe it would have cost much less to do given all things are equal between today and then, 20th century dollars/laws/procedures versus 21st century dollars/laws/procedures.

~ end copy paste ~~~~~

That's the same Guy ,,, " Tank " who trolled me on that forum ,,, then turned around and claimed it was Templar all along .

So lets try to understand your reason for being here under the Oak Island heading. First, you claim you lied about a Templar connection to Oak Island, and now you are angry that someone believed your lies. You also claim you concocted a fictional story about the Knights Templar raiding the Vatican and stealing a vast treasure and once again are angry that someone believed it. Is that your story as you see it, or correct me if I misunderstand.
Cheers, Loki


deny everything
admit nothing
cast counter aspersions

Story ( and this one is fact , btw , nice twist , I said fiction , not lies , difference there , is there not ? )

" 1986 , summertime , and me and the Pops have been hauled into Holomon's Provost Office ,, accused of removing
minerals from the Base .

Sometimes growing up in a really Tuff Hood is a good thing , cause , later , when a Tuff Guy gets in your face ,
Ya got the Guts to stand that Bully down

These clowns are attempting to sweat pops and me for a location to a Treasure , Loud mouth Blorf , backed up
with Tweedy Bird Booty , I sneer and whisper back to his screaming at me : " Don't yell at me clownboy , you don't frighten me "

Two and one Half minutes later , He yells at my Dad , I jump the Table ( i'd already broke the bar the cuffs were latched to , from
the other end of my wrist )

By the Throat and slid him up the wall and held him , other grunts attempt an attack on my person ,,, funny

Big guy , their Boss , as he watches them struggle to stand , STOP , let it alone ,,,,
Nicely now he addresses me while staring at the broken cuffs ,,,

ahem , Mr. Snow , may we keep this civil please sir


I glare into his eyes
he looks away ,,,

Dad , get up , we're outta here .

get a key in that cuff and release him ,,, NOW!

on the way out the door,, through the blood covering his lips an agent : " I'll be seeing you "

Provost states : we have more questions

I take a step to the wall , snatch a plaque from it that read :::::::::::

" admit nothing ,
deny everything
cast counter aspersions "

I slammed down on his Desk in front of him

MY Policy exactly , wonder where you got that from ,,
you wouldn't be reading my Mail would you ? "

I turned ,,, Dad , Dad walked out the door , hesitating a moment and pointing at the Plaque " That's all the answer I have for people like you "

~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~~~~~~

reason for being here under oak island ?

um ,,
Tayopa Real directed me to this forum , he really did .

so here I be
true that

how bout you ? Let's see if you can help me understand your nature of questioning my presence in an open forum ?

Hey , it isn't that you are uncomfortable with people posting in your thread ,, right ?

First, you claim you lied
and now you are angry

Choice terms

that's so sweet of you

but you are correct , you may require some correction

that however , I have no intentions toward doing .

Are you angry at me ?
I'm not angry at all , really ,

Lied , now that is a twist of terms

stated : I write fiction , I as well write non-fiction

define for me the term lie please , per my own def , fiction and lie ,,, well ,,, see what I mean .

seems you may feel a bit of hostility toward my post , is that so ? are my post making you uncomfortable ?
if so
I swear , I won't post in your threads .

Cool story about the Provost though , don't ya think ?


deny everything
admit nothing
cast counter aspersions

Story ( and this one is fact , btw , nice twist , I said fiction , not lies , difference there , is there not ? )

" 1986 , summertime , and me and the Pops have been hauled into Holomon's Provost Office ,, accused of removing
minerals from the Base .

