Quote Loki : "
4; I certainly did not learn of a Knights Templar presence in Nova Scotia from you! "
That's true ,
for the Knights Templar prior contact , is fiction , I believe I was the first to write that fiction , at least , no one
has produced and earlier text on it .
We cannot prove a Fiction to be a Fact .
check it out
from the old oak island forum , if that forum wasn't created as a means to bilk investors ,, I'll tell ya folks,,
just disturbing what people do for acknowledgement and money .
read this one
by Tank04 on Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:30 am acdonah,
Man oh man, are your days ever winding down fast now. Soon time to meet the little darlings at the front door of the school and "welcome" them back for another year.
Trevelyan and Ken touched on two key points, ownership and financing. I certainly cannot speak for the availability of funding here in Canada, but I am willing to suggest that if access issues were to be ironed out, then the way could be cleared for an attempt at funding for a good quality dig at certain spots around the island.
I personally would push for a dig at the Ball ruins first, mainly because I think you have the best chance at attracting the interest of those who do this sort of thing, and more importantly, those who make the decisions. The Ball site should be fairly clear of "modern" influences and is no where near current or past treasure hunting activities. Once you have their interest sated after some good work archeological work at that site, then you may be able to get further funding to look in the highly "contaminated" sites. There is another ruins I would love to see examined too, so one project could feed off another as long as funding and the desire to continue were in place.
Yes the freeze ring idea was proposed way back in the mid 20th century. People had a really good hee haw over that one and the proponant never came to the island. Too bad too, the idea must have been cutting edge at that time and maybe it would have cost much less to do given all things are equal between today and then, 20th century dollars/laws/procedures versus 21st century dollars/laws/procedures.
~ end copy paste ~~~~~
That's the same Guy ,,, " Tank " who trolled me on that forum ,,, then turned around and claimed it was Templar all along .
4; I certainly did not learn of a Knights Templar presence in Nova Scotia from you! "
That's true ,
for the Knights Templar prior contact , is fiction , I believe I was the first to write that fiction , at least , no one
has produced and earlier text on it .
We cannot prove a Fiction to be a Fact .
check it out
from the old oak island forum , if that forum wasn't created as a means to bilk investors ,, I'll tell ya folks,,
just disturbing what people do for acknowledgement and money .
read this one
by Tank04 on Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:30 am acdonah,
Man oh man, are your days ever winding down fast now. Soon time to meet the little darlings at the front door of the school and "welcome" them back for another year.
Trevelyan and Ken touched on two key points, ownership and financing. I certainly cannot speak for the availability of funding here in Canada, but I am willing to suggest that if access issues were to be ironed out, then the way could be cleared for an attempt at funding for a good quality dig at certain spots around the island.
I personally would push for a dig at the Ball ruins first, mainly because I think you have the best chance at attracting the interest of those who do this sort of thing, and more importantly, those who make the decisions. The Ball site should be fairly clear of "modern" influences and is no where near current or past treasure hunting activities. Once you have their interest sated after some good work archeological work at that site, then you may be able to get further funding to look in the highly "contaminated" sites. There is another ruins I would love to see examined too, so one project could feed off another as long as funding and the desire to continue were in place.
Yes the freeze ring idea was proposed way back in the mid 20th century. People had a really good hee haw over that one and the proponant never came to the island. Too bad too, the idea must have been cutting edge at that time and maybe it would have cost much less to do given all things are equal between today and then, 20th century dollars/laws/procedures versus 21st century dollars/laws/procedures.
~ end copy paste ~~~~~
That's the same Guy ,,, " Tank " who trolled me on that forum ,,, then turned around and claimed it was Templar all along .