Sometimes growing up in a really Tuff Hood is a good thing , cause , later , when a Tuff Guy gets in your face ,
Ya got the Guts to stand that Bully down

These clowns are attempting to sweat pops and me for a location to a Treasure , Loud mouth Blorf , backed up
with Tweedy Bird Booty , I sneer and whisper back to his screaming at me : " Don't yell at me clownboy , you don't frighten me "

Two and one Half minutes later , He yells at my Dad , I jump the Table ( i'd already broke the bar the cuffs were latched to , from
the other end of my wrist )

By the Throat and slid him up the wall and held him , other grunts attempt an attack on my person ,,, funny

Big guy , their Boss , as he watches them struggle to stand , STOP , let it alone ,,,,
Nicely now he addresses me while staring at the broken cuffs ,,,

ahem , Mr. Snow , may we keep this civil please sir


I glare into his eyes
he looks away ,,,

Dad , get up , we're outta here .

get a key in that cuff and release him ,,, NOW!

on the way out the door,, through the blood covering his lips an agent : " I'll be seeing you "

Provost states : we have more questions

I take a step to the wall , snatch a plaque from it that read :::::::::::

" admit nothing ,
deny everything
cast counter aspersions "

I slammed down on his Desk in front of him

MY Policy exactly , wonder where you got that from ,,
you wouldn't be reading my Mail would you ? "

I turned ,,, Dad , Dad walked out the door , hesitating a moment and pointing at the Plaque " That's all the answer I have for people like you "

~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~~~~~~

reason for being here under oak island ?

um ,,
Tayopa Real directed me to this forum , he really did .

so here I be
true that

how bout you ? Let's see if you can help me understand your nature of questioning my presence in an open forum ?

Hey , it isn't that you are uncomfortable with people posting in your thread ,, right ?

First, you claim you lied
and now you are angry

Choice terms

that's so sweet of you

but you are correct , you may require some correction

that however , I have no intentions toward doing .

Are you angry at me ?
I'm not angry at all , really ,

Lied , now that is a twist of terms

stated : I write fiction , I as well write non-fiction

define for me the term lie please , per my own def , fiction and lie ,,, well ,,, see what I mean .

seems you may feel a bit of hostility toward my post , is that so ? are my post making you uncomfortable ?
if so
I swear , I won't post in your threads .

Cool story about the Provost though , don't ya think ?

No hostility and your post do not make me uncomfortable. But, don't you sometimes feel embarrassed by what you post. If I have too much to drink (you know, drunk) and post, then in the morning read what I wrote I am usually embarrassed, but that's just me. Answering your stuff actually gives me a chance to re-post my own premises, for instance we have just resurrected the "My abbreviated Theory' thread.
As for lies, you claim to have posted fictional accounts on an open forum to deceive its members. And now you are attempting to claim that some of the members of this forum who were decieved by you have claimed ownership of your own fictional accounts. What do you call that? In my humble opinion, "fiction", should be declared as such and not produced with intent to decieve, but maybe again, thats just me.
Cheers, Loki

intentions exactly

as often as you correct people on grammar and syntax as well as Mic Mac ( LOL, that one was funny )

I'll help ya out

You claim = nope , not a claim obviously

to deceive members = nope no intentions involved , I write , it's what I do , I fi swore it was fact and put a price on it , that's a swindle
if I swore it was fact , and directed people to spread the word or use it to influence people or events , that's a con .
simply as it shows ,, and it's stated , I ain't sellin no books , nope , deception is wrong term

claim ownership

who did ?
is there some member that claimed ownership ?

in any of my comments , is there any direct statement made by me that anyone has claimed ownership ?

produced with intent to deceive , Moi ? oh say it ain't so

Produced with intent to deceive would be like , say ,,,, I had something to gain from the deception

however , again , as stated back then

" I ain't sellin' no Books '

now , lets do something cool

You claim I'm angry , correct ?
How do you see anger in postings ?

wait now , oh yeah , Haywire covered that in the post of 2005 , misconstruing written verse per lack of inflection
apparent in spoken verse

ok, that one's mute

Declaration of content , as opposed to Commercially Proffered material , on an internet forum is not by any law
a required prerequisite to posting any material . unless a price tag is attached ,,, right ?

hmmm,, what else is fun to make fun of

oh yeah , I asked a question that people " Seem " to be afraid to answer .

Paranoia , suspicion , lack of trust and faith ,, all have become it seems , Rote in this failing Civilization , so yes I understand
people will suspect intentions behind a simple question when it's asked .

there's a point , Knowing for a fact that the details in my fiction are indeed fictional , and given claims being made , using details
that closely mimic those fictional details I posted long ago ,,,

Is it not Rote that a person could suspect intentions of those whose postings closely resemble my prior fiction ?

or ,,,

Being the Man I am and the Consciousness I'm blessed with , I should be above questioning their intentions ?

you see , when fictional material , is base for a commercial production , it should be declared fictional as you stated .

right ?

and so , given no one will point me to where it was published that the Knights Templar visited this hemisphere ,
and owing to the fact that it's now being touted in commercial venue ,,,

I have to wonder , are these peoples intentions to deceive the public with fictional material .

or is it , that the Material was declared by those commercial productions , as Fiction ?

I mean , jebus , what if people catch on and get angry or something , one may wonder ,,, will a finger
be pointed at me as the Progenitor of the material and blame me for leading the World astray with it ?

Oh that's right , That'd would be paranoia ,,,

I see
Hey Thanks
enjoy the ride

Rog, the key to understanding is the intent. If the intent is to entertain, that is one thing, if the intent is to misinform or misguide for personal ego, that is another. The definition requires a clear indication / defination at the start. Most of your posts suggest the latter, which places it squarely in the category of fabrications or if you wish, lies.

So the intent was to misguide us at the start, course that means that your stories and mistreatment by the gov't were fabrications then ? No murders or abductions , nor Templars??. No maps or a fictious father finding various Templars things ? Hmmmm This of course includes the gold Nugget jewelry ?

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What Rog has done for me is (1) entertain... (2) inspire me to conduct my own research on several topics ... (3) expose that others will retell his "fiction" for their own purpose and most of all (4) challenge me to question and draw my own conclusions All of you are preserving history in your own way. For this I am great full Please continue.

Rog, in post 13 of the vicrorio peak forumyou posted -- a Bumper Beeper tracking device was placed on the vehicle atop pf the fuel tank the frequency and magnetic's throw the fuel gauge off ,

Are you serious ? don't you think that they would check that possibiliy out frst ??

I posted this stuff years ago
No I am not angry

for anger see Finderskeepers replies to me

for genesis of the Templar in Americas Fiction I wrote
click on link
I wrote as " Hippie "


just read , nuff is enough man .
Thank You for understanding it's all fiction

You wrote that in 2003 and claim it is the first mention of Templars on Oak Island. "The Lost Treasures of the Knights Templar" written by Steven Sora in 1999 makes the same claim. It may be fiction but it's clearly not your fiction.

Amigo, :coffee2: So what,no big deal, just show us the treasure:dontknow: NP:cat:

The brothers dug up the money pit and found wood, they stop to think about what is next. This show is a joke and so are the brothers.

You wrote that in 2003 and claim it is the first mention of Templars on Oak Island. "The Lost Treasures of the Knights Templar" written by Steven Sora in 1999 makes the same claim. It may be fiction but it's clearly not your fiction.
Yep.. The theory (Knights Templar) was also raised in W.Crooker book "Oak Island Gold" published in 1993.


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Real - now that we've established we're related. How about a guest invitation to the next Explorer's Club meeting ?

I'd love to be a fly on the leather bound walls in that hallowed institution [emoji3]

Yep.. The theory (Knights Templar) was also raised in W.Crooker book "Oak Island Gold" published in 1993.

View attachment 1391633

Find a mention of this prior to 1982 and I will be impressed. Otherwise, it all leads to the same toilet.

Part II,

As the Templars became a more militant force they also began to acquire sea going vessels or galleys. From about the middle of the 11 hundreds until 1293 there is documentation that they continually added to their fleet through purchases or by building their own vessels. Most of these would have been of Venetian design, as that type is mentioned many times. "In 1293 they had bought 6 Venetian ships to add to those that in 1300 made a number of raids on the coast of Egypt and Syria, and in November of that year, transported a force of 600 knights to Ruad as a base for an assault on Tortosa" paraphrased from Piers Paul Read's "The Templars".
In 1300 the Templars had ports at Cyprus (after the fall of Acre, their Eastern Headquarters) Marseille, France ( where they were not very welcome), and at La Rochelle, France.
At La Rochelle, a port that they had been given control of through an 1139 Charter by Eleanor of Aquitaine, "Queen of France" they enjoyed a very lucrative wine trade. Evidently this trade extended al the way to Briton as they also had a license to operate commercial shipping operations to that country.
In the Templars Paris Headquarters, "Temple Villeneuve", they kept most of their wealth, but on Cyprus, the Eastern Headquarters, they also had a great amount of acquired treasure.
They had received, through donations, large amounts of lands and houses throughout Europe, mostly in France, but even in faraway Scotland there were some 100 separate Templar properties.
As the Templars were building this vast treasure, at the same time a religious group was gathering members in the area around Toulouse, now the Languedoc of Southern France.
Today, they are called the Cathars, a name given to them by their adversaries, the hierarchy of the Roman Church. But in the 12th century they were befriended by the local Catholic Congregations, so much so in fact that in the Crusade that shortly followed in 1209 many Catholics died trying to protect them. Evidently their form of religion did not offend the average Catholic, which makes one wonder why the Church itself thought it necessary to completely wipe out what they called the great heresy.
The last stand of the Cathars was at the mountain pog of Montsegur, where on March 16, 1244, many of the surrendering defenders were burnt in a funeral pyre. Two days prior to this event and according to German author Otto Rahn's 1939 book "Crusade Against the Grail", 4 knights descended the steep cliffs of Montsegur on ropes and carried away a great secret. Rahn also claimed that the Grail itself was hidden in the mountain.
Although there is no evidence the Templars fought on either side during this conflict, there is evidence that they did exist alongside, befriended and had relatives within the heretics following.
Legends tell us, as did the earlier Grail romances that the Cathars held the secret of the Grail and after Montsegur in 1244, it had come into the possession of the Templars.
By the end of the 13th century the Knights Templar had become one of the wealthiest organizations in Europe and, as I premise they held documentation as to the secret of the Holy Grail as well as the Grail itself.
In late 1306 Pope Clement V (a pawn of the King of France, Philip IV), ordered the then Grand Master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, who at the time was at the Cyprus Headquarters, to come back to France "without delay" and not to bring any Knights with him as he already had many in France. The alleged purpose of this visit was to make plans for a new crusade in the Holy Land, but in reality it was part of a plan of Philips to arrest all the Templars in France and end the existence of the order entirely, with the extended purpose of acquiring their immense wealth held in Temple Villeneuve.
But de Molay knew of the plan, the Templars had friends and allies throughout France, in the Church and even in the Court of Philip himself.
In early 1307 the Grand Master left Cyprus bound for France with (according to Templar historian Charles Addison) 60 Knights, 150,000 florins of gold and a great amount of silver and other treasures, The 60 Knights directly a violation of Clements order.
With each Templar Knight known to own at least three horses and having also at least one squire with a horse, as well as the sailors and equipment and the Grand Master with his own entourage, it must have quite an impressive scene.
With the meeting to have been held in Poitiers, it would have been beneficial for the small fleet (I premise 10 vessels) to sail around the Iberian peninsula and land at the Templar controlled port of La Rochelle.
In early September of 1307, Philip issued a secret order for the arrest of all Templars in France to be carried out of October 13, 1307. This order was sent to all of the sheriffs in France, and again there is no way de Molay could not have received word of this event.
It is doubtful he would have even unloaded the ships at La Rochelle knowing that they would soon have to make an escape.
The end part II

cheers, Loki

This is probably a good time to bring this thread up again even though there is some new information that could be added. It is interesting that in a couple of earlier posts a date of 1993 comes up, as many have recently tried to tie this whole story to Dan Browns novel. Actually part of the story first appeared in the 1930's books of Otto Rahn.
This is page 2 of the thread and part II of the theory.

Cheers, Loki

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My purpose with providing this theory is to garner support (not funds) for investigating the actual location of this treasure. A site that I have already recently visited. I don't believe this violates the rules of the forum, but will stand down if asked to by the forum moderators. While starting at what I call the beginning, I will add more information as time permits.

Part I,
Troyes France 1099: The Holy Land (Palestine) had just been won through the results of the 1st Crusade, and in Troyes The Count of Champagne, Hugh I, who preferred the Title Count of Troyes kept a keen eye to the events unfolding there. He had already heard from the local Rabbi called Rashi about the Ark of the Covenant which had been hidden below the first Temple built by Solomon. It is well known that most Rabbis of the period felt that the Ark was indeed in caverns below the Old Temple.
At the same time it was also well known that the Church was on the hunt for religious relics that could help prove the story of Christianity to their congregations.
Rashi was very famous in Troyes in the very early 12th century as well as in the Court of Champagne located in Troyes. Evidently using information learned from Rashi (who died in 1105) Count Hugh and his Vassel Hughes de Payens went to the Holy Land in 1104. Returning to Troyes in 1108 the two men then founded an order of Knights called "La Milice of Christ", which had as its main objective to uncover religious relics from the area of the Old Temple of Solomon, at this time the location of the Dome of the Rock.
In about 1113 a little known monk named Bernard along with some thirty men from Burgundy (mostly his own relatives) joined the new Cistercian Order at Citeaux Abbey near Dijon. In 1115 Bernard received donated lands from Hugh I for a new abbey at Claire Vallee, or Clairvaux, near Troyes and from then on he is to be known as Bernard of Clairvaux. From this point on Bernard becomes the main campaigner for the, La Milice of Christ.
By 1118 this new supposed military order has nine members, all relatives of Count Hugh and or Hughes de Payens and has adopted the official name of "The Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon", or more simply "Knights Templar" with de Payens as its first Grand Master. As they have been for a few years already this group of Knights continues to excavate under the Temple area and also throughout Jerusalem for highly sought after Christian religious objects. Although we only have the names of eight of these first Templars, it is almost certain that Count Hugh is the ninth member but remains unnamed as such.
This excavation being undertaken at the old Temple Mount is well documented, but what was actually found there (if anything) is open to much conjecture.
It is my opinion that if anything had been found that would help to prove the position and doctrine of the Church it would have been immediately turned over by this staunch Catholic Order.
But what if they had found something from the still existing Christian Church of Jerusalem, the Church that was originally headed by the brother of Jesus, James, that they believed went against the then current orthodoxy?
It is certain whatever it was would be taken back to Troyes and for at least the near future been housed at The Court Of Champagne.
From this humble beginning the Knights Templar Order blossoms into a powerful military organization and begins to actually carry out the original stated purpose of their mission, the protection of pilgrims visiting the Holy Land. Also becoming at the same time very wealthy, a trend that would continue for most of the rest of their existence.
In Troyes a few years later a story is told of brave Knights searching for an object eventually referred to as "The Holy Grail".
In 1181 Chretien de Troyes (Chretien of Troyes), a poet who served his patron Marie, Countess of Champagne, was requested by her to write a romance, concerning a sacred object called the "Grail" with brave Knights searching for it, a romance he called "Perceval, the story of the Grail". Although unfinished by Chretien, another did complete the story, Robert de Boron. de Boron connected this Grail to the Christian story calling it "The Holy Grail" and identified the Knights as Templars. It is for certain that in this part of the story, what I call the Troyes connection cannot be overestimated. de Boron, also mentioned a Grail mountain where the Holy Grail was hidden called, "Montsalvat", an obvious connection to a Mountain in the Languedoc area of France named Montsegur, As discussed by the man many call the original Indiana Jones, Otto Rahn. Rahn believed that the Holy Grail had been hid in the Sacred mountain by the Cathar's in the early 13th century. I will discuss both Rahn and the Cathar's relations to my theory a little later. End of part I

cheers, Loki

In light of a recent controversy concerning a connection to Oak Island I will again present my premise's on the subject. This, and the next few pages show the possibility of that connection, then to New Ross and next a site near Annapolis Basin. There are a few minor corrections that I will add in the next couple of weeks, but the story remains the same. One very important part of this premise concerns a few parchments that are now said to be locked in a bank vault in Charing Cross, UK!

Cheers, Loki

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